
// MSAEObjectsExist.c
// Original version by Jon Lansdell and Nigel Humphreys.
// 4.0 and 3.1 updates by Greg Sutton.
// ©Apple Computer Inc 1996, all rights reserved.
    Changes for 4.0
    27-Feb-96 : GS : Added call to HandleGetData() to see if properties etc. exist
#include "MSAEObjectsExist.h"
#include "MSAEUtils.h"
#include "MSAEGetData.h"
#pragma segment AppleEvent
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Name:       DoObjectsExist
//  Purpose:    Handles the kAEDoObjectsExist AppleEvent. Basically just
//              tries to resolve the object to see if it exists.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
pascal OSErr DoObjectsExist(const AppleEvent    *theAppleEvent,
                                    AppleEvent  *reply, 
                                    long        handlerRefCon)
#ifdef __MWERKS__
    #pragma unused (handlerRefCon)
    AEDesc          directObject = {typeNull, NULL},
                    directDesc = {typeNull, NULL},
                    replyDesc = {typeNull, NULL},
                    aDesc = {typeNull, NULL};
    long            itemCount;
    Boolean         exists;
    OSErr           existsErr,
    err = AEGetParamDesc(theAppleEvent, keyDirectObject, typeWildCard, &directObject);
    err = GotRequiredParams(theAppleEvent);
    if (noErr != err) goto done;
    if (typeNull == directObject.descriptorType)
        exists = true;      // Yes, our application does exist?????
        existsErr = AEResolve(&directObject, kAEIDoMinimum, &directDesc);
        if (noErr == existsErr)
            switch ( directDesc.descriptorType )
                case typeAEList:
                case typeAERecord:
                    err = AECountItems( &directDesc, &itemCount );  // If not empty then
                    if (noErr != err) goto done;                    //  it exists
                    exists = ( itemCount > 0 );
                    err = HandleGetData( &directDesc, typeWildCard, &aDesc );
                    exists = ( noErr == err );
            exists = false;
    err = AECreateDesc(typeBoolean, (Ptr)&exists, sizeof(exists), &replyDesc);
    if (noErr != err) goto done;
    err = AddResultToReply(&replyDesc, reply, err);
    (void)AEDisposeDesc( &directObject );
    (void)AEDisposeDesc( &directDesc );
    (void)AEDisposeDesc( &replyDesc );
    (void)AEDisposeDesc( &aDesc );
    return err;
} // DoObjectsExist