
    Random and sundry error, file and path name utilities
    Created 29 Jan 1996 by EGH
    Copyright © 1996, Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
#pragma once
#include <ImageCompression.h>
#include <LWindow.h>
void GetFullPathName(
    const FSSpec *fileSpec,
    Str255 outPathName,
    short maxSize = 255);
OSErr FSpGetFullPath(
    const FSSpec *spec,
    short *fullPathLength,
    Handle *fullPath);
void ElipsedPathName(
    Str255 pathName,
    short maxWidth,
    Str255 elipsedName,
    char elipsis);
void ElipsedPathNameH(
    Handle pathNameH,
    short maxWidth,
    Str255 elipsedName,
    char elipsis);
void SetSizedDescriptor(
    LWindow *parent,
    PaneIDT inPaneID,
    StringPtr inDescStr);
void ReportError(
    ExceptionCode inErr,
    Int16 inStrIndex);
OSErr GetFileParent(
    FSSpec *fileSpec,
    FSSpec *parentSpec);
void ReadPictFrame(
    const FSSpec &inPictSpec,
    Rect &outPictRect);
void FixedToStr(
    Fixed inFixValue,
    Str255 outStr);
Fixed StrToFixed(
    StringPtr str);
Boolean FindCodecName(
    StringPtr outName,
    CodecType inCodec);
void SetCompressionText(
    LPane *inPane,
    CodecType inCodec,
    CodecQ inSpatialQuality);
    err_Window = 1,
    err_OpenPicture = 2,
    err_CreateTileMovie = 3,
    err_CreatePanoMovie = 4,
    err_BadPictHeight = 5,
    err_ErrorSettingCompression = 6,
    STRx_Errors = 222
    err_NotEnufMemory = 1,
    err_DiskError = 2,
    err_DiskFull = 3,
    err_NoDescription = 4,
    err_NoResource = 5,
    err_NotEnufPhysicalMemory = 6,
    STRx_ErrorDescs = 224
const ResIDT ALRT_Error = 129;