
    Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    This file describes slimmer routines to create some common MPSCNNFunctions, it is useful especially to fetch network parameters from .dat files
import Foundation
import MetalPerformanceShaders
     This depends on MetalPerformanceShaders.framework
     The SlimMPSCNNConvolution is a wrapper class around MPSCNNConvolution used to encapsulate:
        - making an MPSCNNConvolutionDescriptor,
        - adding network parameters (weights and bias binaries by memory mapping the binaries)
        - getting our convolution layer
class SlimMPSCNNConvolution: MPSCNNConvolution{
        A property to keep info from init time whether we will pad input image or not for use during encode call
    private var padding = true
     Initializes a fully connected kernel.
     - Parameters:
         - kernelWidth: Kernel Width
         - kernelHeight: Kernel Height
         - inputFeatureChannels: Number feature channels in input of this layer
         - outputFeatureChannels: Number feature channels from output of this layer
         - neuronFilter: A neuronFilter to add at the end as activation, default is nil
         - device: The MTLDevice on which this SlimMPSCNNConvolution filter will be used
         - kernelParamsBinaryName: name of the layer to fetch kernelParameters by adding a prefix "weights_" or "bias_"
         - padding: Bool value whether to use padding or not
         - strideXY: Stride of the filter
         - destinationFeatureChannelOffset: FeatureChannel no. in the destination MPSImage to start writing from, helps with concat operations
         - groupNum: if grouping is used, default value is 1 meaning no groups
     - Returns:
        A valid SlimMPSCNNConvolution object or nil, if failure.
    init(kernelWidth: UInt, kernelHeight: UInt, inputFeatureChannels: UInt, outputFeatureChannels: UInt, neuronFilter: MPSCNNNeuron? = nil, device: MTLDevice, kernelParamsBinaryName: String, padding willPad: Bool = true, strideXY: (UInt, UInt) = (1, 1), destinationFeatureChannelOffset: UInt = 0, groupNum: UInt = 1){
        // calculate the size of weights and bias required to be memory mapped into memory
        let sizeBias = outputFeatureChannels * UInt(MemoryLayout<Float>.size)
        let sizeWeights = inputFeatureChannels * kernelHeight * kernelWidth * outputFeatureChannels * UInt(MemoryLayout<Float>.size)
        // get the url to this layer's weights and bias
        let wtPath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "weights_" + kernelParamsBinaryName, ofType: "dat")
        let bsPath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "bias_" + kernelParamsBinaryName, ofType: "dat")
        // open file descriptors in read-only mode to parameter files
        let fd_w = open( wtPath!, O_RDONLY, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP | S_IROTH | S_IWOTH)
        let fd_b = open( bsPath!, O_RDONLY, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP | S_IROTH | S_IWOTH)
        assert(fd_w != -1, "Error: failed to open output file at \""+wtPath!+"\"  errno = \(errno)\n")
        assert(fd_b != -1, "Error: failed to open output file at \""+bsPath!+"\"  errno = \(errno)\n")
        // memory map the parameters
        let hdrW = mmap(nil, Int(sizeWeights), PROT_READ, MAP_FILE | MAP_SHARED, fd_w, 0)
        let hdrB = mmap(nil, Int(sizeBias), PROT_READ, MAP_FILE | MAP_SHARED, fd_b, 0)
        // cast Void pointers to Float
        let w = UnsafePointer(hdrW!.bindMemory(to: Float.self, capacity: Int(sizeWeights)))
        let b = UnsafePointer(hdrB!.bindMemory(to: Float.self, capacity: Int(sizeBias)))
        assert(w != UnsafePointer<Float>(bitPattern: -1), "mmap failed with errno = \(errno)")
        assert(b != UnsafePointer<Float>(bitPattern: -1), "mmap failed with errno = \(errno)")
        // create appropriate convolution descriptor with appropriate stride
        let convDesc = MPSCNNConvolutionDescriptor(kernelWidth: Int(kernelWidth),
                                                   kernelHeight: Int(kernelHeight),
                                                   inputFeatureChannels: Int(inputFeatureChannels),
                                                   outputFeatureChannels: Int(outputFeatureChannels),
                                                   neuronFilter: neuronFilter)
        convDesc.strideInPixelsX = Int(strideXY.0)
        convDesc.strideInPixelsY = Int(strideXY.1)
        assert(groupNum > 0, "Group size can't be less than 1")
        convDesc.groups = Int(groupNum)
        // initialize the convolution layer by calling the parent's (MPSCNNConvlution's) initializer
        super.init(device: device,
                   convolutionDescriptor: convDesc,
                   kernelWeights: w,
                   biasTerms: b,
                   flags: MPSCNNConvolutionFlags.none)
        self.destinationFeatureChannelOffset = Int(destinationFeatureChannelOffset)
        // set padding for calculation of offset during encode call
        padding = willPad
        // unmap files at initialization of MPSCNNConvolution, the weights are copied and packed internally we no longer require these
        assert(munmap(hdrW, Int(sizeWeights)) == 0, "munmap failed with errno = \(errno)")
        assert(munmap(hdrB, Int(sizeBias))    == 0, "munmap failed with errno = \(errno)")
        // close file descriptors
         Encode a MPSCNNKernel into a command Buffer. The operation shall proceed out-of-place.
         We calculate the appropriate offset as per how TensorFlow calculates its padding using input image size and stride here.
         This [Link]( has an explanation in header comments how tensorFlow pads its convolution input images.
         - Parameters:
            - commandBuffer: A valid MTLCommandBuffer to receive the encoded filter
            - sourceImage: A valid MPSImage object containing the source image.
            - destinationImage: A valid MPSImage to be overwritten by result image. destinationImage may not alias sourceImage
    override func encode(commandBuffer: MTLCommandBuffer, sourceImage: MPSImage, destinationImage: MPSImage) {
        // select offset according to padding being used or not
        if padding {
            let pad_along_height = ((destinationImage.height - 1) * strideInPixelsY + kernelHeight - sourceImage.height)
            let pad_along_width  = ((destinationImage.width - 1) * strideInPixelsX + kernelWidth - sourceImage.width)
            let pad_top = Int(pad_along_height / 2)
            let pad_left = Int(pad_along_width / 2)
            self.offset = MPSOffset(x: ((Int(kernelWidth)/2) - pad_left), y: (Int(kernelHeight/2) - pad_top), z: 0)
            self.offset = MPSOffset(x: Int(kernelWidth)/2, y: Int(kernelHeight)/2, z: 0)
        super.encode(commandBuffer: commandBuffer, sourceImage: sourceImage, destinationImage: destinationImage)
     This depends on MetalPerformanceShaders.framework
     The SlimMPSCNNFullyConnected is a wrapper class around MPSCNNFullyConnected used to encapsulate:
     - making an MPSCNNConvolutionDescriptor,
     - adding network parameters (weights and bias binaries by memory mapping the binaries)
     - getting our fullyConnected layer
class SlimMPSCNNFullyConnected: MPSCNNFullyConnected{
         Initializes a fully connected kernel.
         - Parameters:
             - kernelWidth: Kernel Width
             - kernelHeight: Kernel Height
             - inputFeatureChannels: Number feature channels in input of this layer
             - outputFeatureChannels: Number feature channels from output of this layer
             - neuronFilter: A neuronFilter to add at the end as activation, default is nil
             - device: The MTLDevice on which this SlimMPSCNNConvolution filter will be used
             - kernelParamsBinaryName: name of the layer to fetch kernelParameters by adding a prefix "weights_" or "bias_"
             - destinationFeatureChannelOffset: FeatureChannel no. in the destination MPSImage to start writing from, helps with concat operations
         - Returns:
             A valid SlimMPSCNNFullyConnected object or nil, if failure.
    init(kernelWidth: UInt, kernelHeight: UInt, inputFeatureChannels: UInt, outputFeatureChannels: UInt, neuronFilter: MPSCNNNeuron? = nil, device: MTLDevice, kernelParamsBinaryName: String, destinationFeatureChannelOffset: UInt = 0){
        // calculate the size of weights and bias required to be memory mapped into memory
        let sizeBias = outputFeatureChannels * UInt(MemoryLayout<Float>.size)
        let sizeWeights = inputFeatureChannels * kernelHeight * kernelWidth * outputFeatureChannels * UInt(MemoryLayout<Float>.size)
        // get the url to this layer's weights and bias
        let wtPath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "weights_" + kernelParamsBinaryName, ofType: "dat")
        let bsPath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "bias_" + kernelParamsBinaryName, ofType: "dat")
        // open file descriptors in read-only mode to parameter files
        let fd_w = open(wtPath!, O_RDONLY, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP | S_IROTH | S_IWOTH)
        let fd_b = open(bsPath!, O_RDONLY, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP | S_IROTH | S_IWOTH)
        assert(fd_w != -1, "Error: failed to open output file at \""+wtPath!+"\"  errno = \(errno)\n")
        assert(fd_b != -1, "Error: failed to open output file at \""+bsPath!+"\"  errno = \(errno)\n")
        // memory map the parameters
        let hdrW = mmap(nil, Int(sizeWeights), PROT_READ, MAP_FILE | MAP_SHARED, fd_w, 0)
        let hdrB = mmap(nil, Int(sizeBias), PROT_READ, MAP_FILE | MAP_SHARED, fd_b, 0)
        // cast Void pointers to Float
        let w = UnsafePointer(hdrW!.bindMemory(to: Float.self, capacity: Int(sizeWeights)))
        let b = UnsafePointer(hdrB!.bindMemory(to: Float.self, capacity: Int(sizeBias)))
        assert(w != UnsafePointer<Float>(bitPattern: -1), "mmap failed with errno = \(errno)")
        assert(b != UnsafePointer<Float>(bitPattern: -1), "mmap failed with errno = \(errno)")
        // create appropriate convolution descriptor (in fully connected, stride is always 1)
        let convDesc = MPSCNNConvolutionDescriptor(kernelWidth: Int(kernelWidth),
                                                   kernelHeight: Int(kernelHeight),
                                                   inputFeatureChannels: Int(inputFeatureChannels),
                                                   outputFeatureChannels: Int(outputFeatureChannels),
                                                   neuronFilter: neuronFilter)
        // initialize the convolution layer by calling the parent's (MPSCNNFullyConnected's) initializer
        super.init(device: device,
                   convolutionDescriptor: convDesc,
                   kernelWeights: w,
                   biasTerms: b,
                   flags: MPSCNNConvolutionFlags.none)
        self.destinationFeatureChannelOffset = Int(destinationFeatureChannelOffset)
        // unmap files at initialization of MPSCNNFullyConnected, the weights are copied and packed internally we no longer require these
        assert(munmap(hdrW, Int(sizeWeights)) == 0, "munmap failed with errno = \(errno)")
        assert(munmap(hdrB, Int(sizeBias))    == 0, "munmap failed with errno = \(errno)")
        // close file descriptors