
    File:       MoreFinderEvents.h
    Contains:   Functions to help you build and sending Apple events to the Finder.
    DRI:        George Warner
    Copyright:  Copyright (c) 1998-2001 by Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
    Disclaimer: IMPORTANT:  This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Computer, Inc.
                ("Apple") in consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your
                use, installation, modification or redistribution of this Apple software
                constitutes acceptance of these terms.  If you do not agree with these terms,
                please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple software.
                In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and subject
                to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive license, under AppleÕs
                copyrights in this original Apple software (the "Apple Software"), to use,
                reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple Software, with or without
                modifications, in source and/or binary forms; provided that if you redistribute
                the Apple Software in its entirety and without modifications, you must retain
                this notice and the following text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of
                the Apple Software.  Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of
                Apple Computer, Inc. may be used to endorse or promote products derived from the
                Apple Software without specific prior written permission from Apple.  Except as
                expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or licenses, express or implied,
                are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to any patent rights that
                may be infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the Apple
                Software may be incorporated.
                The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis.  APPLE MAKES NO
    Change History (most recent first):
$Log: MoreFinderEvents.h,v $
Revision 1.13  2002/03/08 23:54:01  geowar
More cleanup.
Added MoreFEGetKindCFString, MoreFEGet/SetCommentCFString
Revision 1.12  2002/03/07 20:36:13  geowar
General clean up.
Added AEBuild version of MoreFEGet/SetComment, MoreFEGetAliasAsObject.
Added (AEBuild only) API's: MoreFEDuplicate, MoreFEMove and MoreFEEmptyTrash.
Revision 1.11  2002/02/19 18:57:55  geowar
Written by: => DRI:
Revision 1.10  2002/01/30 23:46:57  geowar
fixed "No reply is returns" => "No reply is returned"
Revision 1.9  2002/01/16 19:19:49  geowar
Added MoreFEGetSelection, MoreFEOpenInfoWindow. MoreFESetComment,
MoreFEGetObjectAsAlias,  MoreFEGetAliasAsObject, MoreFEGetFSSpecAsObject routines.
Revision 1.8  2002/01/16 18:45:48  geowar
Test - added a line (WOW!)
Revision 1.7  2001/11/07 15:52:46  eskimo1
Tidy up headers, add CVS logs, update copyright.
         <6>     21/9/01    Quinn   Get rid of wacky Finder label.
         <5>     21/9/01    Quinn   Changes for CWPro7 Mach-O build.
         <4>     8/28/01    gaw     Added MoreFEGetKind and MoreFEGetComment
         <3>    22/11/00    Quinn   Switch to "MacTypes.h".
         <2>     4/26/00    gaw     Added MoreFEGetKind
         <1>      3/9/00    GW      Intergrating AppleEvent Helper code. First Check In
#pragma once
//  A private conditionals file to setup the build environment for this project.
#include "MoreSetup.h"
//**********    Universal Headers       ****************************************
    #include <Aliases.h>
    #include <Folders.h>
    #include <Icons.h>
    #include <OSA.h>
    #include <Processes.h>
    #include <MacTypes.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
    extern "C" {
    #pragma import on
    #pragma options align=mac68k
    #pragma pack(push, 2)
    #pragma pack(2)
enum {
    kFinderFileType         = 'FNDR',
    kFinderCreatorType      = 'MACS',
    kFinderProcessType      = 'FNDR',
    kFinderProcessSignature = 'MACS'
    Many of the functions in this library take an AEIdleUPP as a parameter.
    You can use this parameter to supply an idle function for use in the call
    to AESend.
    If the pIdleProcUPP parameter is set to nil, no idle function is used when
    AESend is called, and the send mode will be AENoReply.
    If an AEIdleUPP is supplied in the pIdleProcUPP parameter, it is used when
    AESend is called, and the send mode will be AEWaitReply.
    There is a simple idle function supplied with this library. It's VERY simple.
    It ignores any event it may receive, and returns a resonable sleep value
    and a nil mouse region. This is not enough for any but the most trivial
    of applications.
    If the application using these functions has windows, then the idle function
    will receive update, activate, osEvt, and null events. Because of this,
    you must supply a more complete and robust idle function than the defaule
    idle function included with this library.
    In most cases, the events received by the idle function can simply be
    sent to the application's do event routine. You will also want to supply
    appropriate values for the sleep and mouseRgn parameters.
    See Inside Macintosh: Interapplicatins Communications for more about
    idle functions.
    Send an Apple event to the Finder to get file kind of the item 
    specified by the fssPtr.
    pFSSpecPtr      ==>     The item to get the file kind of.
    pKindStr        ==>     A string into which the file kind will be returned.
    pKindStr        <==     the file kind of the FSSpec.
    pIdleProcUPP    ==>     A UPP for an idle function (required)
    See note about idle functions above.
extern pascal OSErr MoreFEGetKind(const FSSpecPtr pFSSpecPtr,Str255 pKindStr,const AEIdleUPP pIdleProcUPP);
    Send an Apple event to the Finder to get file kind of the item 
    specified by the fssPtr.
    pFSRefPtr       ==>     The item to get the file kind of.
    pKindStr        ==>     A CFString into which the file kind will be returned.
    pKindStr        <==     the file kind of the FSRef.
    pIdleProcUPP    ==>     A UPP for an idle function (required)
    See note about idle functions above.
extern pascal OSErr MoreFEGetKindCFString(const FSRefPtr pFSRefPtr,CFStringRef* pKindStr,const AEIdleUPP pIdleProcUPP);
    Sets the Finder's selection to nothing by telling it to set it's 
    selection to an empty list.
    pIdleProcUPP    ==>     nil for default, or UPP for the idle function to use
    Requires that the folder's window be open, otherwise an error is returned
    in the reply event.
    See note about idle functions above.
extern pascal OSErr MoreFESetSelectionToNone(const AEIdleUPP pIdleProcUPP);
    Send an Apple event to the Finder to get a list of Finder-style object
    for each currently selected object.
    pIdleProcUPP    ==>     nil for default, or UPP for the idle function to use
    pObjectList     ==>     A null AEDesc.
                    <==     A list containing object descriptors,
                            or a null AEDesc if an error is encountered.
    See note about idle functions above.
extern pascal OSErr MoreFEGetSelection(const AEIdleUPP pIdleProcUPP,
                                             AEDescList *pObjectList);
    Send an Apple event to Finder 7.5 or later to set the view of the window
    for the folder pointed to by the FSSpec.
    pFSSpecPtr      ==>     FSSpec for the folder whose view is to be set
    pViewStyle      ==>     A view constant, as defined in AERegistry.h
    pIdleProcUPP    ==>     nil for default, or UPP for the idle function to use
    Requires that the folder's window be open, otherwise an error is returned
    in the reply event.
    See note about idle functions above.
extern pascal OSErr MoreFEChangeFolderViewNewSuite(const FSSpecPtr pFSSpecPtr,
                                          const long pViewStyle,
                                          const AEIdleUPP pIdleProcUPP);
    Send an Apple event to Finder 7.1.1 or 7.1.2 to set the view of the window
    for the folder pointed to by the FSSpec.
    pFSSpecPtr      ==>     FSSpec for the folder whose view is to be set
    pViewStyle      ==>     A view constant, as defined in AERegistry.h
    pIdleProcUPP    ==>     nil for default, or UPP for the idle function to use
    Requires that the folder's window be open, otherwise an error is returned
    in the reply event.
    See note about idle functions above.
extern pascal OSErr MoreFEChangeFolderViewOldSuite(const FSSpecPtr pFSSpecPtr,
                                          const long pViewStyle,
                                          const AEIdleUPP pIdleProcUPP);
    Send an Apple event to the Finder (any version) to set the view of the window
    for the folder pointed to by the FSSpec.
    pFSSpecPtr      ==>     FSSpec for the folder whose view is to be set
    pViewStyle      ==>     A view constant, as defined in AERegistry.h
    pIdleProcUPP    ==>     nil for default, or UPP for the idle function to use
    Requires that the folder's window be open, otherwise an error is returned
    in the reply event.
    See note about idle functions above.
extern pascal OSErr MoreFEChangeFolderView(const FSSpecPtr pFSSpecPtr,
                                  const long pViewStyle,
                                  const AEIdleUPP pIdleProcUPP);
    Send an Apple event to the Finder to add a custom icon to the item 
    specified by the fssPtr.
    pFSSpecPtr      ==>     The item to add the custom icon to.
    pIconSuiteHdl   ==>     A handle to the icon suite to install.
    pIconSelector   ==>     An IconSelectorValue specifying which icon types
                            to add (defined in Icons.h).
    pIdleProcUPP    ==>     A UPP for an idle function, or nil.
    See note about idle functions above.
extern pascal OSErr MoreFEAddCustomIconToItem(const FSSpecPtr pFSSpecPtr,
                                     const Handle pIconSuiteHdl,
                                     const IconSelectorValue pIconSelector,
                                     const AEIdleUPP pIdleProcUPP);
    Send an Apple event to the Finder to get the icon of the item 
    specified by the fssPtr.
    pFSSpecPtr      ==>     The item to get the icon from.
    pIdleProcUPP    ==>     A UPP for an idle function (required)
    pIconSuiteHdl   ==>     A handle into which the icon suite will be returned.
    pIconSuiteHdl   <==     A handle to an icon suite.
    See note about idle functions above.
extern pascal OSErr MoreFEGetItemIconSuite(const FSSpecPtr pFSSpecPtr,
                                            const AEIdleUPP pIdleProcUPP,
                                            Handle   *pIconSuiteHdl);
    Send an Apple event to the Finder to get a list of Finder-style object
    for each item on the desktop. This includes files (of all types),
    folders, and volumes.
    pIdleProcUPP    ==>     A UPP for an idle function (required)
    pObjectList     ==>     A null AEDesc.
                    <==     A list containing object descriptors,
                            or a null AEDesc if an error is encountered.
    See note about idle functions above.
extern pascal OSErr MoreFEGetEveryItemOnDesktop(const AEIdleUPP pIdleProcUPP,
                                                 AEDescList *pObjectList);
    Send an Apple event to the Finder to get the current font and font size
    as set in the Views control panel.
    pIdleProcUPP    ==>     A UPP for an idle function (required)
    pFont           ==>     The font ID for the current view settings.
    pFontSize       ==>     The font size for the current view settings.
    You MUST supply an idle function for this routine to work, since it is
    returning data.  You may use the simple handler provided in this library.
    See note about idle functions above.
    -50     paramErr    No idle function provided.
extern pascal OSErr MoreFEGetViewFontAndSize(const AEIdleUPP pIdleProcUPP,
                                          SInt16 *pFont,
                                          SInt16 *pFontSize);
    Send an Apple event to the Finder to update the display of the item specified
    by the FSSpec.
    pFSSpecPtr      ==>     The item whose display should be updated.
    No reply is returned, so none is asked for. Hence, no idle function is needed.
extern pascal OSErr MoreFEUpdateItemFSS(const FSSpecPtr pFSSpecPtr);
    Send an Apple event to the Finder to update the display of the item specified
    by the FSRef.
    pFSRefPtr       ==>     The item whose display should be updated.
    No reply is returned, so none is asked for. Hence, no idle function is needed.
extern pascal OSErr MoreFEUpdateItemFSRef(const FSRefPtr pFSRefPtr);
    Send an Apple event to the Finder (any version) to set the visibility of
    a process specified by it's PSN.
    pPSN            ==>     The processes serial number
    pVisible        ==>     Make the process visible or not
extern pascal OSErr MoreFESetProcessVisibility(const ProcessSerialNumberPtr pPSN, Boolean pVisible);
    Send an Apple event to the Finder to update the display of the item specified
    by the alias.
    pAliasHdl       ==>     The item whose display should be updated.
    No reply is returned, so none is asked for. Hence, no idle function is needed.
extern pascal OSErr MoreFEUpdateItemAlias(const AliasHandle pAliasHdl);
    Send an odoc Apple event to the Finder to open the item specified by the FSSpec.
    This routine can be used to open a file with it's creator app, launch an,
    open a control panel. Pretty much open anything you can open directly in the
    Finder by double-clicking.
    pFSSpecPtr      ==>     The item whose display should be updated.
    No reply is returned, so none is asked for. Hence, no idle function is needed.
extern pascal   OSErr MoreFEOpenFile(const FSSpecPtr pFSSpecPtr);
    Send an odoc Apple event to the Finder to open the info item specified by the FSSpec.
    pFSSpecPtr      ==>     The item whose display should be updated.
    pIdleProcUPP    ==>     nil for default, or UPP for the idle function to use
    No reply is returned, so none is asked for. Hence, no idle function is needed.
extern pascal OSErr MoreFEOpenInfoWindow(const FSSpecPtr pFSSpecPtr,const AEIdleUPP pIdleProcUPP);
    Send an Apple event to the Finder to create a new alias file at destFSSPtr
    location, with the file at sourceFSSPtr as the target, with newName as it's name.
    pSourceFSSPtr   ==>     The target for the new alias file.
    pDestFSSPtr     ==>     The location for the new alias file.
    pNewName        ==>     The name for the new alias file.
    pIdleProcUPP    ==>     A UPP for an idle function, or nil.
    A reference to the newly created alias file will be returned. Currently this
    function ignores this result, but you could extract it if needed. You can ask
    that the result be returned as a Finder style object, as an alias, or as an FSSpec.
    See note about idle functions above.
extern pascal   OSErr   MoreFECreateAliasFile(const FSSpecPtr pSourceFSSPtr,
                                  const FSSpecPtr pDestFSSPtr,
                                  ConstStr63Param pNewName,
                                  const AEIdleUPP pIdleProcUPP);
    Send set data Apple event to the Finder to change the position of the icon
    for the item specified by the FSSpec.  The Finder's display of the item is
    immediately updated.
    NOTE:   The position parameter is a Point, with it's values in y/x order,
            where as the Finder expects positions to be in x/y order.  This
            routine changes the order for you. 
    pFSSpecPtr      ==>     The item whose position will be changed.
    pPosition       ==>     The new position for the item.
    No reply is returned, so none is asked for. Hence, no idle function is needed.
extern pascal OSErr MoreFEMoveDiskIcon(const FSSpecPtr pFSSpecPtr,
                                        const Point pPoint);
    Make an icon suite containing the icons in an icon family record, as returned
    by the Finder. Behaves simmilar to a call to GetIconSuite, i.e., a new icon
    suite handle will be returned in pIconSuiteHdl.
    pIconFamilyAEDescList   input:  The icon family to process.
    pIconSuiteHdl       input:  Pointer to an icon suite handle variable
                        output: An icon suite containing the icons from the
                                icon family record.
    Result Codes
    noErr                   0   No error    
    paramErr              -50   The value of target or alias parameter, or of
                                both, is NIL, or the alias record is corrupt
    memFullErr           -108   Not enough room in heap zone    
    errAECoercionFail   -1700   Data could not be coerced to the requested 
                                Apple event data type   
extern pascal   OSErr   MoreFECreateIconSuite(const AEDescList *pIconFamilyAEDescList,
                                        Handle *pIconSuiteHdl);
    Make an icon family record containing the icons specified in the
    pIconSelector parameter.
    The pIconSuiteHdl parameter should contain an icon suite, as returned by a
    call to GetIconSuite.
    pIconSuiteHdl           input:  The icon suite to build the record from.
    pIconSelector           input:  Which icons to include in the record.
    pIconFamilyAEDescList   input:  Pointer to null AEDesc.
                            output: An AERecord that's been coerced to an
                                icon family record.
    Result Codes
    noErr                   0   No error    
    paramErr              -50   The value of target or alias parameter, or of
                                both, is NIL, or the alias record is corrupt
    memFullErr           -108   Not enough room in heap zone    
    errAECoercionFail   -1700   Data could not be coerced to the requested 
                                Apple event data type   
extern pascal OSErr MoreFECreateIconFamilyRecord(const Handle pIconSuiteHdl,
                                                    const IconSelectorValue pIconSelector,
                                                    AEDescList *pIconFamilyAEDescList);
    Does the Finder call AEProcessAppleEvent when it receives an Apple event.
    true    Finder is version 7.1.3 or later, calls AEProcessAppleEvent,
            and supports the full old Finder event suite.
    false   The Finder supports a subset of the old Finder event suite.
    Use this routine together with MoreFEIsOSLCompliant to determine which
    suite of events the Finder supports.
extern pascal Boolean MoreFECallsAEProcess(void);
    Does the Finder uses the ObjectSupportLib to resolve objecs.
    true    Finder is version 7.5 or later, and supports the Standard event suite,
            the new Finder event suite & a subset of the old Finder event suite.
    false   See result of MoreFECallsAEProcess.
    Support for the old Finder event suite is limited, with some events missing
    and some events only partially supported. The subset of old Finder event
    supported is not the same subset as the original Finder 7 supported.
    Use the new event suite, and avoid the old one, whenever possible. 
extern pascal Boolean MoreFEIsOSLCompliant(void);
    Does the Finder uses cIconFamily records or IconSuites.
    So far (as of Mac OS 8.1) only the Finder in Mac OS 8.0 requires the use of
    IconSuites, rather than cIconFamily like the other Finders.  This test
    lets us identify this odd Finder so we can special case Icon code.
    true    Finder uses cIconFamily.
    false   Finder uses IconSuite.
extern pascal Boolean MoreFEUsesIconFamily(void);
    Send an Apple event to the Finder to the finder Comment of the item 
    specified by the FSSpecPtr.
    pFSSpecPtr      ==>     The item to get the file Comment of.
    pCommentStr     ==>     A string into which the finder comment will be returned.
    pIdleProcUPP    ==>     A UPP for an idle function (required)
    See note about idle functions above.
extern pascal OSErr MoreFEGetComment(const FSSpecPtr pFSSpecPtr,Str255 pCommentStr,const AEIdleUPP pIdleProcUPP);
    Send an Apple event to the Finder to set the finder comment of the item 
    specified by the FSSpecPtr.
    pFSSpecPtr      ==>     The item to set the comment of.
    pCommentStr     ==>     A string to which the file comment will be set
    pIdleProcUPP    ==>     A UPP for an idle function, or nil.
    See note about idle functions above.
extern pascal OSErr MoreFESetComment(const FSSpecPtr pFSSpecPtr,const Str255 pCommentStr,const AEIdleUPP pIdleProcUPP);
    Send an Apple event to the Finder to the finder Comment of the item 
    specified by the FSRefPtr.
    pFSRefPtr       ==>     The item to get the file Comment of.
    pCommentStr     ==>     A string into which the finder comment will be returned.
    pIdleProcUPP    ==>     A UPP for an idle function (required)
    See note about idle functions above.
extern pascal OSErr MoreFEGetCommentCFString(const FSRefPtr pFSRefPtr,CFStringRef* pCommentStr,const AEIdleUPP pIdleProcUPP);
    Send an Apple event to the Finder to set the finder comment of the item 
    specified by the FSRefPtr.
    pFSRefPtr       ==>     The item to set the comment of.
    pCommentStr     ==>     A string to which the file comment will be set
    pIdleProcUPP    ==>     A UPP for an idle function, or nil.
    See note about idle functions above.
extern pascal OSErr MoreFESetCommentCFString(const FSRefPtr pFSRefPtr,const CFStringRef pCommentStr,const AEIdleUPP pIdleProcUPP);
    Send an Apple event to the Finder to get the finder object as an alias
    pAEDesc         ==>     The finder object to get the alias of
    pAliasHandle    ==>     An alias handle to which the objects alias will be set
    pIdleProcUPP    ==>     A UPP for an idle function (required)
    See note about idle functions above.
extern pascal OSErr MoreFEGetObjectAsAlias(const AEDesc* pAEDesc,AliasHandle* pAliasHandle,const AEIdleUPP pIdleProcUPP);
    Send an Apple event to the Finder to get an alias as a finder object
    pAEDesc         ==>     The finder object to get the alias of
    pAliasHdl       ==>     An alias handle to which the objects alias will be set
    pIdleProcUPP    ==>     A UPP for an idle function (required)
    See note about idle functions above.
extern pascal OSErr MoreFEGetAliasAsObject(const AliasHandle pAliasHdl,AEDesc* pAEDesc,const AEIdleUPP pIdleProcUPP);
    Send an Apple event to the Finder to get an alias as a finder object
    pFSSpecPtr      ==>     The item to get an object specifier for
    pAliasHdl       ==>     An alias handle to which the objects alias will be set
    pIdleProcUPP    ==>     A UPP for an idle function (required)
    See note about idle functions above.
extern pascal OSErr MoreFEGetFSSpecAsObject(const FSSpecPtr pFSSpecPtr,AEDesc* pAEDesc,const AEIdleUPP pIdleProcUPP);
    Send an Apple event to the Finder to tell it to duplicate a file
    pFileFSSpecPtr      ==>     The item to duplicate
    pFolderFSSpecPtr    ==>     Where to duplicate it
    pWithReplacing      ==>     Boolean with/without replacing
    pAEDescPtr          <==     the resulting object
    pIdleProcUPP        ==>     A UPP for an idle function (required)
    See note about idle functions above.
extern pascal OSErr MoreFEDuplicate(const FSSpecPtr pFileFSSpecPtr,const FSSpecPtr pFolderFSSpecPtr,const Boolean pWithReplacing,AEDesc* pAEDescPtr,const AEIdleUPP pIdleProcUPP);
    Send an Apple event to the Finder to tell it to move a file
    pFileFSSpecPtr      ==>     The item to duplicate
    pFolderFSSpecPtr    ==>     Where to duplicate it
    pWithReplacing      ==>     Boolean with/without replacing
    pAEDescPtr          <==     the resulting object
    pIdleProcUPP        ==>     A UPP for an idle function (required)
    See note about idle functions above.
extern pascal OSErr MoreFEMove(const FSSpecPtr pFileFSSpecPtr,const FSSpecPtr pFolderFSSpecPtr,const Boolean pWithReplacing,AEDesc* pAEDescPtr,const AEIdleUPP pIdleProcUPP);
    Send an Apple event to the Finder to tell it to empty the trash
    pIdleProcUPP        ==>     A UPP for an idle function (required)
    See note about idle functions above.
extern pascal OSErr MoreFEEmptyTrash(const AEIdleUPP pIdleProcUPP);
    #pragma options align=reset
    #pragma pack(pop)
    #pragma pack()
#pragma import off
#pragma import reset
#ifdef __cplusplus