/* |
Copyright (C) 2017 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. |
See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information |
Abstract: |
Handles the application's configuration information. |
*/ |
import Foundation |
class MGCAppConfiguration { |
// MARK: - MGCAppConfiguration.ContactInfo |
struct ContactInfo { |
static let facebook = "Facebook" |
static let homepage = "homepage" |
static let defaultLabel = "Other" |
struct InstantMessages { |
static let aim = "AIM" |
static let gaduGadu = "Gadu Gadu" |
static let googleTalk = "Google Talk" |
static let icq = "ICQ" |
static let jabber = "Jabber" |
static let msn = "MSN" |
static let qq = "QQ" |
static let skype = "Skype" |
static let yahoo = "Yahoo" |
} |
struct SocialProfile { |
static let flickr = "Flickr" |
static let linkedIn = "LinkedIn" |
static let mySpace = "MySpace" |
static let sinaWeibo = "Sina Weibo" |
static let tencentWeibo = "Tencent Weibo" |
static let twitter = "Twitter" |
static let yelp = "Yelp" |
static let gameCenter = "Game Center" |
} |
} |
// MARK: - MGCAppConfiguration.Content |
struct Content { |
static let contacts = "Contacts" |
static let containers = "Containers" |
static let groups = "Groups" |
// Used when there are no contacts or groups. |
enum NoItems: String { |
case contacts = "No contacts" |
case groups = "No groups" |
} |
} |
// MARK: - MGCAppConfiguration.MainStoryboard |
struct MainStoryboard { |
struct Cells { |
static let local = "Local" |
static let namelessContact = "No Name" |
static let selectAllContatcs = "Select All Contacts" |
static let deselectAllContacts = "Deselect All Contacts" |
static let emptyString = "" |
} |
struct SegueIdentifiers { |
struct Contacts { |
static let addContact = "addContact" |
static let deleteContact = "deleteContact" |
static let fetchAllContacts = "fetchAllContacts" |
static let fetchContactsMatchingName = "fetchContactsMatchingName" |
static let performUpdateContact = "performUpdateContact" |
static let updateContact = "updateContact" |
} |
struct Containers { |
static let fetchAllContainers = "fetchAllContainers" |
static let fetchContactsPerContainer = "fetchContactsPerContainer" |
static let fetchDefaultContainer = "fetchDefaultContainer" |
static let fetchGroupsPerContainer = "fetchGroupsPerContainer" |
static let performFetchContactsPerContainer = "performFetchContactsPerContainer" |
static let performFetchGroupsPerContainer = "performFetchGroupsPerContainer" |
} |
struct Groups { |
static let addContactToGroup = "addContactToGroup" |
static let addGroup = "addGroup" |
static let deleteGroup = "deleteGroup" |
static let fetchContactsPerGroup = "fetchContactsPerGroup" |
static let fetchAllGroups = "fetchAllGroups" |
static let performAddContactToGroup = "performAddContactToGroup" |
static let performFetchContactsPerGroup = "performFetchContactsPerGroup" |
static let performRemoveContactFromGroup = "performRemoveContactFromGroup" |
static let performUpdateGroup = "performUpdateGroup" |
static let removeContactFromGroup = "removeContactFromGroup" |
static let updateGroup = "updateGroup" |
} |
} |
struct TableHeaderSection { |
struct Contacts { |
static let person = "PERSON" |
static let organization = "ORGANIZATION" |
} |
struct Containers { |
static let carddav = "CARDDAV" |
static let exchange = "EXCHANGE" |
static let local = "LOCAL" |
static let unassigned = "UNASSIGNED" |
} |
struct Groups { |
static let addGroup = "ADD GROUP" |
static let selectContainer = "SELECT CONTAINER" |
static let selectAllContacts = "SELECT ALL CONTACTS" |
} |
} |
} |
// MARK: - MGCAppConfiguration.Messages |
struct Messages { |
static let status = "Status" |
static let accessDenied = "Access was not granted to Contacts." |
static let ok = "OK" |
static let deleteAll = "Delete All" |
static let resourceNotFound = "Could not find resource file: " |
} |
// MARK: - MGCAppConfiguration.MGCNotifications |
struct MGCNotifications { |
static let accessGranted = "accessGranted" |
static let storeDidChange = "storeDidChange" |
static let refreshTab = "refreshTab" |
} |
} |
Copyright © 2017 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2017-02-11