/* |
Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. |
See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information |
Abstract: |
Utility class for managing a set of defualt initial conditions for n-body simulation. |
*/ |
#import "NBodyDefaults.h" |
#import "NBodyPreferences.h" |
#import "NBodyProperties.h" |
@implementation NBodyProperties |
{ |
@private |
uint32_t _count; |
uint32_t _config; |
uint32_t _particles; |
uint32_t _texRes; |
uint32_t _channels; |
NSMutableDictionary* mpGlobals; |
NSMutableDictionary* mpParameters; |
NSMutableArray* mpProperties; |
} |
- (nullable NSMutableDictionary *) _newProperties:(nullable NSString *)pFileName |
{ |
NSMutableDictionary* pProperties = nil; |
if(!pFileName) |
{ |
NSLog(@">> ERROR: File name is nil!"); |
return nil; |
} // if |
NSBundle* pBundle = [NSBundle mainBundle]; |
if(!pBundle) |
{ |
NSLog(@">> ERROR: Failed acquiring a main bundle object!"); |
return nil; |
} // if |
NSString* pPathname = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@", pBundle.resourcePath, pFileName]; |
if(!pPathname) |
{ |
NSLog(@">> ERROR: Failed instantiating a pathname from reource path and file name!"); |
return nil; |
} // if |
NSData* pXML = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:pPathname]; |
if(!pXML) |
{ |
NSLog(@">> ERROR: Failed instantiating a xml data from the contents of a file!"); |
return nil; |
} // if |
NSError* pError = nil; |
NSPropertyListFormat format = NSPropertyListXMLFormat_v1_0; |
pProperties = [NSPropertyListSerialization propertyListWithData:pXML |
options:NSPropertyListMutableContainers |
format:&format |
error:&pError]; |
if(pError) |
{ |
NSLog(@">> ERROR: \"%@\"", pError.description); |
} // if |
return pProperties; |
} // _newProperties |
// Designated initializer for loading the property list file containing |
// global and simulation parameters |
- (nullable instancetype) initWithFile:(nullable NSString *)fileName |
{ |
self = [super init]; |
if(self) |
{ |
NSMutableDictionary* pProperties = [self _newProperties:fileName]; |
if(pProperties) |
{ |
mpGlobals = pProperties[kNBodyGlobals]; |
if(mpGlobals) |
{ |
_particles = [mpGlobals[kNBodyParticles] unsignedIntValue]; |
_texRes = [mpGlobals[kNBodyTexRes] unsignedIntValue]; |
_channels = [mpGlobals[kNBodyChannels] unsignedIntValue]; |
} // if |
mpProperties = pProperties[kNBodyParameters]; |
if(mpProperties) |
{ |
_count = uint32_t(mpProperties.count); |
_config = _count; |
} // if |
mpParameters = nil; |
} // if |
} // if |
return self; |
} // init |
- (nullable instancetype) init |
{ |
return [self initWithFile:@"NBodyAppPrefs.plist"]; |
} // init |
// N-body simulation global parameters |
- (NSDictionary *) globals |
{ |
return mpGlobals; |
} // globals |
// N-body parameters for simulation types |
- (NSDictionary *) parameters |
{ |
return mpParameters; |
} // parameters |
// Select the specific type of N-body simulation |
- (void) setConfig:(uint32_t)config |
{ |
if(config != _config) |
{ |
_config = config; |
mpParameters = mpProperties[_config]; |
} // if |
} // setConfig |
// Number of point particles |
- (void) setParticles:(uint32_t)particles |
{ |
const uint32_t ptparticles = (particles > 1024) ? particles : NBody::Defaults::kParticles; |
if(ptparticles != _particles) |
{ |
_particles = ptparticles; |
mpGlobals[kNBodyParticles] = @(_particles); |
} // if |
} // setParticles |
// Number of color channels. Default is 4 for RGBA. |
- (void) setChannels:(uint32_t)channels |
{ |
const uint32_t nChannels = (channels) ? channels : NBody::Defaults::kChannels; |
if(nChannels != _channels) |
{ |
_channels = nChannels; |
mpGlobals[kNBodyChannels] = @(_channels); |
} // if |
} // setChannels |
// Texture resolution. The default is 64x64. |
- (void) setTexRes:(uint32_t)texRes |
{ |
const uint32_t nTexRes = (texRes) ? texRes : NBody::Defaults::kTexRes; |
if(nTexRes != _texRes) |
{ |
_texRes = nTexRes; |
mpGlobals[kNBodyTexRes] = @(_texRes); |
} // if |
} // setTexRes |
@end |
Copyright © 2015 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2015-12-10