Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
File: TSprite.h |
Contains: This implements a first cut at a standardized sprite class. This is an abstract base |
class and all sprites must be subclassed off a TSprite. |
Written by: Timothy Carroll |
Copyright: Copyright © 1996-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved. |
You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without |
restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the |
responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute |
this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made |
changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make |
it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source |
code, but that you've made changes. |
Change History (most recent first): |
7/2/1999 Karl Groethe Updated for Metrowerks Codewarror Pro 2.1 |
8/15/96 Timothy Carroll Initial Release |
*/ |
#ifndef _TSPRITE_ |
#define _TSPRITE_ |
#pragma once |
#include "TGraphicCollection.h" |
#include "Scaling.h" |
#pragma options align=power |
#endif |
enum eVisibleFlag |
{ |
kInvisible = 0, // An invisible sprite can't be hit tested or drawn. |
kVisible = 1 |
}; |
// When creating a new TSprite, you fill in a TSpriteData structure and pass it along |
// to the TSprite constructor. Two constructors are provided, one that takes a |
// TSpriteData pointer and one that takes a TSpriteData handle. |
// The handle allows a nice method we can use to create a sprite from resource data. |
// Note that the TSprite constructor and any follow up constructors should not modify |
// the data passed back into it. We'll define them as const parameters in th |
// constructor to enforce this. |
// All the handle based constructor will do is dereference the handle and pass it in. |
// We'll lock and unlock the handle over the call. |
struct TSpriteData { |
// A 4 character type used to describe the sprite. Each sprite class will register |
// a OSType that can be used to create a sprite of that type. Each subclass should |
// also define a Data type that is used to define its parameters (each adding to the |
// previous subclasses's data, obviously. |
// If you know what type of sprite you are creating, you can call the constructor |
// directly. Eventually, I'll try to provide a global creator that can be called with |
// a data structure that will call the appropriate creator based on the spriteType field. |
OSType spriteType; |
SInt32 initialX; // sprite's location in world coordinates |
SInt32 initialY; |
SInt32 initialXVelocity; // sprite's velocity in world coordinates |
SInt32 initialYVelocity; |
SInt16 visibility; // initial visibility |
SInt16 face; // initial face |
// Graphics to use for the sprite. |
//If the sprites are already loaded, then we can pass in a copy of the TGraphicCollection |
//directly. If the sprites weren't loaded, preloadedCollection should be set to NULL. |
//If it is NULL, then the resource ID of the collection must be passed in via collectionID. |
//We do this to provide a fast way to make sprites without all the load time. |
SInt16 collectionID; |
TGraphicCollection *preloadedCollection; |
}; |
// Scaling and clipping -- old stuff to be replaced. |
/* |
// This data structure is used to pass in all of the scaling information needed by each |
// TSprite. Unlike the last class, this one we'll actually just define as a pointer -- no |
// resource based info. This might be a mistake, we can change it easily enough. |
// Note that the point passed in via worldPt is mapped to the exact center of whatever Rect |
// is passed in. This Rect is also the one used to set the clipping for the TGraphic class. |
struct TScalingData { |
WorldPoint32 worldPt; |
SInt32 scale; |
Rect screenRect; |
}; |
extern WorldRect32 gScreenBounds; |
*/ |
class TSpriteCollection; |
class TSprite; |
class TSprite |
{ |
// TSpriteCollection is declared as a friend class because it needs direct access to |
// the "fNextSprite" and fPrevSprite members. In the current implementation, we also use |
// it in the hit testing code, although this will hopefully be changed in the future because |
// I don't particularly like it. |
friend TSpriteCollection; |
public: |
enum { |
kSpriteType = 'SPRT' |
}; |
protected: |
// This stores all the data for the sprite's current location and visibility. |
SInt32 fCoordX; // 16.16 fixed |
SInt32 fCoordY; // 16.16 fixed |
SInt32 fVelocityX; // 16.16 fixed |
SInt32 fVelocityY; // 16.16 fixed |
UInt16 fFace; |
UInt16 fVisibility; |
Rect fBounds; // Cache this here rather than in the graphic collection. |
SInt32 fXOffset; |
SInt32 fYOffset; // used when drawing to move to the upper left corner. |
// These store the graphic collections we need to draw our sprites. |
TGraphicCollection *fSpriteImages; |
// These are used to maintain sprite groups. fNextSprite and fPrevSprite |
// are used by the owning TSpriteCollection and should not be touched by the Sprite classes at all. |
TSpriteCollection *fGroup; // if we are a member of a group, this will be non-null. |
TSprite *fNextSprite; // used by TSpriteCollection if we are a group member. |
TSprite *fPrevSprite; // used by TSpriteCollection if we are a group member. |
public: |
/************************************************************************************* |
Constructors and Destructors |
*************************************************************************************/ |
TSprite (TSpriteData *data); |
~TSprite (void); |
/************************************************************************************* |
Standard Accessor Functions |
*************************************************************************************/ |
OSType GetSpriteType (void) {return kSpriteType;} |
void GetCurrentWorldLocation (SInt32 *worldX, SInt32 *worldY); |
void SetCurrentWorldLocation (SInt32 worldX, SInt32 worldY); |
/* |
Boolean |
TSprite::GetCurrentScreenLocation (Rect *currentRect) |
{ |
#pragma unused (currentRect) |
DebugStr ("\pNot implemented"); |
return false; |
} |
*/ |
SInt16 GetFace() {return fFace;} |
void SetFace (SInt16 newFace) {fFace = newFace;} |
SInt16 GetVisibility () {return fVisibility;} |
void SetVisibility (SInt16 newVisibility) {fVisibility = newVisibility;} |
SInt32 GetXVelocity(); |
SInt32 GetYVelocity(); |
void SetXVelocity (SInt32 xVelocity); |
void SetYVelocity (SInt32 yVelocity); |
/************************************************************************************* |
Standard Actions that sprites need to do. |
*************************************************************************************/ |
// Drawing takes the sprite's location relative to the scaling values and draws it |
// to the current buffer. Usually called by the TSpriteCollection automatically. |
void DrawSprite (void); |
// Each sprite will have its process routine called once per frame -- remember that if |
// things are slowing down, not every frame will be drawn, but all frames will be |
// processed. Usually called by the TSpriteCollection automatically. |
// Default process sprite just moves the sprite according to its velocity. |
virtual void ProcessSprite (void) { fCoordX += fVelocityX; fCoordY += fVelocityY;} |
// Whenever two sprites are actually collided, each sprite's collision routine is called |
// with the other as a parameter. Usually called by the TSpriteCollection automatically. |
virtual void Collision (TSprite *theSprite); |
/************************************************************************************* |
Utility functions |
These aren't automatically called, but are simple utility functions that exist because |
all sprites might need to do them. |
*************************************************************************************/ |
void Bounce (WorldRect32 *bounceBounds); |
/************************************************************************************* |
These routines add and remove a sprite from a group. Call these routines, don't call |
the routines from the TSpriteCollection class -- they only exist for these functions to |
call. If you call the TSpriteCollection routines, then parameters in the TSprite class don't |
always get set properly. |
*************************************************************************************/ |
void AddToGroup (TSpriteCollection *theGroup); |
void RemoveFromGroup (void); |
/************************************************************************************* |
These routines are used to set all the clipping information |
These routines set the scaling information and coordinate system. It also sets the |
appropriate clipping rectangle in the TGraphic class. It doesn't change the GWorld |
pointed to by the TGraphic and the caller must make sure this rectangle is within the |
GWorld's actual rectangle or bad things will happen. |
*************************************************************************************/ |
}; |
#pragma options align=reset |
#endif |
#endif /* _TSPRITE_ */ |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-10-14