
 Copyright (C) 2017 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
 Creates extensions for the CNContact, CNContactProperty, CNPostalAddress, and
  String classes.
import UIKit
import Contacts
// MARK: - CNContact
extension CNContact {
        - returns: The formatted name of a contact if there is one and
                   "No Name", otherwise.
    var formattedName: String {
        if let name = CNContactFormatter.string(from: self, style: .fullName) {
            return name.trim()
        return AppConfiguration.TableViewCellLabels.namelessContact
// MARK: - CNContactProperty
extension CNContactProperty {
    /// -returns: The name matching the key of the property.
    var nameMatchingKey: String? {
        switch self.key {
            case "emailAddresses": return "Email address"
            case "phoneNumbers": return "Phone numbers"
            case "postalAddresses": return "Postal address"
            default: break
        return nil
    /// -returns: The name matching the value of the property.
    var nameMatchingValue: String? {
        switch self.key {
            case "emailAddresses": return self.value as? String
            case "phoneNumbers":
                if let phoneNumber = self.value as? CNPhoneNumber {
                    return phoneNumber.stringValue
            case "postalAddresses":
                if let address = self.value as? CNPostalAddress {
                    return address.formattedPostalAddress
            default: break
        return nil
    /// -returns: The name matching the localized label of the property.
    var nameMatchingLocalizedLabel: String? {
        if let label = self.label {
            switch key {
                case "emailAddresses": return CNLabeledValue<NSString>.localizedString(forLabel: label)
                case "phoneNumbers": return CNLabeledValue<CNPhoneNumber>.localizedString(forLabel: label)
                case "postalAddresses": return CNLabeledValue<CNPostalAddress>.localizedString(forLabel: label)
                default: break
        return nil
// MARK: - CNPostalAddress
extension CNPostalAddress {
    /// -returns: The formatted postal address.
    var formattedPostalAddress: String? {
        let adddress = [self.street,, self.state, self.postalCode,]
        let filteredArray = adddress.filter({ (item: String) in !item.isEmpty })
        if !filteredArray.isEmpty {
            return filteredArray.joined(separator: ", ")
        return nil
// MARK: - String
extension String {
    /// -returns: A string without white spaces and new lines.
    func trim() -> String {
        return self.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines)