
    File:       MacCalendarCommon.h
    Contains:   Definitions common to the application and control strip module.
    Written by: Martin Minow
    Copyright:  © 1994-1997 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
    Change History (most recent first):
    You may incorporate this sample code into your applications without
    restriction, though the sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the
    responsibility for its operation is 100% yours.  However, what you are
    not permitted to do is to redistribute the source as "DSC Sample Code"
    after having made changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source,
    we require that you make it clear in the source that the code was
    descended from Apple Sample Code, but that you've made changes.
    Edit History:
        1.0d0   MM  First "public" distribution.
        1.0d1   MM  Added the setup application.
        1.0d2   MM  Added balloon help to the setup dialog. Added a "can't
                    find preference file alert." No substantive changes.
        1.0d3   MM  Some small fixes from the Status Bar author. Now hiliting
                    the days of the week and today's date if shown.
        1.0d4   MM  Revised to use the current ControlStrip header file. Removed
                    references to a local copy of Icons.h as the Universal Header
                    distribution has this information. Shrunk next/last month buttons.
                    Make a copy of the intlHdl so we don't change the system info.
        1.0d5   MM  Bug displaying October 1994 - blank first line.
        1.0d6   MM  Redid drawing routine.
#define  SystemSevenFiveOrLater 1
#define  OLDROUTINENAMES        0
#define  DEBUG                  1
#define kSetupAppCreator        'SCCF'
#define kControlStripCreator    'SCAL'
#define kVersionMajor       1
#define kVersionMinor       0x10        // minor and bugfix share a single byte as BCD
#define kVersionStage       beta
#define kVersionRelease     1
#define kVersionIdent       "1.1b1"
#define kVersionString      "1.1b1 © 1994-97 Apple Computer, Inc."
#define kFirstIsSunday      1
#define kFirstIsMonday      2
#define kDefaultFontStr     "Geneva"
#define kDefaultSizeStr     "9"
#define kDefaultFirstDayStr "1"
#define kDefaultDayNamesStr "\001S\001M\002Tu\001W\002Th\001F\001S\000"
#ifndef REZ
#include <Types.h>
#ifndef FALSE
#define FALSE               0
#define TRUE                1
// Some macros that I just couldn't get rid of -- Quinn
#define width(rect)         ((rect).right - (rect).left)
#define height(rect)        ((rect).bottom - (rect).top)
#define PicFrame(what)      ((**(*globalPtr).what).picFrame)    /* The picture frame rectangle  */
#define pstrcpy(dst, src)   (BlockMoveData((src), (dst), (src)[0] + 1))
    #define QAssert(mustBeTrue) if (mustBeTrue) { } else { Debugger(); }
    #define QAssert
 * This is saved across restarts - it is set from "factory settings" if no
 * preference resource is found in the Status Bar preference file, and can
 * be changed by the MacCalendarSetup application.
 * This structure is also published via Gestalt by the control strip module.
 * Because it's shared between 68K code (the module) and PPC code (the
 * PPC version of the setup application), this structure must be declared
 * using a standard alignment, in this case 68K.
#pragma options align=mac68k
typedef struct SavedSettings {
    OSType          signature;                  /* Our signature                    */
    OSType          prefVersion;                /* Preference revision level        */              
    UInt32          modCount;                   /* Change this to force module to notice changes in the remaining fields */             
    Str255          dayNameString;              /* Current date label string        */
    Str255          fontName;                   /* Requested display font           */
    short           fontSize;                   /* Display font size                */
    short           firstDayOfWeek;             /* Sunday == 1                      */
} SavedSettings, **SavedSettingsHandle;
#pragma options align=reset
 * The value of kPrefVersion has no special significance. It should be changed
 * whenever the SavedSettings resource is changed, or whenever it you desire to
 * redefine the SavedSettings resource (for example, during debugging).
#define kPrefVersion        ('1004')            /* Change this to rebuild pref's    */
#endif /* REZ */
#endif /* __MACCALENDARCOMMON__ */