
    Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    This is the deep layer network where we define and encode the correct layers on a command buffer as needed
import MetalPerformanceShaders
    This class has our entire network with all layers to getting the final label
    * [Instructions]( to run this network on TensorFlow.
class MNIST_Deep_ConvNN: MNIST_Full_LayerNN{
    // MPSImageDescriptors for different layers outputs to be put in
    let c1id  = MPSImageDescriptor(channelFormat: MPSImageFeatureChannelFormat.float16, width: 28, height: 28, featureChannels: 32)
    let p1id  = MPSImageDescriptor(channelFormat: MPSImageFeatureChannelFormat.float16, width: 14, height: 14, featureChannels: 32)
    let c2id  = MPSImageDescriptor(channelFormat: MPSImageFeatureChannelFormat.float16, width: 14, height: 14, featureChannels: 64)
    let p2id  = MPSImageDescriptor(channelFormat: MPSImageFeatureChannelFormat.float16, width: 7 , height: 7 , featureChannels: 64)
    let fc1id = MPSImageDescriptor(channelFormat: MPSImageFeatureChannelFormat.float16, width: 1 , height: 1 , featureChannels: 1024)
    // MPSImages and layers declared
    var c1Image, c2Image, p1Image, p2Image, fc1Image: MPSImage
    var conv1, conv2: MPSCNNConvolution
    var fc1, fc2: MPSCNNFullyConnected
    var pool: MPSCNNPoolingMax
    var relu: MPSCNNNeuronReLU
    override init(withCommandQueue commandQueueIn: MTLCommandQueue!) {
        // use device for a little while to initialize
        let device = commandQueueIn.device
        pool = MPSCNNPoolingMax(device: device, kernelWidth: 2, kernelHeight: 2, strideInPixelsX: 2, strideInPixelsY: 2)
        pool.offset = MPSOffset(x: 1, y: 1, z: 0);
        pool.edgeMode = MPSImageEdgeMode.clamp
        relu = MPSCNNNeuronReLU(device: device, a: 0)
        // Initialize MPSImage from descriptors
        c1Image     = MPSImage(device: device, imageDescriptor: c1id)
        p1Image     = MPSImage(device: device, imageDescriptor: p1id)
        c2Image     = MPSImage(device: device, imageDescriptor: c2id)
        p2Image     = MPSImage(device: device, imageDescriptor: p2id)
        fc1Image    = MPSImage(device: device, imageDescriptor: fc1id)
        // setup convolution layers
        conv1 = SlimMPSCNNConvolution(kernelWidth: 5,
                                      kernelHeight: 5,
                                      inputFeatureChannels: 1,
                                      outputFeatureChannels: 32,
                                      neuronFilter: relu,
                                      device: device,
                                      kernelParamsBinaryName: "conv1")
        conv2 = SlimMPSCNNConvolution(kernelWidth: 5,
                                      kernelHeight: 5,
                                      inputFeatureChannels: 32,
                                      outputFeatureChannels: 64,
                                      neuronFilter: relu,
                                      device: device,
                                      kernelParamsBinaryName: "conv2")
        // same as a 1x1 convolution filter to produce 1x1x10 from 1x1x1024
        fc1 = SlimMPSCNNFullyConnected(kernelWidth: 7,
                                       kernelHeight: 7,
                                       inputFeatureChannels: 64,
                                       outputFeatureChannels: 1024,
                                       neuronFilter: nil,
                                       device: device,
                                       kernelParamsBinaryName: "fc1")
        fc2 = SlimMPSCNNFullyConnected(kernelWidth: 1,
                                       kernelHeight: 1,
                                       inputFeatureChannels: 1024,
                                       outputFeatureChannels: 10,
                                       neuronFilter: nil,
                                       device: device,
                                       kernelParamsBinaryName: "fc2")
        super.init(withCommandQueue: commandQueueIn)
        This function encodes all the layers of the network into given commandBuffer, it calls subroutines for each piece of the network
        - Parameters:
            - inputImage: Image coming in on which the network will run
            - imageNum: If the test set is being used we will get a value between 0 and 9999 for which of the 10,000 images is being evaluated
            - correctLabel: The correct label for the inputImage while testing
        - Returns:
            Guess of the network as to what the digit is as UInt
    override func forward(inputImage: MPSImage? = nil, imageNum: Int = 9999, correctLabel: UInt = 10) -> UInt{
        var label = UInt(99)
        // to deliver optimal performance we leave some resources used in MPSCNN to be released at next call of autoreleasepool,
        // so the user can decide the appropriate time to release this
            // Get command buffer to use in MetalPerformanceShaders.
            let commandBuffer = commandQueue.makeCommandBuffer()
            // output will be stored in this image
            let finalLayer = MPSImage(device: commandBuffer.device, imageDescriptor: did)
            // encode layers to metal commandBuffer
            if inputImage == nil {
                conv1.encode(commandBuffer: commandBuffer, sourceImage: srcImage, destinationImage: c1Image)
                conv1.encode(commandBuffer: commandBuffer, sourceImage: inputImage!, destinationImage: c1Image)
            pool.encode   (commandBuffer: commandBuffer, sourceImage: c1Image   , destinationImage: p1Image)
            conv2.encode  (commandBuffer: commandBuffer, sourceImage: p1Image   , destinationImage: c2Image)
            pool.encode   (commandBuffer: commandBuffer, sourceImage: c2Image   , destinationImage: p2Image)
            fc1.encode    (commandBuffer: commandBuffer, sourceImage: p2Image   , destinationImage: fc1Image)
            fc2.encode    (commandBuffer: commandBuffer, sourceImage: fc1Image  , destinationImage: dstImage)
            softmax.encode(commandBuffer: commandBuffer, sourceImage: dstImage  , destinationImage: finalLayer)
            // add a completion handler to get the correct label the moment GPU is done and compare it to the correct output or return it
            commandBuffer.addCompletedHandler { commandBuffer in
                label = self.getLabel(finalLayer: finalLayer)
                if(correctLabel == label){
            // commit commandbuffer to run on GPU and wait for completion
            if imageNum == 9999 {
        return label