
Recent History:
5 Mar 96    Added QuickTime progress proc to the call to FCompressImage() that calls
            the app's progress function to give the user finer control over the 
            UI during processing.
            Now deactivating the menu bar during processing.
5 Mar 96    Added alert warning if the PICT does not appear to be oriented correctly.
            Added splash screen and new About Box art.
            Created FAT version.
            Created new projects for the FAT version, the 68K code for the FAT version,
            the 68K sample code and the PPC sample code.
            Create authoring header and used the file format document for structs.
4 Mar 96    Pan and zoom fields now allow decimals but not negative signs.
            Using an improved message for error -620 (not enough physical memory).
3 Mar 96    Improved image size warning alert to include current size.
            Now does not close a PICT window if an error occurs.
            Fixed problem where LDialogBox and CP2VRWindow were both adding the window
            as a listener.
2 Mar 96    Now using the notification manager to tease the user into switching in
            before showing error alerts (if necessary).
1 Mar 96    Improved compression description text.
            Image size warning dialog.
29 Feb 96   Fixed problem with path names when the Set button is used. An extra colon
            was being added.
            Created a better key filter for the tilt field in the movie and the preferences
29 Feb 96   Some more path name string clean-up.
            Now quits when in drop mode and odoc events pass a list of files to the app
            once processing is finished.
            Added nicer error descriptions for some common errors.
            Added default pan, tilt and zoom to the preferences and the pict to movie
28 Feb 96   Fixed file name length problems.
            Switched to different path name code from "More Files."
27 Feb 96   Finished implementing drop mode.
            Force cursor to the arrow before displaying an error alert.
27 Feb 96   Added preferences dialog with default settings and a check box for
            existing file replacement. Also added tile and movie file suffix
            Changed about box pict to include both people.
            Moved movie creation start up code from the window to the application in prep
            for doing drop mode.
            Fixed drop mode menu item. (Still need to do drop mode!)
            Change nature of progress event handling to allow up to three events
            to be processed at one call of the progress proc. Also knocked down
            the sleep time to zero.
            Implemented preferences and preferences i/o.
            Movie creation code now can come up with unique file names to avoid
            replacing existing files.
            Implemented the Make Default button.
4 Feb 96    Added text to the right of the compression settings button to display
            the current compression settings.
            Removed the create all button. Added a Make Default button. Need to implement
            its functionality.
3 Feb 96    Implemented compression settings UI. Window now named to the name of the
            source PICT file.
            Created 68K project.
            Tested using several large PICTS.
29 Jan 96   Created this application. Created self contained code as much as possible
            to make it more practical to release the source code of this app should we
            decide to do so.
To Do:
-   Implement warnings if height is not mod 96 == 0 with recommended sizes.
-   Testing.
-   Read me.