
    Copyright (C) 2017 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    A MenuViewController subclass that displays and manages navigation 
                menu features in the Contacts tab.
                Implements the unwind saveContact segue to create and save a contact
                to the default container.
                Source view conroller for the fetchAllContacts, fetchContactsMatchingName, 
                addContact, performUpdateContact, and deleteContact segues.
import UIKit
import Contacts
class ContactsMenu: MenuViewController {
    // MARK: - Handle refreshTabNotification
    override func handleRefreshTabNotification(_ notification: Notification) {
        let tabBarNotification = notification.object as! TabBarViewController
         // Update the data model for this tab.
        navigationMenuContent = tabBarNotification.contactsMenu
    // MARK: - UITableViewDataSource
    override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, titleForHeaderInSection section: Int) -> String? {
        return navigationMenuContent[section].title
    // MARK: - Convenience Method
    /// Create a data model object that organize contacts into person and organization.
    fileprivate func buildDataModel(with contacts: [CNContact]) -> [MGCModel] {
        var result = [MGCModel]()
        // Parse contacts according to their type: Person or Organization.
        let persons = menuContactStoreUtilities.filter(contacts, for: .person)
        let organization = menuContactStoreUtilities.filter(contacts, for: .organization)
        if !persons.isEmpty {
            result.append(MGCModel(tab: MGCAppConfiguration.Content.contacts,
                               content: persons,
                              category: MGCAppConfiguration.MainStoryboard.TableHeaderSection.Contacts.person))
        if !organization.isEmpty {
            result.append(MGCModel(tab: MGCAppConfiguration.Content.contacts,
                               content: organization,
                              category: MGCAppConfiguration.MainStoryboard.TableHeaderSection.Contacts.organization))
        return result
    // MARK: - Navigation
    override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
        let item = navigationMenuContent[tableView.indexPathForSelectedRow!.section].section[tableView.indexPathForSelectedRow!.row]
        // Implement the "Fetch all contacts" feature.
        if segue.identifier == MGCAppConfiguration.MainStoryboard.SegueIdentifiers.Contacts.fetchAllContacts {
            let groupedViewController = segue.destination as! GroupedViewController
            groupedViewController.title = item.title
            MGCContactStore.sharedInstance.fetchContacts(({(contacts: [CNContact]) in
                if contacts.count > 0 {
           = self.buildDataModel(with: contacts)
        // Implement the "Fetch contacts matching a name" feature.
        else if segue.identifier == MGCAppConfiguration.MainStoryboard.SegueIdentifiers.Contacts.fetchContactsMatchingName {
            let searchViewController = segue.destination as! SearchViewController
            MGCContactStore.sharedInstance.fetchContacts(({(contacts: [CNContact]) in
                if contacts.count > 0 {
           = contacts
        // Implement the "Update a contact" feature.
        else if segue.identifier == MGCAppConfiguration.MainStoryboard.SegueIdentifiers.Contacts.performUpdateContact {
            let mainViewController = segue.destination as! MainViewController
            mainViewController.title = item.title
            MGCContactStore.sharedInstance.fetchContacts(({(contacts: [CNContact]) in
                if contacts.count > 0 {
           = [MGCModel(tab: MGCAppConfiguration.Content.contacts,
                                                    content: contacts,
                                                      segue: item.segue)]
        // Implement the "Delete a contact" feature.
        else if segue.identifier == MGCAppConfiguration.MainStoryboard.SegueIdentifiers.Contacts.deleteContact {
            let editViewController = segue.destination as! EditViewController
            editViewController.title = item.title
            MGCContactStore.sharedInstance.fetchContacts(({(contacts: [CNContact]) in
                if contacts.count > 0 {
           = [MGCModel(tab: MGCAppConfiguration.Content.contacts,
                                                    content: contacts,
                                                      segue: item.segue)]
    // MARK: - Actions
    /// Dismiss the Add Contact view controller.
    @IBAction func cancel(_ sender: UIStoryboardSegue) {
        dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
    /// Add a new contact.
    @IBAction func saveContact(_ sender: UIStoryboardSegue) {
        if let addContactViewController = sender.source as? AddContactViewController, let newContact = {