
// MSUtils.h
// Original version by Jon Lansdell and Nigel Humphreys.
// 4.0 and 3.1 updates by Greg Sutton.
// ©Apple Computer Inc 1996, all rights reserved.
#ifndef __MSUTILS__
#define __MSUTILS__
#include <Types.h>
#include <Quickdraw.h>
#include <Packages.h>
#include <GestaltEqu.h>
#include <Editions.h>
#include <Printing.h>
#ifndef __MSGLOBALS__
#include "MSGlobals.h"
Boolean     GestaltAvailable( void );
Boolean     CheckEnvironment( void );
void        ShowError( Str255 theError, long theErrorCode );
Boolean     FeatureIsImplemented( OSType theFeature, short theTestBit );
void        GetTempFileName( DPtr aDoc, Str255 newString );
Boolean     Ours( WindowPtr aWindow );
void        SetShortMenus( void );
void        SetLongMenus( void );
void        SetStyleMenu( DPtr theDoc );
void        SetFontMenu( DPtr theDoc );
void        AdornDefaultButton(DialogPtr theDialog, short theItem);
pascal void DrawDefaultOutline( DialogPtr theDialog, short theItem );
void        RetrieveText( DialogPtr aDialog, short anItem, Str255 aString );
void        SetText( DialogPtr aDialog, short itemNo, Str255 theString );
void        GetRectOfDialogItem( DialogPtr theDialog, short theItem, Rect *theRect );
    // Changed for 7.0 and Outline Fonts
void        SetSizeMenu( DPtr theDoc );
long        LesserOf( long A, long B );
long        GreaterOf( long A, long B );
Boolean     DoPageSetup(DPtr theDoc);
Boolean     CtrlKeyPressed( const EventRecord *theEvent );
Boolean     OptionKeyPressed( const EventRecord *theEvent );
short       NumToolboxTraps(void);
TrapType    GetTrapType(short theTrap);
Boolean     TrapAvailable(short theTrap);
#define     kMenuTitle 0
Boolean     SetMenuItemState (  Boolean    theState,
                                MenuHandle theMenu,
                                short      item );