/* |
Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. |
See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information |
Abstract: |
Sample code demonstrating matrix multiplication using the Metal Performance Shaders Framework. |
*/ |
import UIKit |
import MetalPerformanceShaders |
class ViewController: UIViewController { |
override func viewDidLoad() { |
super.viewDidLoad() |
/* |
Matrix multiplication parameters. This code performs the operation: |
C = A * B |
Where C is M x N, A is M x K, and B is K x N. M = N = K = 1024. |
MPSMatrixMultiplication kernels are initialized with parameters for a |
generalized matrix multiplication in the same sense as the C BLAS |
level 3 *gemm routines. |
This operation uses alpha = 1.0 and beta = 0.0. No matrices are |
transposed. |
MPSMatrix objects use row-major ordering. |
*/ |
let M = 1024 |
let N = 1024 |
let K = 1024 |
let alpha = 1.0 |
let beta = 0.0 |
// Use the default system device and an associated command queue. |
let device = MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice()! |
let commandQueue = device.makeCommandQueue() |
/* |
A MPSMatrixDescriptor object will be used to specify the matrix |
properties to the MPSMatrix initialization routines. |
*/ |
var matrixDescriptor: MPSMatrixDescriptor |
/* |
All data is referenced by MTLBuffer objects. There are three MTLBuffer |
objects, two for the input arrays and one for the output array. |
*/ |
/* |
Each MTLBuffer object requires only enough storage to hold its data. |
In order to achieve best performance more space may be required. This |
amount of space, in bytes, may be determined by calling the |
MPSMatrixDescriptor method rowBytes(fromColumns:dataType:). |
*/ |
// Each row of A has K values. |
let ARowBytes = MPSMatrixDescriptor.rowBytes(fromColumns: K, dataType: MPSDataType.float32) |
// Each row of B has N values. |
let BRowBytes = MPSMatrixDescriptor.rowBytes(fromColumns: N, dataType: MPSDataType.float32) |
// Each row of C has N values. |
let CRowBytes = MPSMatrixDescriptor.rowBytes(fromColumns:N, dataType: MPSDataType.float32) |
// Create the buffers with the recommended sizes. |
let ABuffer = device.makeBuffer(length: M * ARowBytes) |
let BBuffer = device.makeBuffer(length: K * BRowBytes) |
let CBuffer = device.makeBuffer(length: M * CRowBytes) |
/* |
All buffers are encapsulated in MPSMatrix objects. Each MPSMatrix |
object is created with its associated buffer and an MPSMatrixDescriptor |
object which specifies dimension and type information for the matrix. |
*/ |
// The 'A' matrix. |
matrixDescriptor = MPSMatrixDescriptor(dimensions: M, |
columns: K, |
rowBytes: ARowBytes, |
dataType: MPSDataType.float32) |
let A = MPSMatrix(buffer: ABuffer, descriptor: matrixDescriptor) |
// The 'B' matrix. |
matrixDescriptor.rows = K |
matrixDescriptor.columns = N |
matrixDescriptor.rowBytes = BRowBytes |
let B = MPSMatrix(buffer: BBuffer, descriptor: matrixDescriptor) |
// The 'C' matrix. |
matrixDescriptor.rows = M |
matrixDescriptor.rowBytes = CRowBytes |
let C = MPSMatrix(buffer: CBuffer, descriptor: matrixDescriptor) |
/* |
Create a kernel to perform generalized matrix multiplication on the |
system device using the desired parameters. |
*/ |
let sgemmKernel = MPSMatrixMultiplication(device: device, |
transposeLeft: false, |
transposeRight: false, |
resultRows: M, |
resultColumns: N, |
interiorColumns: K, |
alpha: alpha, |
beta: beta) |
// Create a command buffer in the queue. |
let commandBuffer = commandQueue.makeCommandBuffer() |
// Encode the kernel to the command buffer. |
sgemmKernel.encode(commandBuffer:commandBuffer, |
leftMatrix: A, |
rightMatrix: B, |
resultMatrix: C) |
// Commit the buffer and wait for it to complete. |
commandBuffer.commit() |
commandBuffer.waitUntilCompleted() |
} |
} |
Copyright © 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2016-09-13