Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
Recent History: |
=============== |
5 Mar 96 Added QuickTime progress proc to the call to FCompressImage() that calls |
the app's progress function to give the user finer control over the |
UI during processing. |
Now deactivating the menu bar during processing. |
5 Mar 96 Added alert warning if the PICT does not appear to be oriented correctly. |
Added splash screen and new About Box art. |
Created FAT version. |
Created new projects for the FAT version, the 68K code for the FAT version, |
the 68K sample code and the PPC sample code. |
Create authoring header and used the file format document for structs. |
4 Mar 96 Pan and zoom fields now allow decimals but not negative signs. |
Using an improved message for error -620 (not enough physical memory). |
3 Mar 96 Improved image size warning alert to include current size. |
Now does not close a PICT window if an error occurs. |
Fixed problem where LDialogBox and CP2VRWindow were both adding the window |
as a listener. |
2 Mar 96 Now using the notification manager to tease the user into switching in |
before showing error alerts (if necessary). |
1 Mar 96 Improved compression description text. |
Image size warning dialog. |
29 Feb 96 Fixed problem with path names when the Set button is used. An extra colon |
was being added. |
Created a better key filter for the tilt field in the movie and the preferences |
windows. |
29 Feb 96 Some more path name string clean-up. |
Now quits when in drop mode and odoc events pass a list of files to the app |
once processing is finished. |
Added nicer error descriptions for some common errors. |
Added default pan, tilt and zoom to the preferences and the pict to movie |
window. |
28 Feb 96 Fixed file name length problems. |
Switched to different path name code from "More Files." |
27 Feb 96 Finished implementing drop mode. |
Force cursor to the arrow before displaying an error alert. |
27 Feb 96 Added preferences dialog with default settings and a check box for |
existing file replacement. Also added tile and movie file suffix |
editing. |
Changed about box pict to include both people. |
Moved movie creation start up code from the window to the application in prep |
for doing drop mode. |
Fixed drop mode menu item. (Still need to do drop mode!) |
Change nature of progress event handling to allow up to three events |
to be processed at one call of the progress proc. Also knocked down |
the sleep time to zero. |
Implemented preferences and preferences i/o. |
Movie creation code now can come up with unique file names to avoid |
replacing existing files. |
Implemented the Make Default button. |
4 Feb 96 Added text to the right of the compression settings button to display |
the current compression settings. |
Removed the create all button. Added a Make Default button. Need to implement |
its functionality. |
3 Feb 96 Implemented compression settings UI. Window now named to the name of the |
source PICT file. |
Created 68K project. |
Tested using several large PICTS. |
29 Jan 96 Created this application. Created self contained code as much as possible |
to make it more practical to release the source code of this app should we |
decide to do so. |
To Do: |
====== |
- Implement warnings if height is not mod 96 == 0 with recommended sizes. |
- Testing. |
- Read me. |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-01-14