
    A set of static functions that know how to create QTVR movies from a source PICT file.
    Created 29 January 1996 by Edward Harp. Based on code by Pete Falco and msnm.
    Copyright © 1996, Apple Computer, Inc.
#ifndef _CMovieMaker_
#define _CMovieMaker_
#ifndef __MOVIES__
#include <Movies.h>
#include "CApp.h"
class CMovieMaker
    static Boolean MakeAMovie(
        Boolean inReplaceFiles,
        const FSSpec &inSrcSpec,
        const FSSpec &inTileSpec,
        const FSSpec &inDestSpec,
        Int16 inWidth,
        Int16 inHeight,
        Fixed inPan,
        Fixed inTilt,
        Fixed inZoom,
        CodecType inCodec,
        CodecQ inSpatialQuality,
        Int16 inDepth,
        ProgressProc inProgressProc);
    static void CreateTileMovie(
        PicHandle inPicH,
        const FSSpec &inTileSpec,
        CodecType inCodec,
        CodecQ inSpatialQuality,
        Int16 inDepth,
        ProgressProc inProgressProc);
    static void CreateSingleNodeMovie(
        const FSSpec &inTileSpec,
        const FSSpec &inMovieSpec,
        Int16 inWidth,
        Int16 inHeight,
        Fixed inPan,
        Fixed inTilt,
        Fixed inZoom);
    static pascal OSErr QTProgress(
        short inMessage,
        Fixed inCompleteness,
        long inRefcon);