
    File:       MoofWars.h
    Contains:   All of the standard application conditionals are defined in this header,
                along with all of the global variables declared by the game.
    Written by: Timothy Carroll 
    Copyright:  Copyright © 1996-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
                You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without
                restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the
                responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute
                this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made
                changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make
                it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source
                code, but that you've made changes.
    Change History (most recent first):
                7/2/1999    Karl Groethe    Updated for Metrowerks Codewarror Pro 2.1
                2/24/97     Timothy Carroll Moved conditional builds to an external file so
                            that error macros can be loaded separate from MoofWars.h
                1/23/97     Timothy Carroll Conditionalized inclusion of MacHeadersPPC
                            so that MrC will compile
                1/23/97     Timothy Carroll Moved the Error Macros to an external file.
                8/15/96     Timothy Carroll Initial Release
#ifndef _MOOFWARS_
#define _MOOFWARS_
#pragma once
#include <Quickdraw.h>
#include <Palettes.h>
#include <DrawSprocket.h>
// 2/24/97
// We now include the app conditionals from a separate file to prevent library files
// from needing to specifically include our MoofWars header by name.
#include "AppConditionals.h"
// Moved the error macros out to the generic libraries, since I use them in other
// projects.
#include "Error Macros.h"   
#include "TCommandTimer.h"
#include "Scaling.h"
#include "TGraphicCollection.h"
#if qUsingSound
#include "Hollywood.h"
// A few standard colors -- probably should use palette calls instead!
const RGBColor kWhite = {0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF};
const RGBColor kBlack = {0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000};
const RGBColor kDarkBlue = {0x0000,0x0000,0x7000};
const RGBColor kLtGrey = {0xC000,0xC000,0xC000};
const RGBColor kMediumGrey = {0x7FFF,0x7FFF,0x7FFF};
// The ResID of the application's color table.  All of my custom graphics routines use
// an 8-bit color table and the sprite is encoded to use these colors.  The actual variable
// to hold the color table is declared below.
enum {
    kAppColorTableResID = 128
// Various constants used to load the background tile and sprite graphics.
enum {
    kGridResourceID = 500,
    kShipResourceID = 1000,
    kShotResourceID = 1001,
    kEnemyResourceID = 1003
// A few keys on the keyboard -- these are the ones I use right now, at least until I add
// a real configuration dialog.
    kEscapeKey = 0x35,
    kPauseKey = 0x71,
    kUpKey = 0x7E,
    kDownKey = 0x7D,
    kLeftKey = 0x7B,
    kRightKey = 0x7C,
    kPeriod = 0x2F,
    kComma = 0x2B,
    kZKey = 0x06,
    kXKey = 0x07,
    kCKey = 0x08,
    kVKey = 0x09,
    kAKey = 0x00,
    kOne = 0x12,
    kTwo = 0x13,
    kThree = 0x14,
    kFour = 0x15,
    kZero = 0x1D
// Here's the actual mapping of the keys above to functions on the keyboard.  Change these
// to change the key settings.
    kExitGame = kEscapeKey,
    kDebugger = kPauseKey,
    kShipRotateLeft = kComma,
    kShipRotateRight = kPeriod,
    kShipApplyThrust = kUpKey,
    kShipFireShot = kLeftKey,
    kShipFireCluster = kRightKey,
    kEnemyRotateLeft = kZKey, 
    kEnemyRotateRight = kXKey,
    kEnemyThrustForward = kCKey,
    kEnemyThrustBackward = kVKey, 
    kEnemyFireShots = kAKey,
    kPlaySoundOne = kOne,
    kPlaySoundTwo = kTwo,
    kPlaySoundThree = kThree,
    kPlaySoundFour = kFour,
    kSoundToggle = kZero
// Holds the bounds of the playing field.
extern WorldRect32          gWorldBounds;
// The main color table described above
extern CTabHandle           gAppColorTable;
// Our draw sprocket context.
extern DSpContextReference  gDrawContext;
// And a running total of the number of shots on the board.  We only keep this if
// we are going to display this number on the screen.
#if qShowTiming
extern long                 gShotsOnBoard;
// Holds the current state of the keyboard and other input devices when processing
// the list of sprites.
extern TInputState          gCommandKeys;
// A standard set of lookup tables in 16.16 fixed notation, so that we can quickly
// do sin and cos.  We currently use 48 frames because thats easy to do from
// Specular Infini-D.  360/48 = 7.5¡ per angle.
extern long             gSinLookup[48];
extern long             gCosLookup[48];
// Currently we are using the hollywood API, we'll either change to our own API or
// remove sound code before shipping.
#if qUsingSound
extern SndReference gSounds[10];
extern Boolean gPlayingSound;
// These hold all of the games graphics.  We export these because we can create
// sprites faster if it is already known that the sprites are loaded.
extern TGraphicCollection *gShipGraphics;
extern TGraphicCollection *gEnemyGraphics;
extern TGraphicCollection *gShotGraphics;
// This checks a particular key value against the 128-bit number returned by GetKeys.
extern Boolean CheckKey (unsigned char *PtrToKeyMap, short theKey);
#endif /* _MOOFWARS_ */