
// MSAEMenuUtils.c
// Original version by Jon Lansdell and Nigel Humphreys.
// 4.0 and 3.1 updates by Greg Sutton.
// ©Apple Computer Inc 1996, all rights reserved.
#include "MSAEMenuUtils.h"
#include <TextUtils.h>
#ifdef THINK_C
    #include "PLStrs.h"
    #include <PLStringFuncs.h>
#include <AEPackObject.h>
#include "MSGlobals.h"
#include "MSAEWindowUtils.h"
OSErr   MenuNameToMenuToken( StringPtr theName, MenuToken *theToken )
    short   index,
            numMenus = CountMenus( );
    for ( index = appleM; index <= numMenus ; index++ )
        if ( IdenticalString( theName, (**(myMenus[index])).menuData, NULL ) == 0 )
            theToken->tokenMenu = myMenus[index];
            theToken->tokenID = index + appleID;
            return noErr;
    return errAENoSuchObject;
OSErr   GetDescOfNamedMenu( StringPtr theName, AEDesc* result )
    MenuToken       theToken;
    OSErr           err = noErr;
    err = MenuNameToMenuToken( theName, &theToken );
    if ( noErr != err ) goto done;
    err = AECreateDesc( typeMyMenu, (Ptr)&theToken, sizeof( theToken ), result );
    return err;
OSErr   GetDescOfNthMenu( short theIndex, AEDesc* result )
    MenuToken       theToken;
    OSErr           err = noErr;
    if ( theIndex <= CountMenus( ) )
        theToken.tokenMenu = myMenus[theIndex];
        theToken.tokenID = theIndex + appleID;
        err = AECreateDesc( typeMyMenu, (Ptr)&theToken, sizeof( theToken ), result );
        err = errAEIllegalIndex;
    return err;
short   CountMenus( void )
    if ( CountDocuments( ) > 0 )
        return kLastMenu + 1;
        return editM + 1;
void    GetMenuName( MenuToken* theToken, StringPtr theResult )
    if ( theResult )
        PLstrcpy( theResult, (**theToken->tokenMenu).menuData );    // Destination first
OSErr   MenuItemNameToMenuItemToken( MenuToken* containerToken, StringPtr theName, MenuItemToken *theToken )
    short   index,
            numItems = CountMenuTokenItems( containerToken );
    Str255  pStr;
    for ( index = 1; index <= numItems ; index++ )
        GetMenuItemText( containerToken->tokenMenu, index, pStr );
        if ( IdenticalString( theName, pStr, NULL ) == 0 )
            theToken->tokenMenuToken = *containerToken;
            theToken->tokenItem = index;
            return noErr;
    return errAENoSuchObject;
OSErr   GetDescOfNamedMenuItem( MenuToken* containerToken, StringPtr theName, AEDesc* result )
    MenuItemToken   theToken;
    OSErr           err;
    err = MenuItemNameToMenuItemToken( containerToken, theName, &theToken );
    if ( noErr != err ) goto done;
    err = AECreateDesc( typeMyMenuItem, (Ptr)&theToken, sizeof( theToken ), result );
    return err;
OSErr   GetDescOfNthMenuItem( MenuToken* containerToken, short theIndex, AEDesc* result )
    MenuItemToken   aToken;
    OSErr           err = noErr;
    if ( theIndex <= CountMenuTokenItems( containerToken ) )
        aToken.tokenMenuToken = *containerToken;
        aToken.tokenItem = theIndex;
        err = AECreateDesc( typeMyMenuItem, (Ptr)&aToken, sizeof( aToken ), result );
        err = errAEIllegalIndex;
    return err;
short   CountMenuTokenItems( MenuToken* containerToken )
    return CountMItems( containerToken->tokenMenu );
void    GetMenuItemName( MenuItemToken* theToken, StringPtr theResult )
    GetMenuItemText( theToken->tokenMenuToken.tokenMenu,
                                        theToken->tokenItem, theResult );
void    SetMenuItemName( MenuItemToken* theToken, StringPtr theResult )
    SetMenuItemText( theToken->tokenMenuToken.tokenMenu,
                                        theToken->tokenItem, theResult );
OSErr   MakeMenuSpecifier( MenuToken* theToken, AEDesc* theResult )
    AEDesc      nullSpec = {typeNull, NULL},
                aDesc = {typeNull, NULL};
    Str255      aPStr;
    OSErr       anErr;
    GetMenuName( theToken, aPStr );
    anErr = AECreateDesc( typeChar, (Ptr)&aPStr[1], aPStr[0], &aDesc );
    if ( noErr != anErr ) goto done;
    anErr = CreateObjSpecifier( cMenu, &nullSpec, formName,
                                            &aDesc, false, theResult );
    (void)AEDisposeDesc( &aDesc );
    return anErr;
OSErr   MakeMenuItemSpecifier( MenuItemToken* theToken, AEDesc* theResult )
    AEDesc      menuSpec = {typeNull, NULL},
                aDesc = {typeNull, NULL};
    Str255      aPStr;
    OSErr       anErr;
    anErr = MakeMenuSpecifier( &theToken->tokenMenuToken, &menuSpec );
    if ( noErr != anErr ) goto done;
    GetMenuItemName( theToken, aPStr );
    anErr = AECreateDesc( typeChar, (Ptr)&aPStr[1], aPStr[0], &aDesc );
    if ( noErr != anErr ) goto done;
    anErr = CreateObjSpecifier( cMenuItem, &menuSpec, formName,
                                                    &aDesc, false, theResult );
    (void)AEDisposeDesc( &aDesc );
    (void)AEDisposeDesc( &menuSpec );
    return anErr;
MenuHandle  MenuHandleFromMenuID( short theMenuID )
    long        anIndex;
    MenuHandle  aResult = NULL;
    anIndex = theMenuID - appleID;
    if ( anIndex >= 0 && anIndex <= kLastMenu )
        aResult = myMenus[anIndex];
    return aResult; 
// Scripts are stored in a resource with the ID determined by the  menu and item
//  (see top of MSScript.c) this routine converts this resource ID back to a token.
void    MenuTokenFromResID( short theResID, MenuToken* theToken )
    theToken->tokenID = theResID / 32;
    theToken->tokenMenu = MenuHandleFromMenuID( theToken->tokenID );
void    MenuItemTokenFromResID( short theResID, MenuItemToken* theToken )
    MenuTokenFromResID( theResID, &theToken->tokenMenuToken );
    theToken->tokenItem = theResID % 32;