Tim's Libraries/TGraphic.h

    File:       TGraphic.h
    Contains:   See TGraphic.cp for description and the list of changes.
    Written by: Timothy Carroll 
    Copyright:  Copyright © 1996-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
                You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without
                restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the
                responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute
                this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made
                changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make
                it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source
                code, but that you've made changes.
    Change History (most recent first):
                7/2/1999    Karl Groethe    Updated for Metrowerks Codewarror Pro 2.1
#ifndef _TGRAPHIC_
#define _TGRAPHIC_
#pragma once
#include <QDOffscreen.h>
#include "Error Macros.h"
#pragma options align=power
enum eDrawFlag
    kDrawGraphic = 0,
    kDrawBackground = 1
// We declare the app color table here, must be defined in the app's code
extern CTabHandle gAppColorTable;
class TGraphic
Static Creator and Reference Counting
These are the routines that handle the actual creation of the objects, along
with reference counting and so on.
    static TGraphic         *NewGraphic (SInt16 resID);
    void AddReference (void);
    void DisposeReference (void);
Locking and Unlocking
You are never required to lock a graphic -- the routines run fine either way. These 
functions are provided because most of the time, all of the graphics will be allocated
ahead of time, and locking them high means more memory for the app, and less handles
to move around.
    OSStatus    LockGraphic (void);
    OSStatus    UnlockGraphic (void);
Creating and destroying the graphic
CreateGraphic loads the resource and processes it to the internal graphic format.
DestroyGraphic disposes of any internal data allocated for a TGraphic.
    OSStatus    CreateGraphic (void);
    OSStatus    DestroyGraphic (void);
File Output
These routines allow convenient writing of a graphic out to a resource fork, 
in either the compressed format or as a PICT resource.
    OSStatus    WriteToGraphicResource (void);
    OSStatus    WriteToPICTResource (void);
Accessors Functions
These are inlined for speed, most other information about the sprite is private and
subject to change.
    SInt16      GetResID(void) {return fResID;}
    Rect        GetBounds (void) {return fBounds;}      
Core Functions
Here are the primary functions of TGraphic, methods to draw or hit test!
CopyImage accept a point in the local coordinate system of the destination PixMap.
If the "useBackground" flag is set and a background PixMap was specified, it will draw
from the background to the destination, using the graphic's data only as a mask.
This allows a cheap and easy "erase" function.
HitTest accepts a point in coordinates local to the TGraphic's bounds rect, and returns
true if that point hits a "drawn" portion of the graphic.
Intersect is a static function that accepts two TGraphic objects and the top left
coordinate for each object.  Both points should be in the same coordinate system. It 
returns true if the masks intersect at any point.
    void            CopyImage (SInt32 top, SInt32 left, Boolean useBackground);
    Boolean         HitTest (SInt32 v, SInt32 h);
    static Boolean  Intersect (TGraphic *object1, TGraphic *object2,
                                SInt32 v1, SInt32 h1, SInt32 v2, SInt32 h2);
Internal Functions
We have a number of routines that can load from various resource formats, along with
the actual sprite encoder.
We also have a number of routines that actually get called to do the blitting.
    OSStatus    LoadFromGraphicResource (void);
    OSStatus    LoadFromPICTResource (void);
    OSStatus    LoadFromICN8Resource (void);
    OSStatus    LoadFromCIconResource (void);
    OSStatus    EncodeGraphic (PixMapHandle theGraphic, Rect *encodeRect);
    void GraphicClipped (SInt32 top, SInt32 left, UInt32 clipLeft, UInt32 clipRight, UInt32 clipTop, UInt32 clipBottom);
    void GraphicUnclipped (SInt32 top, SInt32 left);
    void BackgroundClipped (SInt32 top, SInt32 left, UInt32 clipLeft, UInt32 clipRight, UInt32 clipTop, UInt32 clipBottom);
    void BackgroundUnclipped (SInt32 top, SInt32 left);
    // There are mostly useful for dumping to a PICT file, so we don't have clipped
    // versions of these, and the functionality isn't exposed to outside clients.
    void DrawMaskUnclipped (SInt32 top, SInt32 left);
    void HitMaskUnclipped (SInt32 top, SInt32 left);
The constructor and destructor shouldn't be called directly.  These routines are
called automatically when a new sprite is created by the static routine, and when
all references are released.
    TGraphic (SInt16 resID);
Data Structures
I force alignment to PPC, but the alignment would be the same on 68K.   
    SInt16          fResID;
    UInt16          fReferenceCount;
    UInt16          fBitDepth;
    UInt16          fFlags;
    Rect            fBounds;
// This handle holds the data the TGraphic class uses to draw itself
    Handle          fImage;
// This handle holds the data the TGraphic class uses for hit testing
    Handle          fHitMask;   
#pragma options align=reset
#endif /* _TGRAPHIC_ */