
    File:       ModifyMouseAccl.c
                Snippet to demonstrate how one uses the CursorDevice Manager to change the 
                acceleration curve setting associated with the standard Apple mouse.
                You can select an extremely sensitive or a tablet-like acceleration setting
                by setting the NOACCLCURVE define appropriately.
    Author:     RK
    Copyright:  Copyright: © 1984-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc.
                all rights reserved.
    Disclaimer: You may incorporate this sample code into your applications without
                restriction, though the sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the
                responsibility for its operation is 100% yours.  However, what you are
                not permitted to do is to redistribute the source as "DSC Sample Code"
                after having made changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source,
                we require that you make it clear in the source that the code was
                descended from Apple Sample Code, but that you've made changes.
    Change History (most recent first):
                6/22/99 Updated for Metrowerks Codewarrior Pro 2.1
#include <Types.h>
#include <CursorDevices.h>
#include "CrsrDev.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <LowMem.h>
#define NOACCLCURVE     0   // set to 0 for a really zippy mouse
                            // set to 1 for a tablet style mouse - one with no acceleration
#define mapTrue         0xFFFF
#define acclRsrcType    'accl'
#define k200dpiMouseID  '@200'
    // the following points are from the ROM sources for the "@200"
    // 200 dpi mouse accl setting for the upper curve
    // leave the original values alone so that we can restore the 
    // setting
    // here are the original values 
AcclPoint   gOrigAcclPt[9] =    {{0x0000713B, 0x00006000},
                                 {0x00044EC5, 0x00108000},
                                 {0x000C0000, 0x005F0000},
                                 {0x0016EC4F, 0x008B0000},
                                 {0x001D3B14, 0x00948000},
                                 {0x00227627, 0x00960000},
                                 {0x00246276, 0x00960000},
                                 {0x00260000, 0x00960000},
                                 {0x00280000, 0x00960000}};
    // here are the replacement values for test
    // modify these on a trial and error basis.
AcclPoint   gReplaceAcclPt[9] = {{0x00010000, 0x00010000},
                                 {0x00010000, 0x00010000},
                                 {0x00010000, 0x00010000},
                                 {0x00010000, 0x00010000},
                                 {0x00010000, 0x00010000},
                                 {0x00010000, 0x00010000},
                                 {0x00010000, 0x00010000},
                                 {0x00010000, 0x00010000},
                                 {0x00010000, 0x00010000}};
AcclPoint   gReplaceAcclPt[9] = {{0x00000400, 0x00006000},
                                 {0x00000800, 0x00108000},
                                 {0x00000C00, 0x00600000},
                                 {0x00001000, 0x00A00000},
                                 {0x00002000, 0x00C08000},
                                 {0x00004000, 0x01000000},
                                 {0x00008000, 0x02000000},
                                 {0x0000C000, 0x04000000},
                                 {0x00010000, 0x08000000}};
CursorDevicePtr GetMouseCursorDeviceRec(UInt32 devID);
AcclRsrcHandle  GetAcclRsrc(UInt32 devID);
OSErr ModifySecond200dpiTable(AcclRsrcHandle acclRsrcHndl, 
                        AcclPoint *acclPtr, short numPts);
    CursorDevicePtr cdPtr;
    AcclRsrcHandle  acclRsrcHndl, saveHndl;
    Fixed           accel = 0x00010000;
    Size            hsize;
    OSErr           err;
    cdPtr = GetMouseCursorDeviceRec((UInt32)k200dpiMouseID);
    if (cdPtr == NULL)
    {       // device not found
        printf("\nDevice record for 200 dpi mouse not found");
        return 1;
    acclRsrcHndl = GetAcclRsrc((UInt32)k200dpiMouseID);
    if (acclRsrcHndl == NULL)
    {       // device not found
        printf("\naccl resource for 200 dpi mouse not found");
        return 1;
        // save a copy of the handle
    hsize = GetHandleSize((Handle)acclRsrcHndl);
    if (hsize < 0)
        printf("\nerror getting handle size");
        return 1;
    saveHndl = (AcclRsrcHandle)NewHandle(hsize);
    if (saveHndl == nil)
        printf("\nerror allocating the save handle");
        return 1;
        // copy contents of the handle
    BlockMove((Ptr)*acclRsrcHndl, (Ptr)*saveHndl, hsize);
        // check whether there are two tables for the 200 dpi accl resource
    if ((*acclRsrcHndl)->numAcclTables <= 1)
    {       // device not recognized
        printf("\naccl resource for 200 dpi mouse not recognized");
        return 1;
        // modify 200 dpi table using modified values
    err = ModifySecond200dpiTable(acclRsrcHndl, (AcclPoint*)gReplaceAcclPt,
    if (err != noErr)
    {       // error adding modified values
        printf("\nerror adding modified values - %d", err);
        return 1;
        // the resource has been modified but we need to set the
        // acceleration to have the modified accl values take effect
    CursorDeviceSetAcceleration(cdPtr, accel);
    printf("\nthe modified accl field has been installed");
    printf("\nclick the mouse when finished");
    while (!Button())
            ;//Do Nothing
        // restore original accl values
        // copy contents of the handle
    BlockMove((Ptr)*saveHndl, (Ptr)*acclRsrcHndl, hsize);
        // the resource has been modified but we need to set the
        // acceleration to have the modified accl values take effect
    CursorDeviceSetAcceleration(cdPtr, accel);
    return 0;
OSErr ModifySecond200dpiTable(AcclRsrcHandle acclRsrcHndl, AcclPoint *acclPtr,
                                short numPts)
    AcclTablePtr    acclTablePtr;
    ResType         rType;
    short           sizeTable1, sizeTable2;
    //short         resSave, sysRefNum;
    short           rID;
    OSErr           err;
    Str255          rName;
        // get the resource number for the accl resource
    GetResInfo((Handle)acclRsrcHndl, &rID, &rType, rName);
    if (err = ResError())
        return err;
        // get the size of the first table
    sizeTable1 = (*acclRsrcHndl)->acclTable[0].numAcclPoints;
    sizeTable1--;   // subtract off the size of the first entry
        // set the acclTablePtr to point to the second table
    acclTablePtr = (AcclTablePtr)((long)&(*acclRsrcHndl)->acclTable[1] + 
                            sizeTable1 * sizeof(AcclPoint));
        // get the number of accl points in the second table
    sizeTable2 = acclTablePtr->numAcclPoints;
        // set sizeTable2 to the lesser of itself and numPts
    sizeTable2 = sizeTable2 > numPts ? numPts : sizeTable2;
    BlockMove((Ptr)acclPtr, (Ptr)&acclTablePtr->acclPoints,
                    sizeTable2 * sizeof(AcclPoint));
    return err;         
    GetMouseCursorDeviceRec finds a CursorDevice record with a device ID matching
    the devID input parameter
CursorDevicePtr GetMouseCursorDeviceRec(UInt32 devID)
    CursorDevicePtr cdPtr;
    Boolean         done = false;
    cdPtr = NULL;
    while (done == false)
        if (cdPtr->devID == (OSType)devID)  // is this the record that we want
            done = true;
        else if (cdPtr->nextCursorDevice == NULL)   // is this the last record in the chain
            done = true;
            cdPtr = NULL;
//      else    look at the next record
    return cdPtr;
AcclRsrcHandle  GetAcclRsrc(UInt32 devID)
    AcclRsrcHandle  acclHndl;
    short           numAcclRsrc;
    short           i;
    Boolean         done = false;
    UInt8           romMapSave;
    romMapSave = LMGetROMMapInsert();   // get the state of the ROM Map Insert;
    LMSetROMMapInsert(mapTrue);         // map the ROM into the resource chain
    numAcclRsrc = CountResources(acclRsrcType);
    i = 0;      // initialize our index
    while (done == false)
        if (i >= numAcclRsrc)   // is the index past the number of 'accl' resources
            done = true;        // let's bail
            acclHndl = NULL;    // set result
            i++;    // increment the counter since we start at 0
            acclHndl = (AcclRsrcHandle)GetIndResource(acclRsrcType, i);
            if ((*acclHndl)->acclClass == (UInt32)devID)
                done = true;
    LMSetROMMapInsert(romMapSave);          // restore ROM Map insert state
    return acclHndl;