# ManagingContactsUI: Using ContactsUI View Controllers and Properties
This sample is a set of iOS sample code projects that demonstrates how to use
ContactsUI view controllers and properties.
## ContactPickerViewController
ContactsPickerViewController demonstrates how to:
+ Implement single and multiselection of contacts using CNContactPickerViewController.
+ Implement single and multiselection of properties using CNContactPickerViewController.
+ Use the displayedPropertyKeys property.
## ContactPickerViewControllerWithPredicates
ContactPickerViewControllerWithPredicates demonstrates how to use the
predicateForEnablingContact:, predicate​For​Selection​Of​Contact, and 
predicateForSelectionOfProperty: properties for selecting contacts and properties.
## ContactViewController 
ContactViewController demonstrates how to:  
+ Create and display a new contact, an unknown contact, or existing contact using
+ Dismiss CNContactViewController when using init(for​New​Contact:​) to create a new 
+ Use the allowsEditing and allowsActions properties.
+ Use the highlight​Property(with​Key:​identifier:​) property to highlight a contact's 
  property (iPhone number).
+ Prevent users from performing default actions such as dialing a phone number 
  associated with a selected contact.
## Requirements
### Build
Xcode 8.3 or later; iOS 10.3 SDK or later
### Runtime
iOS 9.3 or later
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