Paper Company/Paper Company/APLPaperCompany.m

    Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    A paper company which handles trees, logs, and paper. Uses a custom logging component.
@import os.log;
#import "APLPaperCompany.h"
// We want to use a custom logging component for our model (as in model-view-controller).
// This allows us to enable debug logging for just our model, so we don't have to wade
// through logs from the view just to see what's wrong with one method in our model.
static os_log_t model_log;
@interface APLPaperCompany ()
@property (nonatomic, readwrite) NSString *companyName;
@property (nonatomic, readwrite) NSUInteger numTrees;
@property (nonatomic, readwrite) NSUInteger numLogs;
@property (nonatomic, readwrite) NSUInteger numPapers;
@implementation APLPaperCompany
+ (void)initialize {
    // We want to use a custom logging component for our model, so we need to set it up before its first use.
    model_log = os_log_create("", "Model");
- (instancetype)initWithCompanyName:(NSString *)name {
    if ((self = [super init])) {
        self.companyName = name;
        self.numTrees = NUM_STARTING_TREES;
        self.numLogs = 0;
        self.numPapers = 0;
    return self;
- (void)chopDownTree {
    // Make sure we actually have a tree to chop down.
    if (self.numTrees == 0) {
        os_log_info(model_log, "No trees left to chop down!");
    // We're good.
    os_log_info(model_log, "Chopped down a tree!");
    os_log_debug(model_log, "%lu trees remaining, %lu logs accumulated",
                 (unsigned long)self.numTrees, (unsigned long)self.numLogs);
- (void)makePaper {
    // Make sure we actually have a log to turn into paper.
    if (self.numLogs == 0) {
        os_log_info(model_log, "No logs to pulverize into paper!");
    // We're good.
    os_log_info(model_log, "Making paper from our logs!");
    os_log_debug(model_log, "Pulverizing %lu logs into paper.", (unsigned long)self.numLogs);
    self.numPapers += self.numLogs;
    self.numLogs = 0;
    os_log_debug(model_log, "We now have %lu papers.", (unsigned long)self.numPapers);