Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
* File: SampleTXNScrollCode.cpp of MLTECustomScrolling |
* |
* Created: 2003/12/05 |
* |
* Contains: Demo implementation of MLTE's custom scrolling functionality. |
* |
* Copyright: Copyright © 2004 Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved |
* |
* Disclaimer: IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") in |
* consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your use, installation, modification |
* or redistribution of this Apple software constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you do |
* not agree with these terms, please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple |
* software. |
* |
* In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and subject to these terms, |
* Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive license, under Apple's copyrights in this |
* original Apple software (the "Apple Software"), to use, reproduce, modify and redistribute the |
* Apple Software, with or without modifications, in source and/or binary forms; provided that if you |
* redistribute the Apple Software in its entirety and without modifications, you must retain this |
* notice and the following text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of the Apple Software. |
* Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of Apple Computer, Inc. may be used to |
* endorse or promote products derived from the Apple Software without specific prior written |
* permission from Apple. Except as expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or |
* licenses, express or implied, are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to any |
* patent rights that may be infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the |
* Apple Software may be incorporated. |
* |
* The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR |
* |
*/ |
#include "SampleTXNScrollCode.h" |
const SInt32 kMyINT32_MAX = 2147483647; |
// global pointer to the MLTE callback |
TXNScrollInfoUPP gScrollInfoUPP; |
// global pointer to the control action proc |
ControlActionUPP gControlActionUPP; |
// accessor to get a vertical scroller control ref out of an |
// mlte user data item passed by the MLTE callback. |
static ControlRef |
MLTEUserDataGetVerticalScrollBar(SInt32); |
// accessor to get a horizontal scroller control ref out of an |
// mlte user data item passed by the MLTE callback. |
static ControlRef |
MLTEUserDataGetHorizontalScrollBar(SInt32); |
// how tall is the view rect? |
static UInt32 |
TextViewGetHeight( WindowRef window, OSType key ); |
// how wide is the view rect? |
static UInt32 |
TextViewGetWidth( WindowRef window, OSType key ); |
// how tall is the text content? |
static UInt32 |
TextViewGetTextHeight( WindowRef window, OSType key ); |
// what is the greatest width of the text content? |
static UInt32 |
TextViewGetTextWidth( WindowRef window, OSType key ); |
// access cache values that hold the last know scroller values |
SInt32 |
TextViewGetVertScrollCache( WindowRef window, OSType key ); |
SInt32 |
TextViewGetHorizScrollCache( WindowRef window, OSType key ); |
// setters to update the cache |
void |
TextViewSetVertScrollCache( WindowRef window, SInt32 value, OSType key ); |
void |
TextViewSetHorizScrollCache( WindowRef window, SInt32 value, OSType key ); |
// tell the text view to scroll |
static OSStatus |
TextViewCustomScroll( WindowRef window, OSType orientation, TXNScrollUnit scrollUnit, |
SInt32 textViewDelta, SInt32 cacheValue, OSType key ); |
OSStatus |
TextViewInvalidate( WindowRef window, OSType key ); |
OSStatus |
TextViewDelete( WindowRef window, OSType key ); |
// associate control action proc with a control |
static OSStatus |
ControlRegisterActionProc( WindowRef window, ControlRef scrollControl, |
TXNScrollBarOrientation orientation ); |
// Tell a control to update value and maximum |
OSStatus |
ControlUpdateValues( ControlRef scrollBar, SInt32 value, SInt32 max ); |
// Tracking a mouse down in a scroll control via callback |
void |
MyTrackActionProcedure(ControlRef controlRef, ControlPartCode partCode); |
// MLTE returns data for updating the scroll controls in this callback |
// whenever a change in the content of the TXNObject occurs that |
// requires updated scrollbars. |
void |
MyMLTEScrollInfoCallback( SInt32 value, SInt32 max, |
TXNScrollBarOrientation orientation, SInt32 mlteUserData); |
// Associate a tracking procedure UPP with each of a scroll control. |
OSStatus |
ControlRegisterActionProc( WindowRef window, ControlRef scrollControl, |
TXNScrollBarOrientation orientation ) |
{ |
OSStatus status = noErr; |
SInt32 max = 200; |
require( IsValidControlHandle( scrollControl ), BadControl ); |
// Create the callback |
if( gControlActionUPP == NULL ) |
gControlActionUPP = NewControlActionUPP( MyTrackActionProcedure ); |
require( gControlActionUPP != NULL, NullControlActionUPP ); |
// Associate the callback with the control |
SetControlAction( scrollControl, gControlActionUPP ); |
// set the max value of the control based on the height of the text |
// in the text view |
if( orientation = kTXNVertical ) |
{ |
SInt32 height = (SInt32)TextViewGetTextHeight( window, kMyMLTEDataStructProperty ); |
max = ( height <= kMyINT32_MAX ? height : kMyINT32_MAX ); |
} |
else |
{ |
SInt32 width = (SInt32)TextViewGetTextWidth( window, kMyMLTEDataStructProperty ); |
max = ( width <= kMyINT32_MAX ? width : kMyINT32_MAX ); |
} |
SetControl32BitMaximum( scrollControl, max ); |
BadControl: |
NullControlActionUPP: |
return status; |
} |
// Tell a control to update its value & maximum. |
OSStatus |
ControlUpdateValues( ControlRef scrollBar, SInt32 value, SInt32 max ) |
{ |
require( IsValidControlHandle( scrollBar ), BadControl ); |
SetControl32BitValue( scrollBar, value ); |
SetControl32BitMaximum( scrollBar, max ); |
return noErr; |
BadControl: |
return paramErr; |
} |
// Tracking the mouse in a scroll control via callback |
void |
MyTrackActionProcedure( ControlRef controlRef, ControlPartCode partCode ) |
{ |
OSStatus status; |
SInt32 value; |
SInt32 textViewDelta, controlDelta, controlMin, controlMax; |
TXNScrollUnit scrollUnits; |
ControlID controlID = {0,0}; |
WindowRef window = NULL; |
// when user clicks on kControlPageUpPart or kControlPageDownPart |
// we need to know the viewRect height and width so we can update |
// the scrollbars with a delta of "one page" scrolled |
SInt32 viewHeight = 0; |
SInt32 viewWidth = 0; |
scrollUnits = kTXNScrollUnitsInPixels; |
textViewDelta = controlDelta = 0; |
// the controlID will tell us if it is a v or h scroller |
// based on the arbitrary signature we assigned it in the nib (Hscr or Vscr) |
status = GetControlID( controlRef, &controlID ); |
require_noerr( status, CantGetControlID ); |
// the window has cached scroll data we need, so we need to get the window |
window = GetControlOwner( controlRef ); |
require( window != NULL, CantGetWindow ); |
value = GetControl32BitValue( controlRef ); |
controlMin = GetControl32BitMinimum( controlRef ); |
controlMax = GetControl32BitMaximum( controlRef ); |
// calc view width or height ( for page up/down/left/right ) |
if( controlID.signature == kMyVerticalScrollBar ) |
viewHeight = TextViewGetHeight( window, kMyMLTEDataStructProperty ); |
else |
viewWidth = TextViewGetWidth( window, kMyMLTEDataStructProperty ); |
// which part of the scroll control was hit? |
switch ( partCode ) |
{ |
case kControlDownButtonPart: |
textViewDelta = controlDelta = 1; |
scrollUnits = kTXNScrollUnitsInPixels; //kTXNScrollUnitsInLines; |
break; |
case kControlUpButtonPart: |
textViewDelta = controlDelta = -1; |
scrollUnits = kTXNScrollUnitsInPixels; //kTXNScrollUnitsInLines; |
break; |
case kControlPageUpPart: |
textViewDelta = -1; // units in viewRectHeight/Width(s) |
if( controlID.signature == kMyVerticalScrollBar ) |
controlDelta = ( viewHeight <= kMyINT32_MAX ? viewHeight : kMyINT32_MAX ); |
else |
controlDelta = ( viewWidth <= kMyINT32_MAX ? viewWidth : kMyINT32_MAX ); |
scrollUnits = kTXNScrollUnitsInViewRects; |
controlDelta = -controlDelta; |
break; |
case kControlPageDownPart: |
textViewDelta = 1; // units in viewRectHeight/Width(s) |
if( controlID.signature == kMyVerticalScrollBar ) |
controlDelta = ( viewHeight <= kMyINT32_MAX ? viewHeight : kMyINT32_MAX ); |
else |
controlDelta = ( viewWidth <= kMyINT32_MAX ? viewWidth : kMyINT32_MAX ); |
scrollUnits = kTXNScrollUnitsInViewRects; |
break; |
// we really do not want to do anything if the |
// kControlIndicatorPart is hit. It should be |
// handled by the Live Tracking procedure instead. |
case kControlIndicatorPart: |
{ |
SInt32 cacheValue = 0; |
scrollUnits = kTXNScrollUnitsInPixels; |
// Which scrollbar is getting called by this callback? |
if( controlID.signature == kMyVerticalScrollBar ) |
{ |
// we can find the degree of the change by comparing to |
// our last known value |
cacheValue = TextViewGetVertScrollCache( window, kMyMLTEDataStructProperty ); |
textViewDelta = value - (cacheValue <= kMyINT32_MAX ? cacheValue : kMyINT32_MAX ); |
} |
else // kMyHorizontalScrollBar |
{ |
// we can find the degree of the change by comparing to |
// our last known value |
cacheValue = TextViewGetHorizScrollCache( window, kMyMLTEDataStructProperty ); |
textViewDelta = value - (cacheValue <= kMyINT32_MAX ? cacheValue : kMyINT32_MAX ); |
} |
} |
break; |
default: |
break; |
} |
if ( partCode != kControlIndicatorPart ) // only update the control for non-thumb hits |
{ |
value += controlDelta; |
if( value < controlMin ) // don't go past max or min |
value = controlMin; |
if( value > controlMax ) |
value = controlMax; |
SetControl32BitValue( controlRef, value ); |
} |
status = TextViewCustomScroll( window, controlID.signature, scrollUnits, |
textViewDelta, value, kMyMLTEDataStructProperty ); |
CantGetWindow: |
CantGetControlID: |
return; |
} |
// The scroll info proc / callback is MLTE's way to tell us that the state of |
// the TXNObject has changed and therefore scrollbars should be updated. |
// The callback provides for a refCon/userData item, but the only help |
// we get for identifying which control to update is the TXNScrollBarOrientation |
// parameter. We need to find the correct scrollbar controls on our own. |
// In this implementation, the control refs are stored in an array, and a pointer |
// to the start of the array is stored in the mlteUserData item. We provide |
// accessor functions to get the scroll control refs out of the mlteUserData |
// so that we could change the method of storing them without affecting this |
// function. |
void |
MyMLTEScrollInfoCallback( SInt32 value, SInt32 max, |
TXNScrollBarOrientation orientation, SInt32 mlteUserData) |
{ |
OSStatus status; |
ControlRef vScrollControlRef, hScrollControlRef; |
if( orientation == kTXNVertical ) |
{ |
vScrollControlRef = MLTEUserDataGetVerticalScrollBar( mlteUserData ); |
if( vScrollControlRef != NULL ) |
status = ControlUpdateValues( vScrollControlRef, value, max ); |
TextViewSetVertScrollCache( GetControlOwner( vScrollControlRef ), |
value, kMyMLTEDataStructProperty ); |
} |
else if ( orientation == kTXNHorizontal ) |
{ |
hScrollControlRef = MLTEUserDataGetHorizontalScrollBar( mlteUserData ); |
if( hScrollControlRef != NULL ) |
status = ControlUpdateValues( hScrollControlRef, value, max ); |
TextViewSetHorizScrollCache( GetControlOwner( hScrollControlRef ), |
value, kMyMLTEDataStructProperty); |
} |
} |
// Accessors to get the scroll controls out of the mlteUserData are below. |
// The scroll controls could be stored in some other manner |
// this is just a simple and direct method |
// |
// Recall the mlte user data (refcon) was set up as follows: |
// ControlRef scrollArray[2]; |
// scrollArray[0] = vertical scroller control ref; |
// scrollArray[1] = horizontal scroller control ref; |
ControlRef |
MLTEUserDataGetVerticalScrollBar( SInt32 mlteUserData ) |
{ |
ControlRef* pControl = ( ControlRef* )mlteUserData; |
if( mlteUserData != NULL && IsValidControlHandle( *pControl ) ) |
return *pControl; |
return 0; |
}; |
ControlRef |
MLTEUserDataGetHorizontalScrollBar( SInt32 mlteUserData ) |
{ |
ControlRef* pControl = ( ControlRef* )mlteUserData; |
if( mlteUserData != NULL ) |
{ |
pControl = pControl+1; |
if( IsValidControlHandle( *pControl ) ) |
return *pControl; |
} |
return 0; |
}; |
// When scrolling in units of view rects (rather than pixels) |
// we need to get the pixels in one view rect height / width, so |
// we can update the scrollbar value with the correct value. |
// ask the MLTE object how many pixels equal view rect height |
UInt32 |
TextViewGetHeight( WindowRef window, OSType key ) |
{ |
Rect viewRect = { 0,0,0,0 }; |
TXNGetViewRect( WindowGetTXNObj( window, key ), &viewRect ); |
return; |
} |
// ask the MLTE object how many pixels equal view rect width |
UInt32 |
TextViewGetWidth( WindowRef window, OSType key ) |
{ |
Rect viewRect = { 0,0,0,0 }; |
TXNGetViewRect( WindowGetTXNObj( window, key ), &viewRect ); |
return viewRect.right-viewRect.left; |
} |
// When updating the maximum range of a scrollbar, we need to get the |
// pixel dimensions of the text in the object, so that the vertical and |
// horizontal range of the scrollbar corresponds to the text in the TXNObject |
// ask the MLTE Object how many pixels tall the text is |
UInt32 |
TextViewGetTextHeight( WindowRef window, OSType key ) |
{ |
OSStatus status = paramErr; |
TXNLongRect textRect; |
require( window != NULL, CantGetRect ); |
status = TXNGetRectBounds( WindowGetTXNObj( window, key ), NULL, NULL, &textRect ); |
require_noerr( status, CantGetRect ); |
return textRect.right - textRect.left; |
CantGetRect: |
return 0; |
} |
// ask the MLTE Object how many pixels wide the text is |
UInt32 |
TextViewGetTextWidth( WindowRef window, OSType key ) |
{ |
OSStatus status = paramErr; |
TXNLongRect textRect; |
require( window != NULL, CantGetRect ); |
status = TXNGetRectBounds( WindowGetTXNObj( window, key ), NULL, NULL, &textRect ); |
require_noerr( status, CantGetRect ); |
return textRect.bottom -; |
CantGetRect: |
return 0; |
} |
void |
TextViewSetVertScrollCache( WindowRef window, SInt32 value, OSType key ) |
{ |
OSStatus status = paramErr; |
MyMLTEData *pMyMLTEData = NULL; |
require( window != NULL, CantGetObj ); |
// recover our data from the window |
status = GetWindowProperty( window, kMyPropertyCreator, key, |
sizeof(Ptr), NULL, &pMyMLTEData ); |
require_noerr( status, CantGetObj ); |
pMyMLTEData->fVertScrollCache = value; |
CantGetObj: |
return; |
} |
void |
TextViewSetHorizScrollCache( WindowRef window, SInt32 value, OSType key ) |
{ |
OSStatus status = paramErr; |
MyMLTEData *pMyMLTEData = NULL; |
require( window != NULL, CantGetObj ); |
// recover our data from the window |
status = GetWindowProperty( window, kMyPropertyCreator, key, |
sizeof(Ptr), NULL, &pMyMLTEData ); |
require_noerr( status, CantGetObj ); |
pMyMLTEData->fHorizScrollCache = value; |
CantGetObj: |
return; |
} |
SInt32 |
TextViewGetVertScrollCache( WindowRef window, OSType key ) |
{ |
OSStatus status = paramErr; |
MyMLTEData *pMyMLTEData = NULL; |
// recover our data from the window |
status = GetWindowProperty( window, kMyPropertyCreator, key, |
sizeof(Ptr), NULL, &pMyMLTEData ); |
require_noerr( status, CantGetObj ); |
return pMyMLTEData->fVertScrollCache; |
CantGetObj: |
return 0; |
} |
SInt32 |
TextViewGetHorizScrollCache( WindowRef window, OSType key ) |
{ |
OSStatus status = paramErr; |
MyMLTEData *pMyMLTEData = NULL; |
// recover our data from the window |
status = GetWindowProperty( window, kMyPropertyCreator, key, |
sizeof(Ptr), NULL, &pMyMLTEData ); |
require_noerr( status, CantGetObj ); |
return pMyMLTEData->fHorizScrollCache; |
CantGetObj: |
return 0; |
} |
// When the user adjusts the scroll controls, tell the MLTE object to update |
// the displayed text accordingly, and also save the control values so we |
// can calculate deltas later. |
OSStatus |
TextViewCustomScroll( WindowRef window, OSType orientation, TXNScrollUnit scrollUnit, |
SInt32 textViewDelta, SInt32 cacheValue, OSType key ) |
{ |
OSStatus status = paramErr; |
SInt32 vDelta, hDelta; |
MyMLTEData *pMyMLTEData = NULL; |
// recover our data from the window |
status = GetWindowProperty( window, kMyPropertyCreator, key, |
sizeof(Ptr), NULL, &pMyMLTEData ); |
require_noerr( status, CantGetObj ); |
// We are only handling scrolling in one direction, but when we tell MLTE to |
// scroll, we pass data for both directions. So set the delta for the correct |
// orientation, and the other orientation will have zero delta. |
if( orientation == kMyVerticalScrollBar ) |
{ |
vDelta = textViewDelta; |
hDelta = 0; |
// We will need to know the last known control value |
// to calculate the delta on the next time around |
pMyMLTEData->fVertScrollCache = cacheValue; |
} |
else |
{ |
hDelta = textViewDelta, |
vDelta = 0; |
// We will need to know the last known control value next time around |
// to calculate the delta on the next time around |
pMyMLTEData->fHorizScrollCache = cacheValue; |
} |
status = TXNScroll( pMyMLTEData->fTXNObj, scrollUnit, scrollUnit, |
&vDelta, &hDelta ); |
CantGetObj: |
return status; |
} |
OSStatus |
TextViewProcessHICommand( WindowRef window, OSType key, const HICommand& hiCommand) |
{ |
OSStatus status = eventNotHandledErr; |
TXNObject mlteObj = WindowGetTXNObj( window, key ); |
require( mlteObj != NULL, CantGetObj ); |
switch( hiCommand.commandID ) |
{ |
case kHICommandCut: |
::TXNCut( mlteObj ); |
status = noErr; |
break; |
case kHICommandCopy: |
::TXNCopy( mlteObj ); |
status = noErr; |
break; |
case kHICommandPaste: |
::TXNConvertFromPublicScrap(); |
::TXNPaste( mlteObj ); |
status = noErr; |
break; |
case kHICommandClear: |
::TXNClear( mlteObj ); |
status = noErr; |
break; |
case kHICommandSelectAll: |
status = ::TXNSetSelection( mlteObj, kTXNStartOffset, kTXNEndOffset ); |
break; |
case kHICommandUndo: |
{ |
TXNActionKey actionKey; |
if ( ::TXNCanUndo( mlteObj, &actionKey ) ) |
::TXNUndo( mlteObj ); |
status = noErr; |
break; |
} |
} |
CantGetObj: |
return status; |
} |
OSStatus |
TextViewDraw( WindowRef window, OSType key ) |
{ |
OSStatus status = eventNotHandledErr; |
TXNObject mlteObj = WindowGetTXNObj( window, key ); |
require( mlteObj != NULL, CantGetObj ); |
TXNDraw( mlteObj, NULL ); |
status = noErr; |
CantGetObj: |
return status; |
} |
OSStatus |
TextViewInvalidate( WindowRef window, OSType key ) |
{ |
OSStatus status = eventNotHandledErr; |
Rect viewRect; |
require_action( window != NULL, BadWindow, status = eventNotHandledErr ); |
TXNGetViewRect( WindowGetTXNObj( window, key ), &viewRect ); |
status = InvalWindowRect( window, &viewRect ); |
BadWindow: |
return status; |
} |
OSStatus |
TextViewDelete( WindowRef window, OSType key ) |
{ |
OSStatus status = eventNotHandledErr; |
MyMLTEData *pMyMLTEData = NULL; |
// recover our data from the window |
status = GetWindowProperty( window, kMyPropertyCreator, key, |
sizeof(Ptr), NULL, &pMyMLTEData ); |
require_action( status == noErr, CantGetObj, status = eventNotHandledErr ); |
// clean up allocated memory |
TXNDeleteObject( pMyMLTEData->fTXNObj ); |
DisposePtr( (char*)pMyMLTEData ); |
status = RemoveWindowProperty( window, kMyPropertyCreator, key ); |
CantGetObj: |
return status; |
} |
OSStatus |
WindowStoreTXNObject( WindowRef window, OSType key, TXNObject txnObj ) |
{ |
OSStatus status = paramErr; |
// allocate memory for a custom struct which holds the TXNObject and |
// important scroll cache data. Don't forget to dispose of this memory |
// allocation when the window goes away! |
MyMLTEData *pMyMLTEData = NULL; |
require_action( window != NULL, BadWindow, status = paramErr ); |
pMyMLTEData = (MyMLTEData*)NewPtr( sizeof( MyMLTEData ) ); |
require_action( pMyMLTEData != NULL, MemoryError, status = memFullErr ); |
pMyMLTEData->fTXNObj = txnObj; |
pMyMLTEData->fVertScrollCache = 0; |
pMyMLTEData->fHorizScrollCache = 0; |
// put a pointer to the struct into the window |
status = SetWindowProperty( window, kMyPropertyCreator, key, |
sizeof(Ptr), &pMyMLTEData ); |
require_noerr( status, CantSetProperty ); |
status = TXNAttachObjectToWindowRef( txnObj, window ); |
BadWindow: |
CantSetProperty: |
MemoryError: |
return status; |
} |
TXNObject |
WindowGetTXNObj( WindowRef window, OSType key ) |
{ |
OSStatus status = paramErr; |
MyMLTEData *pMyMLTEData = NULL; |
status = GetWindowProperty( window, kMyPropertyCreator, key, |
sizeof(Ptr), NULL, &pMyMLTEData ); |
require_noerr( status, CantGetObj ); |
return pMyMLTEData->fTXNObj; |
CantGetObj: |
return NULL; |
} |
OSStatus |
WindowRegisterTXNScrollProcs( WindowRef window, TXNObject txnObj ) |
{ |
OSStatus status = memFullErr; |
ControlRef aScrollControl; |
ControlRef* pScrollControl; |
ControlID controlID = { kMyVerticalScrollBar, 0 }; |
// allocate memory to hold scroll controls |
Ptr scrollControlArray = NewPtr( sizeof(ControlRef) * 2 ); // don't forget to dispose when finished |
require( scrollControlArray != NULL, MemoryError ); |
// pointer to first ControlRef in array |
pScrollControl = (ControlRef*)scrollControlArray; |
// set up and store vertical scroll control |
status = GetControlByID( window, &controlID, &aScrollControl ); |
require_noerr( status, CantSetupControl ); |
status = ControlRegisterActionProc( window, aScrollControl, kTXNVertical ); |
require_noerr( status, CantSetupControl ); |
*pScrollControl = aScrollControl; |
// advance to next ControlRef in array |
pScrollControl++; |
// set up and store horizontal scroll control |
controlID.signature = kMyHorizontalScrollBar; |
status = GetControlByID( window, &controlID, &aScrollControl); |
require_noerr( status, CantSetupControl ); |
status = ControlRegisterActionProc( window, aScrollControl, kTXNHorizontal ); |
require_noerr( status, CantSetupControl ); |
*pScrollControl = aScrollControl; |
// The scroll info proc is MLTE's way to tell you that the content of |
// the TXNObject has changed and that the scrollbars should be updated |
// We need a way to find the controlRefs to our scroll controls while inside the callback. |
// One way to do that is just put a pointer to an array of controlRefs inside the userData |
// item for the callback. (You could also put a pointer to your own struct/class instance) |
if( scrollControlArray != NULL ) |
{ |
gScrollInfoUPP = NewTXNScrollInfoUPP( MyMLTEScrollInfoCallback ); |
require( gScrollInfoUPP != NULL, CantMakeScrollUPP ); |
TXNRegisterScrollInfoProc( txnObj, gScrollInfoUPP, (SInt32)scrollControlArray/*userData*/); |
} |
MemoryError: |
return status; |
// clean up allocated memory if jumped to here |
CantSetupControl: |
CantMakeScrollUPP: |
DisposePtr( scrollControlArray ); |
return status; |
} |
OSStatus |
WindowDrawContent( WindowRef window ) |
{ |
DrawControls( window ); |
return TextViewDraw( window, kMyMLTEDataStructProperty ); |
} |
OSStatus |
WindowInvalidateContent( WindowRef window ) |
{ |
TextViewInvalidate( window, kMyMLTEDataStructProperty ); |
return eventNotHandledErr; |
} |
OSStatus |
WindowClose( WindowRef window ) |
{ |
TextViewDelete( window, kMyMLTEDataStructProperty ); |
DisposeWindow( window ); |
return noErr; |
} |
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