Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
File: MoreFinderEvents.h |
Contains: Functions to help you build and sending Apple events to the Finder. |
DRI: George Warner |
Copyright: Copyright (c) 1998-2001 by Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved. |
Disclaimer: IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Computer, Inc. |
("Apple") in consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your |
use, installation, modification or redistribution of this Apple software |
constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you do not agree with these terms, |
please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple software. |
In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and subject |
to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive license, under AppleÕs |
copyrights in this original Apple software (the "Apple Software"), to use, |
reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple Software, with or without |
modifications, in source and/or binary forms; provided that if you redistribute |
the Apple Software in its entirety and without modifications, you must retain |
this notice and the following text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of |
the Apple Software. Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of |
Apple Computer, Inc. may be used to endorse or promote products derived from the |
Apple Software without specific prior written permission from Apple. Except as |
expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or licenses, express or implied, |
are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to any patent rights that |
may be infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the Apple |
Software may be incorporated. |
The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE MAKES NO |
Change History (most recent first): |
$Log: MoreFinderEvents.h,v $ |
Revision 1.13 2002/03/08 23:54:01 geowar |
More cleanup. |
Added MoreFEGetKindCFString, MoreFEGet/SetCommentCFString |
Revision 1.12 2002/03/07 20:36:13 geowar |
General clean up. |
Added AEBuild version of MoreFEGet/SetComment, MoreFEGetAliasAsObject. |
Added (AEBuild only) API's: MoreFEDuplicate, MoreFEMove and MoreFEEmptyTrash. |
Revision 1.11 2002/02/19 18:57:55 geowar |
Written by: => DRI: |
Revision 1.10 2002/01/30 23:46:57 geowar |
fixed "No reply is returns" => "No reply is returned" |
Revision 1.9 2002/01/16 19:19:49 geowar |
Added MoreFEGetSelection, MoreFEOpenInfoWindow. MoreFESetComment, |
MoreFEGetObjectAsAlias, MoreFEGetAliasAsObject, MoreFEGetFSSpecAsObject routines. |
Revision 1.8 2002/01/16 18:45:48 geowar |
Test - added a line (WOW!) |
Revision 1.7 2001/11/07 15:52:46 eskimo1 |
Tidy up headers, add CVS logs, update copyright. |
<6> 21/9/01 Quinn Get rid of wacky Finder label. |
<5> 21/9/01 Quinn Changes for CWPro7 Mach-O build. |
<4> 8/28/01 gaw Added MoreFEGetKind and MoreFEGetComment |
<3> 22/11/00 Quinn Switch to "MacTypes.h". |
<2> 4/26/00 gaw Added MoreFEGetKind |
<1> 3/9/00 GW Intergrating AppleEvent Helper code. First Check In |
*/ |
#pragma once |
//******************************************************************************** |
// A private conditionals file to setup the build environment for this project. |
#include "MoreSetup.h" |
//********** Universal Headers **************************************** |
#include <Aliases.h> |
#include <Folders.h> |
#include <Icons.h> |
#include <OSA.h> |
#include <Processes.h> |
#include <MacTypes.h> |
#endif |
//******************************************************************************** |
#ifdef __cplusplus |
extern "C" { |
#endif |
#pragma import on |
#endif |
#pragma options align=mac68k |
#pragma pack(push, 2) |
#pragma pack(2) |
#endif |
//******************************************************************************** |
enum { |
kFinderFileType = 'FNDR', |
kFinderCreatorType = 'MACS', |
kFinderProcessType = 'FNDR', |
kFinderProcessSignature = 'MACS' |
}; |
/******************************************************************************** |
Many of the functions in this library take an AEIdleUPP as a parameter. |
You can use this parameter to supply an idle function for use in the call |
to AESend. |
If the pIdleProcUPP parameter is set to nil, no idle function is used when |
AESend is called, and the send mode will be AENoReply. |
If an AEIdleUPP is supplied in the pIdleProcUPP parameter, it is used when |
AESend is called, and the send mode will be AEWaitReply. |
There is a simple idle function supplied with this library. It's VERY simple. |
It ignores any event it may receive, and returns a resonable sleep value |
and a nil mouse region. This is not enough for any but the most trivial |
of applications. |
If the application using these functions has windows, then the idle function |
will receive update, activate, osEvt, and null events. Because of this, |
you must supply a more complete and robust idle function than the defaule |
idle function included with this library. |
In most cases, the events received by the idle function can simply be |
sent to the application's do event routine. You will also want to supply |
appropriate values for the sleep and mouseRgn parameters. |
See Inside Macintosh: Interapplicatins Communications for more about |
idle functions. |
*****************************************************************************/ |
/******************************************************************************** |
Send an Apple event to the Finder to get file kind of the item |
specified by the fssPtr. |
pFSSpecPtr ==> The item to get the file kind of. |
pKindStr ==> A string into which the file kind will be returned. |
pKindStr <== the file kind of the FSSpec. |
pIdleProcUPP ==> A UPP for an idle function (required) |
See note about idle functions above. |
*/ |
extern pascal OSErr MoreFEGetKind(const FSSpecPtr pFSSpecPtr,Str255 pKindStr,const AEIdleUPP pIdleProcUPP); |
/******************************************************************************** |
Send an Apple event to the Finder to get file kind of the item |
specified by the fssPtr. |
pFSRefPtr ==> The item to get the file kind of. |
pKindStr ==> A CFString into which the file kind will be returned. |
pKindStr <== the file kind of the FSRef. |
pIdleProcUPP ==> A UPP for an idle function (required) |
See note about idle functions above. |
*/ |
extern pascal OSErr MoreFEGetKindCFString(const FSRefPtr pFSRefPtr,CFStringRef* pKindStr,const AEIdleUPP pIdleProcUPP); |
/******************************************************************************** |
Sets the Finder's selection to nothing by telling it to set it's |
selection to an empty list. |
pIdleProcUPP ==> nil for default, or UPP for the idle function to use |
Requires that the folder's window be open, otherwise an error is returned |
in the reply event. |
See note about idle functions above. |
*/ |
extern pascal OSErr MoreFESetSelectionToNone(const AEIdleUPP pIdleProcUPP); |
/******************************************************************************** |
Send an Apple event to the Finder to get a list of Finder-style object |
for each currently selected object. |
pIdleProcUPP ==> nil for default, or UPP for the idle function to use |
pObjectList ==> A null AEDesc. |
<== A list containing object descriptors, |
or a null AEDesc if an error is encountered. |
See note about idle functions above. |
*/ |
extern pascal OSErr MoreFEGetSelection(const AEIdleUPP pIdleProcUPP, |
AEDescList *pObjectList); |
/******************************************************************************** |
Send an Apple event to Finder 7.5 or later to set the view of the window |
for the folder pointed to by the FSSpec. |
pFSSpecPtr ==> FSSpec for the folder whose view is to be set |
pViewStyle ==> A view constant, as defined in AERegistry.h |
pIdleProcUPP ==> nil for default, or UPP for the idle function to use |
Requires that the folder's window be open, otherwise an error is returned |
in the reply event. |
See note about idle functions above. |
*/ |
extern pascal OSErr MoreFEChangeFolderViewNewSuite(const FSSpecPtr pFSSpecPtr, |
const long pViewStyle, |
const AEIdleUPP pIdleProcUPP); |
/******************************************************************************** |
Send an Apple event to Finder 7.1.1 or 7.1.2 to set the view of the window |
for the folder pointed to by the FSSpec. |
pFSSpecPtr ==> FSSpec for the folder whose view is to be set |
pViewStyle ==> A view constant, as defined in AERegistry.h |
pIdleProcUPP ==> nil for default, or UPP for the idle function to use |
Requires that the folder's window be open, otherwise an error is returned |
in the reply event. |
See note about idle functions above. |
*/ |
extern pascal OSErr MoreFEChangeFolderViewOldSuite(const FSSpecPtr pFSSpecPtr, |
const long pViewStyle, |
const AEIdleUPP pIdleProcUPP); |
/******************************************************************************** |
Send an Apple event to the Finder (any version) to set the view of the window |
for the folder pointed to by the FSSpec. |
pFSSpecPtr ==> FSSpec for the folder whose view is to be set |
pViewStyle ==> A view constant, as defined in AERegistry.h |
pIdleProcUPP ==> nil for default, or UPP for the idle function to use |
Requires that the folder's window be open, otherwise an error is returned |
in the reply event. |
See note about idle functions above. |
*/ |
extern pascal OSErr MoreFEChangeFolderView(const FSSpecPtr pFSSpecPtr, |
const long pViewStyle, |
const AEIdleUPP pIdleProcUPP); |
/******************************************************************************** |
Send an Apple event to the Finder to add a custom icon to the item |
specified by the fssPtr. |
pFSSpecPtr ==> The item to add the custom icon to. |
pIconSuiteHdl ==> A handle to the icon suite to install. |
pIconSelector ==> An IconSelectorValue specifying which icon types |
to add (defined in Icons.h). |
pIdleProcUPP ==> A UPP for an idle function, or nil. |
See note about idle functions above. |
*/ |
extern pascal OSErr MoreFEAddCustomIconToItem(const FSSpecPtr pFSSpecPtr, |
const Handle pIconSuiteHdl, |
const IconSelectorValue pIconSelector, |
const AEIdleUPP pIdleProcUPP); |
/******************************************************************************** |
Send an Apple event to the Finder to get the icon of the item |
specified by the fssPtr. |
pFSSpecPtr ==> The item to get the icon from. |
pIdleProcUPP ==> A UPP for an idle function (required) |
pIconSuiteHdl ==> A handle into which the icon suite will be returned. |
pIconSuiteHdl <== A handle to an icon suite. |
See note about idle functions above. |
*/ |
extern pascal OSErr MoreFEGetItemIconSuite(const FSSpecPtr pFSSpecPtr, |
const AEIdleUPP pIdleProcUPP, |
Handle *pIconSuiteHdl); |
/******************************************************************************** |
Send an Apple event to the Finder to get a list of Finder-style object |
for each item on the desktop. This includes files (of all types), |
folders, and volumes. |
pIdleProcUPP ==> A UPP for an idle function (required) |
pObjectList ==> A null AEDesc. |
<== A list containing object descriptors, |
or a null AEDesc if an error is encountered. |
See note about idle functions above. |
*/ |
extern pascal OSErr MoreFEGetEveryItemOnDesktop(const AEIdleUPP pIdleProcUPP, |
AEDescList *pObjectList); |
/******************************************************************************** |
Send an Apple event to the Finder to get the current font and font size |
as set in the Views control panel. |
pIdleProcUPP ==> A UPP for an idle function (required) |
pFont ==> The font ID for the current view settings. |
pFontSize ==> The font size for the current view settings. |
You MUST supply an idle function for this routine to work, since it is |
returning data. You may use the simple handler provided in this library. |
See note about idle functions above. |
Errors |
-50 paramErr No idle function provided. |
*/ |
extern pascal OSErr MoreFEGetViewFontAndSize(const AEIdleUPP pIdleProcUPP, |
SInt16 *pFont, |
SInt16 *pFontSize); |
/******************************************************************************** |
Send an Apple event to the Finder to update the display of the item specified |
by the FSSpec. |
pFSSpecPtr ==> The item whose display should be updated. |
No reply is returned, so none is asked for. Hence, no idle function is needed. |
*/ |
extern pascal OSErr MoreFEUpdateItemFSS(const FSSpecPtr pFSSpecPtr); |
/******************************************************************************** |
Send an Apple event to the Finder to update the display of the item specified |
by the FSRef. |
pFSRefPtr ==> The item whose display should be updated. |
No reply is returned, so none is asked for. Hence, no idle function is needed. |
*/ |
extern pascal OSErr MoreFEUpdateItemFSRef(const FSRefPtr pFSRefPtr); |
/******************************************************************************** |
Send an Apple event to the Finder (any version) to set the visibility of |
a process specified by it's PSN. |
pPSN ==> The processes serial number |
pVisible ==> Make the process visible or not |
*/ |
extern pascal OSErr MoreFESetProcessVisibility(const ProcessSerialNumberPtr pPSN, Boolean pVisible); |
/******************************************************************************** |
Send an Apple event to the Finder to update the display of the item specified |
by the alias. |
pAliasHdl ==> The item whose display should be updated. |
No reply is returned, so none is asked for. Hence, no idle function is needed. |
*/ |
extern pascal OSErr MoreFEUpdateItemAlias(const AliasHandle pAliasHdl); |
/******************************************************************************** |
Send an odoc Apple event to the Finder to open the item specified by the FSSpec. |
This routine can be used to open a file with it's creator app, launch an, |
open a control panel. Pretty much open anything you can open directly in the |
Finder by double-clicking. |
pFSSpecPtr ==> The item whose display should be updated. |
No reply is returned, so none is asked for. Hence, no idle function is needed. |
*/ |
extern pascal OSErr MoreFEOpenFile(const FSSpecPtr pFSSpecPtr); |
/******************************************************************************** |
Send an odoc Apple event to the Finder to open the info item specified by the FSSpec. |
pFSSpecPtr ==> The item whose display should be updated. |
pIdleProcUPP ==> nil for default, or UPP for the idle function to use |
No reply is returned, so none is asked for. Hence, no idle function is needed. |
*/ |
extern pascal OSErr MoreFEOpenInfoWindow(const FSSpecPtr pFSSpecPtr,const AEIdleUPP pIdleProcUPP); |
/******************************************************************************** |
Send an Apple event to the Finder to create a new alias file at destFSSPtr |
location, with the file at sourceFSSPtr as the target, with newName as it's name. |
pSourceFSSPtr ==> The target for the new alias file. |
pDestFSSPtr ==> The location for the new alias file. |
pNewName ==> The name for the new alias file. |
pIdleProcUPP ==> A UPP for an idle function, or nil. |
A reference to the newly created alias file will be returned. Currently this |
function ignores this result, but you could extract it if needed. You can ask |
that the result be returned as a Finder style object, as an alias, or as an FSSpec. |
See note about idle functions above. |
*/ |
extern pascal OSErr MoreFECreateAliasFile(const FSSpecPtr pSourceFSSPtr, |
const FSSpecPtr pDestFSSPtr, |
ConstStr63Param pNewName, |
const AEIdleUPP pIdleProcUPP); |
/******************************************************************************** |
Send set data Apple event to the Finder to change the position of the icon |
for the item specified by the FSSpec. The Finder's display of the item is |
immediately updated. |
NOTE: The position parameter is a Point, with it's values in y/x order, |
where as the Finder expects positions to be in x/y order. This |
routine changes the order for you. |
pFSSpecPtr ==> The item whose position will be changed. |
pPosition ==> The new position for the item. |
No reply is returned, so none is asked for. Hence, no idle function is needed. |
*/ |
extern pascal OSErr MoreFEMoveDiskIcon(const FSSpecPtr pFSSpecPtr, |
const Point pPoint); |
/******************************************************************************** |
Make an icon suite containing the icons in an icon family record, as returned |
by the Finder. Behaves simmilar to a call to GetIconSuite, i.e., a new icon |
suite handle will be returned in pIconSuiteHdl. |
pIconFamilyAEDescList input: The icon family to process. |
pIconSuiteHdl input: Pointer to an icon suite handle variable |
output: An icon suite containing the icons from the |
icon family record. |
Result Codes |
____________ |
noErr 0 No error |
paramErr -50 The value of target or alias parameter, or of |
both, is NIL, or the alias record is corrupt |
memFullErr -108 Not enough room in heap zone |
errAECoercionFail -1700 Data could not be coerced to the requested |
Apple event data type |
*/ |
extern pascal OSErr MoreFECreateIconSuite(const AEDescList *pIconFamilyAEDescList, |
Handle *pIconSuiteHdl); |
/******************************************************************************** |
Make an icon family record containing the icons specified in the |
pIconSelector parameter. |
The pIconSuiteHdl parameter should contain an icon suite, as returned by a |
call to GetIconSuite. |
pIconSuiteHdl input: The icon suite to build the record from. |
pIconSelector input: Which icons to include in the record. |
pIconFamilyAEDescList input: Pointer to null AEDesc. |
output: An AERecord that's been coerced to an |
icon family record. |
Result Codes |
____________ |
noErr 0 No error |
paramErr -50 The value of target or alias parameter, or of |
both, is NIL, or the alias record is corrupt |
memFullErr -108 Not enough room in heap zone |
errAECoercionFail -1700 Data could not be coerced to the requested |
Apple event data type |
*/ |
extern pascal OSErr MoreFECreateIconFamilyRecord(const Handle pIconSuiteHdl, |
const IconSelectorValue pIconSelector, |
AEDescList *pIconFamilyAEDescList); |
/******************************************************************************** |
Does the Finder call AEProcessAppleEvent when it receives an Apple event. |
____________ |
true Finder is version 7.1.3 or later, calls AEProcessAppleEvent, |
and supports the full old Finder event suite. |
false The Finder supports a subset of the old Finder event suite. |
Use this routine together with MoreFEIsOSLCompliant to determine which |
suite of events the Finder supports. |
*/ |
extern pascal Boolean MoreFECallsAEProcess(void); |
/******************************************************************************** |
Does the Finder uses the ObjectSupportLib to resolve objecs. |
____________ |
true Finder is version 7.5 or later, and supports the Standard event suite, |
the new Finder event suite & a subset of the old Finder event suite. |
false See result of MoreFECallsAEProcess. |
Support for the old Finder event suite is limited, with some events missing |
and some events only partially supported. The subset of old Finder event |
supported is not the same subset as the original Finder 7 supported. |
Use the new event suite, and avoid the old one, whenever possible. |
*/ |
extern pascal Boolean MoreFEIsOSLCompliant(void); |
/******************************************************************************** |
Does the Finder uses cIconFamily records or IconSuites. |
So far (as of Mac OS 8.1) only the Finder in Mac OS 8.0 requires the use of |
IconSuites, rather than cIconFamily like the other Finders. This test |
lets us identify this odd Finder so we can special case Icon code. |
____________ |
true Finder uses cIconFamily. |
false Finder uses IconSuite. |
*/ |
extern pascal Boolean MoreFEUsesIconFamily(void); |
/******************************************************************************** |
Send an Apple event to the Finder to the finder Comment of the item |
specified by the FSSpecPtr. |
pFSSpecPtr ==> The item to get the file Comment of. |
pCommentStr ==> A string into which the finder comment will be returned. |
pIdleProcUPP ==> A UPP for an idle function (required) |
See note about idle functions above. |
*/ |
extern pascal OSErr MoreFEGetComment(const FSSpecPtr pFSSpecPtr,Str255 pCommentStr,const AEIdleUPP pIdleProcUPP); |
/******************************************************************************** |
Send an Apple event to the Finder to set the finder comment of the item |
specified by the FSSpecPtr. |
pFSSpecPtr ==> The item to set the comment of. |
pCommentStr ==> A string to which the file comment will be set |
pIdleProcUPP ==> A UPP for an idle function, or nil. |
See note about idle functions above. |
*/ |
extern pascal OSErr MoreFESetComment(const FSSpecPtr pFSSpecPtr,const Str255 pCommentStr,const AEIdleUPP pIdleProcUPP); |
/******************************************************************************** |
Send an Apple event to the Finder to the finder Comment of the item |
specified by the FSRefPtr. |
pFSRefPtr ==> The item to get the file Comment of. |
pCommentStr ==> A string into which the finder comment will be returned. |
pIdleProcUPP ==> A UPP for an idle function (required) |
See note about idle functions above. |
*/ |
extern pascal OSErr MoreFEGetCommentCFString(const FSRefPtr pFSRefPtr,CFStringRef* pCommentStr,const AEIdleUPP pIdleProcUPP); |
/******************************************************************************** |
Send an Apple event to the Finder to set the finder comment of the item |
specified by the FSRefPtr. |
pFSRefPtr ==> The item to set the comment of. |
pCommentStr ==> A string to which the file comment will be set |
pIdleProcUPP ==> A UPP for an idle function, or nil. |
See note about idle functions above. |
*/ |
extern pascal OSErr MoreFESetCommentCFString(const FSRefPtr pFSRefPtr,const CFStringRef pCommentStr,const AEIdleUPP pIdleProcUPP); |
/******************************************************************************** |
Send an Apple event to the Finder to get the finder object as an alias |
pAEDesc ==> The finder object to get the alias of |
pAliasHandle ==> An alias handle to which the objects alias will be set |
pIdleProcUPP ==> A UPP for an idle function (required) |
See note about idle functions above. |
*/ |
extern pascal OSErr MoreFEGetObjectAsAlias(const AEDesc* pAEDesc,AliasHandle* pAliasHandle,const AEIdleUPP pIdleProcUPP); |
/******************************************************************************** |
Send an Apple event to the Finder to get an alias as a finder object |
pAEDesc ==> The finder object to get the alias of |
pAliasHdl ==> An alias handle to which the objects alias will be set |
pIdleProcUPP ==> A UPP for an idle function (required) |
See note about idle functions above. |
*/ |
extern pascal OSErr MoreFEGetAliasAsObject(const AliasHandle pAliasHdl,AEDesc* pAEDesc,const AEIdleUPP pIdleProcUPP); |
/******************************************************************************** |
Send an Apple event to the Finder to get an alias as a finder object |
pFSSpecPtr ==> The item to get an object specifier for |
pAliasHdl ==> An alias handle to which the objects alias will be set |
pIdleProcUPP ==> A UPP for an idle function (required) |
See note about idle functions above. |
*/ |
extern pascal OSErr MoreFEGetFSSpecAsObject(const FSSpecPtr pFSSpecPtr,AEDesc* pAEDesc,const AEIdleUPP pIdleProcUPP); |
/******************************************************************************** |
Send an Apple event to the Finder to tell it to duplicate a file |
pFileFSSpecPtr ==> The item to duplicate |
pFolderFSSpecPtr ==> Where to duplicate it |
pWithReplacing ==> Boolean with/without replacing |
pAEDescPtr <== the resulting object |
pIdleProcUPP ==> A UPP for an idle function (required) |
See note about idle functions above. |
*/ |
extern pascal OSErr MoreFEDuplicate(const FSSpecPtr pFileFSSpecPtr,const FSSpecPtr pFolderFSSpecPtr,const Boolean pWithReplacing,AEDesc* pAEDescPtr,const AEIdleUPP pIdleProcUPP); |
/******************************************************************************** |
Send an Apple event to the Finder to tell it to move a file |
pFileFSSpecPtr ==> The item to duplicate |
pFolderFSSpecPtr ==> Where to duplicate it |
pWithReplacing ==> Boolean with/without replacing |
pAEDescPtr <== the resulting object |
pIdleProcUPP ==> A UPP for an idle function (required) |
See note about idle functions above. |
*/ |
extern pascal OSErr MoreFEMove(const FSSpecPtr pFileFSSpecPtr,const FSSpecPtr pFolderFSSpecPtr,const Boolean pWithReplacing,AEDesc* pAEDescPtr,const AEIdleUPP pIdleProcUPP); |
/******************************************************************************** |
Send an Apple event to the Finder to tell it to empty the trash |
pIdleProcUPP ==> A UPP for an idle function (required) |
See note about idle functions above. |
*/ |
extern pascal OSErr MoreFEEmptyTrash(const AEIdleUPP pIdleProcUPP); |
//******************************************************************************** |
#pragma options align=reset |
#pragma pack(pop) |
#pragma pack() |
#endif |
#pragma import off |
#pragma import reset |
#endif |
#ifdef __cplusplus |
} |
#endif |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-01-14