
    File:       Photo.m
    Contains:   Model object for a photo.
    Written by: DTS
    Copyright:  Copyright (c) 2010 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    Disclaimer: IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Inc.
                ("Apple") in consideration of your agreement to the following
                terms, and your use, installation, modification or
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                In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following
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                The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. 
                SUCH DAMAGE.
#import "Photo.h"
#import "Thumbnail.h"
#import "PhotoGalleryContext.h"
#import "MakeThumbnailOperation.h"
#import "NetworkManager.h"
#import "RetryingHTTPOperation.h"
#import "QHTTPOperation.h"
#import "Logging.h"
// After downloading a thumbnail this code automatically reduces the image to a square 
// that's kThumbnailSize x kThumbnailSize.  This is not exactly elegant (what if some 
// other client wanted a different thumbnail size?), but it is very convenient.  It 
// means we can store the data for the reduced thumbnail image in the database, making 
// it very quick to access.  It also means the photo reduce operation is done by this 
// code, right next to the photo get operation.
// Ideally you would have a one-to-many relationship between Photo and Thumbnail objects, 
// and the thumbnail would record its own size.  That would allow you to keep thumbnails 
// around for many different clients simultaneously.  I considered that option but decided 
// that it was too complex for this sample.
const CGFloat kThumbnailSize = 60.0f;
@interface Photo ()
// read/write versions of public properties
// IMPORTANT: The default implementation of a managed object property setter does not 
// copy the incoming value.  We could fix this by writing our own setters, but that's a 
// pain.  Instead, we take care to only assign values that are immutable, or to copy the 
// values ourself.  We can do this because the properties are readonly to our external clients.
@property (nonatomic, retain, readwrite) NSString *         photoID;
@property (nonatomic, retain, readwrite) NSString *         displayName;
@property (nonatomic, retain, readwrite) NSDate *           date;
@property (nonatomic, retain, readwrite) NSString *         localPhotoPath;
@property (nonatomic, retain, readwrite) NSString *         remotePhotoPath;
@property (nonatomic, retain, readwrite) NSString *         remoteThumbnailPath;
@property (nonatomic, retain, readwrite) Thumbnail *        thumbnail;
@property (nonatomic, copy,   readwrite) NSError *          photoGetError;
// private properties
@property (nonatomic, retain, readonly ) PhotoGalleryContext *      photoGalleryContext;
@property (nonatomic, retain, readwrite) RetryingHTTPOperation *    thumbnailGetOperation;
@property (nonatomic, retain, readwrite) MakeThumbnailOperation *   thumbnailResizeOperation;
@property (nonatomic, retain, readwrite) RetryingHTTPOperation *    photoGetOperation;
@property (nonatomic, copy,   readwrite) NSString *                 photoGetFilePath;
@property (nonatomic, assign, readwrite) BOOL                       thumbnailImageIsPlaceholder;
// forward declarations
- (void)updateThumbnail;
- (void)updatePhoto;
- (void)thumbnailCommitImage:(UIImage *)image isPlaceholder:(BOOL)isPlaceholder;
- (void)thumbnailCommitImageData:(UIImage *)image;
@implementation Photo 
+ (Photo *)insertNewPhotoWithProperties:(NSDictionary *)properties inManagedObjectContext:(NSManagedObjectContext *)managedObjectContext
    // See comment in header.
    Photo *     result;
    assert(properties != nil);
    assert( [[properties objectForKey:@"photoID"] isKindOfClass:[NSString class]] );
    assert( [[properties objectForKey:@"displayName"] isKindOfClass:[NSString class]] );
    assert( [[properties objectForKey:@"date"] isKindOfClass:[NSDate class]] );
    assert( [[properties objectForKey:@"remotePhotoPath"] isKindOfClass:[NSString class]] );
    assert( [[properties objectForKey:@"remoteThumbnailPath"] isKindOfClass:[NSString class]] );
    assert(managedObjectContext != nil);
    result = (Photo *) [NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:@"Photo" inManagedObjectContext:managedObjectContext];
    if (result != nil) {
        assert([result isKindOfClass:[Photo class]]);
        result.photoID             = [[[properties objectForKey:@"photoID"] copy] autorelease];
        assert(result.photoID != nil);
            result->_photoIDBackup = [result.photoID copy];
        result.displayName         = [[[properties objectForKey:@"displayName"] copy] autorelease];                = [[[properties objectForKey:@"date"] copy] autorelease];
        result.remotePhotoPath     = [[[properties objectForKey:@"remotePhotoPath"] copy] autorelease];
        result.remoteThumbnailPath = [[[properties objectForKey:@"remoteThumbnailPath"] copy] autorelease];
    return result;
- (id)initWithEntity:(NSEntityDescription *)entity insertIntoManagedObjectContext:(NSManagedObjectContext *)context
    // In the debug build we maintain _photoIDBackup to assist with debugging.
    self = [super initWithEntity:entity insertIntoManagedObjectContext:context];
    if (self != nil) {
        self->_photoIDBackup = [self.photoID copy];
    return self;
- (void)dealloc
        [self->_photoIDBackup release];
    [self->_thumbnailImage release];
    assert(self->_thumbnailGetOperation == nil);            // As far as I can tell there are only two ways for these objects to get deallocated, 
    assert(self->_thumbnailResizeOperation == nil);         // namely, the object being deleted and the entire managed object context going away 
    assert(self->_photoGetOperation == nil);                // (which turns the object into a fault).  In both cases -stop runs, which shuts down 
    assert(self->_photoGetFilePath == nil);                 // this stuff.  But the asserts are here, just to be sure.
    [self->_photoGetError release];
    [super dealloc];
- (void)updateWithProperties:(NSDictionary *)properties
    // See comment in header.
    #pragma unused(properties)
    BOOL    thumbnailNeedsUpdate;
    BOOL    photoNeedsUpdate;
    assert( [self.photoID isEqual:[properties objectForKey:@"photoID"]] );
    assert( [[properties objectForKey:@"displayName"] isKindOfClass:[NSString class]] );
    assert( [[properties objectForKey:@"date"] isKindOfClass:[NSDate class]] );
    assert( [[properties objectForKey:@"remotePhotoPath"] isKindOfClass:[NSString class]] );
    assert( [[properties objectForKey:@"remoteThumbnailPath"] isKindOfClass:[NSString class]] );
    if ( ! [self.displayName isEqual:[properties objectForKey:@"displayName"]] ) {
        self.displayName = [[[properties objectForKey:@"displayName"] copy] autorelease];
    thumbnailNeedsUpdate = NO;
    photoNeedsUpdate     = NO;
    // Look at the date and the various remote paths and decide what needs updating.
    if ( ! [ isEqual:[properties objectForKey:@"date"]] ) { = [[[properties objectForKey:@"date"] copy] autorelease];
        thumbnailNeedsUpdate = YES;
        photoNeedsUpdate     = YES;
    if ( ! [self.remotePhotoPath isEqual:[properties objectForKey:@"remotePhotoPath"]] ) {
        self.remotePhotoPath = [[[properties objectForKey:@"remotePhotoPath"] copy] autorelease];
        photoNeedsUpdate     = YES;
    if ( ! [self.remoteThumbnailPath isEqual:[properties objectForKey:@"remoteThumbnailPath"]] ) {
        self.remoteThumbnailPath = [[[properties objectForKey:@"remoteThumbnailPath"] copy] autorelease];
        thumbnailNeedsUpdate = YES;
    // Do the updates.
    if (thumbnailNeedsUpdate) {
        [self updateThumbnail];
    if (photoNeedsUpdate) {
        [self updatePhoto];
@dynamic photoID;
@dynamic displayName;
@dynamic date;
@dynamic localPhotoPath;
@dynamic remotePhotoPath;
@dynamic remoteThumbnailPath;
@dynamic thumbnail;
- (PhotoGalleryContext *)photoGalleryContext
    PhotoGalleryContext *   result;
    result = (PhotoGalleryContext *) [self managedObjectContext];
    assert( [result isKindOfClass:[PhotoGalleryContext class]] );
    return result;
- (BOOL)stopThumbnail
    BOOL    didSomething;
    didSomething = NO;
    if (self.thumbnailGetOperation != nil) {
        [self.thumbnailGetOperation removeObserver:self forKeyPath:@"hasHadRetryableFailure"];
        [[NetworkManager sharedManager] cancelOperation:self.thumbnailGetOperation];
        self.thumbnailGetOperation = nil;
        didSomething = YES;
    if (self.thumbnailResizeOperation != nil) {
        [[NetworkManager sharedManager] cancelOperation:self.thumbnailResizeOperation];
        self.thumbnailResizeOperation = nil;
        didSomething = YES;
    return didSomething;
- (void)stop
    // Stops all async activity on the object.
    BOOL    didSomething;
    // If we're currently fetching the thumbnail, cancel that.
    didSomething = [self stopThumbnail];
    if (didSomething) {
        [[QLog log] logWithFormat:@"photo %@ thumbnail get stopped", self.photoID];
    // If we're currently fetching the photo, cancel that.
    if (self.photoGetOperation != nil) {
        [[NetworkManager sharedManager] cancelOperation:self.photoGetOperation];
        self.photoGetOperation = nil;
        if (self.photoGetFilePath != nil) {
            (void) [[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtPath:self.photoGetFilePath error:NULL];
            self.photoGetFilePath = nil;
        [[QLog log] logWithFormat:@"photo %@ photo get stopped", self.photoID];
- (void)prepareForDeletion
    // We have to override prepareForDeletion in order to get rid of the photo 
    // file.  We take the opportunity to stop any async operations at the 
    // same time.  We'll get a second bite of that cherry in -willTurnIntoFault, 
    // but we might as well do it now.
    BOOL    success;
    [[QLog log] logWithFormat:@"photo %@ deleted", self.photoID];
    // Stop any asynchronous operations.
    [self stop];
    // Delete the photo file if it exists on disk.
    if (self.localPhotoPath != nil) {
        success = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtPath:[self.photoGalleryContext.photosDirectoryPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:self.localPhotoPath] error:NULL];
    [super prepareForDeletion];
- (void)willTurnIntoFault
    // There are three common reasons for turning into a fault:
    // o Core Data has decided we're uninteresting, and is reclaiming our memory.
    // o We're in the process of being deleted.
    // o The managed object context itself is going away.
    // Regardless of the reason, if we turn into a fault we can any async 
    // operations on the object.  This is especially important in the last 
    // case, where Core Data can't satisfy any fault requests (and, unlike in 
    // the delete case, we didn't get a chance to stop our async operations in 
    // -prepareForDelete).
    [self stop];
    [super willTurnIntoFault];
#pragma mark * Thumbnails
@synthesize thumbnailGetOperation       = _thumbnailGetOperation;
@synthesize thumbnailResizeOperation    = _thumbnailResizeOperation;
@synthesize thumbnailImageIsPlaceholder = _thumbnailImageIsPlaceholder;
- (void)startThumbnailGet
    // Starts the HTTP operation to GET the photo's thumbnail.
    NSURLRequest *      request;
    assert(self.remoteThumbnailPath != nil);
    assert(self.thumbnailGetOperation == nil);
    assert(self.thumbnailResizeOperation == nil);
    request = [self.photoGalleryContext requestToGetGalleryRelativeString:self.remoteThumbnailPath];
    if (request == nil) {
        [[QLog log] logWithFormat:@"photo %@ thumbnail get bad path '%@'", self.photoID, self.remoteThumbnailPath];
        [self thumbnailCommitImage:nil isPlaceholder:YES];
    } else {
        self.thumbnailGetOperation = [[[RetryingHTTPOperation alloc] initWithRequest:request] autorelease];
        assert(self.thumbnailGetOperation != nil);
        [self.thumbnailGetOperation setQueuePriority:NSOperationQueuePriorityLow];
        self.thumbnailGetOperation.acceptableContentTypes = [NSSet setWithObjects:@"image/jpeg", @"image/png", nil];
        [[QLog log] logWithFormat:@"photo %@ thumbnail get start '%@'", self.photoID, self.remoteThumbnailPath];
        [self.thumbnailGetOperation addObserver:self forKeyPath:@"hasHadRetryableFailure" options:0 context:&self->_thumbnailImage];
        [[NetworkManager sharedManager] addNetworkManagementOperation:self.thumbnailGetOperation finishedTarget:self action:@selector(thumbnailGetDone:)];
- (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath ofObject:(id)object change:(NSDictionary *)change context:(void *)context
    if (context == &self->_thumbnailImage) {
        assert(object == self.thumbnailGetOperation);
        assert( [keyPath isEqual:@"hasHadRetryableFailure"] );
        assert([NSThread isMainThread]);
        // If we're currently showing a placeholder and the network operation 
        // indicates that it's had one failure, change the placeholder to the deferred 
        // placeholder.  The test for thumbnailImageIsPlaceholder is necessary in the 
        // -updateThumbnail case because we don't want to replace a valid (but old) 
        // thumbnail with a placeholder.
        if (self.thumbnailImageIsPlaceholder && self.thumbnailGetOperation.hasHadRetryableFailure) {
            [self thumbnailCommitImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"Placeholder-Deferred.png"] isPlaceholder:YES];
    } else if (NO) {   // Disabled because the super class does nothing useful with it.
        [super observeValueForKeyPath:keyPath ofObject:object change:change context:context];
- (void)thumbnailGetDone:(RetryingHTTPOperation *)operation
    // Called when the HTTP operation to GET the photo's thumbnail completes.  
    // If all is well, we start a resize operation to reduce it the appropriate 
    // size.
    assert([NSThread isMainThread]);
    assert([operation isKindOfClass:[RetryingHTTPOperation class]]);
    assert(operation == self.thumbnailGetOperation);
    assert([self.thumbnailGetOperation isFinished]);
    assert(self.thumbnailResizeOperation == nil);
    [[QLog log] logWithFormat:@"photo %@ thumbnail get done", self.photoID];
    if (operation.error != nil) {
        [[QLog log] logWithFormat:@"photo %@ thumbnail get error %@", self.photoID, operation.error];
        [self thumbnailCommitImage:nil isPlaceholder:YES];
        (void) [self stopThumbnail];
    } else {
        [[QLog log] logOption:kLogOptionNetworkData withFormat:@"receive %@", operation.responseContent];
        // Got the data successfully.  Let's start the resize operation.
        self.thumbnailResizeOperation = [[[MakeThumbnailOperation alloc] initWithImageData:operation.responseContent MIMEType:operation.responseMIMEType] autorelease];
        assert(self.thumbnailResizeOperation != nil);
        self.thumbnailResizeOperation.thumbnailSize = kThumbnailSize;
        // We want thumbnails resizes to soak up unused CPU time, but the main thread should 
        // always run if it can.  The operation priority is a relative value (courtesy of the 
        // underlying Mach THREAD_PRECEDENCE_POLICY), that is, it sets the priority relative 
        // to other threads in the same process.  A value of 0.5 is the default, so we set a 
        // value significantly lower than that.
        if ( [self.thumbnailResizeOperation respondsToSelector:@selector(setThreadPriority:)] ) {
            [self.thumbnailResizeOperation setThreadPriority:0.2];
        [self.thumbnailResizeOperation setQueuePriority:NSOperationQueuePriorityLow];
        [[NetworkManager sharedManager] addCPUOperation:self.thumbnailResizeOperation finishedTarget:self action:@selector(thumbnailResizeDone:)];
- (void)thumbnailResizeDone:(MakeThumbnailOperation *)operation
    // Called when the operation to resize the thumbnail completes.  
    // If all is well, we commit the thumbnail to our database.
    UIImage *   image;
    assert([NSThread isMainThread]);
    assert([operation isKindOfClass:[MakeThumbnailOperation class]]);
    assert(operation == self.thumbnailResizeOperation);
    assert([self.thumbnailResizeOperation isFinished]);
    [[QLog log] logWithFormat:@"photo %@ thumbnail resize done", self.photoID];
    if (operation.thumbnail == NULL) {
        [[QLog log] logWithFormat:@"photo %@ thumbnail resize failed", self.photoID];
        image = nil;
    } else {
        image = [UIImage imageWithCGImage:operation.thumbnail];
        assert(image != nil);
    [self thumbnailCommitImage:image isPlaceholder:NO];
    [self stopThumbnail];
- (void)thumbnailCommitImage:(UIImage *)image isPlaceholder:(BOOL)isPlaceholder
    // Commits the thumbnail image to the object itself and to the Core Data database.
    // If we were given no image, that's a shortcut for the bad image placeholder.  In 
    // that case we ignore the incoming value of placeholder and force it to YES.
    if (image == nil) {
        isPlaceholder = YES;
        image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"Placeholder-Bad.png"];
        assert(image != nil);
    // If it was a placeholder, someone else has logged about the failure, so 
    // we only log for real thumbnails.
    if ( ! isPlaceholder ) {
        [[QLog log] logWithFormat:@"photo %@ thumbnail commit", self.photoID];
    // If we got a non-placeholder image, commit its PNG representation into our thumbnail 
    // database.  To avoid the scroll view stuttering, we only want to do this if the run loop 
    // is running in the default mode.  Thus, we check the mode and either do it directly or 
    // defer the work until the next time the default run loop mode runs.
    // If we were running on iOS 4 or later we could get the PNG representation using 
    // ImageIO, but I want to maintain iOS 3 compatibility for the moment and on that 
    // system we have to use UIImagePNGRepresentation.
    if ( ! isPlaceholder ) {
        if ( [[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] currentMode] isEqual:NSDefaultRunLoopMode] ) {
            [self thumbnailCommitImageData:image];
        } else {
            [self performSelector:@selector(thumbnailCommitImageData:) withObject:image afterDelay:0.0 inModes:[NSArray arrayWithObject:NSDefaultRunLoopMode]];
    // Commit the change to our thumbnailImage property.
    [self willChangeValueForKey:@"thumbnailImage"];
    [self->_thumbnailImage release];
    self->_thumbnailImage = [image retain];
    [self  didChangeValueForKey:@"thumbnailImage"];    
- (void)thumbnailCommitImageData:(UIImage *)image
    // Commits the thumbnail data to the Core Data database.
    [[QLog log] logWithFormat:@"photo %@ thumbnail commit image data", self.photoID];
    // If we have no thumbnail object, create it.
    if (self.thumbnail == nil) {
        self.thumbnail = [NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:@"Thumbnail" inManagedObjectContext:self.managedObjectContext];
        assert(self.thumbnail != nil);
    // Stash the data in the thumbnail object's imageData property.
    if (self.thumbnail.imageData == nil) {
        self.thumbnail.imageData = UIImagePNGRepresentation(image);
        assert(self.thumbnail.imageData != nil);
- (UIImage *)thumbnailImage
    if (self->_thumbnailImage == nil) {
        if ( (self.thumbnail != nil) && (self.thumbnail.imageData != nil) ) {
            // If we have a thumbnail from the database, return that.
            self.thumbnailImageIsPlaceholder = NO;
            self->_thumbnailImage = [[UIImage alloc] initWithData:self.thumbnail.imageData];
            assert(self->_thumbnailImage != nil);
        } else {
            assert(self.thumbnailGetOperation    == nil);   // These should be nil because the only code paths that start 
            assert(self.thumbnailResizeOperation == nil);   // a get also ensure there's a thumbnail in place (either a 
                                                            // placeholder or the old thumbnail).
            // Otherwise, return the placeholder and kick off a get (unless we're 
            // already getting).
            self.thumbnailImageIsPlaceholder = YES;
            self->_thumbnailImage = [[UIImage imageNamed:@"Placeholder.png"] retain];
            assert(self->_thumbnailImage != nil);
            [self startThumbnailGet];
    return self->_thumbnailImage;
- (void)updateThumbnail
    // Updates the thumbnail is response to a change in the photo's XML entity.
    [[QLog log] logWithFormat:@"photo %@ update thumbnail", self.photoID];
    // We only do an update if we've previously handed out a thumbnail image. 
    // If not, the thumbnail will be fetched normally when the client first 
    // requests an image.
    if (self->_thumbnailImage != nil) {
        // If we're already getting a thumbnail, stop that get (it may be getting from 
        // the old path).
        (void) [self stopThumbnail];
        // Nix our thumbnail data.  This ensures that, if we quit before the get is complete, 
        // then, on relaunch, we will notice that we need to get the thumbnail.
        if (self.thumbnail != nil) {
            self.thumbnail.imageData = nil;
        // Kick off the network get.  Note that we don't nix _thumbnailImage here.  The client 
        // will continue to see the old thumbnail (which might be a placeholder) until the 
        // get completes.
        [self startThumbnailGet];
#pragma mark * Photos
@synthesize photoGetOperation = _photoGetOperation;
@synthesize photoGetFilePath  = _photoGetFilePath;
@synthesize photoGetError     = _photoGetError;
- (void)startPhotoGet
    // Starts the HTTP operation to GET the photo itself.
    NSURLRequest *      request;
    assert(self.remotePhotoPath != nil);
    // assert(self.localPhotoPath  == nil);     -- May be non-nil when we're updating the photo.
    assert( ! self.photoGetting );
    assert(self.photoGetOperation == nil);
    assert(self.photoGetFilePath == nil);
    self.photoGetError = nil;
    request = [self.photoGalleryContext requestToGetGalleryRelativeString:self.remotePhotoPath];
    if (request == nil) {
        [[QLog log] logWithFormat:@"photo %@ photo get bad path '%@'", self.photoID, self.remotePhotoPath];
        self.photoGetError = [NSError errorWithDomain:kQHTTPOperationErrorDomain code:400 userInfo:nil];
    } else {
        // We start by downloading the photo to a temporary file.  Create an output stream 
        // for that file.
        self.photoGetFilePath = [NSTemporaryDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"PhotoTemp-%.9f", [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate]]];
        assert(self.photoGetFilePath != nil);
        // Create, configure, and start the download operation.
        self.photoGetOperation = [[[RetryingHTTPOperation alloc] initWithRequest:request] autorelease];
        assert(self.photoGetOperation != nil);
        [self.photoGetOperation setQueuePriority:NSOperationQueuePriorityHigh];
        self.photoGetOperation.responseFilePath = self.photoGetFilePath;
        self.photoGetOperation.acceptableContentTypes = [NSSet setWithObjects:@"image/jpeg", @"image/png", nil];
        [[QLog log] logWithFormat:@"photo %@ photo get start '%@'", self.photoID, self.remotePhotoPath];
        [[NetworkManager sharedManager] addNetworkManagementOperation:self.photoGetOperation finishedTarget:self action:@selector(photoGetDone:)];
- (void)photoGetDone:(RetryingHTTPOperation *)operation
    // Called when the HTTP operation to GET the photo completes.  
    // If all is well, we commit the photo to the database.
    assert([NSThread isMainThread]);
    assert([operation isKindOfClass:[RetryingHTTPOperation class]]);
    assert(operation == self.photoGetOperation);
    [[QLog log] logWithFormat:@"photo %@ photo get done", self.photoID];
    if (operation.error != nil) {
        [[QLog log] logWithFormat:@"photo %@ photo get error %@", self.photoID, operation.error];
        self.photoGetError = operation.error;
    } else {
        BOOL        success;
        NSString *  type;
        NSString *  extension;
        NSString *  fileName;
        NSUInteger  fileCounter;
        NSError *   error;
        // Can't log the incoming data becauses it went directly to disk.
        // [[QLog log] logOption:kLogOptionNetworkData withFormat:@"receive %@", operation.responseContent];
        // Just to keep things sane, we set the file name extension based on the MIME type.
        type = operation.responseMIMEType;
        assert(type != nil);
        if ([type isEqual:@"image/png"]) {
            extension = @"png";
        } else {
            assert([type isEqual:@"image/jpeg"]);
            extension = @"jpg";
        // Move the file to the gallery's photo directory, and if that's successful, set localPhotoPath 
        // to point to it.  We automatically rename the file to avoid conflicts.  Conflicts do happen 
        // in day-to-day operations (specifically, in the case where we update a photo while actually 
        // displaying that photo).
        fileCounter = 0;
        do {
            fileName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Photo-%@-%zu.%@", self.photoID, (size_t) fileCounter, extension];
            assert(fileName != nil);
            success = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] moveItemAtPath:self.photoGetFilePath toPath:[self.photoGalleryContext.photosDirectoryPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:fileName] error:&error];
            if ( success ) {
                self.photoGetFilePath = nil;
            fileCounter += 1;
            if (fileCounter > 100) {
        } while (YES);
        // On success, update localPhotoPath to point to the newly downloaded photo 
        // and then delete the previous photo (if any).
        if (success) {
            NSString *  oldLocalPhotoPath;
            oldLocalPhotoPath = [[self.localPhotoPath copy] autorelease];
            [[QLog log] logWithFormat:@"photo %@ photo get commit '%@'", self.photoID, fileName];
            self.localPhotoPath = fileName;
            assert(self.photoGetError == nil);
            if (oldLocalPhotoPath != nil) {
                [[QLog log] logWithFormat:@"photo %@ photo cleanup '%@'", self.photoID, oldLocalPhotoPath];
                (void) [[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtPath:[self.photoGalleryContext.photosDirectoryPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:oldLocalPhotoPath] error:NULL];
        } else {
            assert(error != nil);
            [[QLog log] logWithFormat:@"photo %@ photo get commit failed %@", self.photoID, error];
            self.photoGetError = error;
    // Clean up.
    self.photoGetOperation = nil;
    if (self.photoGetFilePath != nil) {
        (void) [[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtPath:self.photoGetFilePath error:NULL];
        self.photoGetFilePath = nil;
+ (NSSet *)keyPathsForValuesAffectingPhotoImage
    return [NSSet setWithObject:@"localPhotoPath"];
- (UIImage *)photoImage
    // See comment in header.
    UIImage *   result;
    // Note that we don't retain the photo here.  Photos are large, and holding on to them here 
    // is probably a mistake.  It's likely that the caller is going to retain the photo anyway 
    // (by putting it into an image view, say).
    if (self.localPhotoPath == nil) {
        result = nil;
    } else {
        result = [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:[self.photoGalleryContext.photosDirectoryPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:self.localPhotoPath]];
        if (result == nil) {
            [[QLog log] logWithFormat:@"photo %@ photo data bad", self.photoID];
    return result;
+ (NSSet *)keyPathsForValuesAffectingPhotoGetting
    return [NSSet setWithObject:@"photoGetOperation"];
- (BOOL)photoGetting
    // See comment in header.
    return (self.photoGetOperation != nil);
- (void)assertPhotoNeeded
    // See comment in header.
    self->_photoNeededAssertions += 1;
    if ( (self.localPhotoPath == nil) && ! self.photoGetting ) {
        [self startPhotoGet];
- (void)deassertPhotoNeeded
    // See comment in header.
    assert(self->_photoNeededAssertions != 0);
    self->_photoNeededAssertions -= 1;
- (void)updatePhoto
    // Updates the photo is response to a change in the photo's XML entity.
    [[QLog log] logWithFormat:@"photo %@ update photo", self.photoID];
    // We only fetch the photo is someone is actively looking at it.  Otherwise 
    // we just nix our record of the photo and fault it in as per usual the next 
    // time that someone asserts that they need it.
    if (self->_photoNeededAssertions == 0) {
        // No one is actively looking at the photo.  If we have the photo downloaded, 
        // just forget about it.
        if (self.localPhotoPath != nil) {
            [[QLog log] logWithFormat:@"photo %@ photo delete old photo '%@'", self.photoID, self.localPhotoPath];
            [[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtPath:[self.photoGalleryContext.photosDirectoryPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:self.localPhotoPath] error:NULL];
            self.localPhotoPath = nil;
    } else {
        // If we're already getting the photo, stop that get (it may be getting from 
        // the old path).
        if (self.photoGetOperation != nil) {
            [[NetworkManager sharedManager] cancelOperation:self.photoGetOperation];
            self.photoGetOperation = nil;
        // Someone is actively looking at the photo.  We start a new download, which 
        // will download the new photo to a new file.  When that completes, it will 
        // change localPhotoPath to point to the new file and then delete the old 
        // file.
        // Note that we don't trigger a KVO notification on photoImage at this point. 
        // Instead we leave the user looking at the old photo; it's better than nothing (-:
        [self startPhotoGet];