
// MSGXPrinting.c
// Original version by Jon Lansdell and Nigel Humphreys.
// 4.0 and 3.1 updates by Greg Sutton.
// GX printing by Don Swatman
// ©Apple Computer Inc 1996, all rights reserved.
// Adds GX printing functionality to MenuScripter
    Changes for 4.0
    29-Feb-96 : GS : Changed <Graphics routines.h> to <GXGraphics.h>
                                        Changed <graphics toolbox.h> to <GXEnvironment.h>
#include <Gestalt.h>
#ifdef __MWERKS__
    #include <Graphics routines.h>
    #include <graphics toolbox.h>
    #include <GXGraphics.h>
    #include <GXPrinting.h>
#include <GXEnvironment.h>
#include "QDLibrary.h"
#include "MSGXPrinting.h"
#include "MSWindow.h"
#include "MSGlobals.h"
#include "MSMain.h"
#include "MSAEWindowUtils.h"
// Constants
#define     kGraphicsHeapSize   ((long) 300 * 1024)
// Globals
gxGraphicsClient gClient;
//       InitGXIfPresent
// This uses Gestalt() to see if QuickDraw GX is present.
// If it is, it then initialises the GX managers.
// If it isn't, then it removes the GX file menu item(s).
#pragma segment Main
void InitGXIfPresent(void)
    long gxVersion;
    long gxPrintVersion;
    gGXIsPresent = false;
// Check to see whether QuickDraw GX is available.
    if (Gestalt(gestaltGXVersion, &gxVersion) == noErr)
        if (Gestalt(gestaltGXPrintingMgrVersion, &gxPrintVersion) == noErr)
            gGXIsPresent = true;
    if (gGXIsPresent)
// Initialize QuickDraw GX.
        gClient = GXNewGraphicsClient(nil, kGraphicsHeapSize, (gxClientAttribute) 0);
// No QuickDraw GX, so remove extra file menu item(s)
        DelMenuItem ( myMenus[fileM], fmPrintOne);
//       CleanUpGXIfPresent
// If GX was installed (i.e. gGXIsPresent) then remove
// the GX managers.
#pragma segment Main
void CleanUpGXIfPresent(void)
    if (gGXIsPresent)
//       ConvertMenuActualToGXMenu
// This converts an item number as returned by MenuKey()
// or MenuSelect() to the value used internally. The reason
// you have to this is because a non gx application has
// less items in the file menu.
#pragma segment Main
short ConvertMenuActualToGXMenu ( short theItem )
    short menuItem;
    menuItem = theItem; 
    if (!gGXIsPresent)
        if (theItem == fmNoGXPrint)
            menuItem = fmPrint;
            if (theItem == fmNoGXQuit)
                menuItem = fmQuit;
    return menuItem;
//       GetRectOfPage
// This returns a QuickDraw rect for the current printer page.
// If gx is not present if uses rPage from the document's THPrint.
// If gx is present then we get a GXRectangle from the requested
// page's format. It then converts this to a Rect. This could be
// extended to handle custom formated pages.
#pragma segment Main
void GetRectOfPage( DPtr  theDoc,
                                        Rect  *pageRect )
    gxFormat        pageFormat;
    gxRectangle pageSize;
    gxRectangle paperSize;
    if (gGXIsPresent)
            pageFormat = GXGetJobFormat(theDoc->documentJob, 1);
            GXGetFormatDimensions(pageFormat, &pageSize, &paperSize);
    // Convert to a QD Rect
            FixedRectToShort( &pageSize, pageRect );
        *pageRect = (*(theDoc->thePrintSetup))->prInfo.rPage;
    OffsetRect( pageRect, -pageRect->left, -pageRect->top);
//       AdjustMenusForGXPrintDialogs
// This enables or disables menu's when the GX print dialog
// is being displayed.
#pragma segment GXPrintSeg
void AdjustMenusForGXPrintDialogs( Boolean dialogGoingUp )
    Boolean redrawMenuBar = false;
    if (dialogGoingUp)
        SetMenuItemState ( false, myMenus[appleM], aboutItem);
        redrawMenuBar |= SetMenuItemState ( false, myMenus[fileM], kMenuTitle );
        if ( CountDocuments( ) )
            redrawMenuBar |= SetMenuItemState ( false, myMenus[fontM],  kMenuTitle);
            redrawMenuBar |= SetMenuItemState ( false, myMenus[sizeM],  kMenuTitle);
            redrawMenuBar |= SetMenuItemState ( false, myMenus[styleM], kMenuTitle);
            redrawMenuBar |= SetMenuItemState ( false, myMenus[scriptM],     kMenuTitle);
            redrawMenuBar |= SetMenuItemState ( false, myMenus[subroutineM], kMenuTitle);
            SetMenuItemState ( false, myMenus[editM], selectAllCommand);
                SetMenuItemState ( true, myMenus[appleM], aboutItem);
                redrawMenuBar |= SetMenuItemState ( true, myMenus[fileM], kMenuTitle);
                redrawMenuBar |= SetMenuItemState ( true, myMenus[editM], kMenuTitle);
                if ( CountDocuments( ) )
                  redrawMenuBar |= SetMenuItemState ( true, myMenus[fontM],  kMenuTitle);
                  redrawMenuBar |= SetMenuItemState ( true, myMenus[sizeM],  kMenuTitle);
                  redrawMenuBar |= SetMenuItemState ( true, myMenus[styleM], kMenuTitle);
            redrawMenuBar |= SetMenuItemState ( true, myMenus[scriptM],     kMenuTitle);
            redrawMenuBar |= SetMenuItemState ( true, myMenus[subroutineM], kMenuTitle);
                  SetMenuItemState ( true, myMenus[editM], selectAllCommand);
                MaintainMenus( &redrawMenuBar );
    if (redrawMenuBar)
//       SetupGXEditMenuRec
// Sets up the gxEditMenuRecord. This is used by the
// GX dialogs so that they know where the items in the
// Edit Menu are
#pragma segment GXPrintSeg
void SetupGXEditMenuRec(gxEditMenuRecord *editMenuRec)
        editMenuRec->editMenuID = editID;
        editMenuRec->cutItem    =   cutCommand;
        editMenuRec->copyItem   =   copyCommand;
        editMenuRec->pasteItem  =   pasteCommand;
        editMenuRec->clearItem  =   clearCommand;
        editMenuRec->undoItem   =   undoCommand;
//       DoGXPageSetup
//  Puts up a GX Page Setup dialog
#pragma segment GXPrintSeg
Boolean DoGXPageSetup ( DPtr theDoc )
        Boolean          result = false;
            OSErr            theErr;
            gxDialogResult   dialogResult;
            gxEditMenuRecord editMenuRec;
            if (gGXIsPresent)
                if (theDoc)
                    SetupGXEditMenuRec( &editMenuRec );
// Display the Page Setup dialog box.
                    dialogResult = GXJobDefaultFormatDialog ( theDoc->documentJob, &editMenuRec);
                    theErr = GXGetJobError(theDoc->documentJob);
// Return True, if there are no Errors and the OK button was clicked
                    result = ((theErr == noErr) && (dialogResult == gxOKSelected));
//       struct GXPrintSpoolDataRec
//  Used to pass information during printing
typedef struct GXPrintSpoolDataRec
    gxRectangle   pageArea;             // Page rectangle.
    gxViewPort    printViewPort;  // View port we're printing in.
} GXPrintSpoolDataRec, *GXPrintSpoolDataPtr;
//       PrintAShape
//  Called after shape translation. It checks to see if any shape
// it recieves are drawable, the draws it in the GX view port.
// Information in the form of a pointer to a GXPrintSpoolDataRec
// is passed in the refCon.
#pragma segment GXPrintSeg
OSErr PrintAShape(gxShape currentShape, long refCon)
    GXPrintSpoolDataPtr spoolData;
    gxShapeType         theShapeType;
// Get the spool data from the refCon
    spoolData = (GXPrintSpoolDataPtr) refCon;
// Don't waste time spooling the shape if it's being drawn off the page.
    theShapeType = GXGetShapeType(currentShape);
    if (   (theShapeType == gxEmptyType)
            || (theShapeType == gxFullType)
            || (theShapeType == gxPictureType)
            || GXTouchesBoundsShape(&spoolData->pageArea, currentShape) )
// Set the ports and draw it
        GXSetShapeViewPorts(currentShape, 1, &spoolData->printViewPort);
    return (OSErr) GXGetGraphicsError(nil);
//       DuplicateStyleTERec
// This copies the styled TERec in theDoc. It puts it into
// the destPort
#pragma segment Main
void DuplicateStyleTERec( TEHandle  hSourceTE,
                                                    TEHandle *hDestTE,
                                                    Rect     *destRect,
                                                    GrafPtr   destPort )
    GrafPtr oldPort;
    short   oldSelStart;
    short   oldSelEnd;
    StScrpHandle printerTextStyles;
// Set up the ports
// Create a temporary Text Edit and copy the windows text edit into it
    *hDestTE = TEStyleNew(destRect, destRect);
// Select all the text (preserving the previous settings) so that we can use 
// GetTylScrap (or TEGetStyleScrapHandle ) to get the style of the whole TERec
    oldSelStart = (*hSourceTE)->selStart;
    oldSelEnd   = (*hSourceTE)->selEnd;
    TESetSelect(0,(*hSourceTE)->teLength, hSourceTE);
// Get the style
    printerTextStyles = GetStylScrap(hSourceTE);
// Revert the selection range
    TESetSelect(oldSelStart, oldSelEnd, hSourceTE);
// Move the text from the documents TERec and add the style (got above) to it
    TEStyleInsert ( (Ptr)*((*hSourceTE)->hText),
// Deactivat the temporary TERec
// Reset the port
//       GXPrintLoop
// This does the actual printing. It creates a invisible window
// to draw into. It duplicates the Text Edit record in the 
// document to a temporary record. It puts up the progress
// dialog then it steps through the pages. At each page, it
// clips the text edit rec so it doesn't draw lines of text
// over two pages. It then uses TEUpdate to draw each page and
// finally scroll's the text edit rec ready for the next page.
#pragma segment GXPrintSeg
OSErr GXPrintLoop ( DPtr theDoc)
    OSErr      theErr = noErr;
    WindowPtr  imagingWind;              // Temp window we're going to draw into
    gxViewPort printViewPort;            // Printer view port
    Rect       tempWindRect = {0,0,0,0}; // Bounds for temp window
  TEHandle   tempTE;                   // Copy of the documents text edit record
    PageEndsArray pageEnds;           
    short      numDocPages;
    long       firstPage;
    long       lastPage;
    long       numPagesToPrint;
    long       pageCounter;
    Point      patStretch = {1,1};
    gxFormat   pageFormat;
    Rect       everywhereRect;
    Str255     windTitle;
    GXPrintSpoolDataRec spoolData;
    Rect       printerPage;
    Rect       rectToClip;
// Create a window to draw into. It's bounds are small(0,0,0,0)
// and it's not shown so it doesn't appear to the user 
    imagingWind = NewWindow ( nil, &tempWindRect, "\p",
                                                        false, documentProc, (WindowPtr)-1,
                                                        false, 0);
// Set the port to the imaging port
// Get the size of the printers page 
    GetRectOfPage ( theDoc, &printerPage );
// Duplicate the text edit record from the document
    DuplicateStyleTERec( theDoc->theText, &tempTE, &printerPage, (GrafPtr)imagingWind );
// Work out the size of each page using GetPageEnds. This stops text
//  drawing over two pages
    (*tempTE)->destRect = printerPage;
// Determine which pages the user selected to print, and print
// only those pages that are actually in the document. 
    GXGetJobPageRange(theDoc->documentJob, &firstPage, &lastPage);
    if (lastPage > numDocPages)
        lastPage = numDocPages;
// Calculate the number of pages to print and begin printing. 
    numPagesToPrint = lastPage - firstPage + 1;
    theErr = GXGetJobError(theDoc->documentJob);
    if (!theErr)
// Get the title of the window as we'll use this for the name we call the print job
        GetWTitle ( theDoc->theWindow, windTitle);
// Put up the print progress dialog
        GXStartJob( theDoc->documentJob,
        theErr = GXGetJobError(theDoc->documentJob);
        if (!theErr)
// Create a new view port for printing and set our translator
//  rects to "wide open" so that they include all data we're
//  drawing. For each page we print, call GXStartPage, draw,
//  and call GXFinishPage. 
            SetRect(&everywhereRect, 0, 0, 32767, 32767);
            printViewPort = GXNewViewPort(gxScreenViewDevices);
            for (pageCounter = firstPage; (theErr == noErr) && (pageCounter <= lastPage); pageCounter++)
// Get the page's format and start printing the page.
                pageFormat = GXGetJobFormat(theDoc->documentJob, 1);
                GXStartPage(theDoc->documentJob, pageCounter, pageFormat, 1, &printViewPort);                               
                theErr = GXGetJobError(theDoc->documentJob);
// If there were no errors, set up the translator, draw
// the QuickDraw data for current page, and remove the
// translator.
                if (!theErr)
    // Set up spool data
                    spoolData.printViewPort = printViewPort;
                    GXGetFormatDimensions( pageFormat, &spoolData.pageArea, nil);
  // Install the translator
                                                                NewgxShapeSpoolProc ( PrintAShape ),
// Make sure it draws into the correct QuickDraw window
// Clip the page to the size of the current page
                    rectToClip = printerPage;
                    if (pageCounter == 1)
                        rectToClip.bottom = + pageEnds[pageCounter-1];
                        rectToClip.bottom =
                                                                + ( pageEnds[pageCounter-1] - pageEnds[pageCounter-2] );
// Use TEUpdate to do the drawing
                    TEUpdate(&printerPage, tempTE);
// Remove the Translator
                    GXRemoveQDTranslator((GrafPtr)imagingWind, nil);
// Finish off this page
// Scroll the text edit down to the next page
                    if (pageCounter < lastPage)
                        TEScroll(0,, tempTE);
// All done, so finish the printer job and dispose of the GXView port
            theErr = GXGetJobError(theDoc->documentJob);
// Dispose of temporary TERec and imaging window
    TEDispose ( tempTE );
    DisposeWindow ( imagingWind );
    return theErr;
//       GXPrintDocument
// This puts up the print dialog box, then calls GXPrintLoop()
// to do the actual printing.
#pragma segment GXPrintSeg
OSErr GXPrintDocument ( DPtr    theDoc,
                                                Boolean askUser )
    OSErr                       err = noErr;
    gxEditMenuRecord    editMenuRec;
    gxDialogResult      dialogResult;
// Put up the print dialog if askUser is set to true
    if (!askUser)
        dialogResult = gxOKSelected;
// Set up the edit menu record so GX knows how to gray it
        SetupGXEditMenuRec( &editMenuRec );
        dialogResult = GXJobPrintDialog(theDoc->documentJob, 
// if ok selected, then print the pages
    if (dialogResult == gxOKSelected)
        err = GXPrintLoop(theDoc);
        err = userCanceledErr;
    return err;