/* |
Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. |
See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information |
Abstract: |
N-body controller object for visualizing the simulation. |
*/ |
#import <QuartzCore/CAMetalLayer.h> |
#import "CMNumerics.h" |
#import "NBodyDefaults.h" |
#import "NBodyPreferences.h" |
#import "NBodyProperties.h" |
#import "NBodyURDGenerator.h" |
#import "MetalNBodyPresenter.h" |
#import "NBodyVisualizer.h" |
@implementation NBodyVisualizer |
{ |
@private |
BOOL _haveVisualizer; |
BOOL _isComplete; |
float _aspect; |
id<CAMetalDrawable> _drawable; |
uint32_t _particles; |
uint32_t _frames; |
uint32_t _texRes; |
uint32_t _config; |
uint32_t _active; |
uint32_t _frame; |
uint32_t mnCount; |
NBodyProperties* mpProperties; |
NBodyURDGenerator* mpGenerator; |
MetalNBodyPresenter* mpPresenter; |
} |
- (instancetype) init |
{ |
self = [super init]; |
if(self) |
{ |
_haveVisualizer = NO; |
_isComplete = NO; |
_aspect = NBody::Defaults::kAspectRatio; |
_frames = NBody::Defaults::kFrames; |
_config = NBody::Defaults::Configs::eShell; |
_texRes = NBody::Defaults::kTexRes; |
_particles = NBody::Defaults::kParticles; |
_active = 0; |
_frame = 0; |
_device = nil; |
_drawable = nil; |
mpProperties = nil; |
mpGenerator = nil; |
mpPresenter = nil; |
} // if |
return self; |
} // init |
// Coordinate points on the Eunclidean axis of simulation |
- (void) setAxis:(simd::float3)axis |
{ |
if(mpGenerator) |
{ |
mpGenerator.axis = axis; |
} // if |
} // setAxis |
// Aspect ratio |
- (void) setAspect:(float)aspect |
{ |
float nEPS = NBody::Defaults::kTolerance; |
_aspect = CM::isLT(nEPS, aspect) ? aspect : 1.0f; |
} // setAspect |
// The number of point particels |
- (void) setParticles:(uint32_t)particles |
{ |
if(!_haveVisualizer) |
{ |
mpProperties.particles = _particles = (particles) ? particles : NBody::Defaults::kParticles; |
} // if |
} // setParticles |
// Texture resolution. The default is 64x64. |
- (void) setTexRes:(uint32_t)texRes |
{ |
if(!_haveVisualizer) |
{ |
mpProperties.texRes = _texRes = (texRes > 64) ? texRes : NBody::Defaults::kTexRes; |
} // if |
} // setResolution |
// Total number of frames to be rendered for a N-body simulation type |
- (void) setFrames:(uint32_t)frames |
{ |
_frames = (frames) ? frames : NBody::Defaults::kFrames; |
} // setFrames |
- (BOOL) _acquire:(nullable id<MTLDevice>)device |
{ |
if(device) |
{ |
// Get the N-body simulation properties from a property list file in app's resource |
mpProperties = [NBodyProperties new]; |
if(!mpProperties) |
{ |
NSLog(@">> ERROR: Failed to instantiate N-body properties object!"); |
return NO; |
} // if |
mnCount = mpProperties.count; |
if(!mnCount) |
{ |
NSLog(@">> ERROR: Empty array for N-Body properties!"); |
return NO; |
} // if |
// Instantiate a new generator object for initial simualtion random data |
mpGenerator = [NBodyURDGenerator new]; |
if(!mpGenerator) |
{ |
NSLog(@">> ERROR: Failed to instantiate uniform random distribution object!"); |
return NO; |
} // if |
// Instantiate a new render encoder object for N-body simaulation |
mpPresenter = [MetalNBodyPresenter new]; |
if(!mpPresenter) |
{ |
NSLog(@">> ERROR: Failed to instantiate Metal render encoder object!"); |
return NO; |
} // if |
mpPresenter.globals = mpProperties.globals; |
mpPresenter.device = device; |
if(!mpPresenter.haveEncoder) |
{ |
NSLog(@">> ERROR: Failed to acquire resources for the render encoder object!"); |
return NO; |
} // if |
return YES; |
} // if |
return NO; |
} // _acquire |
- (void) _update |
{ |
NSLog(@">> MESSAGE[N-Body]: Demo [%u] selected!", _active); |
// Update the linear transformation matrices |
mpPresenter.update = YES; |
// Select a new dictionary of key-value pairs for simulation properties |
mpProperties.config = _active; |
// Using the properties dictionary generate initial data for the simulation |
mpGenerator.parameters = mpProperties.parameters; |
mpGenerator.colors = mpPresenter.colors; |
mpGenerator.position = mpPresenter.position; |
mpGenerator.velocity = mpPresenter.velocity; |
mpGenerator.config = _config; |
} // _update |
// Generate all the resources necessary for N-body simulation |
- (void) acquire:(nullable id<MTLDevice>)device |
{ |
if(!_haveVisualizer) |
{ |
_haveVisualizer = [self _acquire:device]; |
if(_haveVisualizer) |
{ |
[self _update]; |
} // if |
} // if |
} // acquire |
// Render a new frame |
- (void) _renderFrame:(nullable id<CAMetalDrawable>)drawable |
{ |
mpPresenter.aspect = _aspect; // Update the aspect ratio |
mpPresenter.parameters = mpProperties.parameters; // Update the simulation parameters |
mpPresenter.drawable = drawable; // Set the new drawable and present |
} // _renderFrame |
// Go to a new frame |
- (void) _nextFrame |
{ |
_frame++; |
_isComplete = (_frame % _frames) == 0; |
// If we reach the maximum number of frames switch to a new simulation type |
if(_isComplete) |
{ |
[mpPresenter finish]; |
_active = (_active + 1) % mnCount; |
[self _update]; |
} // if |
} // _nextFrame |
// Render a frame for N-body simaulation |
- (void) render:(nullable id<CAMetalDrawable>)drawable |
{ |
if(drawable) |
{ |
[self _renderFrame:drawable]; |
[self _nextFrame]; |
} // if |
} // render |
@end |
Copyright © 2015 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2015-12-10