
Copyright © 2007-2009 by Apple Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
Quartz Composer Application
LiveEdit                    A simple RTF text editor that shows how to implement 
                        live edit using a background Quartz composition with 
                        Core Animation and the Composition Repository.
Sample Requirements             The project was created using the Xcode running under 
                        Mac OS X 10.6.x or later. 
About the sample                In the sample, the user can live edit the content in 
                        the document window. A Quartz Composer QCCompositionPickerPanel 
                        is used to provide the compositions that can generate 
                        the animation backgrounds for the document. The document 
                        window is registered to receive the notification whenever 
                        a certain composition in the picker panel is selected. 
                        Once a composition is selected, a core animation layer 
                        is set up using this composition in the document to 
                        generate the animation background.
Using the Sample                Open the project using the Xcode editor which can be 
                        found in /Developer/Applications. Build the project and run. 
                        Edit the text in the document window. Click in the 
                        composition picker to change the background.
Installation                    n/a
Changes from Previous Versions          n/a
Feedback and Bug Reports            Please send all feedback about this sample to:
                        Please submit any bug reports about this example to