
**  Apple Macintosh Developer Technical Support
**  Simple App Framework
**  by Matthew Xavier Mora, Apple Developer Technical Support
**  File:       SimpleApp.h
**  Copyright © 1995-1996 Apple Computer, Inc.
**  All rights reserved.
**  You may incorporate this sample code into your applications without
**  restriction, though the sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the
**  responsibility for its operation is 100% yours.  However, what you are
**  not permitted to do is to redistribute the source as "DSC Sample Code"
**  after having made changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source,
**  we require that you make it clear in the source that the code was
**  descended from Apple Sample Code, but that you've made changes.
#include <Lists.h>
#include <AppleEvents.h>
#include <Drag.h>
#ifndef __SIMPLEAPP__
#define __SIMPLEAPP__
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#pragma mark Defines
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#define kMagicSig               (0x4D584D21)    /* 'MXM!' our magic signature */
#define kMaxMenus               (20)
#define kMaxMenuItems           (128)
#define kMaxButtons             (128)
#define kMaxEventProcs          (10)
#define kAppleEventLoadingErr   (129)
#define kScrollBarType          'scrl'
#define kEventPassThru          (true)      /* This lets the event pass thru to the default handler */
#define kEventOverRide          (false)     /* This overides the event and doesn't call to the default handler */
#define kUpArrow                (30)
#define kDownArrow              (31)
#define kEnterKey               (0x03)
#define kReturnKey              (0x0D)
#define kTabKey                 (0x09)
#define kAppleNum               (128)
#define kFileNum                (129)
#define kEditNum                (130)
#define kMenuStartID            (127)
#define kMargin                 (5)
#define kUseStandardMenu        (true)
#define kErrorBase              ( 0 )   //  Base value for SimpleApp Error Numbers
#define kSAStandardDebugAlert   ( 9999)
#define kSANonFatalError        ( kErrorBase )
#define kSAFatalError           ( kErrorBase - 1 )
#define kSABadSelectorErr       ( kErrorBase - 2 )
#define kSABadProcPtr           ( kErrorBase - 3 )  
#define kNotOurWindowError      ( kErrorBase - 4 )  
#define kNotValidObject         ( kErrorBase - 5 )
#define kSAInObject             (1)
#define kSANotInObject          (2)
#define kSAObjectWasHit         (3)
#define kSAObjectWasNotHit      (4)
#define kSANoCommandKey         ( 0 )    // value for no command key equivalent
#define kAboutText      (1)
#define kButtonName     (2)
#define kStaticStrings  (1000)
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#pragma mark typedefs
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
typedef         Str255 StringArray;
typedef         StringArray *StringArrayPtr,**StringArrayHandle ;
typedef         ControlRef ControlArray[];
typedef         ControlArray *ControlArrayPtr,**ControlArrayHandle;     
typedef struct  GroupRec            GroupRec,       *GroupRecPtr,       **GroupRecHandle;
typedef struct  ObjectItemRec       ObjectItemRec,  *ObjectItemRecPtr,  **ObjectItemRecHandle;
typedef struct  MenuItemRec         MenuItemRec,    *MenuItemRecPtr ,   **MenuItemRecHandle ;
typedef struct  ButtonItemRec       ButtonItemRec,  *ButtonItemRecPtr,  **ButtonItemRecHandle;
typedef         ButtonItemRecHandle ButtonItemRef;
typedef         ObjectItemRecHandle ObjectItemRef;
typedef pascal SInt16   (* MenuHitProc)     ( SInt32 modifiers);
typedef pascal SInt16   (* MenuUpdateProc ) ( SInt32 modifiers);
typedef pascal SInt16   (* ButtonHitProc)   ( ButtonItemRef me,SInt32 modifiers) ;
typedef pascal SInt16   (* ButtonUpdateProc)( ButtonItemRef me,SInt32 modifiers);
typedef pascal void     (* MyActionProc)    ( ControlHandle control,SInt16 part);
typedef pascal Boolean  (* AboutProc)       ( SInt32 data);
typedef pascal Boolean  (* PreGroupHitProc)     (SInt32 modifiers ,Point pt, ControlArrayPtr cap , SInt16 count) ;
typedef pascal SInt16   (* PostGroupHitProc)    ( SInt32 modifiers ,ControlRef cr,ButtonItemRecHandle brh, SInt16 item);
typedef pascal SInt16   (* GroupUpdateProc)     ( WindowRef wind,GroupRecHandle grh );
typedef pascal SInt16   (*  WindowHitProc)      ( SInt32 modifiers);
typedef pascal SInt16   (*  ListHitProc )       ( SInt32 modifiers) ;
typedef pascal SInt16   (*  EditFieldHitProc)   ( SInt32 modifiers) ;
typedef pascal SInt16   (*  WindowUpdateProc)   ( SInt32 modifiers) ;
typedef pascal SInt16   (*  ListUpdateProc)     ( SInt32 modifiers) ;
typedef pascal void     (*  ListDrawCellProc)   ( Point thecell, Rect *bounds ,ListRef listID );
typedef pascal SInt16   (*  EditFieldUpdateProc)( SInt32 modifiers) ;
typedef pascal SInt16   (*  WindowIdleProc)     ( SInt32 modifiers ) ;
typedef pascal SInt16   (*  ListIdleProc )      ( SInt32 modifiers ) ;
typedef pascal SInt16   (*  EditFieldIdleProc)  ( SInt32 modifiers ) ;
typedef pascal SInt16   (*  WindowGrowProc)     ( EventRecord *event );
typedef pascal SInt16   (*  WindowZoomProc)     ( EventRecord *event );
typedef pascal SInt16   (*  WindowActivateProc) ( Boolean isActivating ) ;
typedef pascal SInt16   (*  TextFieldHitProc)   ( SInt32 modifiers) ;
typedef pascal SInt16   (*  TextFieldUpdateProc)( SInt32 modifiers) ;
typedef pascal SInt16   (*  EventProcs )        ( EventRecord *event) ;
typedef pascal Boolean  (*  PreEventProc )      (EventRecord * event,long refCon);
typedef pascal SInt16   (*  TerminateProc)      ( SInt32 flags) ;
typedef pascal SInt16   (*  InitializeProc)     ( SInt32 flags) ;
typedef pascal SInt16   (*  LowMemProc)         ( SInt32 flags ) ;
typedef pascal SInt16   (*  MenuEventProc)      ( SInt32 menuResult);
typedef pascal void     (*  WindowCloseProc)    ( WindowRef * theWindow);
/* generic object stuff */
typedef pascal Handle   (* ObjectInitProc)      ( ObjectItemRecHandle orh);
typedef pascal OSErr    (* ObjectDisposeProc)   ( ObjectItemRecHandle orh);
typedef pascal SInt16   (* ObjectHitProc )      ( Point *pt,SInt32 modifiers, ObjectItemRecHandle me);
typedef pascal SInt16   (* ObjectTrackProc )    ( Point *pt,SInt32 modifiers, ObjectItemRecHandle me);
typedef pascal SInt16   (* ObjectUpdateProc)    ( WindowRef window, RgnHandle update,ObjectItemRecHandle me) ;
typedef pascal void     (* ObjectKeyProc )      ( char keyCode, char theChar,SInt32 modifiers);
typedef pascal void     (* ObjectIdleProc )     ( ObjectItemRecHandle orh);
typedef pascal SInt16   (* ObjectEditProc )     ( ObjectItemRecHandle orh,SInt16 editAction);
typedef pascal SInt16   (*  GetDragDataProc)      (ObjectItemRef orh,OSType * theType,Ptr * data,long * len,long * flags);
typedef pascal SInt16   (*  PutDragDataProc )     (ObjectItemRef orh,OSType theType,Ptr data,long len,long flags);
typedef pascal SInt16   (*  CalcObjectRegionProc) (ObjectItemRef orh,RgnHandle theRgn);
typedef pascal SInt16   (*  ObjectReceiveProc)    (ObjectItemRef orh,DragReference theDrag);
/* Apple Event Stuff */
typedef pascal OSErr    (* OpenDocProc )    ( AppleEvent *ae, AppleEvent * AEreply,SInt32 handlerRefcon);
typedef pascal OSErr    (* OpenAppProc )    ( AppleEvent *ae, AppleEvent * AEreply, SInt32 handlerRefcon);
typedef pascal OSErr    (* QuitAppProc )    ( AppleEvent *ae, AppleEvent * AEreply, SInt32 handlerRefcon);
typedef pascal OSErr    (* PrintDocProc )   ( AppleEvent *ae, AppleEvent * AEreply, SInt32 handlerRefcon);
typedef pascal SInt16   (* ScriptProc )     ( SInt16 resId);
typedef pascal OSErr    (* OpenFileProc)    (FSSpecPtr myFSSPtr);
typedef pascal OSErr    (*  NewDocProc )    (long refCon);
struct MenuItemRec {
    SInt16          menuID  ;
    SInt16          menuItem  ;
    Handle          menuObject  ;
    MenuHitProc     menuHit  ;
    MenuUpdateProc  menuUpdate  ;
struct  GroupRec {
    long                groupType;
    GroupRecHandle      nextGroup;
    short               groupID;
    WindowRef           window ;
    Str255              groupTitle;
    long                groupRefCon;
    short               groupControlCount; 
    StringArrayPtr      groupControlnames; 
    Rect                groupBounds ; 
    short               groupHSpacing;
    short               groupVSpacing ;
    short               groupFlags;
    PreGroupHitProc     groupPreHit ; 
    PostGroupHitProc    groupPostHit ; 
    GroupUpdateProc     groupUpdate ;
    ControlArrayPtr     groupControlArray;
struct ButtonItemRec {
    long                buttonType;
    ButtonItemRef       nextButton  ;
    SInt16              buttonID  ;
    ControlRef          buttonObject  ;
    long                buttonRefCon;
    GroupRecHandle      buttonGroup;
    ButtonHitProc       buttonHit  ;
    ButtonUpdateProc    buttonUpdate  ;
struct ObjectItemRec {
    long                objectType;
    ObjectItemRef       nextObject;
    SInt16              objectID;
    Handle              objectHandle;
    Str255              objectName;
    Rect                objectRect;
    UInt8               objectCmdKey;
    WindowRef           objectOwner;
    GroupRecHandle      objectGroup;
    ObjectInitProc      objectInit;
    ObjectDisposeProc   objectDispose;
    ObjectHitProc       objectHit;
    ObjectHitProc       objectTrack;
    ObjectUpdateProc    objectUpdate;
    ObjectIdleProc      objectIdle;
    ObjectKeyProc       objectKey;
    ObjectEditProc      objectEdit;
    UInt32              objectRefCon;
    UInt32              objectFlags;
    SInt16              objectState;
                nextButton: ButtonItemRecHandle;
                buttonID: integer;
                buttonObject: ControlHandle;
                buttonRefCon    : longint;
                buttonHit: ButtonHitProc;
                buttonUpdate: ButtonUpdateProc;
typedef struct  ScrollItemRec ScrollItemRec,*ScrollItemRecPtr, **ScrollItemRecHandle;   
struct      ScrollItemRec {
    SInt32 scrollType;
    ScrollItemRecHandle nextScroll;
    SInt16 scrollID;
    ControlHandle scrollObject;
    MyActionProc scrollHit;
    MyActionProc scrollUpdate;
    MyActionProc scrollIndicator;
    MyActionProc scrollButton;
struct PrintAreaRec {
        Rect windowPrintRect  ;
        SInt16 windowPrintHorz  ;
        SInt16 windowPrintVert  ;
        SInt16 windowPrintLineHeight  ;
        SInt16 windowPrintMaxVert  ;
        SInt16 windowPrintMargin  ;
typedef struct PrintAreaRec PrintAreaRec ,* PrintAreaRecPtr,**PrintAreaRecHandle;
typedef struct  ListItemRec ListItemRec,*ListItemRecPtr,**ListItemRecHandle ;
struct  ListItemRec {
    ListItemRecHandle nextList  ;
    ListRef listObject  ;
    SInt16 listID  ;
    ListHitProc listHit  ;
    ListUpdateProc listUpdate  ;
    ListIdleProc listIdle  ;
typedef struct  EditFieldItemRec EditFieldItemRec,*EditFieldItemRecPtr,**EditFieldItemRecHandle ;
struct EditFieldItemRec {
    EditFieldItemRecHandle nextEdit  ;
    SInt16 editFieldID  ;
    SInt32 editFieldFlags ;
    TEHandle editFieldObject  ;
    EditFieldHitProc editFieldHit  ;
    EditFieldUpdateProc editFieldUpdate  ;
    EditFieldIdleProc editFieldIdle  ;
enum { 
} ;
typedef SInt8 contentItemType;
struct  ContentRec {
    SInt16 contentCount  ;
    contentItemType kind  ;
    union {
        EditFieldItemRec efr  ;
        ListItemRec lir  ;
        ButtonItemRec bir ;         
typedef struct  ContentRec ContentRec,* ContentRecPtr;
typedef ContentRec WindowItemsArray[];
typedef ContentRec * WindowItemsArrayPtr;
struct WindowItemRec {
        SInt32                  windowMagic  ; /* Signature so we know our windows */
        SInt16                  windowID  ;
        WindowRef               windowObject  ;
        WindowHitProc           windowHit  ;
        WindowUpdateProc        windowUpdate  ;
        WindowIdleProc          windowIdle  ;
        WindowGrowProc          windowGrow  ;
        WindowActivateProc      windowActivate  ;
        WindowCloseProc         windowClose;
        WindowZoomProc          windowZoom;
        PrintAreaRec            windowPrintAreaRec  ;
        FSSpec                  windowFSSpec  ;
        SInt16                   windowRefNum;
        ListItemRecHandle       windowLists  ;
        EditFieldItemRecHandle  windowEdits  ;
        ButtonItemRecHandle     windowButtons  ;
        ScrollItemRecHandle     windowScroll;
        Boolean                 windowHasControls  ;
        Boolean                 windowHasLists  ;
        Boolean                 windowHasEditField  ;
        SInt16                  windowItemCount  ;
        WindowItemsArrayPtr     windowItems  ;
typedef struct WindowItemRec WindowItemRec, *WindowItemRecPtr,**WindowItemRecHandle;
struct ProcTableRec {
    EventProcs      EventProcsArray[kMaxEventProcs];
    TerminateProc   Terminate ;
    InitializeProc  Initialize;
    LowMemProc      LowMem ;
    MenuEventProc   MenuEvent ;
    AboutProc       About;
    OpenFileProc    openFile;
    OpenDocProc     openDocAE ;
    OpenAppProc     openAppAE;
    QuitAppProc     quitAppAE;
    PrintDocProc    printDocAE;
    NewDocProc      newDoc;
#if __POWERPC__
// they are in the TOC
#define gSACurrentWindow    GSACURRENTWINDOW
#define gSACurControl       GSACURCONTROL
#define gSAVPageSize        GSAVPAGESIZE
#define gSAHPageSize        GSAHPAGESIZE
#define gSAVLineSize        GSAVLINESIZE
#define gSAHLineSize        GSAHLINESIZE
#define gSAEvent            GSAEVENT
#define gSAProcs            GSAPROCS
#define gSAMac              GSAMAC
#define gSAIsInBackground   GSAISINBACKGROUND
typedef struct ProcTableRec ProcTableRec, *ProcTablePtr;
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#pragma mark Globals
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
extern  ListRef         gSAMyList  ;
extern  SInt16          gSATerminateReason ;    /* When Quiting this tells us why we are quiting */
extern  Boolean         gSADebug ;          /* Activate Debug Alerts. May make this an SInt16 */
                                        /* for levels of debug */
extern  ProcTableRec    gSAProcs  ;
extern  Boolean         gOApped  ;
extern  Boolean         gSADone  ;
extern  Boolean         gSAHasAppleEvents  ;
extern  Boolean         gSAHasTE  ;
extern  Boolean         gSAHasList  ;
extern  MenuRef         gSAAppleMenu  ;
extern  MenuRef         gSAFileMenu  ;
extern  MenuRef         gSAEditMenu  ;
extern  EventRecord     gSAEvent  ;
extern  Boolean         gSAHasControls  ;
extern  WindowRef       gSACurrentWindow  ;
extern  SInt16          gSADefaultFont  ;
extern  SInt16          gsADefaultSize  ;
extern  SysEnvRec       gSAMac  ;
extern  WindowItemRecHandle gSACurWRecHandle  ;
extern  SInt16          gSAWindowID  ;
extern  TEHandle        gSACurTE  ;
extern  ControlHandle   gSACurControl;
extern  ListRef         gSACurList  ;
extern  SInt16          gSACurrentItem;
extern  Boolean         gSAIsInBackground;
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#pragma mark Prototypes
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
pascal  SInt16  SAExecuteScript(SInt16 resID);
pascal  void    SAMoveObject (ObjectItemRecHandle orh,SInt16 h,SInt16 v, Boolean reDraw);
pascal  void    SADrawGroup(GroupRecHandle  grh,RgnHandle update);
pascal  void    InitSimpleApp (SInt16 masters ,  Boolean wantsStandardMenu);
pascal  void    Run(void);
pascal  void    CloseSimpleApp(void);
pascal  void    SADoWindowClose(WindowRef * theWindow);
pascal  SInt16 DefaultMenuHit ( SInt32 modifiers);
pascal  SInt16 InstallFontMenu(SInt16 menuID,
                               ConstStr255Param name,
                              MenuHitProc menuHit,
                              MenuUpdateProc menuUpdate);
pascal  SInt16 InstallMenu (SInt16 menuID,
                            ConstStr255Param menuTitle,
                            Boolean Hierarchical,
                            MenuHitProc menuHit,
                            MenuUpdateProc  menuUpdate );
pascal  SInt16 InstallResourceMenu (SInt16 menuID,
                                    ConstStr255Param menuTitle,
                                    OSType  resourceType,
                                    SInt16  afterItem,
                                    MenuHitProc menuHit,
                                    MenuUpdateProc  menuUpdate);
pascal  SInt16 InstallMenuItem (SInt16 menuID, 
                                SInt16 MenuItem,
                                ConstStr255Param menuTitle, 
                                UInt8 mark,
                                UInt8 cmdChar,
                                MenuHitProc menuHit,
                                MenuUpdateProc menuUpdate);
pascal  SInt16 InstallPushButton (SInt32 *buttonID,
                                 WindowRef window,
                                 ConstStr255Param name,
                                 Rect *r,
                                 UInt8 cmdKey,
                                 ButtonHitProc bhp ,
                                 ButtonUpdateProc bup  );
pascal  SInt16 InstallCustomObject (SInt32 * objectID,
                                    WindowRef window ,
                                    ConstStr255Param name ,
                                    Rect * r ,
                                    UInt8 cmdKey ,
                                    ObjectInitProc oip ,
                                    ObjectDisposeProc odp ,
                                    ObjectHitProc ohp ,
                                    ObjectTrackProc otp ,
                                    ObjectUpdateProc oup ,
                                    long refCon);
pascal SInt16 InstallControl (SInt32 * buttonID,
                             WindowRef window,
                             ConstStr255Param name,
                             Rect *  r ,
                             UInt8 cmdKey,
                             SInt16 controlType,
                             ButtonHitProc bhp ,
                             ButtonUpdateProc bup );
pascal SInt16 InstallCheckBox (SInt32 *buttonID,
                             WindowRef window,
                             ConstStr255Param name,
                             Rect *  r ,
                             UInt8 cmdKey,
                             SInt16 initialValue, 
                             ButtonHitProc bhp ,  /* set to nil for default checkbox action */
                             ButtonUpdateProc bup );
pascal  SInt16 InstallScrollBar (SInt32 * buttonID,
                                 WindowRef window,
                                 ConstStr255Param name,
                                 Rect *r,
                                 UInt8 cmdKey,
                                 MyActionProc scrollHitProc ,
                                 MyActionProc scrollButtonProc ,
                                 MyActionProc  scrollIndicatorProc);
pascal SInt16 InstallPopUp (long    *theButtonID,
                            WindowRef window,
                            ConstStr255Param name,
                            Rect * r,
                            SInt16 options,
                            SInt16 styles,
                            SInt16 MenuID,
                            OSType resID,
                            ButtonHitProc bhp, 
                            ButtonUpdateProc bup 
pascal SInt16 InstallRadioGroup (SInt16 theGroupID,
                                WindowRef window, 
                                SInt16 count, 
                                ConstStr255Param title,
                                StringArrayPtr names,
                                Rect * r, 
                                SInt16 defaultItem,
                                SInt16 hSpacing,
                                SInt16 vSpacing,
                                SInt16 buttonHeight,
                                SInt16 buttonWidth,
                                PreGroupHitProc PreGHP, 
                                PostGroupHitProc PostGHP, 
                                GroupUpdateProc gup );
pascal  SInt16 CreateDocumentWindow (ConstStr255Param name  ,
                                    Rect * bounds  ,
                                    Boolean visable );
pascal void SAInitScripting(void);  
pascal  SInt16 GetDocumentWindow (  SInt16 resID);
pascal  void Print (Str255 s );                 /* Print no CR */
pascal  void PrintLine (Str255 s);              /* Print with CR */
pascal  void PrintTextHandle (Handle text  );   /* Print a buffer full of text with CR */
pascal  void SetRectLocation ( Rect *r,SInt16 h, SInt16 v);         /* This Sets a rects anchor point */
pascal  void SetRectDimensions (Rect *r,SInt16 h, SInt16 v);            /* This Sets its size without changing its position */
pascal  void GetPrintArea (WindowRef window ,Rect * bounds );
pascal  void SetPrintArea (WindowRef window, Rect * bounds );
pascal  EditFieldItemRecHandle SAGetEditField (WindowRef wind,SInt16 editID) ;
pascal  void    SASetFocus (WindowRef theWindow, EditFieldItemRecHandle efrh);
pascal  SInt16  AttachMenuToItem(SInt16 menuIDToAdd,SInt16 AttachMenuID,SInt16 AttachItem);
pascal  SInt16 InstallEditField (SInt32 * editID , 
                                WindowRef window,
                                ConstStr255Param name  ,
                                Rect * r,
                                EditFieldHitProc hitProc  ,
                                EditFieldUpdateProc updateProc  ,
                                ObjectKeyProc   keyProc ,
                                SInt32 flags  );
pascal  SInt16 InstallList (SInt32 * listID  , 
                            WindowRef window,
                            Rect * r,
                            ListHitProc lhp  , 
                            ListUpdateProc lup  ,
                            ListDrawCellProc ldcp  , 
                            SInt32 flags );
pascal SInt16   InstallPopUp(SInt32 *buttonID,
                             WindowRef window,
                             ConstStr255Param name,
                             Rect *r,
                             SInt16 options,
                             SInt16 styles,
                             SInt16 MenuID,
                             OSType resID,
                             ButtonHitProc bhp,
                             ButtonHitProc bup);
pascal  SInt16 GetTEString (SInt16 editFieldID  ,ConstStr255Param s  ) ;
pascal  OSErr AddStringToList (ListRef listID  ,ConstStr255Param s  );
pascal  void BlastString (SInt16 h, SInt16 v  ,Str255 s  ); /* These will blast text at the location specified. It erases as it draws */
pascal  void BlastText (SInt16 h,SInt16 v  ,Handle text  );
pascal  void InstallIdleProc(EventProcs  ip);
pascal  void SetMyTitle(Str255 title);
pascal  void SAEnableMe(void);
pascal  void SADisableMe(void);
pascal  void SAEnableObject(SInt32 thing);
pascal  void SADisableObject(SInt32 thing);
pascal  void SADisableMe();
pascal  ButtonItemRecHandle SAGetGroupItem(WindowRef wind,SInt16 groupID,SInt16 item);
pascal  SInt16 SADrawObject(ObjectItemRecHandle orh,RgnHandle update);
pascal  SInt16 InstallStaticText(SInt32 * textID,WindowRef window,ConstStr255Param s ,Rect *r);
pascal  void  ErrorMessage(ConstStr255Param msg,SInt32 error,SInt16 flags);
pascal  Handle SAGetObjectHandle(long thing);
pascal  void   SetWindowHitProc     (WindowRef window,WindowHitProc     theProc );
pascal  void   SetWindowUpdateProc  (WindowRef window,WindowUpdateProc  theProc );
pascal  void   SetWindowIdleProc    (WindowRef window,WindowIdleProc    theProc );
pascal  void   SetWindowGrowProc    (WindowRef window,WindowGrowProc    theProc );
pascal  void   SetWindowActivateProc(WindowRef window,WindowActivateProc theProc );
pascal  void   SetWindowCloseProc   (WindowRef window,WindowCloseProc   theProc );
pascal  void   SetWindowZoomProc    (WindowRef window,WindowZoomProc    theProc );
pascal  void   SetWindowFSSpec      (WindowRef window,FSSpecPtr   FSSpec);
pascal  OSErr  GetWindowFSSpec      (WindowRef window,FSSpecPtr  theFSSpec );
pascal  WindowCloseProc  GetWindowCloseProc (WindowRef window);
pascal  void    SelectFile(void);
pascal  void    SetOpenFileProc (OpenFileProc openFile);
pascal  void InstallPreEventHandler (PreEventProc eventHandler,long refCon);
pascal short SASetSleepValue(short sleep);
// drag stuff
pascal OSErr SADoWindowContentDrag (WindowPtr theWindow, EventRecord *theEvent);
pascal OSErr SAInstallDragHandlers (WindowPtr theWindow,DragTrackingHandlerProcPtr track,DragReceiveHandlerProcPtr receive);
pascal OSErr SAInstallStandardDragHandlers (WindowPtr theWindow);
pascal OSErr SAAddDataType(WindowPtr theWindow,OSType theType);
pascal OSErr SAAddWindowDragDataTypes(WindowPtr theWindow,OSType theType);
pascal OSErr InstallDragObject(long * ObjectID,WindowRef window,ConstStr255Param name,Rect * r,GetDragDataProc gdp,PutDragDataProc pdp,ObjectReceiveProc orp, long refCon);