
// MSAEGetData.h
// Original version by Jon Lansdell and Nigel Humphreys.
// 4.0 and 3.1 updates by Greg Sutton.
// ©Apple Computer Inc 1996, all rights reserved.
#ifndef __MSAEGETDATA__
#define __MSAEGETDATA__
#include <AppleEvents.h>
#include <AEObjects.h>
#include <AERegistry.h>
#include "MSToken.h"
pascal OSErr    DoGetData(const AppleEvent  *theAppleEvent,
                                AppleEvent  *reply,
                                long        handlerRefCon);
pascal OSErr    DoGetDataSize(const AppleEvent  *theAppleEvent,
                                    AppleEvent  *reply,
                                    long        handlerRefCon);
OSErr           HandleGetData( AEDesc *theObj, DescType theWantType, AEDesc *result );
OSErr           GetTextProperty(const AEDesc *theTokenDesc, AEDesc *result);
OSErr           GetWindowProperty(const AEDesc *theTokenDesc, AEDesc *result);
OSErr           GetWindowTokenProperty( WindowPropToken* thePropToken, AEDesc *result );
OSErr           GetDocumentProperty( const AEDesc *theTokenDesc,
                                            DescType theWantType, AEDesc *result );
OSErr           GetDocumentTokenProperty( WindowPropToken* theToken,
                                            DescType theWantType, AEDesc *result );
OSErr           GetApplicationProperty( const AEDesc *theTokenDesc,
                                            DescType theWantType, AEDesc *result );
OSErr           GetMenuProperty(const AEDesc *theTokenDesc,
                                            DescType theWantType, AEDesc *result);
OSErr           GetMenuItemProperty(const AEDesc *theTokenDesc,
                                            DescType theWantType, AEDesc *result);
OSErr           GetTextTextProperty(TextToken* theToken, AEDesc *result);