
    File:       TTileCollection.h
    Contains:   A TileCollection is a set of tiles that can be used to draw a grid.  Essentially,
                this class performs the same function that the TGraphicCollection class does, but
                it is designed just to draw 32x32x8 tiles.  By making this code as specific as
                possible, this code is more than twice as fast as using TGraphics to draw the tiles.
    Written by: Timothy Carroll 
    Copyright:  Copyright © 1996-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
                You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without
                restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the
                responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute
                this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made
                changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make
                it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source
                code, but that you've made changes.
    Change History (most recent first):
                7/2/1999    Karl Groethe    Updated for Metrowerks Codewarror Pro 2.1
                8/15/96     Timothy Carroll Initial Release
#pragma once
#pragma options align=power
// To provide an smaller, simpler interface, we'll define a couple of macros here.
#define NewTileCollection(resID) TTileCollection::NewCollection((resID))
#define DisposeTileCollection(collection) (collection)->DisposeReference()
class TTileCollection
    Static Creator and Reference Counting
    These are the routines that handle the actual creation of the objects, along with reference
    counting and so on.  You shouldn't need to call the reference counting routines yourself --
    instead, call the macros to create and destroy collections and they'll do the right thing.
    Note that DisposeReference is the routine actually responsible for destroying a collection
    when we're through.
    A TTileCollection is loaded from a resource of type 'TILE'.
    static TTileCollection  *NewCollection (SInt16 resID);
    void    AddReference (void);
    void    DisposeReference (void);    
    Locking and Unlocking
    You are never required to lock a collection -- the routines run fine either way.
    The functions are provided because we mainly use these functions to draw grids for
    games, where all of the graphics are loaded ahead of time and stick around until
    the game ends.  By locking the collections, we ensure that they won't be moving around
    while the game is actually running.
    OSErr   LockCollection (void);
    OSErr   UnlockCollection (void);
    Creating and destroying the collection
    The actual work to create and destroy the collection is done by the following two routines.
    CreateCollection loads the resource and sets up all the required data, destroy collection
    disposes of any memory allocated by the object.
    OSErr   CreateCollection (void);
    OSErr   DestroyCollection (void);
    Accessor Functions
    We define only one accessor function, which is used to return the resource ID of the loaded
    SInt16          GetResID(void) {return fResID;}
    Utility Functions
    The main routines that TTile is known for.  I won't explain them in detail here, check out
    the TTile class for details.
    void            CopyImageClipped (UInt32 index, SInt32 top, SInt32 left);
    // The actual class makes 8 copies of the tile data, once for each tile alignment.  If you are
    // going to call any of these routines, make sure you call the one for the destination's 
    // alignment.  If you don't call the correct routine, it will probably draw okay, just much
    // slower -- check out the blitter implementation for details.
    void            CopyImageUnclipped0 (UInt32 index, unsigned char *destPtr);
    void            CopyImageUnclipped1 (UInt32 index, unsigned char *destPtr);
    void            CopyImageUnclipped2 (UInt32 index, unsigned char *destPtr);
    void            CopyImageUnclipped3 (UInt32 index, unsigned char *destPtr);
    void            CopyImageUnclipped4 (UInt32 index, unsigned char *destPtr);
    void            CopyImageUnclipped5 (UInt32 index, unsigned char *destPtr);
    void            CopyImageUnclipped6 (UInt32 index, unsigned char *destPtr);
    void            CopyImageUnclipped7 (UInt32 index, unsigned char *destPtr);
    Because the constructor and destructor should never be called except internally by the class,
    I've made them protected.  You should call the macro functions instead.
    Data Structures
    The actual data used to hold the TTileCollection.  We always align them to power alignment,
    but the alignment is actually the same for 68K alignment anyway....
    TTileCollection (SInt16 resID);
    ~TTileCollection (void);
        SInt16          fResID;             // 2 bytes
        UInt16          fReferenceCount;    // 2 bytes, # of owners of this collection;
        UInt32          fNumberOfTiles;     // 4 bytes
        Handle          fTiles;             // 4 bytes, holds all of the Tile data.
        UInt32          fTileOffset;
#pragma options align=reset
#endif /* _TTILECOLLECTION_ */