
    File:       MFSCore.c
    Contains:   Core MFS implementation for MFSLives.
    Written by: DTS
    Copyright:  Copyright (c) 2006 by Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
    Disclaimer: IMPORTANT:  This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Computer, Inc.
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                The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis.  APPLE MAKES NO
    Change History (most recent first):
$Log: MFSCore.c,v $
Revision 1.1  2006/07/27 15:47:43  eskimo1
First checked in.
#include "MFSCore.h"
    #include <kern/assert.h>
    #include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/errno.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <libkern/OSByteOrder.h>
    #include <sys/utfconv.h>
    // We need the utf8_decodestr routine, but it's not publically available 
    // to user space code.  So we implement our own version, but only for 
    // user space.
    #include "utf8_decodestr.h"
    // In kernel space, user space, offsetof comes <sys/_types.h>, which you get 
    // implicitly from an include above.  In user space, we have to explicitly 
    // bring it in from <stddef.h>.
    #include <stddef.h>
#pragma mark ***** String Conversion Tables
// These tables are explained in detail in comments in the header.
// These tables were generated by the TableGenerator program (see "TableGenerator.c").
static const char * kMacRomanToUTF8[128] = {
    /* 0x80 */ /* U+0041 U+0308 */ "A\xCC\x88",    /* U+0041 U+030A */ "A\xCC\x8A",    /* U+0043 U+0327 */ "C\xCC\xA7",    /* U+0045 U+0301 */ "E\xCC\x81",    
    /* 0x84 */ /* U+004E U+0303 */ "N\xCC\x83",    /* U+004F U+0308 */ "O\xCC\x88",    /* U+0055 U+0308 */ "U\xCC\x88",    /* U+0061 U+0301 */ "a\xCC\x81",    
    /* 0x88 */ /* U+0061 U+0300 */ "a\xCC\x80",    /* U+0061 U+0302 */ "a\xCC\x82",    /* U+0061 U+0308 */ "a\xCC\x88",    /* U+0061 U+0303 */ "a\xCC\x83",    
    /* 0x8C */ /* U+0061 U+030A */ "a\xCC\x8A",    /* U+0063 U+0327 */ "c\xCC\xA7",    /* U+0065 U+0301 */ "e\xCC\x81",    /* U+0065 U+0300 */ "e\xCC\x80",    
    /* 0x90 */ /* U+0065 U+0302 */ "e\xCC\x82",    /* U+0065 U+0308 */ "e\xCC\x88",    /* U+0069 U+0301 */ "i\xCC\x81",    /* U+0069 U+0300 */ "i\xCC\x80",    
    /* 0x94 */ /* U+0069 U+0302 */ "i\xCC\x82",    /* U+0069 U+0308 */ "i\xCC\x88",    /* U+006E U+0303 */ "n\xCC\x83",    /* U+006F U+0301 */ "o\xCC\x81",    
    /* 0x98 */ /* U+006F U+0300 */ "o\xCC\x80",    /* U+006F U+0302 */ "o\xCC\x82",    /* U+006F U+0308 */ "o\xCC\x88",    /* U+006F U+0303 */ "o\xCC\x83",    
    /* 0x9C */ /* U+0075 U+0301 */ "u\xCC\x81",    /* U+0075 U+0300 */ "u\xCC\x80",    /* U+0075 U+0302 */ "u\xCC\x82",    /* U+0075 U+0308 */ "u\xCC\x88",    
    /* 0xA0 */ /* U+2020 */        "\xE2\x80\xA0", /* U+00B0 */        "\xC2\xB0",     /* U+00A2 */        "\xC2\xA2",     /* U+00A3 */        "\xC2\xA3",     
    /* 0xA4 */ /* U+00A7 */        "\xC2\xA7",     /* U+2022 */        "\xE2\x80\xA2", /* U+00B6 */        "\xC2\xB6",     /* U+00DF */        "\xC3\x9F",     
    /* 0xA8 */ /* U+00AE */        "\xC2\xAE",     /* U+00A9 */        "\xC2\xA9",     /* U+2122 */        "\xE2\x84\xA2", /* U+00B4 */        "\xC2\xB4",     
    /* 0xAC */ /* U+00A8 */        "\xC2\xA8",     /* U+003D U+0338 */ "=\xCC\xB8",    /* U+00C6 */        "\xC3\x86",     /* U+00D8 */        "\xC3\x98",     
    /* 0xB0 */ /* U+221E */        "\xE2\x88\x9E", /* U+00B1 */        "\xC2\xB1",     /* U+2264 */        "\xE2\x89\xA4", /* U+2265 */        "\xE2\x89\xA5", 
    /* 0xB4 */ /* U+00A5 */        "\xC2\xA5",     /* U+00B5 */        "\xC2\xB5",     /* U+2202 */        "\xE2\x88\x82", /* U+2211 */        "\xE2\x88\x91", 
    /* 0xB8 */ /* U+220F */        "\xE2\x88\x8F", /* U+03C0 */        "\xCF\x80",     /* U+222B */        "\xE2\x88\xAB", /* U+00AA */        "\xC2\xAA",     
    /* 0xBC */ /* U+00BA */        "\xC2\xBA",     /* U+03A9 */        "\xCE\xA9",     /* U+00E6 */        "\xC3\xA6",     /* U+00F8 */        "\xC3\xB8",     
    /* 0xC0 */ /* U+00BF */        "\xC2\xBF",     /* U+00A1 */        "\xC2\xA1",     /* U+00AC */        "\xC2\xAC",     /* U+221A */        "\xE2\x88\x9A", 
    /* 0xC4 */ /* U+0192 */        "\xC6\x92",     /* U+2248 */        "\xE2\x89\x88", /* U+2206 */        "\xE2\x88\x86", /* U+00AB */        "\xC2\xAB",     
    /* 0xC8 */ /* U+00BB */        "\xC2\xBB",     /* U+2026 */        "\xE2\x80\xA6", /* U+00A0 */        "\xC2\xA0",     /* U+0041 U+0300 */ "A\xCC\x80",    
    /* 0xCC */ /* U+0041 U+0303 */ "A\xCC\x83",    /* U+004F U+0303 */ "O\xCC\x83",    /* U+0152 */        "\xC5\x92",     /* U+0153 */        "\xC5\x93",     
    /* 0xD0 */ /* U+2013 */        "\xE2\x80\x93", /* U+2014 */        "\xE2\x80\x94", /* U+201C */        "\xE2\x80\x9C", /* U+201D */        "\xE2\x80\x9D", 
    /* 0xD4 */ /* U+2018 */        "\xE2\x80\x98", /* U+2019 */        "\xE2\x80\x99", /* U+00F7 */        "\xC3\xB7",     /* U+25CA */        "\xE2\x97\x8A", 
    /* 0xD8 */ /* U+0079 U+0308 */ "y\xCC\x88",    /* U+0059 U+0308 */ "Y\xCC\x88",    /* U+2044 */        "\xE2\x81\x84", /* U+20AC */        "\xE2\x82\xAC", 
    /* 0xDC */ /* U+2039 */        "\xE2\x80\xB9", /* U+203A */        "\xE2\x80\xBA", /* U+FB01 */        "\xEF\xAC\x81", /* U+FB02 */        "\xEF\xAC\x82", 
    /* 0xE0 */ /* U+2021 */        "\xE2\x80\xA1", /* U+00B7 */        "\xC2\xB7",     /* U+201A */        "\xE2\x80\x9A", /* U+201E */        "\xE2\x80\x9E", 
    /* 0xE4 */ /* U+2030 */        "\xE2\x80\xB0", /* U+0041 U+0302 */ "A\xCC\x82",    /* U+0045 U+0302 */ "E\xCC\x82",    /* U+0041 U+0301 */ "A\xCC\x81",    
    /* 0xE8 */ /* U+0045 U+0308 */ "E\xCC\x88",    /* U+0045 U+0300 */ "E\xCC\x80",    /* U+0049 U+0301 */ "I\xCC\x81",    /* U+0049 U+0302 */ "I\xCC\x82",    
    /* 0xEC */ /* U+0049 U+0308 */ "I\xCC\x88",    /* U+0049 U+0300 */ "I\xCC\x80",    /* U+004F U+0301 */ "O\xCC\x81",    /* U+004F U+0302 */ "O\xCC\x82",    
    /* 0xF0 */ /* U+F8FF */        "\xEF\xA3\xBF", /* U+004F U+0300 */ "O\xCC\x80",    /* U+0055 U+0301 */ "U\xCC\x81",    /* U+0055 U+0302 */ "U\xCC\x82",    
    /* 0xF4 */ /* U+0055 U+0300 */ "U\xCC\x80",    /* U+0131 */        "\xC4\xB1",     /* U+02C6 */        "\xCB\x86",     /* U+02DC */        "\xCB\x9C",     
    /* 0xF8 */ /* U+00AF */        "\xC2\xAF",     /* U+02D8 */        "\xCB\x98",     /* U+02D9 */        "\xCB\x99",     /* U+02DA */        "\xCB\x9A",     
    /* 0xFC */ /* U+00B8 */        "\xC2\xB8",     /* U+02DD */        "\xCB\x9D",     /* U+02DB */        "\xCB\x9B",     /* U+02C7 */        "\xCB\x87"      
const int kMacRomanToUTF8Expansion = 3;
struct UniCharInfo {
    uint16_t   utf16Char;
    uint8_t    macRomanChar;
typedef struct UniCharInfo UniCharInfo;
static const UniCharInfo kUTF16ToMacRoman[128] = {
    {0x00A0, 0xCA}, {0x00A1, 0xC1}, {0x00A2, 0xA2}, {0x00A3, 0xA3}, {0x00A5, 0xB4}, {0x00A7, 0xA4}, {0x00A8, 0xAC}, {0x00A9, 0xA9},
    {0x00AA, 0xBB}, {0x00AB, 0xC7}, {0x00AC, 0xC2}, {0x00AE, 0xA8}, {0x00AF, 0xF8}, {0x00B0, 0xA1}, {0x00B1, 0xB1}, {0x00B4, 0xAB},
    {0x00B5, 0xB5}, {0x00B6, 0xA6}, {0x00B7, 0xE1}, {0x00B8, 0xFC}, {0x00BA, 0xBC}, {0x00BB, 0xC8}, {0x00BF, 0xC0}, {0x00C0, 0xCB},
    {0x00C1, 0xE7}, {0x00C2, 0xE5}, {0x00C3, 0xCC}, {0x00C4, 0x80}, {0x00C5, 0x81}, {0x00C6, 0xAE}, {0x00C7, 0x82}, {0x00C8, 0xE9},
    {0x00C9, 0x83}, {0x00CA, 0xE6}, {0x00CB, 0xE8}, {0x00CC, 0xED}, {0x00CD, 0xEA}, {0x00CE, 0xEB}, {0x00CF, 0xEC}, {0x00D1, 0x84},
    {0x00D2, 0xF1}, {0x00D3, 0xEE}, {0x00D4, 0xEF}, {0x00D5, 0xCD}, {0x00D6, 0x85}, {0x00D8, 0xAF}, {0x00D9, 0xF4}, {0x00DA, 0xF2},
    {0x00DB, 0xF3}, {0x00DC, 0x86}, {0x00DF, 0xA7}, {0x00E0, 0x88}, {0x00E1, 0x87}, {0x00E2, 0x89}, {0x00E3, 0x8B}, {0x00E4, 0x8A},
    {0x00E5, 0x8C}, {0x00E6, 0xBE}, {0x00E7, 0x8D}, {0x00E8, 0x8F}, {0x00E9, 0x8E}, {0x00EA, 0x90}, {0x00EB, 0x91}, {0x00EC, 0x93},
    {0x00ED, 0x92}, {0x00EE, 0x94}, {0x00EF, 0x95}, {0x00F1, 0x96}, {0x00F2, 0x98}, {0x00F3, 0x97}, {0x00F4, 0x99}, {0x00F5, 0x9B},
    {0x00F6, 0x9A}, {0x00F7, 0xD6}, {0x00F8, 0xBF}, {0x00F9, 0x9D}, {0x00FA, 0x9C}, {0x00FB, 0x9E}, {0x00FC, 0x9F}, {0x00FF, 0xD8},
    {0x0131, 0xF5}, {0x0152, 0xCE}, {0x0153, 0xCF}, {0x0178, 0xD9}, {0x0192, 0xC4}, {0x02C6, 0xF6}, {0x02C7, 0xFF}, {0x02D8, 0xF9},
    {0x02D9, 0xFA}, {0x02DA, 0xFB}, {0x02DB, 0xFE}, {0x02DC, 0xF7}, {0x02DD, 0xFD}, {0x03A9, 0xBD}, {0x03C0, 0xB9}, {0x2013, 0xD0},
    {0x2014, 0xD1}, {0x2018, 0xD4}, {0x2019, 0xD5}, {0x201A, 0xE2}, {0x201C, 0xD2}, {0x201D, 0xD3}, {0x201E, 0xE3}, {0x2020, 0xA0},
    {0x2021, 0xE0}, {0x2022, 0xA5}, {0x2026, 0xC9}, {0x2030, 0xE4}, {0x2039, 0xDC}, {0x203A, 0xDD}, {0x2044, 0xDA}, {0x20AC, 0xDB},
    {0x2122, 0xAA}, {0x2202, 0xB6}, {0x2206, 0xC6}, {0x220F, 0xB8}, {0x2211, 0xB7}, {0x221A, 0xC3}, {0x221E, 0xB0}, {0x222B, 0xBA},
    {0x2248, 0xC5}, {0x2260, 0xAD}, {0x2264, 0xB2}, {0x2265, 0xB3}, {0x25CA, 0xD7}, {0xF8FF, 0xF0}, {0xFB01, 0xDE}, {0xFB02, 0xDF},
static const uint16_t kMacRomanToUpper[256] = {
    /* 0x00 */ 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0A, 0x0B, 0x0C, 0x0D, 0x0E, 0x0F,
    /* 0x10 */ 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1A, 0x1B, 0x1C, 0x1D, 0x1E, 0x1F,
    /* 0x20 */ 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2A, 0x2B, 0x2C, 0x2D, 0x2E, 0x2F,
    /* 0x30 */ 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x3A, 0x3B, 0x3C, 0x3D, 0x3E, 0x3F,
    /* 0x40 */ 0x40, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47, 0x48, 0x49, 0x4A, 0x4B, 0x4C, 0x4D, 0x4E, 0x4F,
    /* 0x50 */ 0x50, 0x51, 0x52, 0x53, 0x54, 0x55, 0x56, 0x57, 0x58, 0x59, 0x5A, 0x5B, 0x5C, 0x5D, 0x5E, 0x5F,
    /* 0x60 */ 0x60, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47, 0x48, 0x49, 0x4A, 0x4B, 0x4C, 0x4D, 0x4E, 0x4F,
    /* 0x70 */ 0x50, 0x51, 0x52, 0x53, 0x54, 0x55, 0x56, 0x57, 0x58, 0x59, 0x5A, 0x7B, 0x7C, 0x7D, 0x7E, 0x7F,
    /* 0x80 */ 0x80, 0x81, 0x82, 0x83, 0x84, 0x85, 0x86, 0x87, 0x88, 0x89, 0x80, 0x8B, 0x81, 0x82, 0x83, 0x8F,
    /* 0x90 */ 0x90, 0x91, 0x92, 0x93, 0x94, 0x95, 0x84, 0x97, 0x98, 0x99, 0x85, 0x9B, 0x9C, 0x9D, 0x9E, 0x86,
    /* 0xA0 */ 0xA0, 0xA1, 0xA2, 0xA3, 0xA4, 0xA5, 0xA6, 0xA7, 0xA8, 0xA9, 0xAA, 0xAB, 0xAC, 0xAD, 0xAE, 0xAF,
    /* 0xB0 */ 0xB0, 0xB1, 0xB2, 0xB3, 0xB4, 0xB5, 0xB6, 0xB7, 0xB8, 0xB9, 0xBA, 0xBB, 0xBC, 0xBD, 0xAE, 0xAF,
    /* 0xC0 */ 0xC0, 0xC1, 0xC2, 0xC3, 0xC4, 0xC5, 0xC6, 0xC7, 0xC8, 0xC9, 0xCA, 0x88, 0x8B, 0x9B, 0xCE, 0xCE,
    /* 0xD0 */ 0xD0, 0xD1, 0xD2, 0xD3, 0xD4, 0xD5, 0xD6, 0xD7, 0xD8, 0xD8, 0xDA, 0xDB, 0xDC, 0xDD, 0xDE, 0xDF,
    /* 0xE0 */ 0xE0, 0xE1, 0xE2, 0xE3, 0xE4, 0x89, 0x90, 0x87, 0x91, 0x8F, 0x92, 0x94, 0x95, 0x93, 0x97, 0x99,
    /* 0xF0 */ 0xF0, 0x98, 0x9C, 0x9E, 0x9D, 0xF5, 0xF6, 0xF7, 0xF8, 0xF9, 0xFA, 0xFB, 0xFC, 0xFD, 0xFE, 0xFF
// End of automatically generated tables.
#pragma mark ***** String Manipulation
extern size_t MFSNameToUTF8(const uint8_t *name, char *utf8Name, size_t utf8NameSize)
    // Converts an MFS name to its UTF-8 equivalent.
    // name must be a MacRoman encoded Pascal string.
    // utf8Name must be a pointer to a buffer of utf8NameSize bytes.  On 
    // return, this will hold a UTF-8 (decomposed) C string equivalent to 
    // name.
    // utf8NameSize must be at least 1 (to hold the terminating null character 
    // of the C string).
    // Returns the size of the buffer that would be needed to hold a full 
    // conversion of name.  If this is less than utf8NameSize, the string 
    // was truncated.  If it was truncated, it was truncated at a MacRoman 
    // character boundary.
    // This routine is carefully crafted to drop any null characters embeddedd 
    // in name.  null characters are valid in MFS names (yikes!) but not in 
    // C strings.
    int             nameLen;
    int             i;
    char *          outputPtr;
    size_t          outputTotalSize;
    const char *    thisStr;
    size_t          thisStrLen;
    assert(name != NULL);
    assert(utf8Name != NULL);
    assert(utf8NameSize > 0);       // must at least give us room for null terminator
    outputPtr       = utf8Name;
    outputTotalSize = 0;
    nameLen = name[0];
    for (i = 1; i <= nameLen; i++) {
        uint8_t ch;
        ch = name[i];
        if (ch < 128) {
            thisStr    = (const char *) &ch;
            thisStrLen = (ch != 0);                 // if ch is 0, thisStrLen is 0, so we add no bytes to the string
        } else {
            thisStr    = kMacRomanToUTF8[ch - 128];
            thisStrLen = strlen(thisStr);
        outputTotalSize += thisStrLen;
        if (outputTotalSize < utf8NameSize) {       // strictly less than guarantees that we always have space for null terminator
            memcpy(outputPtr, thisStr, thisStrLen);
            outputPtr += thisStrLen;
    assert(outputPtr < (utf8Name + utf8NameSize));  
    *outputPtr = 0;
    return outputTotalSize + 1;                         // including null terminator
extern errno_t UTF8ToMFSName(const char *utf8Name, size_t utf8NameLen, void *tempBuffer, uint8_t *mfsName)
    // Converts a UTF-8 encoding string (either precomposed or decomposed) to 
    // an MFS name (a MacRoman encoded Pascal string).
    // utf8Name must point to a UTF-8 string containing utf8NameLen characters.
    // tempBuffer must point to a temporary working buffer of kUTF8ToMFSNameTempBufferSize 
    // bytes.  On entry, its value is ignored.  On return, its value is undefined.
    // mfsName must point to a buffer of 256 bytes.  On entry, its value is ignored. 
    // On success, this contains the MacRoman Pascal string equivalent to utf8Name.
    // Likely error results include:
    // o EINVAL, which means that utf8Name contains Unicode characters that can't 
    //   be mapped into MacRoman
    // o ENAMETOOLONG, which mean that utf8Name is too longer to be held in a 
    //   MFS name
    int         err;
    uint16_t *  utf16Ptr;
    size_t      utf16Count;
    size_t      utf16Index;
    assert(utf8Name != NULL);
    assert(tempBuffer != NULL);
    assert(mfsName != NULL);
    utf16Ptr = (uint16_t *) tempBuffer;
    err = utf8_decodestr( (const uint8_t *) utf8Name, utf8NameLen, utf16Ptr, &utf16Count, kUTF8ToMFSNameTempBufferSize, 0, UTF_PRECOMPOSED);
    if (err == 0) {
        utf16Count /= sizeof(utf16Ptr[0]);      // it comes back as bytes, and we want chars
        assert(utf16Count <= 255);              // because it's limited by kUTF8ToMFSNameTempBufferSize
        mfsName[0] = (uint8_t) utf16Count;      // set up length byte
        for (utf16Index = 0; utf16Index < utf16Count; utf16Index++) {
            uint16_t            key;
            // Binary search kUTF16ToMacRoman for this UTF-16 character.
            // This scary algorithm was stolen from the libc implementation 
            // of <x-man-page://3/bsearch>.
            key = utf16Ptr[utf16Index];
            if (key < 128) {
                // Both MacRoman and UTF-8 inherit their bottom 128 characters from 
                // ASCII, so you can just copy it across.
                mfsName[utf16Index + 1] = (uint8_t) key;
            } else {
                size_t              limit;
                int                 compareResult;
                const UniCharInfo * base;
                const UniCharInfo * this;
                boolean_t           found;
                // Otherwise, we have to do it the hard way.
                found = FALSE;
                base = &kUTF16ToMacRoman[0];
                for (limit = (sizeof(kUTF16ToMacRoman) / sizeof(kUTF16ToMacRoman[0])); limit != 0; limit >>= 1) {
                    this = base + (limit >> 1);
                    compareResult = ((int) key) - ((int) this->utf16Char);
                    if (compareResult == 0) {
                        found = TRUE;
                    if (compareResult > 0) {
                        base = this + 1;
                        limit -= 1;
                if (found) {
                    mfsName[utf16Index + 1] = this->macRomanChar;       // + 1 because the output is a Pascal string
                } else {
                    err = EINVAL;
    return err;
extern void MFSNameToUpper(uint8_t *mfsName)
    // Converts the MFS name (a MacRoman encoding Pascal string) pointed to by 
    // mfsName to upper case.
    // mfsName must point to a valid MFS name.  This routine makes no assumptions 
    // about the size of the buffer containing this name (for example, if you 
    // have a Str63, it's fine to call this routine on it as long as the 
    // length of the string is 63 or less).
    int     charCount;
    int     charIndex;
    charCount = mfsName[0];
    for (charIndex = 1; charIndex <= charCount; charIndex++) {
        mfsName[charIndex] = kMacRomanToUpper[mfsName[charIndex]];
extern boolean_t MFSNameEqualToUpper(const uint8_t *mfsName, const uint8_t *mfsNameUpper)
    // Does a case sensitive comparison of mfsName and mfsNameUpper. 
    // mfsName must point to a valid MFS name.
    // mfsNameUpper must point to a valid MFS name that has already been 
    // uppercased by calling MFSNameToUpper.
    // Returns true if the strings are equal.
    boolean_t   result;
    int         charCount;
    int         charIndex;
    charCount = mfsName[0];
    if (charCount == mfsNameUpper[0]) {
        result = TRUE;
        for (charIndex = 1; charIndex <= charCount; charIndex++) {
            if ( kMacRomanToUpper[mfsName[charIndex]] != mfsNameUpper[charIndex] ) {
                result = FALSE;
    } else {
        result = FALSE;
    return result;
#pragma mark ***** Date/Time Manipulation
extern struct timespec MFSDateTimeToTimeSpec(uint32_t mfsDateTime)
    // This routine converts an MFS date/time value to a standard BSD 
    // (struct timespec), accounting for the different epoch.  Note that 
    // this doesn't do UTC conversion, for reasons that are discussed in 
    // the "Dates/Time Values" comment in the header.
    // kMFSDateTimeToUNIXDelta is the number of seconds between 
    // the start of the MFS date/time counter (00:00:00 1 Jan 1904) 
    // and the start of the BSD date/time counter (00:00:00 1 Jan 1970).
    enum {
        kMFSDateTimeToUNIXDelta = 3600UL * 24 * ((365 * (1970 - 1904)) + (((1970 - 1904) / 4) + 1))
    struct timespec result;
    // Correct for the difference between the MFS and UNIX epochs.
    if (mfsDateTime > kMFSDateTimeToUNIXDelta) {
        // The date/time is 1970 or later, and can be converted to a UNIX date/time 
        // counter correctly.
        result.tv_sec = mfsDateTime - kMFSDateTimeToUNIXDelta;
    } else {
        // The date/time is before 1970, so we set it as low as it can go.
        result.tv_sec = 0;
    result.tv_nsec = 0;
    return result;
#pragma mark ***** MFS On-Disk Structures
// The following structures map to the on-disk format of an MFS 
// MDB (MFSMasterDirectoryBlock) and directory entry (MFSDirectoryRecord). 
// See Inside Macintosh II for the definition of these structures, and a 
// discussion of the overall on-disk volume format.
// MFS is big endian, so any time you access a multibyte field, you must 
// swap it to host endian.
enum {
    kMFSSigWord = 0xD2D7
struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) MFSMasterDirectoryBlock {
    uint16_t    sigWord;                            // -> sigWord
    uint32_t    creationDate;
    uint32_t    backupDate;
    uint16_t    attributes;
    uint16_t    fileCount;
    uint16_t    directoryStartBlock;
    uint16_t    directoryBlockCount;
    uint16_t    allocationBlockCount;
    uint32_t    allocationBlockSizeInBytes;
    uint32_t    clumpSizeInBytes;
    uint16_t    allocationBlocksStartBlock;
    uint32_t    nextFileNumber;
    uint16_t    freeAllocationBlockCount;
    uint8_t     nameLength;
    uint8_t     name[27];
typedef struct MFSMasterDirectoryBlock MFSMasterDirectoryBlock;
struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) MFSDirectoryRecord {
    uint8_t     attributes;
    uint8_t     versionNumber;
    uint8_t     finderInfo[16];
    uint32_t    fileNumber;
    uint16_t    dataFirstAllocationBlock;
    uint32_t    dataLengthInBytes;
    uint32_t    dataPhysicalLengthInBytes;
    uint16_t    rsrcFirstAllocationBlock;
    uint32_t    rsrcLengthInBytes;
    uint32_t    rsrcPhysicalLengthInBytes;
    uint32_t    creationDate;
    uint32_t    modificationDate;
    uint8_t     nameLength;
    uint8_t     name[255];
    // name field is of variable length and is followed, if the overall length 
    // of the MFSDirectoryRecord is odd, by a pad byte whose value is zero
typedef struct MFSDirectoryRecord MFSDirectoryRecord;
enum {
    kMFSDirectoryRecordFixedSize   = offsetof(MFSDirectoryRecord, name),        // everything up to nameLength is fixed
    kMFSDirectoryRecordMinimumSize = kMFSDirectoryRecordFixedSize + 1           // +1 because each name must have at least one char
// Constants for the attributes field of MFSDirectoryRecord.
enum {
    kMFSDirectoryRecordAllocatedAttr = 0x80,
    kMFSDirectoryRecordMysteryAttr   = 0x40,            // [1]
    kMFSDirectoryRecordReservedAttr  = 0x3E,            // [1]
    kMFSDirectoryRecordLockedAttr    = 0x01
// Notes
// [1] In testing with my entire archive of MFS disks (67 in total), I discovered a few  
// files on a few disks that has the 0x40 bit set in their attributes.  I have no idea 
// what this is; certainly, it's not described in the IM II.  I have a sneaking suspicion 
// that it was some sort of copy protected bit, but I have no real evidence for that.  
// Regardless, I'm happy to ignore it.
#pragma mark ***** MDB Routines
static void SetErrorString(char *errStr, size_t errStrSize, const char *message)
    // MFSMDBCheckCore calls this routine to copy message into the user 
    // supplied string buffer, if any.
    if (errStr != NULL) {
        strncpy(errStr, message, errStrSize);   // no strlcpy in the kernel
        errStr[errStrSize - 1] = 0;             // grrr
static int MFSMDBCheckCore(
    const void *        mdbBlockPtr, 
    uint64_t            containerBlockCount,
    size_t *            mdbAndVABMSizeInBytesPtr, 
    uint16_t *          directoryStartBlockPtr, 
    uint16_t *          directoryBlockCountPtr,
    uint16_t *          allocationBlocksStartBlockPtr, 
    uint32_t *          allocationBlockSizeInBytesPtr,
    char *              errStr,
    size_t              errStrSize
    // This routine is the guts of both MFSMDBCheck and MFSMDBGetError.  By rolling 
    // both of these functions into a common routine, I can keep the error string 
    // close to the validity check that generates it.
    // All pointer parameters except mdbBlockPtr may be NULL.  errStrSize may be 
    // 0 if errStr is NULL.
    int                                 err;
    const MFSMasterDirectoryBlock *     mdbPtr;
    uint16_t                            directoryStartBlock;
    uint16_t                            directoryBlockCount;
    uint16_t                            allocationBlockCount;
    uint16_t                            allocationBlocksStartBlock;
    uint32_t                            allocationBlockSizeInBytes;
    // Parameter asserts.
    assert(mdbBlockPtr != NULL);
    assert( (errStrSize != 0) || (errStr == NULL) );
    // Quick sanity check of the MDB and directory entry structures.  These should 
    // be compile-time asserts, but there is no handy compile-time assert macro available 
    // to both user and kernel code.
    assert(sizeof(MFSMasterDirectoryBlock) == 64);
    assert(sizeof(MFSDirectoryRecord) == 306);          // includes maximal length name
    assert(kMFSDirectoryRecordFixedSize == 51);
    mdbPtr = (const MFSMasterDirectoryBlock *) mdbBlockPtr;
    // Check the sigWord.
    err = 0;
    if ( OSSwapBigToHostInt16(mdbPtr->sigWord) != kMFSSigWord ) {
        SetErrorString(errStr, errStrSize, "incorrect signature");
        err = EINVAL;
    // Check that the MDB is compatible with the container block count.
    if (err == 0) {
        directoryStartBlock  = OSSwapBigToHostInt16(mdbPtr->directoryStartBlock);
        directoryBlockCount  = OSSwapBigToHostInt16(mdbPtr->directoryBlockCount);
        allocationBlockCount = OSSwapBigToHostInt16(mdbPtr->allocationBlockCount);
        allocationBlocksStartBlock = OSSwapBigToHostInt16(mdbPtr->allocationBlocksStartBlock);
        allocationBlockSizeInBytes = OSSwapBigToHostInt32(mdbPtr->allocationBlockSizeInBytes);
    if ( (err == 0) && ( ((uint64_t) kMFSMDBBlock) >= containerBlockCount) ) {
        SetErrorString(errStr, errStrSize, "MDB falls outside of container");
        err = EINVAL;
    if ( (err == 0) && (directoryBlockCount == 0) ) {
        SetErrorString(errStr, errStrSize, "no directory blocks");
        err = EINVAL;
    if ( (err == 0) && ( ((uint64_t) directoryStartBlock) >= containerBlockCount) ) {
        SetErrorString(errStr, errStrSize, "directory starts outside of container");
        err = EINVAL;
    if ( (err == 0) && ( (((uint64_t) directoryStartBlock) + directoryBlockCount) >= containerBlockCount) ) {
        SetErrorString(errStr, errStrSize, "directory ends outside of container");
        err = EINVAL;
    if ( (err == 0) && ( ((uint64_t) allocationBlockCount) >= containerBlockCount) ) {
        SetErrorString(errStr, errStrSize, "more allocation blocks that container blocks");
        // This assumes that each allocation block is at least one disk block.
        err = EINVAL;
    if ( (err == 0) && ( ((uint64_t) allocationBlocksStartBlock) >= containerBlockCount) ) {
        SetErrorString(errStr, errStrSize, "allocation blocks start outside of container");
        // This assumes that each allocation block is at least one disk block, which 
        // is implied by IM II's statement that the allocation block must be an even 
        // multiple of the block size.
        err = EINVAL;
    // The following assumes that nextFileNumber doesn't wrap, which is a pretty 
    // safe assumption for MFS (although later on, for HFS, we had to allow for 
    // wrapping).
    if ( (err == 0) && (OSSwapBigToHostInt32(mdbPtr->nextFileNumber) <= OSSwapBigToHostInt16(mdbPtr->fileCount)) ) {
        SetErrorString(errStr, errStrSize, "next file number is not greater than file count");
        err = EINVAL;
    // Can't have more free allocation blocks than we have allocation blocks.
    if ( (err == 0) && (OSSwapBigToHostInt16(mdbPtr->freeAllocationBlockCount) > allocationBlockCount) ) {
        SetErrorString(errStr, errStrSize, "more free allocation blocks than allocation blocks");
        err = EINVAL;
    // As we're about to divide by allocationBlockSizeInBytes, let's check for zero first.  
    // And while we're at it, make sure it's a power of two.
    if ( (err == 0) && (allocationBlockSizeInBytes == 0) ) {
        SetErrorString(errStr, errStrSize, "allocation block size is zero");
        err = EINVAL;
    if ( (err == 0) && ( (allocationBlockSizeInBytes & (allocationBlockSizeInBytes - 1)) != 0) ) {
        SetErrorString(errStr, errStrSize, "allocation block size is not a power of two");
        err = EINVAL;
    // Clump size must be a multiple of the allocation block size, per IM II-122.
    if ( (err == 0) && ((OSSwapBigToHostInt32(mdbPtr->clumpSizeInBytes) % allocationBlockSizeInBytes) != 0) ) {
        SetErrorString(errStr, errStrSize, "clump size is not an even multiple of the allocation block size");
        err = EINVAL;
    // We won't deal well with an empty volume name, or with names longer than the 
    // space allocated for them in the MDB.
    if ( (err == 0) && (mdbPtr->nameLength == 0) ) {
        SetErrorString(errStr, errStrSize, "volume name is empty");
        err = EINVAL;
    if ( (err == 0) && (mdbPtr->nameLength > 27) ) {
        SetErrorString(errStr, errStrSize, "volume name too long");
        err = EINVAL;
    if (err == 0) {
        // When calculating how many bytes make up the VABM, consider the following:
        // o (allocationBlockCount + 1) / 2 is the number of allocation block /pairs/
        // o each pair needs three bytes
        if (mdbAndVABMSizeInBytesPtr != NULL) {
            *mdbAndVABMSizeInBytesPtr      = sizeof(MFSMasterDirectoryBlock) 
                + (OSSwapBigToHostInt16(mdbPtr->allocationBlockCount) + 1) / 2 * 3;
        if (directoryStartBlockPtr != NULL) {
            *directoryStartBlockPtr        = directoryStartBlock;
        if (directoryBlockCountPtr != NULL) {
            *directoryBlockCountPtr        = directoryBlockCount;
        if (allocationBlocksStartBlockPtr != NULL) {
            *allocationBlocksStartBlockPtr = allocationBlocksStartBlock;
        if (allocationBlockSizeInBytesPtr != NULL) {
            *allocationBlockSizeInBytesPtr = allocationBlockSizeInBytes;
    return err;
extern int MFSMDBCheck(
    const void *        mdbBlockPtr, 
    uint64_t            containerBlockCount,
    size_t *            mdbAndVABMSizeInBytesPtr, 
    uint16_t *          directoryStartBlockPtr, 
    uint16_t *          directoryBlockCountPtr,
    uint16_t *          allocationBlocksStartBlockPtr, 
    uint32_t *          allocationBlockSizeInBytesPtr
    // See comments in header.
    return MFSMDBCheckCore(
extern void MFSMDBGetError(
    const void *        mdbBlockPtr, 
    uint64_t            containerBlockCount,
    char *              errStr,
    size_t              errStrSize
    // See comments in header.
    int     junk;
    assert(errStr != NULL);
    assert(errStrSize > 0);
    errStr[0] = 0;
    junk = MFSMDBCheckCore(
    assert(junk == EINVAL);     // If MFSMDBCheck didn't fail, why are you calling us!?!
    static boolean_t MFSMDBValid(const MFSMasterDirectoryBlock *mdbPtr)
        // Does a basic check to see if mdbPtr is valid.
        assert(mdbPtr != NULL);
        assert( OSSwapBigToHostInt16(mdbPtr->sigWord) == kMFSSigWord );
        return TRUE;
static void MFSInitGetAttrListGoop(struct vfs_attr *attr)
    // Sets up the f_capabilities and f_attributes of attr.  This is sufficiently 
    // long winded that I pulled it out MFSMDBGetAttr to keep that code easy to read. 
    assert(attr != NULL);
    attr->f_capabilities.capabilities[VOL_CAPABILITIES_FORMAT] = 0
    attr->f_capabilities.valid[VOL_CAPABILITIES_FORMAT] = 0
    attr->f_capabilities.capabilities[VOL_CAPABILITIES_INTERFACES] = 0
    attr->f_capabilities.valid[VOL_CAPABILITIES_INTERFACES] = 0
    attr->f_capabilities.capabilities[VOL_CAPABILITIES_RESERVED1] = 0;
    attr->f_capabilities.valid[VOL_CAPABILITIES_RESERVED1] = 0;
    attr->f_capabilities.capabilities[VOL_CAPABILITIES_RESERVED2] = 0;
    attr->f_capabilities.valid[VOL_CAPABILITIES_RESERVED2] = 0;
    VFSATTR_SET_SUPPORTED(attr, f_capabilities);
    attr->f_attributes.validattr.commonattr = 0
        | ATTR_CMN_NAME
        | ATTR_CMN_DEVID
        | ATTR_CMN_FSID
        | ATTR_CMN_OBJID
        | ATTR_CMN_GRPID
        | ATTR_CMN_FLAGS
//      | ATTR_CMN_UUID
    attr->f_attributes.validattr.volattr = 0
        | ATTR_VOL_SIZE
        | ATTR_VOL_NAME
    attr->f_attributes.validattr.dirattr = 0
    attr->f_attributes.validattr.fileattr = 0
    attr->f_attributes.validattr.forkattr = 0;
    // All attributes that we do support, we support natively.
    attr->f_attributes.nativeattr.commonattr = attr->f_attributes.validattr.commonattr;
    attr->f_attributes.nativeattr.volattr    = attr->f_attributes.validattr.volattr;
    attr->f_attributes.nativeattr.dirattr    = attr->f_attributes.validattr.dirattr;
    attr->f_attributes.nativeattr.fileattr   = attr->f_attributes.validattr.fileattr;
    attr->f_attributes.nativeattr.forkattr   = attr->f_attributes.validattr.forkattr;
    VFSATTR_SET_SUPPORTED(attr, f_attributes);
// When I need to return a time which MFS doesn't have available, I return the 
// beginning of time.  It's hand to have this around as a structure.
static const struct timespec kZeroTime = {0, 0};
extern int MFSMDBGetAttr(
    const void *        mdbBlockPtr,
    struct vfs_attr *   attr
    // See comments in header.
    size_t                              junkSize;
    const MFSMasterDirectoryBlock *     mdbPtr;
    mdbPtr = (const MFSMasterDirectoryBlock *) mdbBlockPtr;
    assert( MFSMDBValid(mdbPtr) );
    VFSATTR_RETURN(attr, f_objcount,    OSSwapBigToHostInt16(mdbPtr->fileCount) + 1);   // +1 for root directory
    VFSATTR_RETURN(attr, f_filecount,   OSSwapBigToHostInt16(mdbPtr->fileCount));
    VFSATTR_RETURN(attr, f_dircount,    1);
    VFSATTR_RETURN(attr, f_maxobjcount, ((512 / kMFSDirectoryRecordMinimumSize) * OSSwapBigToHostInt16(mdbPtr->directoryBlockCount)) + 1);
                                        // +1 for root directory
    VFSATTR_RETURN(attr, f_bsize,       OSSwapBigToHostInt32(mdbPtr->allocationBlockSizeInBytes));
    VFSATTR_RETURN(attr, f_iosize,      OSSwapBigToHostInt32(mdbPtr->allocationBlockSizeInBytes));
    VFSATTR_RETURN(attr, f_blocks,      OSSwapBigToHostInt16(mdbPtr->allocationBlockCount));
    VFSATTR_RETURN(attr, f_bfree,       OSSwapBigToHostInt16(mdbPtr->freeAllocationBlockCount));
    VFSATTR_RETURN(attr, f_bavail,      OSSwapBigToHostInt16(mdbPtr->freeAllocationBlockCount));
    VFSATTR_RETURN(attr, f_bused,       attr->f_blocks - attr->f_bfree);
    VFSATTR_RETURN(attr, f_files,       OSSwapBigToHostInt16(mdbPtr->fileCount));
    VFSATTR_RETURN(attr, f_ffree,       attr->f_maxobjcount - attr->f_files);
//  VFSATTR_RETURN(attr, f_fsid,        x);         // leave this up to higher layer software
//  VFSATTR_RETURN(attr, f_owner,       x);         // ditto
    // See MFSDirectoryEntryGetAttr for an important note about time attributes.
    VFSATTR_RETURN(attr, f_create_time, MFSDateTimeToTimeSpec(OSSwapBigToHostInt32(mdbPtr->creationDate)));
    VFSATTR_RETURN(attr, f_modify_time, attr->f_create_time);
    VFSATTR_RETURN(attr, f_access_time, kZeroTime);
    VFSATTR_RETURN(attr, f_backup_time, MFSDateTimeToTimeSpec(OSSwapBigToHostInt32(mdbPtr->backupDate)));
    VFSATTR_RETURN(attr, f_fssubtype, 0);
    if ( VFSATTR_IS_ACTIVE(attr, f_vol_name) ) {
        // Maximum volume name length is 27 characters; with a maximum UTF-8 expansion 
        // of 3x, this yields 81, for a buffer size of 82, which is way less than MAXPATHLEN.
        assert( ((27 * kMacRomanToUTF8Expansion) + 1) <= MAXPATHLEN );
        junkSize = MFSNameToUTF8(&mdbPtr->nameLength, attr->f_vol_name, MAXPATHLEN);
        assert(junkSize < MAXPATHLEN);
        VFSATTR_SET_SUPPORTED(attr, f_vol_name);
    VFSATTR_RETURN(attr, f_signature,   OSSwapBigToHostInt16(mdbPtr->sigWord));
    VFSATTR_RETURN(attr, f_carbon_fsid, 0);         // MFS shares this with HFS
    return 0;
// Special allocation block numbers:
enum {
    // An allocation block number of zero is used, in a directory entry, to indicate that
    // a fork has no allocation blocks.
    kMFSEmptyAllocationBlock     = 0,
    // An allocation block number of one is used, in the VABM, to indicate the end of the 
    // allocation block chain.
    kMFSLastAllocationBlock      = 1,
    // To avoid using the special values (defined in the header), the VABM is indexed by
    // allocation block - kMFSFirstAllocationBlock.
    kMFSFirstAllocationBlock = 2,
    // Because 0x0FFF is used by kMFSDirectoryAllocationBlock, the maximum valid allocation 
    // block number is 0x0FFE.
    kMFSMaximumAllocationBlock   = 0x0FFE,
    // It is legal for the directory to be within the space managed by the VABM (althoug 
    // I've never seen an MFS disk constructed this way though).  Still, in that case, 
    // the directory blocks must be marked with a special value to avoid them being 
    // used for anything else.  
    kMFSDirectoryAllocationBlock = 0x0FFF
static uint16_t MFSVABMNextAllocationBlock(const void *mdbAndVABMPtr, uint16_t allocationBlock)
    // Looks up allocation block in the VABM and returns the next allocation block. 
    // The result can might be kMFSLastAllocationBlock.  See the pre- and post-condition 
    // asserts for the specifics.
    uint16_t                            result;
    const MFSMasterDirectoryBlock *     mdbPtr;
    const uint8_t *                     vabmBase;
    size_t                              byteIndex;
    mdbPtr = (const MFSMasterDirectoryBlock *) mdbAndVABMPtr;
    assert( MFSMDBValid(mdbPtr) );
    assert(allocationBlock != kMFSEmptyAllocationBlock);
    assert(allocationBlock != kMFSLastAllocationBlock);
    assert(allocationBlock <= kMFSMaximumAllocationBlock);
    assert(allocationBlock < (kMFSFirstAllocationBlock + OSSwapBigToHostInt16(mdbPtr->allocationBlockCount)));
    // VABM starts immediately after the MDB.
    vabmBase = (uint8_t *) (&mdbPtr[1]);
    // Remember that the VABM is a packed array of 12 bit entries,
    // which is a real pain to access from any language!
    // We first calculate the index of the first byte of the
    // VABM entry...
    byteIndex = (allocationBlock - kMFSFirstAllocationBlock) * 3 / 2;
    // ...then we do the bit shuffling depending on whether
    // allocationBlock is even or odd.
    if ( ((allocationBlock - kMFSFirstAllocationBlock) % 2) == 0 ) {
        result = (vabmBase[byteIndex] << 4) | ((vabmBase[byteIndex + 1] >> 4) & 0x0F);
    } else {
        result = ((vabmBase[byteIndex] & 0x0F) << 8) | vabmBase[byteIndex + 1];
    assert(result != kMFSEmptyAllocationBlock);
    assert(result < kMFSMaximumAllocationBlock);
    assert(result < (kMFSFirstAllocationBlock + OSSwapBigToHostInt16(mdbPtr->allocationBlockCount)));
    return result;
#pragma mark ***** Directory Entry Routines
extern int MFSDirectoryBlockIterate(
    const void *        directoryBlockPtr, 
    size_t              directoryBlockSizeInBytes, 
    size_t *            dirOffsetPtr, 
    struct vnode_attr * attr
    // See comments in header.
    int     err;
    size_t  dirOffset;
    size_t  dirOffsetInitial;
    assert(directoryBlockPtr != NULL);
    assert(directoryBlockSizeInBytes > kMFSDirectoryRecordFixedSize);
    assert(dirOffsetPtr != NULL);
    assert( (*dirOffsetPtr == kMFSDirectoryBlockIterateFromStart) || (*dirOffsetPtr < directoryBlockSizeInBytes) );
    // attr can be NULL
    dirOffset = *dirOffsetPtr;
    dirOffsetInitial = dirOffset;
    // Calculate the dirOffset of the next directory record based on the offset passed in.
    if (dirOffset == kMFSDirectoryBlockIterateFromStart) {
        dirOffset = 0;
    } else {
        const MFSDirectoryRecord *  lastDirRec;
        lastDirRec = ((const MFSDirectoryRecord *) (((const char *) directoryBlockPtr) + dirOffset));
        // lastDirRec falls within the directory block
        assert( ((const char *) lastDirRec) >= ((const char *) directoryBlockPtr) );
        assert( ((const char *) lastDirRec) < (((const char *) directoryBlockPtr) + directoryBlockSizeInBytes) );
        // lastDirRec->nameLength falls within the directory block
        assert( ((const char *) &lastDirRec->nameLength) < (((const char *) directoryBlockPtr) + directoryBlockSizeInBytes) );
        // The attributes field should be either 0x80 (allocated and not locked) or 
        // 0x81 (allocated and locked).
        assert(  lastDirRec->attributes & kMFSDirectoryRecordAllocatedAttr     );
        assert( (lastDirRec->attributes & kMFSDirectoryRecordReservedAttr) == 0);
        // Bump dirOffset by the size of the previous entry, including the pad byte if necessary.
        dirOffset += kMFSDirectoryRecordFixedSize + lastDirRec->nameLength;
        if ((dirOffset % 2) == 1) {
            dirOffset += 1;
    // Check that the result dirOffset is a valid directory record.  See the comment in 
    // MFSDirectoryBlockCheckDirOffset for a discussion of why I consider 
    // dirOffset == directoryBlockSizeInBytes to be legal.
    err = 0;
    if (dirOffset >= directoryBlockSizeInBytes) {
        assert(dirOffset == directoryBlockSizeInBytes);
        err = ENOENT;
    if (err == 0) {
        const MFSDirectoryRecord *  thisDirRec;
        thisDirRec = ((const MFSDirectoryRecord *) (((const char *) directoryBlockPtr) + dirOffset));
        // thisDirRec falls within the directory block
        assert( ((const char *) thisDirRec) >= ((const char *) directoryBlockPtr) );
        assert( ((const char *) thisDirRec) < (((const char *) directoryBlockPtr) + directoryBlockSizeInBytes) );
        if (thisDirRec->attributes == 0) {
            err = ENOENT;
        } else {
            // thisDirRec->nameLength falls within the directory block
            assert( ((const char *) &thisDirRec->nameLength) < (((const char *) directoryBlockPtr) + directoryBlockSizeInBytes) );
            // entire name falls within the directory block
            assert( (const char *) (thisDirRec->name + thisDirRec->nameLength) <= (((const char *) directoryBlockPtr) + directoryBlockSizeInBytes) );
            // The attributes field should be either 0x80 (allocated and not locked) or 
            // 0x81 (allocated and locked).
            assert(  thisDirRec->attributes & kMFSDirectoryRecordAllocatedAttr     );
            assert( (thisDirRec->attributes & kMFSDirectoryRecordReservedAttr) == 0);
            if (attr != NULL) {
                err = MFSDirectoryEntryGetAttr(directoryBlockPtr, dirOffset, attr);
    if (err == 0) {
        *dirOffsetPtr = dirOffset;
    assert( (*dirOffsetPtr == kMFSDirectoryBlockIterateFromStart) || (*dirOffsetPtr < directoryBlockSizeInBytes) );
    assert( (err != 0) == (*dirOffsetPtr == dirOffsetInitial) );        // if we errored, *dirOffsetPtr must be unchanged
    return err;
extern int MFSDirectoryBlockCheckDirOffset(
    const void *        directoryBlockPtr, 
    size_t              directoryBlockSizeInBytes, 
    size_t              candidateDirOffset
    // See comments in header.
    int                         err;
    size_t                      dirOffset;
    const MFSDirectoryRecord *  thisDirRec;
    assert(directoryBlockPtr != NULL);
    assert(directoryBlockSizeInBytes > kMFSDirectoryRecordFixedSize);
    assert(candidateDirOffset != kMFSDirectoryBlockIterateFromStart);       // just don't call us in this case
    assert(candidateDirOffset < directoryBlockSizeInBytes);                 // ditto
    // Start at the beginning of the block.
    dirOffset = 0;
    do {
        // If this entry isn't valid, we're done.
        thisDirRec = ((const MFSDirectoryRecord *) (((const char *) directoryBlockPtr) + dirOffset));
        if (thisDirRec->attributes == 0) {
            err = EINVAL;                       // hit end of valid directory entries
        // Check that this directory entry is reasonable.
        assert(  thisDirRec->attributes & kMFSDirectoryRecordAllocatedAttr     );
        assert( (thisDirRec->attributes & kMFSDirectoryRecordReservedAttr) == 0);
        assert( ((const char *) &thisDirRec->nameLength) < (((const char *) directoryBlockPtr) + directoryBlockSizeInBytes) );
        assert( (const char *) (thisDirRec->name + thisDirRec->nameLength) <= (((const char *) directoryBlockPtr) + directoryBlockSizeInBytes) );
        // We have a valid entry; if it's offset is the one we're looking for, we're done.
        if (dirOffset == candidateDirOffset) {
            err = 0;
        // Advance to the next directory entry.
        dirOffset += kMFSDirectoryRecordFixedSize + thisDirRec->nameLength;
        if ((dirOffset % 2) == 1) {
            dirOffset += 1;
        // If we run off the end of the block, we're done.  I don't know if an MFS 
        // directory block has to end with an empty entry (that is, a 0), or whether 
        // it's possible for the last entry to butt right up against the end of the 
        // block.  IM II is silent on the issue.  I'm going to take a stance and 
        // say that it's legal, but obviously only if you hit the /exact/ end of the block.
        if (dirOffset >= directoryBlockSizeInBytes ) {
            assert(dirOffset == directoryBlockSizeInBytes);
            err = EINVAL;
    } while (TRUE);
    return err;
extern int MFSDirectoryBlockFindEntryByName(
    const void *        directoryBlockPtr, 
    size_t              directoryBlockSizeInBytes, 
    const char *        utf8Name,
    size_t              utf8NameLen,
    void *              tempBuffer,
    size_t *            dirOffsetPtr, 
    struct vnode_attr * attr
    // See comments in header.
    int         err;
    size_t      dirOffset;
    uint8_t *   mfsNameUpper;
    assert(directoryBlockPtr != NULL);
    assert(directoryBlockSizeInBytes > kMFSDirectoryRecordFixedSize);
    assert(utf8Name != NULL);
    assert(tempBuffer != NULL);
    assert(dirOffsetPtr != NULL);
    // *dirOffsetPtr ignored on input
    // attr can be NULL
    // If this is the first time we've seen tempBuffer, its first byte will be 0.
    // In that case, use it to cache a copy of the uppercased MFS name associated 
    // with utf8Name.  This avoids the cost of the UTF-8 -> MacRoman -> upper case 
    // if you're scanning multiple directory blocks.
    mfsNameUpper = (uint8_t *) tempBuffer;
    if (mfsNameUpper[0] != 0 ) {
        err = 0;
    } else {
        // Use tempBuffer + 256 as the tempory buffer for UTF8ToMFSName, and 
        // tempBuffer + 0 as the place to store the resulting MFS name.
        err = UTF8ToMFSName(utf8Name, utf8NameLen, ((char *) tempBuffer) + 256, mfsNameUpper);
        if (err == 0) {
            // Empty names are unacceptable, in general /and/ because we use the first 
            // byte to determine if tempBuffer has been initialised yet.
            if (mfsNameUpper[0] == 0) {
                err = EINVAL;
    // Iterate the directory block looking for the name.
    if (err == 0) {
        boolean_t       found;
        dirOffset = kMFSDirectoryBlockIterateFromStart;
        found = FALSE;
        do {
            err = MFSDirectoryBlockIterate(
            if (err == 0) {
                const MFSDirectoryRecord *  dirRec;
                dirRec = ((const MFSDirectoryRecord *) (((const char *) directoryBlockPtr) + dirOffset));
                found = MFSNameEqualToUpper(&dirRec->nameLength, mfsNameUpper);
        } while ( (err == 0) && ! found);
        assert(found == (err == 0));
    // If we would it, return its offset (and attributes, if requested) to the caller.
    if (err == 0) {
        *dirOffsetPtr = dirOffset;
        if (attr != NULL) {
            err = MFSDirectoryEntryGetAttr(directoryBlockPtr, dirOffset, attr);
    assert( (err != 0) || (*dirOffsetPtr <= directoryBlockSizeInBytes) );
    return err;
extern int MFSDirectoryEntryGetAttr(
    const void *        directoryBlockPtr, 
    size_t              dirOffset, 
    struct vnode_attr * attr
    // See comments in header.
    const MFSDirectoryRecord *  dirRec;
    size_t                      junkSize;
    assert(directoryBlockPtr != NULL);
    assert(attr != NULL);
    dirRec = ((const MFSDirectoryRecord *) (((const char *) directoryBlockPtr) + dirOffset));
    VATTR_RETURN(attr, va_rdev,        0);
    VATTR_RETURN(attr, va_nlink,       1);
    VATTR_RETURN(attr, va_total_size,  OSSwapBigToHostInt32(dirRec->dataLengthInBytes) + OSSwapBigToHostInt32(dirRec->rsrcLengthInBytes));
    VATTR_RETURN(attr, va_total_alloc, OSSwapBigToHostInt32(dirRec->dataPhysicalLengthInBytes) + OSSwapBigToHostInt32(dirRec->rsrcPhysicalLengthInBytes));
    VATTR_RETURN(attr, va_data_size,   OSSwapBigToHostInt32(dirRec->dataLengthInBytes));
    VATTR_RETURN(attr, va_data_alloc,  OSSwapBigToHostInt32(dirRec->dataPhysicalLengthInBytes));
//  VATTR_RETURN(attr, va_iosize,      xxx);
//  VATTR_RETURN(attr, va_uid,   xxx);
//  VATTR_RETURN(attr, va_gid,   xxx);
    VATTR_RETURN(attr, va_mode,  S_IFREG | S_IRUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH);
    VATTR_RETURN(attr, va_flags, (dirRec->attributes & kMFSDirectoryRecordLockedAttr) ? (SF_IMMUTABLE | UF_IMMUTABLE) : 0);
    // We have to support /all/ of the times, otherwise File Manager 
    // won't play with us.  Specifically, File Manager calls getattrlist to  
    // request these attributes, and the getattrlist implementation tests 
    // our VATTR_RETURN values to see if we support them and, if we don't, 
    // return an error to File Manager.  This causes File Manager to get 
    // very confused, and results in Very Bad Things (tm).
    // So we claim to support everything and then just return a nice constant 
    // value for those which we don't have meaningful data.
    VATTR_RETURN(attr, va_create_time, MFSDateTimeToTimeSpec(OSSwapBigToHostInt32(dirRec->creationDate)));
    VATTR_RETURN(attr, va_access_time, kZeroTime);
    VATTR_RETURN(attr, va_modify_time, MFSDateTimeToTimeSpec(OSSwapBigToHostInt32(dirRec->modificationDate)));
    attr->va_change_time = kZeroTime;   // don't have to claim support for va_change_time because VFS sets it to va_modify_time
    VATTR_RETURN(attr, va_backup_time, kZeroTime);
    VATTR_RETURN(attr, va_fileid,   OSSwapBigToHostInt32(dirRec->fileNumber) - 1 + kMFSFirstFileInodeName);
//  VATTR_RETURN(attr, va_linkid,   xxx);
    VATTR_RETURN(attr, va_parentid, kMFSRootInodeNumber);
//  VATTR_RETURN(attr, va_fsid,     xxx);
//  VATTR_RETURN(attr, va_filerev,  xxx);
//  VATTR_RETURN(attr, va_gen,      xxx);
    VATTR_RETURN(attr, va_encoding, 0);         // 0 -> MacRoman
    VATTR_RETURN(attr, va_type, VREG);
    if ( VATTR_IS_ACTIVE(attr, va_name) ) {
        // Maximum volume name length is 255 characters; with a maximum UTF-8 expansion 
        // of 3x, this yields 765, for a buffer size of 766, which is definitely less than 
        // MAXPATHLEN.
        assert( ((255 * kMacRomanToUTF8Expansion) + 1) <= MAXPATHLEN );
        junkSize = MFSNameToUTF8(&dirRec->nameLength, attr->va_name, MAXPATHLEN);
        assert(junkSize < MAXPATHLEN);
        VATTR_SET_SUPPORTED(attr, va_name);
//  VATTR_RETURN(attr, va_uuuid, xxx);
//  VATTR_RETURN(attr, va_guuid, xxx);
    VATTR_RETURN(attr, va_nchildren, 0);
    return 0;
extern int MFSDirectoryEntryGetFinderInfo(
    const void *        directoryBlockPtr, 
    size_t              dirOffset, 
    void *              finderInfoPtr
    // See comments in header.
    const MFSDirectoryRecord *  dirRec;
    assert(directoryBlockPtr != NULL);
    // nothing we can say about dirOffset, other than to use it to set up dirRec and then check dirRec itself
    dirRec = ((const MFSDirectoryRecord *) (((const char *) directoryBlockPtr) + dirOffset));
    assert(  dirRec->attributes & kMFSDirectoryRecordAllocatedAttr     );
    assert( (dirRec->attributes & kMFSDirectoryRecordReservedAttr) == 0);
    assert(finderInfoPtr != NULL);
    memcpy(finderInfoPtr, dirRec->finderInfo, sizeof(dirRec->finderInfo));
    return 0;
extern int MFSDirectoryEntryGetForkInfo(
    const void *        directoryBlockPtr, 
    size_t              dirOffset,
    size_t              forkIndex,
    MFSForkInfo *       forkInfo
    // See comments in header.
    const MFSDirectoryRecord *          dirRec;
    // Pre-conditions
    assert(directoryBlockPtr != NULL);
    // nothing we can say about dirOffset, other than to use it to set up dirRec and then check dirRec itself
    dirRec = ((const MFSDirectoryRecord *) (((const char *) directoryBlockPtr) + dirOffset));
    assert(  dirRec->attributes & kMFSDirectoryRecordAllocatedAttr     );
    assert( (dirRec->attributes & kMFSDirectoryRecordReservedAttr) == 0);
    assert( (forkIndex == 0) || (forkIndex == 1) );
    assert(forkInfo != NULL);
    // Implementation
    if (forkIndex == 0) {
        forkInfo->firstAllocationBlock  = OSSwapBigToHostInt16(dirRec->dataFirstAllocationBlock);
        forkInfo->lengthInBytes         = OSSwapBigToHostInt32(dirRec->dataLengthInBytes);
        forkInfo->physicalLengthInBytes = OSSwapBigToHostInt32(dirRec->dataPhysicalLengthInBytes);
    } else {
        forkInfo->firstAllocationBlock  = OSSwapBigToHostInt16(dirRec->rsrcFirstAllocationBlock);
        forkInfo->lengthInBytes         = OSSwapBigToHostInt32(dirRec->rsrcLengthInBytes);
        forkInfo->physicalLengthInBytes = OSSwapBigToHostInt32(dirRec->rsrcPhysicalLengthInBytes);
    assert( (forkInfo->firstAllocationBlock != 0) == (forkInfo->lengthInBytes != 0) );
    assert( (forkInfo->firstAllocationBlock != 0) == (forkInfo->physicalLengthInBytes != 0) );
    assert( forkInfo->lengthInBytes <= forkInfo->physicalLengthInBytes );
    return 0;
#pragma mark ***** File Fork Routines
extern int MFSForkGetExtent(
    const void *        mdbAndVABMPtr,
    const MFSForkInfo * forkInfo,
    uint32_t            forkOffsetInBytes,
    uint32_t *          offsetFromFirstAllocationBlockInBytesPtr,
    uint32_t *          contiguousPhysicalBytesPtr
    // See comments in header.
    int                             err;
    const MFSMasterDirectoryBlock * mdbPtr;
    uint32_t                        allocationBlockSizeInBytes;
    uint16_t                        currentAllocationBlock;
    uint32_t                        currentForkOffsetInBytes;
    uint32_t                        contiguousPhysicalBytes;
    // Pre-conditions
    assert(mdbAndVABMPtr != NULL);
    mdbPtr = (const MFSMasterDirectoryBlock *) mdbAndVABMPtr;
    assert( MFSMDBValid(mdbPtr) );
    assert(forkInfo != NULL);
    assert(forkInfo->firstAllocationBlock != kMFSLastAllocationBlock);
    assert(forkInfo->firstAllocationBlock <= kMFSMaximumAllocationBlock);
    assert(forkInfo->firstAllocationBlock < (kMFSFirstAllocationBlock + OSSwapBigToHostInt16(mdbPtr->allocationBlockCount)));
    // assert(forkOffsetInBytes <= forkInfo->lengthInBytes);        // I'm going to allow you to request up to the physical fork length
    assert(forkOffsetInBytes <= forkInfo->physicalLengthInBytes);
    assert(forkInfo->lengthInBytes <= forkInfo->physicalLengthInBytes);
    allocationBlockSizeInBytes = OSSwapBigToHostInt32(mdbPtr->allocationBlockSizeInBytes);
    assert( (forkOffsetInBytes % allocationBlockSizeInBytes) == 0 );
    assert(offsetFromFirstAllocationBlockInBytesPtr != NULL);
    assert(contiguousPhysicalBytesPtr != NULL);
    // Implementation
    if (forkInfo->firstAllocationBlock == 0) {
        assert(forkInfo->lengthInBytes == 0);
        assert(forkInfo->physicalLengthInBytes == 0);
        err = EINVAL;                       // asking for the on-disk extent of an empty fork is bogus
    } else {
        // Search for the allocation block that contains forkOffsetInBytes.
        currentAllocationBlock   = forkInfo->firstAllocationBlock;
        currentForkOffsetInBytes = 0;
        do {
            assert(currentAllocationBlock != kMFSEmptyAllocationBlock);
            assert(currentAllocationBlock != kMFSLastAllocationBlock);
            assert(currentAllocationBlock <= kMFSMaximumAllocationBlock);
            assert(currentAllocationBlock < (kMFSFirstAllocationBlock + OSSwapBigToHostInt16(mdbPtr->allocationBlockCount)));
            if (forkOffsetInBytes < (currentForkOffsetInBytes + allocationBlockSizeInBytes)) {
                err = 0;
            } else {
                currentAllocationBlock = MFSVABMNextAllocationBlock(mdbPtr, currentAllocationBlock);
                if (currentAllocationBlock == kMFSLastAllocationBlock) {
                    err = EPIPE;            // that is, end of file
                } else {
                    currentForkOffsetInBytes += allocationBlockSizeInBytes;
                    err = EAGAIN;
        } while (err == EAGAIN);
        // If that succeeded, work out how many contiguous bytes there are.
        if (err == 0) {
            uint16_t        currentContiguousAllocationBlock;
            uint16_t        nextContiguousAllocationBlock;
            currentContiguousAllocationBlock = currentAllocationBlock;
            contiguousPhysicalBytes          = allocationBlockSizeInBytes;
            do {
                assert(currentContiguousAllocationBlock != kMFSEmptyAllocationBlock);
                assert(currentContiguousAllocationBlock != kMFSLastAllocationBlock);
                assert(currentContiguousAllocationBlock <= kMFSMaximumAllocationBlock);
                assert(currentContiguousAllocationBlock < (kMFSFirstAllocationBlock + OSSwapBigToHostInt16(mdbPtr->allocationBlockCount)));
                nextContiguousAllocationBlock = MFSVABMNextAllocationBlock(mdbPtr, currentContiguousAllocationBlock);
                if (nextContiguousAllocationBlock == kMFSLastAllocationBlock) {
                    err = 0;
                } else if (nextContiguousAllocationBlock != (currentContiguousAllocationBlock + 1)) {
                    err = 0;
                } else {
                    currentContiguousAllocationBlock = nextContiguousAllocationBlock;
                    contiguousPhysicalBytes += allocationBlockSizeInBytes;
                    err = EAGAIN;
            } while (err == EAGAIN);
    if (err == 0) {
        assert(currentAllocationBlock != kMFSEmptyAllocationBlock);
        assert(currentAllocationBlock != kMFSLastAllocationBlock);
        assert(currentAllocationBlock <= kMFSMaximumAllocationBlock);
        assert(currentAllocationBlock < (kMFSFirstAllocationBlock + OSSwapBigToHostInt16(mdbPtr->allocationBlockCount)));
        *offsetFromFirstAllocationBlockInBytesPtr = (currentAllocationBlock - kMFSFirstAllocationBlock) * allocationBlockSizeInBytes;
        *contiguousPhysicalBytesPtr = contiguousPhysicalBytes;
    // Post-conditions
    if (err == 0) {
        assert((*offsetFromFirstAllocationBlockInBytesPtr % allocationBlockSizeInBytes) == 0);
        assert((*contiguousPhysicalBytesPtr % allocationBlockSizeInBytes) == 0);
    return err;