
   <TITLE>Read Me</TITLE>
<H1>Read Me About MPFileCopy</H1>
<P>This sample demonstrates a) how to copy a folder and its contents
using the HFS Plus APIs, and b) how to call the File Manager from MP
tasks on Mac OS 9.0 and above. The copy engine preserves long Unicode
names, larger than 2 GB forks, and forks beyond the resource and data
forks (if present).</P>
<P>This sample requires Mac OS 9.0 or above.</P>
<P>Read the <A HREF="#Caveats">Caveats</A> section for some important
<H2>Packing List</H2>
<P>The sample contains the following items:</P>
   <LI>ReadMe.html -- This document.
   <LI>MPFileCopy.mcp -- A project file for the sample.
   <LI>MPFileCopy.c -- Source code to the sample.
   <LI>MPFileCopy-PPC -- A compiled version of the above.
   <LI>MoreIsBetterParts -- The parts of the DTS sample code library
   MoreIsBetter that are required to compile this sample.
<H2>Using the Sample</H2>
<P>To use the sample, simply launch it and first choose a source item
and then choose a destination folder. The program will then copy the
source items to the destination folder, displaying some console
window progress as it goes.</P>
<H2>Building the Sample</H2>
<P>The sample was built using the standard MoreIsBetter build
environment (CodeWarrior Pro 2 compiler) with Universal Interfaces
3.3. You should be able to build the project in CodeWarrior Pro 4
without difficulty as long as you have a late version of Universal
Interfaces 3.3 or later. To build the project, select the "C-PPC"
target, and choose Make from the Project menu. This will build the
MPFileCopy-PPC application.</P>
<H2>How it Works</H2>
<P>Copying a folder is a surprisingly difficult thing to do, although
the HFS Plus APIs make it somewhat easier. I wrestled with the
following key issues while working on this sample.</P>
   <LI>Efficiency -- As a rule, File Manager calls are expensive,
   especially when running over a high-latency network link. I wanted
   to avoid making more File Manager than absolutely necessary. To
   this end, I was careful to use <CODE>FSGetCatalogInfoBulk</CODE>
   (introduced by the HFS Plus API), and to avoid getting catalogue
   information more often than necessary.
   <LI>Stack Growth -- The copy engine uses a recursive algorithm. I
   wanted to guarantee that I wouldn't run off the end of my stack,
   especially in the MP task where I am responsible for explicitly
   requesting the stack space I need. For details on the solution,
   see the comments for the <CODE>kCopyFileTaskStackSize</CODE>
   constant in the source.
   <LI><A NAME="Asynchronicity"></A>Asynchronicity -- While Mac OS
   9.0 allows you to make File Manager calls from MP tasks, it
   doesn't guarantee a good user experience if you do so,
   specifically on some older machines with synchronous-only I/O
   buses. See the "True Async Tests" comment in the source for
   <LI>Transfer Buffer Size -- File Manager is always more efficient
   when you use large transfers. However, on traditional Mac OS the
   File Manager is single-threaded. A large transfer on a slow link
   can take a long time, and thus starve other File Manager clients.
   See the "Transfer Buffer Size" comment in the source for my take
   on solving this problem.
   <LI>File Sharing Bug -- I found and worked around a bug in File
   Sharing in Mac OS 9.0. For details, look for the bug number,
   2397324, in the source code.
   <LI>Multiple Forks -- The code copies all forks of all items it
   copies, including forks associated with a folder. This
   significantly complicates the code, especially when dealing with
   drop folders (see below). I also wanted to avoid the extra
   overhead associated with multiple forks in the most common case
   (items that have just a resource and a data fork). Testing this
   support is also tricky because no current file systems support
   forks beyond the classic resource and data forks. To test the
   code, I throw a switch, <CODE>kSpecialCaseClassicForks</CODE>,
   which forces the code to treat the resource and data forks as if
   they were named forks, which exercises many different code paths.
   <LI>Locked Files -- Copying locked files is tricky because you
   have to create the destination file unlocked, copy the forks, and
   then lock the destination file.
   <LI>Modification Dates -- Copying items without changing their
   modification dates requires copying the item and then setting the
   modification date after the copy is finished.
   <LI>Marking Items as Busy --While copying items, you should mark
   them as busy so that the Finder won't process them until you've
   finished copying. I do this by setting a file's type to a special
   value (<CODE>kFirstMagicBusyFiletype</CODE>) and any items
   creation date to another special value
   (<CODE>kMagicBusyCreationDate</CODE>). Once I've finished copying
   the item, I reset these values.
   <LI>Drop Folders -- Copying items into drop folders is tricky.
   Firstly, the rules for drop folders require that you open all the
   forks of the file before you start writing to any of them. This is
   tricky when there is just a resource and data fork, but gets
   really nasty when you have to deal with multiple forks. Also, when
   copying into a drop folder, you can't change an items file type,
   locked status, or dates after any fork in the file has content, so
   many of the techniques described above don't work properly. The
   upshot is that items copied into a drop folder are always
   unlocked, have the current time as their modification date and
   can't be marked as busy. This is the same behaviour as the Finder.
<H2><A NAME="Caveats"></A>Caveats</H2>
<P>This sample still has a number of problems. I shipped with these
problems because I thought it was more important to get the sample
out the door than to make it perfect. I will attempt to address these
in a future release.</P>
   <LI>Performance versus Responsiveness -- The current code is
   neither as fast as I would like it to be, nor does it allow the
   system to respond well to user actions while a copy to a fast
   volume from a preemptive task. I can improve the performance by
   increasing the transfer buffer size, but that makes the
   responsiveness worse. I'm not sure what the right solution is
   <LI>Performance versus Finder -- The code currently copies
   somewhat slower than Finder 9.0. Increasing the transfer buffer
   size brings me almost to par with the Finder for copying a small
   number of large files, at the cost of the lowered system
   responsiveness described above. Also, Finder's copying code beats
   this code in two important aspects. The upshot is that this code
   would require significant tuning to match the copying performance
   of Finder.
      <LI>My current algorithm for copying (copying one item at a
      time via a recursive descent of the folder hierarchy) is
      inherently slower than the Finder's algorithm (read items until
      you fill the transfer buffer, then write items until the
      transfer buffer is empty) for large numbers of small files on
      the same volume. This is hard to fix without a complete rewrite
      of the code.
      <LI>Finder bypasses the File Manager to overlap I/O when
      copying between a local and an AppleShare volume. The technique
      for doing this is not documented to third parties, so can't be
      used in this sample.
   <LI>Carbon -- The code compiles for Carbon but I don't have a
   Carbon-compatible version of MSL with which to link it. Long term,
   MSL will be available for Carbon, but I wanted to get this "out
   the door".
   <LI>CarbonLib and Synchronous I/O -- I discussed the problems with
   asynchronicity above, along with my solution. That solution is not
   possible under Carbon because some of the required APIs are not
   Carbon-compatible. Under Mac OS X this isn't a problem (all
   drivers will be asynchronous on Mac OS X), but if you build a
   Carbon version of this code and run it on traditional Mac OS on
   some older machines, you will encounter this problem again.
   <LI>Destination Names -- The sample does not make the name of the
   destination item unique. This is tricky code correctly. I have the
   code lying around (in Pascal, as part of Internet Config) but I
   haven't had time to integrate it here.
<H2>Credits and Version History</H2>
<P>If you find any problems with this sample, mail
&lt;; with "Attn: Quinn" as the first line of your
mail and I'll try to fix them up.</P>
<P>1.0d1 (Oct 1999) was an Apple internal release for reviewers.</P>
<P>1.0d2 (Oct 1999) was another Apple internal release for reviewers.
<P>1.0b1 (Nov 1999) was the first shipping version.</P>
<P>Share and Enjoy.</P>
<P>Quinn "The Eskimo!"<BR>
Apple Developer Technical Support<BR>
Networking, Communications, Hardware</P>
<P>15 Nov 1999</P>