Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
File: DirectoryCopy.h |
Contains: A robust, general purpose directory copy routine. |
Version: Technology: MoreFiles |
Release: 1.5.4 |
Copyright: © 1992-2002 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. |
Bugs?: For bug reports, consult the following page on |
the World Wide Web: | |
*/ |
/* |
Disclaimer: IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Computer, Inc. |
("Apple") in consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your |
use, installation, modification or redistribution of this Apple software |
constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you do not agree with these terms, |
please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple software. |
In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and subject |
to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive license, under AppleÕs |
copyrights in this original Apple software (the "Apple Software"), to use, |
reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple Software, with or without |
modifications, in source and/or binary forms; provided that if you redistribute |
the Apple Software in its entirety and without modifications, you must retain |
this notice and the following text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of |
the Apple Software. Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of |
Apple Computer, Inc. may be used to endorse or promote products derived from the |
Apple Software without specific prior written permission from Apple. Except as |
expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or licenses, express or implied, |
are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to any patent rights that |
may be infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the Apple |
Software may be incorporated. |
The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE MAKES NO |
*/ |
#ifndef __DIRECTORYCOPY__ |
#define __DIRECTORYCOPY__ |
#ifndef __MACTYPES__ |
#include <MacTypes.h> |
#endif |
#ifndef __FILES__ |
#include <Files.h> |
#endif |
#include "Optimization.h" |
#pragma once |
#endif |
#ifdef __cplusplus |
extern "C" { |
#endif |
#pragma import on |
#endif |
#pragma options align=mac68k |
#pragma pack(push, 2) |
#pragma pack(2) |
#endif |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
enum { |
getNextItemOp = 1, /* couldn't access items in this directory - no access privileges */ |
copyDirCommentOp = 2, /* couldn't copy directory's Finder comment */ |
copyDirAccessPrivsOp = 3, /* couldn't copy directory's AFP access privileges */ |
copyDirFMAttributesOp = 4, /* couldn't copy directory's File Manager attributes */ |
dirCreateOp = 5, /* couldn't create destination directory */ |
fileCopyOp = 6 /* couldn't copy file */ |
}; |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
typedef CALLBACK_API( Boolean , CopyErrProcPtr )(OSErr error, short failedOperation, short srcVRefNum, long srcDirID, ConstStr255Param srcName, short dstVRefNum, long dstDirID, ConstStr255Param dstName); |
/* |
This is the prototype for the CopyErrProc function DirectoryCopy |
calls if an error condition is detected sometime during the copy. If |
CopyErrProc returns false, then DirectoryCopy attempts to continue with |
the directory copy operation. If CopyErrProc returns true, then |
DirectoryCopy stops the directory copy operation. |
error input: The error result code that caused CopyErrProc to |
be called. |
failedOperation input: The operation that returned an error to |
DirectoryCopy. |
srcVRefNum input: Source volume specification. |
srcDirID input: Source directory ID. |
srcName input: Source file or directory name, or nil if |
srcDirID specifies the directory. |
dstVRefNum input: Destination volume specification. |
dstDirID input: Destination directory ID. |
dstName input: Destination file or directory name, or nil if |
dstDirID specifies the directory. |
__________ |
Also see: FilteredDirectoryCopy, FSpFilteredDirectoryCopy, DirectoryCopy, FSpDirectoryCopy |
*/ |
#define CallCopyErrProc(userRoutine, error, failedOperation, srcVRefNum, srcDirID, srcName, dstVRefNum, dstDirID, dstName) \ |
(*(userRoutine))((error), (failedOperation), (srcVRefNum), (srcDirID), (srcName), (dstVRefNum), (dstDirID), (dstName)) |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
typedef CALLBACK_API( Boolean , CopyFilterProcPtr )(const CInfoPBRec * cpbPtr); |
/* |
This is the prototype for the CopyFilterProc function called by |
FilteredDirectoryCopy and GetLevelSize. If true is returned, |
the file/folder is included in the copy, otherwise it is excluded. |
pb input: Points to the CInfoPBRec for the item under consideration. |
__________ |
Also see: FilteredDirectoryCopy, FSpFilteredDirectoryCopy |
*/ |
#define CallCopyFilterProc(userRoutine, cpbPtr) \ |
(*(userRoutine))((cpbPtr)) |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
FilteredDirectoryCopy( |
short srcVRefNum, |
long srcDirID, |
ConstStr255Param srcName, |
short dstVRefNum, |
long dstDirID, |
ConstStr255Param dstName, |
ConstStr255Param copyName, |
void * copyBufferPtr, |
long copyBufferSize, |
Boolean preflight, |
CopyErrProcPtr copyErrHandler, |
CopyFilterProcPtr copyFilterProc); |
/* |
The FilteredDirectoryCopy function makes a copy of a directory |
structure in a new location. If copyBufferPtr <> NIL, it points to |
a buffer of copyBufferSize that is used to copy files data. The |
larger the supplied buffer, the faster the copy. If |
copyBufferPtr = NIL, then this routine allocates a buffer in the |
application heap. If you pass a copy buffer to this routine, make |
its size a multiple of 512 ($200) bytes for optimum performance. |
The optional copyFilterProc parameter lets a routine you define |
decide what files or directories are copied to the destination. |
FilteredDirectoryCopy normally creates a new directory *in* the |
specified destination directory and copies the source directory's |
content into the new directory. However, if root parent directory |
(fsRtParID) is passed as the dstDirID parameter and NULL is |
passed as the dstName parameter, DirectoryCopy renames the |
destination volume to the source directory's name (truncating |
if the name is longer than 27 characters) and copies the source |
directory's content into the destination volume's root directory. |
This special case is supported by FilteredDirectoryCopy, but |
not by FSpFilteredDirectoryCopy since with FSpFilteredDirectoryCopy, |
the dstName parameter can not be NULL. |
srcVRefNum input: Source volume specification. |
srcDirID input: Source directory ID. |
srcName input: Source directory name, or nil if |
srcDirID specifies the directory. |
dstVRefNum input: Destination volume specification. |
dstDirID input: Destination directory ID. |
dstName input: Destination directory name, or nil if |
dstDirID specifies the directory. |
copyName input: Points to the new directory name if the directory |
is to be renamed or nil if the directory isn't to |
be renamed. |
copyBufferPtr input: Points to a buffer of copyBufferSize that |
is used the i/o buffer for the copy or |
nil if you want DirectoryCopy to allocate its |
own buffer in the application heap. |
copyBufferSize input: The size of the buffer pointed to |
by copyBufferPtr. |
preflight input: If true, DirectoryCopy makes sure there are |
enough allocation blocks on the destination |
volume to hold the directory's files before |
starting the copy. |
copyErrHandler input: A pointer to the routine you want called if an |
error condition is detected during the copy, or |
nil if you don't want to handle error conditions. |
If you don't handle error conditions, the first |
error will cause the copy to quit and |
DirectoryCopy will return the error. |
Error handling is recommended... |
copyFilterProc input: A pointer to the filter routine you want called |
for each item in the source directory, or NULL |
if you don't want to filter. |
Result Codes |
noErr 0 No error |
readErr Ð19 Driver does not respond to read requests |
writErr Ð20 Driver does not respond to write requests |
badUnitErr Ð21 Driver reference number does not |
match unit table |
unitEmptyErr Ð22 Driver reference number specifies a |
nil handle in unit table |
abortErr Ð27 Request aborted by KillIO |
notOpenErr Ð28 Driver not open |
dskFulErr -34 Destination volume is full |
nsvErr -35 No such volume |
ioErr -36 I/O error |
bdNamErr -37 Bad filename |
tmfoErr -42 Too many files open |
fnfErr -43 Source file not found, or destination |
directory does not exist |
wPrErr -44 Volume locked by hardware |
fLckdErr -45 File is locked |
vLckdErr -46 Destination volume is read-only |
fBsyErr -47 The source or destination file could |
not be opened with the correct access |
modes |
dupFNErr -48 Destination file already exists |
opWrErr -49 File already open for writing |
paramErr -50 No default volume or function not |
supported by volume |
permErr -54 File is already open and cannot be opened using specified deny modes |
memFullErr -108 Copy buffer could not be allocated |
dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname |
wrgVolTypErr -123 Function not supported by volume |
afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access |
afpDenyConflict -5006 The source or destination file could |
not be opened with the correct access |
modes |
afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Source is a directory, directory not found |
or incomplete pathname |
__________ |
Also see: CopyErrProcPtr, CopyFilterProcPtr, FSpFilteredDirectoryCopy, |
DirectoryCopy, FSpDirectoryCopy, FileCopy, FSpFileCopy |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
FSpFilteredDirectoryCopy( |
const FSSpec * srcSpec, |
const FSSpec * dstSpec, |
ConstStr255Param copyName, |
void * copyBufferPtr, |
long copyBufferSize, |
Boolean preflight, |
CopyErrProcPtr copyErrHandler, |
CopyFilterProcPtr copyFilterProc); |
/* |
The FSpFilteredDirectoryCopy function makes a copy of a directory |
structure in a new location. If copyBufferPtr <> NIL, it points to |
a buffer of copyBufferSize that is used to copy files data. The |
larger the supplied buffer, the faster the copy. If |
copyBufferPtr = NIL, then this routine allocates a buffer in the |
application heap. If you pass a copy buffer to this routine, make |
its size a multiple of 512 ($200) bytes for optimum performance. |
The optional copyFilterProc parameter lets a routine you define |
decide what files or directories are copied to the destination. |
srcSpec input: An FSSpec record specifying the directory to copy. |
dstSpec input: An FSSpec record specifying destination directory |
of the copy. |
copyName input: Points to the new directory name if the directory |
is to be renamed or nil if the directory isn't to |
be renamed. |
copyBufferPtr input: Points to a buffer of copyBufferSize that |
is used the i/o buffer for the copy or |
nil if you want DirectoryCopy to allocate its |
own buffer in the application heap. |
copyBufferSize input: The size of the buffer pointed to |
by copyBufferPtr. |
preflight input: If true, FSpDirectoryCopy makes sure there are |
enough allocation blocks on the destination |
volume to hold the directory's files before |
starting the copy. |
copyErrHandler input: A pointer to the routine you want called if an |
error condition is detected during the copy, or |
nil if you don't want to handle error conditions. |
If you don't handle error conditions, the first |
error will cause the copy to quit and |
DirectoryCopy will return the error. |
Error handling is recommended... |
copyFilterProc input: A pointer to the filter routine you want called |
for each item in the source directory, or NULL |
if you don't want to filter. |
Result Codes |
noErr 0 No error |
readErr Ð19 Driver does not respond to read requests |
writErr Ð20 Driver does not respond to write requests |
badUnitErr Ð21 Driver reference number does not |
match unit table |
unitEmptyErr Ð22 Driver reference number specifies a |
nil handle in unit table |
abortErr Ð27 Request aborted by KillIO |
notOpenErr Ð28 Driver not open |
dskFulErr -34 Destination volume is full |
nsvErr -35 No such volume |
ioErr -36 I/O error |
bdNamErr -37 Bad filename |
tmfoErr -42 Too many files open |
fnfErr -43 Source file not found, or destination |
directory does not exist |
wPrErr -44 Volume locked by hardware |
fLckdErr -45 File is locked |
vLckdErr -46 Destination volume is read-only |
fBsyErr -47 The source or destination file could |
not be opened with the correct access |
modes |
dupFNErr -48 Destination file already exists |
opWrErr -49 File already open for writing |
paramErr -50 No default volume or function not |
supported by volume |
permErr -54 File is already open and cannot be opened using specified deny modes |
memFullErr -108 Copy buffer could not be allocated |
dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname |
wrgVolTypErr -123 Function not supported by volume |
afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access |
afpDenyConflict -5006 The source or destination file could |
not be opened with the correct access |
modes |
afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Source is a directory, directory not found |
or incomplete pathname |
__________ |
Also see: CopyErrProcPtr, CopyFilterProcPtr, FilteredDirectoryCopy, |
DirectoryCopy, FSpDirectoryCopy, FileCopy, FSpFileCopy |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
DirectoryCopy( |
short srcVRefNum, |
long srcDirID, |
ConstStr255Param srcName, |
short dstVRefNum, |
long dstDirID, |
ConstStr255Param dstName, |
ConstStr255Param copyName, |
void * copyBufferPtr, |
long copyBufferSize, |
Boolean preflight, |
CopyErrProcPtr copyErrHandler); |
/* |
The DirectoryCopy function makes a copy of a directory structure in a |
new location. If copyBufferPtr <> NIL, it points to a buffer of |
copyBufferSize that is used to copy files data. The larger the |
supplied buffer, the faster the copy. If copyBufferPtr = NIL, then this |
routine allocates a buffer in the application heap. If you pass a |
copy buffer to this routine, make its size a multiple of 512 |
($200) bytes for optimum performance. |
DirectoryCopy normally creates a new directory *in* the specified |
destination directory and copies the source directory's content into |
the new directory. However, if root parent directory (fsRtParID) |
is passed as the dstDirID parameter and NULL is passed as the |
dstName parameter, DirectoryCopy renames the destination volume to |
the source directory's name (truncating if the name is longer than |
27 characters) and copies the source directory's content into the |
destination volume's root directory. This special case is supported |
by DirectoryCopy, but not by FSpDirectoryCopy since with |
FSpDirectoryCopy, the dstName parameter can not be NULL. |
srcVRefNum input: Source volume specification. |
srcDirID input: Source directory ID. |
srcName input: Source directory name, or nil if |
srcDirID specifies the directory. |
dstVRefNum input: Destination volume specification. |
dstDirID input: Destination directory ID. |
dstName input: Destination directory name, or nil if |
dstDirID specifies the directory. |
copyName input: Points to the new directory name if the directory |
is to be renamed or nil if the directory isn't to |
be renamed. |
copyBufferPtr input: Points to a buffer of copyBufferSize that |
is used the i/o buffer for the copy or |
nil if you want DirectoryCopy to allocate its |
own buffer in the application heap. |
copyBufferSize input: The size of the buffer pointed to |
by copyBufferPtr. |
preflight input: If true, DirectoryCopy makes sure there are |
enough allocation blocks on the destination |
volume to hold the directory's files before |
starting the copy. |
copyErrHandler input: A pointer to the routine you want called if an |
error condition is detected during the copy, or |
nil if you don't want to handle error conditions. |
If you don't handle error conditions, the first |
error will cause the copy to quit and |
DirectoryCopy will return the error. |
Error handling is recommended... |
Result Codes |
noErr 0 No error |
readErr Ð19 Driver does not respond to read requests |
writErr Ð20 Driver does not respond to write requests |
badUnitErr Ð21 Driver reference number does not |
match unit table |
unitEmptyErr Ð22 Driver reference number specifies a |
nil handle in unit table |
abortErr Ð27 Request aborted by KillIO |
notOpenErr Ð28 Driver not open |
dskFulErr -34 Destination volume is full |
nsvErr -35 No such volume |
ioErr -36 I/O error |
bdNamErr -37 Bad filename |
tmfoErr -42 Too many files open |
fnfErr -43 Source file not found, or destination |
directory does not exist |
wPrErr -44 Volume locked by hardware |
fLckdErr -45 File is locked |
vLckdErr -46 Destination volume is read-only |
fBsyErr -47 The source or destination file could |
not be opened with the correct access |
modes |
dupFNErr -48 Destination file already exists |
opWrErr -49 File already open for writing |
paramErr -50 No default volume or function not |
supported by volume |
permErr -54 File is already open and cannot be opened using specified deny modes |
memFullErr -108 Copy buffer could not be allocated |
dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname |
wrgVolTypErr -123 Function not supported by volume |
afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access |
afpDenyConflict -5006 The source or destination file could |
not be opened with the correct access |
modes |
afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Source is a directory, directory not found |
or incomplete pathname |
__________ |
Also see: CopyErrProcPtr, FSpDirectoryCopy, FilteredDirectoryCopy, |
FSpFilteredDirectoryCopy, FileCopy, FSpFileCopy |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
FSpDirectoryCopy( |
const FSSpec * srcSpec, |
const FSSpec * dstSpec, |
ConstStr255Param copyName, |
void * copyBufferPtr, |
long copyBufferSize, |
Boolean preflight, |
CopyErrProcPtr copyErrHandler); |
/* |
The FSpDirectoryCopy function makes a copy of a directory structure in a |
new location. If copyBufferPtr <> NIL, it points to a buffer of |
copyBufferSize that is used to copy files data. The larger the |
supplied buffer, the faster the copy. If copyBufferPtr = NIL, then this |
routine allocates a buffer in the application heap. If you pass a |
copy buffer to this routine, make its size a multiple of 512 |
($200) bytes for optimum performance. |
srcSpec input: An FSSpec record specifying the directory to copy. |
dstSpec input: An FSSpec record specifying destination directory |
of the copy. |
copyName input: Points to the new directory name if the directory |
is to be renamed or nil if the directory isn't to |
be renamed. |
copyBufferPtr input: Points to a buffer of copyBufferSize that |
is used the i/o buffer for the copy or |
nil if you want DirectoryCopy to allocate its |
own buffer in the application heap. |
copyBufferSize input: The size of the buffer pointed to |
by copyBufferPtr. |
preflight input: If true, FSpDirectoryCopy makes sure there are |
enough allocation blocks on the destination |
volume to hold the directory's files before |
starting the copy. |
copyErrHandler input: A pointer to the routine you want called if an |
error condition is detected during the copy, or |
nil if you don't want to handle error conditions. |
If you don't handle error conditions, the first |
error will cause the copy to quit and |
DirectoryCopy will return the error. |
Error handling is recommended... |
Result Codes |
noErr 0 No error |
readErr Ð19 Driver does not respond to read requests |
writErr Ð20 Driver does not respond to write requests |
badUnitErr Ð21 Driver reference number does not |
match unit table |
unitEmptyErr Ð22 Driver reference number specifies a |
nil handle in unit table |
abortErr Ð27 Request aborted by KillIO |
notOpenErr Ð28 Driver not open |
dskFulErr -34 Destination volume is full |
nsvErr -35 No such volume |
ioErr -36 I/O error |
bdNamErr -37 Bad filename |
tmfoErr -42 Too many files open |
fnfErr -43 Source file not found, or destination |
directory does not exist |
wPrErr -44 Volume locked by hardware |
fLckdErr -45 File is locked |
vLckdErr -46 Destination volume is read-only |
fBsyErr -47 The source or destination file could |
not be opened with the correct access |
modes |
dupFNErr -48 Destination file already exists |
opWrErr -49 File already open for writing |
paramErr -50 No default volume or function not |
supported by volume |
permErr -54 File is already open and cannot be opened using specified deny modes |
memFullErr -108 Copy buffer could not be allocated |
dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname |
wrgVolTypErr -123 Function not supported by volume |
afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access |
afpDenyConflict -5006 The source or destination file could |
not be opened with the correct access |
modes |
afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Source is a directory, directory not found |
or incomplete pathname |
__________ |
Also see: CopyErrProcPtr, DirectoryCopy, FilteredDirectoryCopy, |
FSpFilteredDirectoryCopy, FileCopy, FSpFileCopy |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#include "OptimizationEnd.h" |
#pragma options align=reset |
#pragma pack(pop) |
#pragma pack() |
#endif |
#pragma import off |
#pragma import reset |
#endif |
#ifdef __cplusplus |
} |
#endif |
#endif /* __DIRECTORYCOPY__ */ |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-01-14