
    // Create an atom container to hold the parameters
    // for the effect.
    myErr = QTNewAtomContainer(&gEffectSample);
    // QTGetEffectsList returns a QTAtomContainer holding a 
    // list of the currently installed effects components
    myErr = QTGetEffectsList(&gEffectList, theSpecCount, theSpecCount, 0);
    // Ask the user to select an effect. On return, the 
    // gEffectSample atom container holds an effect description 
    // for the effect selected by the user, including the parameter
    // settings. This effect description can then be added
    // to the media of an effect track. You will need to add
    // source atoms to this container for effects that require
    // sources.
    myErr = QTCreateStandardParameterDialog(gEffectList, gEffectSample, 0, &gEffectsDialog);