
    Make QTVR Panorama 1.0b1
    A simple PowerPlant application for processing PICT files into QuickTime VRª movies.
    Created 29 Jan 1996 by EGH
    Copyright © 1996, Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
#pragma once
#ifndef __MOVIES__
#include <Movies.h>
#include <LDocApplication.h>
#include <LListener.h>
#include "CPreferences.h"
#pragma options align=mac68k
typedef struct P2VRPrefsRec
        // default movie making parameters
    Int16 width;
    Int16 height;
    Fixed pan;
    Fixed tilt;
    Fixed zoom;
    CodecType codec;
    CodecQ spatialQuality;
    Int16 depth;
    Str31 tileSuffix;
    Str31 movieSuffix;
    Boolean replaceFiles;
        // drop mode or what
    Boolean dropMode;
} P2VRPrefsRec, *P2VRPrefsPtr, **P2VRPrefsHdl;
#pragma options align=reset
class CApp :
    public LDocApplication,
    public LListener
    virtual ~CApp();
    virtual Boolean ObeyCommand(
        CommandT inCommand, 
        void *ioParam = nil);
    virtual void FindCommandStatus(
        CommandT inCommand,
        Boolean &outEnabled, 
        Boolean &outUsesMark,
        Char16 &outMark, 
        Str255 outName);
    virtual void DoAEOpenOrPrintDoc(
        const AppleEvent &inAppleEvent,
        AppleEvent &outAEReply,
        Int32 inAENumber);
    virtual void ChooseDocument();
    virtual void OpenDocument(
        FSSpec *inMacFSSpec);
    virtual void StartUp();
    void ProgressEvents();
    virtual void ListenToMessage(
        MessageT inMessage,
        void *ioParam);
    P2VRPrefsHdl GetPreferences()
        { return mPrefsHdl; }
    void BugUserTilSwitchedIn();
    static Boolean sCancelled;
    static Boolean sBusy;
    static LWindow *sProgressWindow;
    static Boolean MovieProgressProc(
        StringPtr inMessage);
    Boolean mDropMode;
    P2VRPrefsHdl mPrefsHdl;
const ResIDT ALRT_NoQT = 130;
const ResIDT ALRT_WeDontPrint = 131;
const ResIDT ALRT_ConfirmSize = 132;
const ResIDT ALRT_ConfirmOrientation = 133;
const OSType Creator_ = 'p2vr';
const OSType ResType_Preferences = 'prEF';
extern CApp *gApp;
const CommandT cmd_DropMode = 100;
const CommandT cmd_Preferences = 101;
const ExceptionCode Exception_UserCancelled = 99;
const ExceptionCode Exception_BadParameter = 100;
typedef Boolean (*ProgressProc)(
    Str255 inProgressMessage);
const ResIDT WIND_Pict2VR = 456;
const ResIDT WIND_Preferences = 457;
const ResIDT WIND_Splash = 458;
    str_Making = 1,
    STRx_Progress = 223
// ==============================================
// stuff for telling the app to make a QTVR movie
typedef struct MovieMakinRec
    FSSpec srcSpec;
    FSSpec tileSpec;
    FSSpec destSpec;
    Int16 width;
    Int16 height;
    Fixed pan;
    Fixed tilt;
    Fixed zoom;
    CodecType codec;
    CodecQ spatialQuality;
    Int16 depth;
    Boolean completed; // response
} MovieMakinRec, *MovieMakinPtr;
const MessageT msg_MakeMovie = 'mkmv';