/* |
Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. |
See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information |
Abstract: |
Fragment and vertex shaders, and the compute kernel for N-body simulation. |
*/ |
#import <metal_stdlib> |
#import "NBodyComputePrefs.h" |
using namespace metal; |
//-------------------------------------------------- |
// |
// Vertex and fragment shaders for n-body simulation |
// |
//-------------------------------------------------- |
typedef struct |
{ |
float4 position [[position]]; |
half4 color; |
float pointSize [[point_size]]; |
} FragColor; |
vertex FragColor NBodyLightingVertex(device float4* positionRead [[ buffer(0) ]], |
device float4* color [[ buffer(1) ]], |
constant float4x4& modelViewProjection [[ buffer(2) ]], |
constant float& pointSize [[ buffer(3) ]], |
uint vid [[ vertex_id ]]) |
{ |
FragColor outColor; |
outColor.pointSize = pointSize; |
outColor.color = half4(color[vid]); |
float4 inPosition = float4(float3(positionRead[vid]), 1.0); |
outColor.position = float4(modelViewProjection * inPosition); |
return outColor; |
} // NBodyLightingVertex |
fragment half4 NBodyLightingFragment(FragColor inColor [[ stage_in ]], |
texture2d<half> splatTexture [[ texture(0) ]], |
sampler sam [[ sampler(0) ]], |
float2 texcoord [[ point_coord ]]) |
{ |
half4 c = splatTexture.sample(sam, texcoord); |
half4 fragColor = (0.6h + 0.4h * inColor.color) * c; |
half4 x = half4(0.1h, 0.0h, 0.0h, fragColor.w); |
half4 y = half4(1.0h, 0.7h, 0.3h, fragColor.w); |
half a = fragColor.w; |
return fragColor * mix(x, y, a); |
} // NBodyLightingFragment |
//-------------------------------------- |
// |
// Compute Kernel for n-body simulation |
// |
//-------------------------------------- |
typedef NBody::Compute::Prefs NBodyPrefs; |
static float3 NBodyComputeForce(const float4 pos_1, |
const float4 pos_0, |
const float softeningSqr) |
{ |
float3 r = -; |
float distSqr = distance_squared(,; |
distSqr += softeningSqr; |
float invDist = rsqrt(distSqr); |
float invDist3 = invDist * invDist * invDist; |
float s = pos_1.w * invDist3; |
return r * s; |
} // NBodyComputeForce |
kernel void NBodyIntegrateSystem(device float4* const pos_1 [[ buffer(0) ]], // new position |
device float4* const vel_1 [[ buffer(1) ]], // new velocity |
constant float4* const pos_0 [[ buffer(2) ]], // old position |
constant float4* const vel_0 [[ buffer(3) ]], // old velocity |
constant NBodyPrefs& prefs [[ buffer(4) ]], |
threadgroup float4* pos_s [[ threadgroup(0) ]], // shared position |
const ushort gid [[ thread_position_in_grid ]], |
const ushort lid [[ thread_position_in_threadgroup ]], |
const ushort lsize [[ threads_per_threadgroup ]]) |
{ |
ushort tile = 0; |
ushort k = lid; |
float4 pos = pos_0[gid]; |
float4 vel = 0.0f; |
float3 acc = 0.0f; |
ushort i, j; |
const ushort particles = prefs.particles; |
const float softeningSqr = prefs.softeningSqr; |
for(i = 0; i < particles ; i += lsize, ++tile) |
{ |
pos_s[lid] = pos_0[k]; |
j = 0; |
while(j < lsize) |
{ |
acc += NBodyComputeForce(pos_s[j++], pos, softeningSqr); |
acc += NBodyComputeForce(pos_s[j++], pos, softeningSqr); |
acc += NBodyComputeForce(pos_s[j++], pos, softeningSqr); |
acc += NBodyComputeForce(pos_s[j++], pos, softeningSqr); |
acc += NBodyComputeForce(pos_s[j++], pos, softeningSqr); |
acc += NBodyComputeForce(pos_s[j++], pos, softeningSqr); |
acc += NBodyComputeForce(pos_s[j++], pos, softeningSqr); |
acc += NBodyComputeForce(pos_s[j++], pos, softeningSqr); |
} // for |
k += lsize; |
} // for |
vel = vel_0[gid]; | += acc * prefs.timestep; | *= prefs.damping; | += * prefs.timestep; |
pos_1[gid] = pos; |
vel_1[gid] = vel; |
} // NBodyIntegrateSystem |
Copyright © 2015 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2015-12-10