Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
// |
// This is sample code which will make QTVR object movies from Linear QuickTime movies. |
// |
// © 1991-1996 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. |
// |
#include "MakeQTVRObject.h" |
#include "extern.h" |
#include <Dialogs.h> |
void InitDialogBox(DialogPtr askBox,QTVRObjectFileFormat1x0Record *fileFormat) |
{ |
Handle iHandle; |
short iType; |
Rect iRect; |
Str255 textStr; |
// Initialize dialog data items before display |
GetDItem (askBox, iObject, &iType, &iHandle, &iRect); |
SetCtlValue ((ControlHandle) iHandle, fileFormat->movieType == kStandardObject); |
GetDItem (askBox, iScene, &iType, &iHandle, &iRect); |
SetCtlValue ((ControlHandle) iHandle, fileFormat->movieType == kOldNavigableMovieScene); |
GetDItem (askBox, iObjectInScene, &iType, &iHandle, &iRect); |
SetCtlValue ((ControlHandle) iHandle, fileFormat->movieType == kObjectInScene); |
NumToString (fileFormat->versionNumber, textStr); |
GetDItem (askBox, iVersionNumber, &iType, &iHandle, &iRect); |
SetIText (iHandle, textStr); |
FloatToString((float)(fileFormat->numberOfColumns),&textStr,0); |
GetDItem (askBox, iNumberOfColumns, &iType, &iHandle, &iRect); |
SetIText (iHandle, textStr); |
FloatToString((float)(fileFormat->numberOfRows),&textStr,0); |
GetDItem (askBox, iNumberOfRows, &iType, &iHandle, &iRect); |
SetIText (iHandle, textStr); |
FloatToString((float)(fileFormat->loopSize),&textStr,0); |
GetDItem (askBox, iLoopSize, &iType, &iHandle, &iRect); |
SetIText (iHandle, textStr); |
FloatToString((float)(fileFormat->loopTicks),&textStr,0); |
GetDItem (askBox, iLoopTicks, &iType, &iHandle, &iRect); |
SetIText (iHandle, textStr); |
FloatToString(Fix2Float(fileFormat->fieldOfView),&textStr,1); |
GetDItem (askBox, iFieldOfView, &iType, &iHandle, &iRect); |
SetIText (iHandle, textStr); |
FloatToString(Fix2Float(fileFormat->startHPan),&textStr,1); |
GetDItem (askBox, iStartHPan, &iType, &iHandle, &iRect); |
SetIText (iHandle, textStr); |
FloatToString(Fix2Float(fileFormat->endHPan),&textStr,1); |
GetDItem (askBox, iEndHPan, &iType, &iHandle, &iRect); |
SetIText (iHandle, textStr); |
FloatToString(Fix2Float(fileFormat->endVPan),&textStr,1); |
GetDItem (askBox, iEndVPan, &iType, &iHandle, &iRect); |
SetIText (iHandle, textStr); |
FloatToString(Fix2Float(fileFormat->startVPan),&textStr,1); |
GetDItem (askBox, iStartVPan, &iType, &iHandle, &iRect); |
SetIText (iHandle, textStr); |
} |
//================================================================================================= |
// HandleMovieFormatDialog |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
OSErr HandleMovieFormatDialog (MovieInstance *theInstance,Boolean applyValues) |
{ |
DialogPtr askBox; |
Boolean boxDone = false; |
Handle iHandle; |
short hitItem,iType; |
Rect iRect; |
Str255 textStr; |
GWorldPtr saveGW; |
GDHandle saveGD; |
Boolean navControllerIsRunning = false,keepStartupViewInfo = false; |
QTVRObjectFileFormat1x0Record fileFormat; |
OSErr err; |
short versionNumber,movieType,numberOfColumns; |
short numberOfRows,loopSize,loopTicks; |
Fixed startHPan,endHPan,startVPan,endVPan; |
Fixed fieldOfView,initialHPan,initialVPan; |
TimeValue frameDur,posterViewTime; |
QTVRObjectFileFormat1x0Record currentObjectFormat; |
UserItemUPP outlineUPP = nil; |
ModalFilterUPP filterUPP = nil; |
askBox = GetNewDialog(kObjectDLOG, 0, (WindowPtr)-1); |
if (!askBox) return (MemError()); |
InitCursor(); |
outlineUPP = NewUserItemProc( OutlineOK ); |
filterUPP = NewModalFilterProc(ModalFilter); |
// Install the OK outlining userProc |
GetDialogItem( askBox, 27, &iType, &iHandle, &iRect ); |
SetDialogItem( askBox, 27, iType, (Handle) outlineUPP, &iRect ); |
GetGWorld(&saveGW, &saveGD); |
SetGWorld((GWorldPtr)askBox,nil); |
if(!applyValues) |
{ |
InitDialogBox(askBox, &gPrefInf.objectInfo); |
SetWTitle (askBox, "\pSet Preferences"); |
} |
else |
{ |
if(theInstance && theInstance->isObjectMovie) |
{ |
GetQTVRObjectFileFormat1x0 (theInstance->movie,¤tObjectFormat); |
InitDialogBox(askBox, ¤tObjectFormat); |
} |
else |
InitDialogBox(askBox, &gPrefInf.objectInfo); |
SetWTitle (askBox, "\pAdd Object Data"); |
} |
SelIText (askBox, iNumberOfRows, 0, 32767); // Select the first text box |
ShowWindow(askBox); |
while (!boxDone) |
{ |
ModalDialog(filterUPP, &hitItem); |
GetDItem (askBox, hitItem, &iType, &iHandle, &iRect); |
switch (hitItem) |
{ |
case iCancel: |
boxDone = true; |
break; |
case iUseObject: |
{ |
Movie aMovie; |
FSSpec aSpec; |
short movieResFile,movieResID = 0; |
ControlHandle aHandle; |
GetDItem (askBox, iOK, &iType, (Handle*)&aHandle, &iRect); |
if(GetAMovie(&aSpec)) |
{ |
err = OpenMovieFile(&aSpec,&movieResFile,fsRdPerm); |
if(err != noErr) |
{ |
UserMessage("\pCould not open the movie."); |
break; |
} |
err = NewMovieFromFile(&aMovie,movieResFile,&movieResID,nil,0,nil); |
if(err != noErr) |
{ |
UserMessage("\pCould not create movie from movie file."); |
break; |
} |
if(!GetQTVRObjectFileFormat1x0 (aMovie,¤tObjectFormat)) |
InitDialogBox(askBox, ¤tObjectFormat); |
CloseMovieFile(movieResFile); |
} |
SetGWorld (saveGW,saveGD); |
OutlineOK(askBox,iOK ); |
} |
break; |
case iScene: |
SetCtlValue ((ControlHandle) iHandle, 1); |
GetDItem (askBox, iObject, &iType, &iHandle, &iRect); |
SetCtlValue ((ControlHandle) iHandle, 0); |
GetDItem (askBox, iObjectInScene, &iType, &iHandle, &iRect); |
SetCtlValue ((ControlHandle) iHandle, 0); |
break; |
case iObjectInScene: |
SetCtlValue ((ControlHandle) iHandle, 1); |
GetDItem (askBox, iObject, &iType, &iHandle, &iRect); |
SetCtlValue ((ControlHandle) iHandle, 0); |
GetDItem (askBox, iScene, &iType, &iHandle, &iRect); |
SetCtlValue ((ControlHandle) iHandle, 0); |
break; |
case iObject: |
SetCtlValue ((ControlHandle) iHandle, 1); |
GetDItem (askBox, iScene, &iType, &iHandle, &iRect); |
SetCtlValue ((ControlHandle) iHandle, 0); |
GetDItem (askBox, iObjectInScene, &iType, &iHandle, &iRect); |
SetCtlValue ((ControlHandle) iHandle, 0); |
break; |
case iOK: |
{ |
long num; |
boxDone = true; |
GetDItem (askBox, iVersionNumber, &iType, &iHandle, &iRect); |
GetIText (iHandle, textStr); |
if (textStr[0] == 0) boxDone = false; |
StringToNum (textStr, &num); |
versionNumber = num; |
GetDItem (askBox, iNumberOfColumns, &iType, &iHandle, &iRect); |
GetIText (iHandle, textStr); |
if (textStr[0] == 0) boxDone = false; |
StringToNum (textStr, &num); |
numberOfColumns = (short)StringToFloat (textStr);; |
GetDItem (askBox, iNumberOfRows, &iType, &iHandle, &iRect); |
GetIText (iHandle, textStr); |
if (textStr[0] == 0) boxDone = false; |
numberOfRows = (short)StringToFloat (textStr);; |
GetDItem (askBox, iLoopSize, &iType, &iHandle, &iRect); |
GetIText (iHandle, textStr); |
if (textStr[0] == 0) boxDone = false; |
loopSize = (short)StringToFloat (textStr); |
GetDItem (askBox, iLoopTicks, &iType, &iHandle, &iRect); |
GetIText (iHandle, textStr); |
if (textStr[0] == 0) boxDone = false; |
loopTicks = (short)StringToFloat (textStr);; |
GetDItem (askBox, iStartHPan, &iType, &iHandle, &iRect); |
GetIText (iHandle, textStr); |
if (textStr[0] == 0) boxDone = false; |
startHPan = Float2Fix(StringToFloat (textStr)); |
GetDItem (askBox, iEndHPan, &iType, &iHandle, &iRect); |
GetIText (iHandle, textStr); |
if (textStr[0] == 0) boxDone = false; |
endHPan = Float2Fix(StringToFloat (textStr)); |
GetDItem (askBox, iStartVPan, &iType, &iHandle, &iRect); |
GetIText (iHandle, textStr); |
if (textStr[0] == 0) boxDone = false; |
startVPan = Float2Fix(StringToFloat (textStr)); |
GetDItem (askBox, iEndVPan, &iType, &iHandle, &iRect); |
GetIText (iHandle, textStr); |
if (textStr[0] == 0) boxDone = false; |
endVPan = Float2Fix(StringToFloat (textStr)); |
GetDItem (askBox, iFieldOfView, &iType, &iHandle, &iRect); |
GetIText (iHandle, textStr); |
if (textStr[0] == 0) boxDone = false; |
fieldOfView = Float2Fix(StringToFloat (textStr)); |
GetDItem (askBox, iObject, &iType, &iHandle, &iRect); |
if (GetCtlValue ((ControlHandle) iHandle)) movieType = kStandardObject; |
GetDItem (askBox, iScene, &iType, &iHandle, &iRect); |
if (GetCtlValue ((ControlHandle) iHandle)) movieType = kOldNavigableMovieScene; |
GetDItem (askBox, iObjectInScene, &iType, &iHandle, &iRect); |
if (GetCtlValue ((ControlHandle) iHandle)) movieType = kObjectInScene; |
initialHPan = startHPan; |
initialVPan = startVPan; |
if (theInstance) |
{ |
GetMovieNextInterestingTime (theInstance->movie, nextTimeMediaSample, 0, nil, 0, 1, nil, &frameDur); |
posterViewTime = MCGetCurrentTime (theInstance->movieController, nil); |
} |
if(boxDone) |
{ |
err = StuffQTVRObjectFileFormat1x0 ( movieType, |
frameDur, |
numberOfColumns, |
numberOfRows, |
loopSize, |
loopTicks, |
startHPan, |
endHPan, |
startVPan, |
endVPan, |
fieldOfView, |
initialHPan, |
initialVPan, |
&fileFormat); |
if(err) |
{ |
boxDone = false; |
} |
else |
{ |
gPrefInf.objectInfo = fileFormat; |
if (theInstance) |
{ |
ConvertTimeToPanUtil (posterViewTime, |
fileFormat.frameDuration, |
fileFormat.numberOfColumns, |
fileFormat.numberOfRows, |
fileFormat.loopSize, |
fileFormat.startHPan, |
fileFormat.endHPan, |
fileFormat.startVPan, |
fileFormat.endVPan, |
&initialHPan, |
&initialVPan); |
gPrefInf.objectInfo.initialHPan = fileFormat.initialHPan = initialHPan; |
gPrefInf.objectInfo.initialVPan = fileFormat.initialVPan = initialVPan; |
} |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
// Only reson for a failure at this point is a missing parameter |
UserMessage("\pYou must fill in values for all parameters."); |
} |
if(boxDone && applyValues) SetQTVRObjectFileFormat1x0 (theInstance->movie, |
theInstance->movieResFile, |
theInstance->movieResID, |
theInstance->spec, |
posterViewTime, |
&fileFormat); |
} |
break; |
} |
} |
DisposeDialog (askBox); |
DisposeRoutineDescriptor(filterUPP); |
DisposeRoutineDescriptor(outlineUPP); |
SetGWorld (saveGW,saveGD); |
// Be really safe. Close and open the movie again so the user can verify if anything is wrong. |
if ((hitItem == iOK) && (err == noErr) && theInstance) { |
FSSpec movieSFFile = theInstance->spec; // Make a copy since we will close the window |
CloseMovie (FrontWindow()); // We know there is a FrontWindow |
err = OpenMovie (&movieSFFile); |
} |
// BTW, the user should set the startup view after they have entered the nav data. |
if(hitItem == iCancel) err = 1; |
return (err); |
} |
pascal Boolean ModalFilter(DialogPtr theDlg,EventRecord *theEvent,short *itemHit) |
{ |
switch(theEvent->what) |
{ |
case mouseDown: |
{ |
WindowPtr whichWindow; |
short int thePart; |
thePart = FindWindow(theEvent->where, &whichWindow); |
if(thePart == inDrag && whichWindow == theDlg) |
{ |
DragWindow(whichWindow, theEvent->where, &qd.screenBits.bounds); |
return true; |
} |
return false; |
} |
break; |
case keyDown: |
{ |
char theKey; |
Handle iHandle; |
short iType; |
Rect iRect; |
theKey = (theEvent->message & charCodeMask); |
if(theKey == 0x03 || theKey == 0x0D) |
{ |
*itemHit = iOK; |
GetDItem (theDlg, iOK, &iType, &iHandle, &iRect); |
HiliteControl ((ControlHandle)iHandle, true); |
Delay(8,nil); |
HiliteControl ((ControlHandle)iHandle, false); |
return true; |
} |
if((theKey == '.' && ((theEvent->modifiers & cmdKey) != 0) ) || theKey == 0x1b) |
{ |
GetDItem (theDlg, iCancel, &iType, &iHandle, &iRect); |
HiliteControl ((ControlHandle)iHandle, true); |
Delay(8,nil); |
HiliteControl ((ControlHandle)iHandle, false); |
*itemHit = iCancel; |
return true; |
} |
} |
break; |
case updateEvt: |
BeginUpdate (theDlg); |
DrawDialog(theDlg); |
EndUpdate (theDlg); |
return false; |
break; |
} |
return false; |
} |
pascal void OutlineOK(WindowPtr theDlg,short theItem ) |
{ |
Rect iRect; |
Handle iHndl; |
short iType; |
Point theOff = {0,0}; |
GWorldPtr saveGW; |
GDHandle saveGD; |
GetGWorld(&saveGW, &saveGD); |
SetGWorld((GWorldPtr)theDlg,nil); |
GetDItem (theDlg, theItem, &iType, &iHndl, &iRect ); |
InsetRect( &iRect, -4,-4); |
PenSize( 3,3 ); |
FrameRoundRect( &iRect, 16,16 ); |
PenSize( 1,1 ); |
SetGWorld (saveGW,saveGD); |
} |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-01-14