
// MSAECoercions.h
// Original version by Jon Lansdell and Nigel Humphreys.
// 4.0 and 3.1 updates by Greg Sutton.
// ©Apple Computer Inc 1996, all rights reserved.
#include <AppleEvents.h>
#include <AEObjects.h>
#include <AERegistry.h>
OSErr           InstallCoercions(void);
pascal OSErr    CoerceObjToAnything(const AEDesc    *theAEDesc,
                                    DescType        toType,
                                    long            handlerRefCon,
                                    AEDesc          *result);
pascal OSErr    CoerceDocumentToText(AEDesc *theAEDesc,
                                    DescType        toType,
                                    long            handlerRefCon,
                                    AEDesc          *result);
pascal OSErr    CoerceDocumentPropertyToText(AEDesc     *theAEDesc,
                                            DescType    toType,
                                            long        handlerRefCon,
                                            AEDesc      *result);
pascal OSErr    CoerceDocumentToWindow( DescType    typeCode,
                                        Ptr         dataPtr,
                                        Size        dataSize,
                                        DescType    toType,
                                        long        handlerRefcon,
                                        AEDesc*     result );