Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
File: MacCVSProTool.c |
Contains: A tool to help integrate MacCVS Pro with command-line CVS. |
Written by: Quinn |
Copyright: Copyright © 2003 by Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved. |
Disclaimer: IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Computer, Inc. |
("Apple") in consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your |
use, installation, modification or redistribution of this Apple software |
constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you do not agree with these terms, |
please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple software. |
In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and subject |
to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive license, under AppleÕs |
copyrights in this original Apple software (the "Apple Software"), to use, |
reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple Software, with or without |
modifications, in source and/or binary forms; provided that if you redistribute |
the Apple Software in its entirety and without modifications, you must retain |
this notice and the following text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of |
the Apple Software. Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of |
Apple Computer, Inc. may be used to endorse or promote products derived from the |
Apple Software without specific prior written permission from Apple. Except as |
expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or licenses, express or implied, |
are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to any patent rights that |
may be infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the Apple |
Software may be incorporated. |
The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE MAKES NO |
Change History (most recent first): |
$Log: MacCVSProTool.c,v $ |
Revision 1.3 2003/08/27 17:04:53 |
Ignore SIGPIPE lest we trip up an assert in MoreUNIXWrite. |
Revision 1.2 2003/08/14 21:40:27 |
If we exit with an error, always print it to stderr, never stdout, and never test the verbose flag. |
Revision 1.1 2003/08/13 14:00:45 |
First checked in. |
*/ |
#include <CoreServices/CoreServices.h> |
#include <stdio.h> |
#include <stdlib.h> |
#include <unistd.h> |
#include <fcntl.h> |
#include <sys/param.h> |
#include <sys/stat.h> |
#include <stdbool.h> |
#include <sys/sysctl.h> |
#include "MoreCFQ.h" |
#include "MoreUNIX.h" |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
#pragma mark ***** MacCVS Pro definitions |
// The follow definitions are derived from the MacCVS Pro source code. |
// Of course, I couldn't copy'n'paste the definitions because MacCVS Pro |
// is GPL, and GPL code can't be moved into DTS sample code. Thanks guys. |
// Instead, I looked through the file, worked out exactly what I needed, |
// and then wrote my own version. |
// From "CMacCVSDoc.h" |
#pragma options align=mac68k |
#pragma pack(push, 2) |
#pragma pack(2) |
#endif |
struct MacCVSPrefsFileMapItem |
{ |
Str255 fExtension; |
OSType fType; |
OSType fCreator; |
UInt32 fTranslation; |
UInt32 fEncoding; |
}; |
typedef struct MacCVSPrefsFileMapItem MacCVSPrefsFileMapItem; |
#pragma options align=reset |
#pragma pack(pop) |
#pragma pack() |
#endif |
enum |
{ |
kMacCVSPrefsFileMagicNumber = 0xBEEFEAFF, |
kMacCVSPrefsFileFormat10 = 0xFEFE0010, |
kMacCVSPrefsMappingData = 'mapp', |
kMacCVSPrefsEOFData = 'eof ' |
}; |
// From "CVSEngine.h" |
enum |
{ |
kMacCVSPrefsLFTranslation = 0, |
kMacCVSPrefsCRTranslation = 1, |
kMacCVSPrefsCRLFTranslation = 2 |
}; |
enum { |
kMacCVSPrefsTextEncoding = 0, |
kMacCVSPrefsBinaryEncoding = 1, |
kMacCVSPrefsAppleSingleEncoding = 2, |
kMacCVSPrefsBinhex4Encoding = 3, |
kMacCVSPrefsMacBinaryEncoding = 4, |
kMacCVSPrefsRBLEncoding = 5 |
}; |
// From "CCVSEncoders.h" |
#pragma options align=mac68k |
#pragma pack(push, 2) |
#pragma pack(2) |
#endif |
struct AppleSingleHeader |
{ |
UInt32 fMagicNumber; // must be either kAppleSingleMagicNumber or kAppleDoubleMagicNumber |
UInt32 fVersion; // must be kAppleSingleVersion |
UInt32 fFiller1; |
UInt32 fFiller2; |
UInt32 fFiller3; |
UInt32 fFiller4; |
UInt16 fEntriesCount; // number of entries immediately following this one |
}; |
typedef struct AppleSingleHeader AppleSingleHeader; |
struct AppleSingleEntry |
{ |
UInt32 fEntryType; // see kAppleSingleDataFork etc below |
UInt32 fOffset; // from start of file |
UInt32 fLength; // in bytes |
}; |
typedef struct AppleSingleEntry AppleSingleEntry; |
#pragma options align=reset |
#pragma pack(pop) |
#pragma pack() |
#endif |
enum { |
kAppleSingleMagicNumber = 0x00051600, |
kAppleDoubleMagicNumber = 0x00051607, |
kAppleSingleVersion = 0x00020000 |
}; |
enum { |
kAppleSingleDataFork = 1, |
kAppleSingleResFork = 2, |
kAppleSingleComment = 4, |
kAppleSingleDate = 8, |
kAppleSingleMacFInfo = 9 |
}; |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
#pragma mark ***** Globals and forwards |
static const char *gProgramName; |
static FILE *gStdOut; |
static Boolean gVerboseMode; |
static void PrintUsage(void); // forward declaration |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
#pragma mark ***** Preferences Common |
// Indexed by kMacCVSPrefsLFTranslation etc |
static StringPtr kTranslations[3] = { "\pUnix", "\pMacintosh", "\pDOS" }; |
static const int kTranslationCount = sizeof(kTranslations) / sizeof(StringPtr); |
// Indexed by kMacCVSPrefsTextEncoding etc |
static StringPtr kEncodings[6] = { "\pText", "\pBinary", "\pAppleSingle", "\pBinhex 4.0", "\pMacBinary III", "\pRBL" }; |
static const int kEncodingCount = sizeof(kEncodings) / sizeof(StringPtr); |
// Keys for the XML output |
#define kExtensionKey CFSTR("Extension") |
#define kTypeKey CFSTR("Type") |
#define kCreatorKey CFSTR("Creator") |
#define kTranslationKey CFSTR("Translation") |
#define kEncodingKey CFSTR("Encoding") |
static int ReadPreferenceHeader(int prefsFD) |
{ |
int err; |
UInt32 magic; |
UInt32 version; |
assert( prefsFD >= 0); |
err = MoreUNIXRead(prefsFD, &magic, sizeof(magic), NULL); |
if ( (err == 0) && (magic != kMacCVSPrefsFileMagicNumber) ) { |
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Bad magic number.\n", gProgramName); |
err = -1; |
} |
if (err == 0) { |
err = MoreUNIXRead(prefsFD, &version, sizeof(version), NULL); |
} |
if ( (err == 0) && (version != kMacCVSPrefsFileFormat10) ) { |
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Preference file version not supported.\n", gProgramName); |
err = -1; |
} |
// I don't bother returning the version because I only deal |
// with a single version at this time. |
return err; |
} |
static int WritePreferenceHeader(int prefsFD) |
{ |
int err; |
static const UInt32 kMagic = kMacCVSPrefsFileMagicNumber; |
static const UInt32 kVersion = kMacCVSPrefsFileFormat10; |
assert( prefsFD >= 0); |
err = MoreUNIXWrite(prefsFD, &kMagic, sizeof(kMagic), NULL); |
if (err == 0) { |
err = MoreUNIXWrite(prefsFD, &kVersion, sizeof(kVersion), NULL); |
} |
return err; |
} |
static int ReadPreferenceChunk(int prefsFD, OSType *chunkTypePtr, void **chunkPtrPtr, size_t *chunkSizePtr) |
{ |
int err; |
OSType chunkType; |
void * chunkPtr; |
size_t chunkSize; |
assert( prefsFD >= 0); |
assert( chunkTypePtr != NULL); |
assert( chunkPtrPtr != NULL); |
assert(*chunkPtrPtr == NULL); |
assert( chunkSizePtr != NULL); |
chunkPtr = NULL; |
chunkSize = 0; |
err = MoreUNIXRead(prefsFD, &chunkType, sizeof(chunkType), NULL); |
if ( (err == 0) && (chunkType != kMacCVSPrefsEOFData) ) { |
UInt32 temp; |
err = MoreUNIXRead(prefsFD, &temp, sizeof(temp), NULL); |
if (err == 0) { |
chunkSize = temp; |
// For kMacCVSPrefsMappingData chunks, the size stored in the |
// file is the number of map entries, not the actual size in |
// bytes. To make the API consistent I multiply by the entry |
// size here. |
if (chunkType == kMacCVSPrefsMappingData) { |
chunkSize *= sizeof(MacCVSPrefsFileMapItem); |
} |
chunkPtr = malloc(chunkSize + 1); // add 1 to avoid malloc(0) unspecified behaviour |
if (chunkPtr == NULL) { |
err = ENOMEM; |
} |
} |
if (err == 0) { |
err = MoreUNIXRead(prefsFD, chunkPtr, chunkSize, NULL); |
} |
} |
// Clean up. |
if (err != 0) { |
free(chunkPtr); |
chunkPtr = NULL; |
chunkSize = 0; |
chunkType = 'bad!'; |
} |
*chunkTypePtr = chunkType; |
*chunkPtrPtr = chunkPtr; |
*chunkSizePtr = chunkSize; |
assert( (err == 0) == ( (chunkSize == 0) || (*chunkPtrPtr != NULL) ) ); |
return err; |
} |
static int WritePreferenceChunk(int prefsFD, OSType chunkType, const void *chunkPtr, size_t chunkSize) |
{ |
int err; |
UInt32 sizeField; |
assert(prefsFD >= 0); |
assert( (chunkType == kMacCVSPrefsEOFData) == (chunkPtr == NULL) ); |
assert( (chunkPtr != NULL) || (chunkSize == 0) ); |
switch (chunkType) { |
case kMacCVSPrefsEOFData: |
assert(chunkSize == 0); |
sizeField = 0; // not strictly necessary, but a good idea to assign in all branches of switch |
break; |
case kMacCVSPrefsMappingData: |
assert((chunkSize % sizeof(MacCVSPrefsFileMapItem)) == 0); |
sizeField = chunkSize / sizeof(MacCVSPrefsFileMapItem); |
break; |
default: |
sizeField = chunkSize; |
break; |
} |
err = MoreUNIXWrite(prefsFD, &chunkType, sizeof(chunkType), NULL); |
if ( (err == 0) && (chunkType != kMacCVSPrefsEOFData)) { |
err = MoreUNIXWrite(prefsFD, &sizeField, sizeof(sizeField), NULL); |
if ( (err == 0) && (chunkSize != 0) ) { |
err = MoreUNIXWrite(prefsFD, chunkPtr, chunkSize, NULL); |
} |
} |
return err; |
} |
static int CreateAndOpenTemporyFile(const char *prefsPath, char *newPrefsPath, int *newPrefsFD) |
{ |
int err; |
int counter; |
assert(prefsPath != NULL); |
assert(newPrefsPath != NULL); |
assert( newPrefsFD != NULL); |
assert(*newPrefsFD == -1); |
counter = 0; |
do { |
err = 0; |
if ( snprintf( |
newPrefsPath, |
"%s temp %d", |
prefsPath, |
counter |
) >= MAXPATHLEN ) { |
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Path too long.\n", gProgramName); |
err = EINVAL; |
} |
if (err == 0) { |
*newPrefsFD = open(newPrefsPath, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); |
err = MoreUNIXErrno(*newPrefsFD); |
} |
counter += 1; |
} while ( (err == EEXIST) && (counter < 100) ); |
return err; |
} |
static int ExchangeDataCompat(const char *realPath, const char *tempPath) |
{ |
int err; |
int junk; |
err = exchangedata(realPath, tempPath, 0); |
err = MoreUNIXErrno(err); |
if (err == 0) { |
// If the exchange succeeded, delete the new file (which now |
// contains the old data). |
junk = unlink(tempPath); |
assert(junk == 0); |
} else { |
// If the exchange failed (may be on a non-HFS volume), do it |
// the bad (non-atomic) way. |
err = unlink(realPath); |
if (err != 0) { |
err = rename(tempPath, realPath); |
} |
} |
return err; |
} |
enum { |
kFolderMagicNumber = 'fold' |
}; |
static UInt32 SniffFile(const char *srcPath) |
{ |
int err; |
int junk; |
int srcFD; |
UInt32 firstFourBytes; |
assert(srcPath != NULL); |
firstFourBytes = 0; |
srcFD = open(srcPath, O_RDONLY, 0); |
err = MoreUNIXErrno(srcFD); |
if (err == 0) { |
err = MoreUNIXRead(srcFD, &firstFourBytes, sizeof(firstFourBytes), NULL); |
} |
if (srcFD != -1) { |
junk = close(srcFD); |
assert(junk == 0); |
} |
if (err == EISDIR) { |
err = 0; // directories are not AppleSingle files (-: |
firstFourBytes = kFolderMagicNumber; |
} else if (err == EPIPE) { |
err = 0; // file less than 4 bytes long, not an AppleSingle file |
} |
if (err != 0) { |
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unexpected error %d sniffing file '%s'.\n", gProgramName, err, srcPath); |
} |
#endif |
return firstFourBytes; |
} |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
#pragma mark ***** Import |
static int GetPascalString(CFDictionaryRef dict, CFStringRef key, size_t maxSize, StringPtr pStr) |
{ |
int err; |
CFStringRef tmpStr; |
CFIndex tmpStrLen; |
CFIndex pStrLen; |
assert(dict != NULL); |
assert(key != NULL); |
assert(maxSize > 0); // there must always be space for the length byte |
assert(pStr != NULL); |
err = 0; |
tmpStr = CFDictionaryGetValue(dict, key); |
if ( (tmpStr == NULL) || (CFGetTypeID(tmpStr) != CFStringGetTypeID()) ) { |
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Bad XML import file format; string expected.\n", gProgramName); |
err = -1; |
} |
if (err == 0) { |
tmpStrLen = CFStringGetLength(tmpStr); |
if ( CFStringGetBytes( |
tmpStr, |
CFRangeMake(0, tmpStrLen), |
kCFStringEncodingMacRoman, |
0, // lossByte |
false, // isExternalRepresentation |
&pStr[1], |
(CFIndex) (maxSize - 1), |
&pStrLen |
) == tmpStrLen ) { |
assert(pStrLen < 256); |
pStr[0] = (UInt8) pStrLen; |
} else { |
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Bad XML import file format; can't convert string to appropriate length MacRoman string.\n", gProgramName); |
err = -1; |
} |
} |
return err; |
} |
static int GetEnumerated( |
CFDictionaryRef dict, |
CFStringRef key, |
const StringPtr enums[], |
int enumCount, |
UInt32 * valuePtr |
) |
{ |
int err; |
Str255 tmpStr; |
int enumIndex; |
assert(dict != NULL); |
assert(key != NULL); |
assert(enums != NULL); |
assert(enumCount > 0); // makes no sense to offer no choices |
assert(valuePtr != NULL); |
err = GetPascalString(dict, key, sizeof(tmpStr), tmpStr); |
if (err == 0) { |
Boolean found; |
found = false; |
for (enumIndex = 0; enumIndex < enumCount; enumIndex++) { |
if ( PLstrcmp(tmpStr, enums[enumIndex]) == 0 ) { |
*valuePtr = (UInt32) enumIndex; |
found = true; |
break; |
} |
} |
if ( ! found ) { |
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Bad XML import file format; bad enumerated value.\n", gProgramName); |
err = -1; |
} |
} |
return err; |
} |
static int ReadMapXML( |
const char * importPath, |
MacCVSPrefsFileMapItem ** mapItemsPtr, |
ItemCount * mapItemCountPtr |
) |
{ |
int err; |
CFURLRef url; |
CFArrayRef mapArray; |
MacCVSPrefsFileMapItem * mapItems; |
ItemCount mapItemIndex; |
ItemCount mapItemCount; |
assert(importPath != NULL); |
assert( mapItemsPtr != NULL); |
assert(*mapItemsPtr == NULL); |
assert( mapItemCountPtr != NULL); |
mapArray = NULL; |
mapItems = NULL; |
err = 0; |
url = CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation(NULL, (const UInt8 *) importPath, (CFIndex) strlen(importPath), false); |
if (url == NULL) { |
err = OSStatusToEXXX( coreFoundationUnknownErr ); |
} |
if (err == 0) { |
err = OSStatusToEXXX( CFQPropertyListCreateFromXMLCFURL(url, kCFPropertyListImmutable, (CFPropertyListRef *) &mapArray) ); |
} |
if ( (err == 0) && (CFGetTypeID(mapArray) != CFArrayGetTypeID()) ) { |
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Bad XML import file format; root item is not an array.\n", gProgramName); |
err = -1; |
} |
if (err == 0) { |
mapItemCount = (ItemCount) CFArrayGetCount(mapArray); |
mapItems = (MacCVSPrefsFileMapItem *) calloc(1, mapItemCount * sizeof(MacCVSPrefsFileMapItem)); |
if (mapItems == NULL) { |
err = ENOMEM; |
} |
} |
if (err == 0) { |
for (mapItemIndex = 0; mapItemIndex < mapItemCount; mapItemIndex++) { |
MacCVSPrefsFileMapItem * thisMapItem; |
CFDictionaryRef thisArrayItem; |
UInt8 osTypeStr[5]; |
thisMapItem = &mapItems[mapItemIndex]; |
thisArrayItem = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(mapArray, (CFIndex) mapItemIndex); |
if ( CFGetTypeID(thisArrayItem) != CFDictionaryGetTypeID() ) { |
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Bad XML import file format; item %lu is not a dictionary.\n", gProgramName, mapItemIndex); |
err = -1; |
} |
// kExtensionKey |
if (err == 0) { |
err = GetPascalString(thisArrayItem, kExtensionKey, sizeof(Str255), thisMapItem->fExtension); |
} |
// kTypeKey, kCreatorKey |
if (err == 0) { |
err = GetPascalString(thisArrayItem, kTypeKey, sizeof(osTypeStr), osTypeStr); |
thisMapItem->fType = *(OSType *)&osTypeStr[1]; |
} |
if (err == 0) { |
err = GetPascalString(thisArrayItem, kCreatorKey, sizeof(osTypeStr), osTypeStr); |
thisMapItem->fCreator = *(OSType *)&osTypeStr[1]; |
} |
// kTranslationKey, kEncodingKey |
if (err == 0) { |
err = GetEnumerated(thisArrayItem, kTranslationKey, kTranslations, kTranslationCount, &thisMapItem->fTranslation); |
} |
if (err == 0) { |
err = GetEnumerated(thisArrayItem, kEncodingKey, kEncodings, kEncodingCount, &thisMapItem->fEncoding); |
} |
if (err != 0) { |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
// Clean up. |
if (err == 0) { |
*mapItemsPtr = mapItems; |
*mapItemCountPtr = mapItemCount; |
} else { |
free(mapItems); |
} |
CFQRelease(url); |
CFQRelease(mapArray); |
assert( (err == 0) == (*mapItemsPtr != NULL) ); |
return err; |
} |
static int ReadMapText( |
const char * importPath, |
MacCVSPrefsFileMapItem ** mapItemsPtr, |
ItemCount * mapItemCountPtr |
) |
{ |
assert(importPath != NULL); |
assert( mapItemsPtr != NULL); |
assert(*mapItemsPtr == NULL); |
assert( mapItemCountPtr != NULL); |
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Importing from a text file is not yet supported.\n", gProgramName); |
return -1; |
} |
static int ReadMapMacCVS( |
const char * prefsPath, |
MacCVSPrefsFileMapItem ** mapItemsPtr, |
ItemCount * mapItemCountPtr |
) |
{ |
int err; |
int prefsFD; |
int junk; |
MacCVSPrefsFileMapItem * mapItems; |
ItemCount mapItemCount; |
assert(prefsPath != NULL); |
assert( mapItemsPtr != NULL); |
assert(*mapItemsPtr == NULL); |
assert( mapItemCountPtr != NULL); |
mapItems = NULL; |
prefsFD = open(prefsPath, O_RDONLY, 0); |
err = MoreUNIXErrno(prefsFD); |
if (err == 0) { |
err = ReadPreferenceHeader(prefsFD); |
} |
if (err == 0) { |
OSType chunkType; |
void * chunkPtr; |
size_t chunkSize; |
// I could end this loop when I find the mapping but I let it run |
// so that I can detect if the preference file is malformed (which |
// implies that I don't know what's going on). |
do { |
chunkPtr = NULL; |
err = ReadPreferenceChunk(prefsFD, &chunkType, &chunkPtr, &chunkSize); |
if (err == 0) { |
// fprintf(stderr, "'%.4s' %ld\n", &chunkType, chunkSize); |
if (chunkType == kMacCVSPrefsMappingData) { |
if (mapItems == NULL) { |
// Can safely divide by sizeof(MacCVSPrefsFileMapItem) |
// to get the number of map entries without fear of rounding |
// errors because ReadPreferenceChunk did the equivalent multiply |
// because the size stored in the file is actually the count, not |
// the byte size. |
assert((chunkSize % sizeof(MacCVSPrefsFileMapItem)) == 0); |
mapItemCount = chunkSize / sizeof(MacCVSPrefsFileMapItem); |
// NULL out chunkPtr so that it's not freed. |
mapItems = chunkPtr; |
chunkPtr = NULL; |
} else { |
assert(false); // two mapping chunks in the same file |
} |
} |
} |
free(chunkPtr); |
} while ( (err == 0) && (chunkType != kMacCVSPrefsEOFData) ); |
} |
if ( (err == 0) && (mapItems == NULL) ) { |
fprintf(stderr, "%s: No mapping data.\n", gProgramName); |
err = -1; |
} |
// Clean up. |
if (err == 0) { |
*mapItemsPtr = mapItems; |
*mapItemCountPtr = mapItemCount; |
} else { |
free(mapItems); |
} |
if (prefsFD != -1) { |
junk = close(prefsFD); |
assert(junk == 0); |
} |
return err; |
} |
static int CommandMappingsImportExecute( |
const char * prefsPath, |
const char * importPath, |
Boolean xml |
) |
{ |
int err; |
int junk; |
int oldPrefsFD; |
int newPrefsFD; |
char newPrefsPath[MAXPATHLEN]; |
Boolean processedMap; |
MacCVSPrefsFileMapItem * mapItems; |
ItemCount mapItemCount; |
assert(prefsPath != NULL); |
assert(importPath != NULL); |
if (gVerboseMode) { |
fprintf(gStdOut, "Importing mappings from '%s' to '%s'\n", importPath, prefsPath); |
} |
newPrefsFD = -1; |
oldPrefsFD = -1; |
mapItems = NULL; |
// Read the input file. |
if (xml) { |
err = ReadMapXML(importPath, &mapItems, &mapItemCount); |
} else { |
err = ReadMapText(importPath, &mapItems, &mapItemCount); |
} |
// Create a temporary file in the same directory as the destination. |
// [I could have used the temporary items folder but that complicates |
// things if there is no temporary items folder on the volume that |
// we're writing to. |
// |
// As this is a temporary file that we're going to exchange |
// with the original, there's no need to set the type and creator. |
// Also, we set the perms to rw------- because we don't care if |
// the temporary file is readable by our group or others because |
// we're deleting it later anyway. |
if (err == 0) { |
err = CreateAndOpenTemporyFile(prefsPath, newPrefsPath, &newPrefsFD); |
} |
// Open the existing file we're merging in to. |
if (err == 0) { |
oldPrefsFD = open(prefsPath, O_RDONLY, 0); |
err = MoreUNIXErrno(oldPrefsFD); |
} |
// Copy across the header. |
if (err == 0) { |
err = ReadPreferenceHeader(oldPrefsFD); |
} |
if (err == 0) { |
err = WritePreferenceHeader(newPrefsFD); |
} |
// Read through each chunk in the input file, copying them to the |
// output file. If we find a mappings chunk, replace it with the |
// new mappings. |
if (err == 0) { |
OSType chunkType; |
void * chunkPtr; |
size_t chunkSize; |
do { |
chunkPtr = NULL; |
err = ReadPreferenceChunk(oldPrefsFD, &chunkType, &chunkPtr, &chunkSize); |
if (err == 0) { |
// fprintf(stderr, "'%.4s' %ld\n", &chunkType, chunkSize); |
if (chunkType == kMacCVSPrefsMappingData) { |
if ( ! processedMap ) { |
processedMap = true; |
err = WritePreferenceChunk(newPrefsFD, kMacCVSPrefsMappingData, mapItems, mapItemCount * sizeof(MacCVSPrefsFileMapItem)); |
} else { |
assert(false); // two mapping chunks in the same field |
} |
} else if (chunkType != kMacCVSPrefsEOFData) { |
err = WritePreferenceChunk(newPrefsFD, chunkType, chunkPtr, chunkSize); |
} |
} |
free(chunkPtr); |
} while ( (err == 0) && (chunkType != kMacCVSPrefsEOFData) ); |
} |
// If we didn't find a mappings chunk, put one before the EOF chunk. |
if ( (err == 0) && ! processedMap ) { |
err = WritePreferenceChunk(newPrefsFD, kMacCVSPrefsMappingData, mapItems, mapItemCount * sizeof(MacCVSPrefsFileMapItem)); |
} |
// Write out an EOF chunk. |
if (err == 0) { |
err = WritePreferenceChunk(newPrefsFD, kMacCVSPrefsEOFData, NULL, 0); |
} |
// Exchange the new and old files. We close the files before we do this |
// (which seems sensible). |
if (oldPrefsFD != -1) { |
junk = close(oldPrefsFD); |
assert(junk == 0); |
} |
if (newPrefsFD != -1) { |
junk = close(newPrefsFD); |
assert(junk == 0); |
} |
if (err == 0) { |
err = ExchangeDataCompat(prefsPath, newPrefsPath); |
} |
// Final clean up. |
if ( (err != 0) && (newPrefsFD != -1) ) { |
junk = unlink(newPrefsPath); |
assert(junk == 0); |
} |
free(mapItems); |
return err; |
} |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
#pragma mark ***** Export |
static int ConvertMapToCFArray( |
const MacCVSPrefsFileMapItem mapItems[], |
ItemCount mapItemCount, |
CFArrayRef * resultPtr |
) |
{ |
int err; |
CFMutableArrayRef result; |
ItemCount mapItemIndex; |
CFIndex keyIndex; |
assert(mapItems != NULL); |
assert( resultPtr != NULL); |
assert(*resultPtr == NULL); |
result = NULL; |
err = OSStatusToEXXX( CFQArrayCreateMutable(&result) ); |
if (err == 0) { |
for (mapItemIndex = 0; mapItemIndex < mapItemCount; mapItemIndex++) { |
static const int kKeyCount = 5; |
CFStringRef keys[kKeyCount]; |
CFStringRef values[kKeyCount]; |
const MacCVSPrefsFileMapItem * thisMapItem; |
CFDictionaryRef dict; |
thisMapItem = &mapItems[mapItemIndex]; |
dict = NULL; |
keys[0] = kExtensionKey; |
keys[1] = kTypeKey; |
keys[2] = kCreatorKey; |
keys[3] = kTranslationKey; |
keys[4] = kEncodingKey; |
values[0] = CFStringCreateWithPascalString(NULL, thisMapItem->fExtension, kCFStringEncodingMacRoman); |
values[1] = CFStringCreateWithBytes(NULL, (const UInt8 *) &thisMapItem->fType, sizeof(OSType), kCFStringEncodingMacRoman, false); |
values[2] = CFStringCreateWithBytes(NULL, (const UInt8 *) &thisMapItem->fCreator, sizeof(OSType), kCFStringEncodingMacRoman, false); |
if (thisMapItem->fTranslation < kTranslationCount) { |
values[3] = CFStringCreateWithPascalString(NULL, kTranslations[thisMapItem->fTranslation], kCFStringEncodingASCII); |
} else { |
values[3] = NULL; |
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unrecognised translation.\n", gProgramName); |
err = -1; |
} |
if (thisMapItem->fEncoding < kEncodingCount) { |
values[4] = CFStringCreateWithPascalString(NULL, kEncodings[thisMapItem->fEncoding], kCFStringEncodingASCII); |
} else { |
values[4] = NULL; |
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unrecognised encoding.\n", gProgramName); |
err = -1; |
} |
if ( (values[0] == NULL) |
|| (values[1] == NULL) |
|| (values[2] == NULL) |
|| (values[3] == NULL) |
|| (values[4] == NULL) ) { |
if (err == 0) { |
err = OSStatusToEXXX( coreFoundationUnknownErr ); |
} |
} |
if (err == 0) { |
dict = CFDictionaryCreate( |
(const void **) keys, |
(const void **) values, |
kKeyCount, |
&kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, |
&kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks |
); |
if (dict == NULL) { |
err = OSStatusToEXXX( coreFoundationUnknownErr ); |
} |
} |
if (err == 0) { |
CFArrayAppendValue(result, dict); |
} |
// Clean up. |
// ***ÊWhy isn't this release right? |
// fprintf(stderr, "retain count = %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld\n", CFGetRetainCount(keys[0]), CFGetRetainCount(keys[1]), CFGetRetainCount(keys[2]), CFGetRetainCount(keys[3]), CFGetRetainCount(keys[4])); |
for (keyIndex = 0; keyIndex < kKeyCount; keyIndex++) { |
// CFQRelease(keys[keyIndex]); |
CFQRelease(values[keyIndex]); |
} |
CFQRelease(dict); |
if (err != 0) { |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
// Clean up. |
if (err != 0) { |
CFQRelease(result); |
result = NULL; |
} |
*resultPtr = result; |
assert( (err == 0) == (*resultPtr != NULL) ); |
return err; |
} |
static int ExportMapAsXML( |
const MacCVSPrefsFileMapItem mapItems[], |
ItemCount mapItemCount, |
const char * exportPath |
) |
{ |
int err; |
CFArrayRef output; |
CFDataRef data; |
CFURLRef url; |
assert(mapItems != NULL); |
assert(exportPath != NULL); |
output = NULL; |
data = NULL; |
url = NULL; |
err = ConvertMapToCFArray(mapItems, mapItemCount, &output); |
if (err == 0) { |
data = CFPropertyListCreateXMLData(NULL, output); |
if (data == NULL) { |
err = OSStatusToEXXX( coreFoundationUnknownErr ); |
} |
} |
if (err == 0) { |
url = CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation(NULL, (const UInt8 *) exportPath, (CFIndex) strlen(exportPath), false); |
if (url == NULL) { |
err = OSStatusToEXXX( coreFoundationUnknownErr ); |
} |
} |
if (err == 0) { |
SInt32 errorCode; |
(void) CFURLWriteDataAndPropertiesToResource(url, data, NULL, &errorCode); |
err = errorCode; |
} |
// Clean up. |
CFQRelease(output); |
CFQRelease(data); |
CFQRelease(url); |
return err; |
} |
static int PrintUTF8String(FILE *outFile, const UInt8 *str, CFIndex strLen) |
{ |
int err; |
CFStringRef cfStr; |
CFIndex cfStrLen; |
char * buf; |
CFIndex bufSize; |
CFIndex bufUsed; |
assert(outFile != NULL); |
assert(str != NULL); |
buf = NULL; |
err = 0; |
cfStr = CFStringCreateWithBytes(NULL, str, strLen, kCFStringEncodingMacRoman, false); |
if (cfStr == NULL) { |
err = OSStatusToEXXX( coreFoundationUnknownErr ); |
} |
if (err == 0) { |
cfStrLen = CFStringGetLength(cfStr); |
bufSize = CFStringGetMaximumSizeForEncoding(cfStrLen, kCFStringEncodingUTF8); |
buf = malloc( (size_t) bufSize + 1 ); // add 1 to avoid malloc(0) unspecified behaviour |
if (buf == NULL) { |
err = ENOMEM; |
} |
} |
if (err == 0) { |
if ( CFStringGetBytes( |
cfStr, |
CFRangeMake(0, cfStrLen), |
kCFStringEncodingUTF8, |
0, // lossByte |
false, // isExternalRepresentation |
(UInt8 *) buf, |
bufSize, |
&bufUsed |
) != cfStrLen ) { |
err = OSStatusToEXXX( coreFoundationUnknownErr ); |
} |
} |
if (err == 0) { |
fprintf(outFile, "%.*s", bufUsed, buf); |
} |
// Clean up. |
CFQRelease(cfStr); |
free(buf); |
return err; |
} |
static int ExportMapAsText( |
const MacCVSPrefsFileMapItem mapItems[], |
ItemCount mapItemCount, |
const char * exportPath |
) |
{ |
int err; |
int junk; |
FILE * outFile; |
ItemCount mapItemIndex; |
assert(mapItems != NULL); |
assert(exportPath != NULL); |
err = 0; |
outFile = fopen(exportPath, "w"); |
if (outFile == NULL) { |
err = errno; |
} |
if (err == 0) { |
for (mapItemIndex = 0; mapItemIndex < mapItemCount; mapItemIndex++) { |
const MacCVSPrefsFileMapItem *thisMapItem; |
const UInt8 *tmpStr; |
thisMapItem = &mapItems[mapItemIndex]; |
err = PrintUTF8String(outFile, &thisMapItem->fExtension[1], thisMapItem->fExtension[0]); |
if (err == 0) { |
fprintf(outFile, "\t"); |
err = PrintUTF8String(outFile, (const UInt8 *) &thisMapItem->fType, sizeof(OSType)); |
} |
if (err == 0) { |
fprintf(outFile, "\t"); |
err = PrintUTF8String(outFile, (const UInt8 *) &thisMapItem->fCreator, sizeof(OSType)); |
} |
if (err == 0) { |
if (thisMapItem->fTranslation < kTranslationCount) { |
fprintf(outFile, "\t"); |
tmpStr = kTranslations[thisMapItem->fTranslation]; |
fprintf(outFile, "%.*s", tmpStr[0], &tmpStr[1]); |
} else { |
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unrecognised translation.\n", gProgramName); |
err = -1; |
} |
} |
if (err == 0) { |
if (thisMapItem->fEncoding < kEncodingCount) { |
fprintf(outFile, "\t"); |
tmpStr = kEncodings[thisMapItem->fEncoding]; |
fprintf(outFile, "%.*s", tmpStr[0], &tmpStr[1]); |
fprintf(outFile, "\n"); |
} else { |
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unrecognised encoding.\n", gProgramName); |
err = -1; |
} |
} |
if (err != 0) { |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
// Clean up. |
if (outFile != NULL) { |
junk = fclose(outFile); |
assert(junk == 0); |
} |
return err; |
} |
static int CommandMappingsExportExecute( |
const char * prefsPath, |
const char * exportPath, |
Boolean xml |
) |
{ |
int err; |
MacCVSPrefsFileMapItem * mapItems; |
ItemCount mapItemCount; |
assert(prefsPath != NULL); |
assert(exportPath != NULL); |
if (gVerboseMode) { |
fprintf(gStdOut, "Exporting mappings from '%s' to '%s'\n", prefsPath, exportPath); |
} |
err = ReadMapMacCVS(prefsPath, &mapItems, &mapItemCount); |
if (err == 0) { |
if (xml) { |
err = ExportMapAsXML( |
mapItems, |
mapItemCount, |
exportPath); |
} else { |
err = ExportMapAsText( |
mapItems, |
mapItemCount, |
exportPath); |
} |
} |
// Clean up. |
free(mapItems); |
return err; |
} |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
#pragma mark ***** Import/Export |
static int CommandMappingsImportExport(int argc, char **argv, Boolean import) |
{ |
int argIndex; |
int ch; |
Boolean xml; |
const char * prefsPath; |
const char * filePath; |
xml = false; |
do { |
ch = getopt(argc, argv, "x"); |
if (ch != -1) { |
switch (ch) { |
case 'x': |
xml = true; |
break; |
case '?': |
default: |
PrintUsage(); |
break; |
} |
} |
} while (ch != -1); |
argIndex = optind; |
if (argIndex < argc) { |
prefsPath = argv[argIndex]; |
argIndex += 1; |
} else { |
PrintUsage(); |
} |
if (argIndex < argc) { |
filePath = argv[argIndex]; |
argIndex += 1; |
} else { |
PrintUsage(); |
} |
if (argIndex != argc) { |
PrintUsage(); |
} |
if (import) { |
return CommandMappingsImportExecute(prefsPath, filePath, xml); |
} else { |
return CommandMappingsExportExecute(prefsPath, filePath, xml); |
} |
} |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
#pragma mark ***** AppleSingle Decode |
static const int kBufferSize = 65536; |
static int CopyEntryToFork(int srcFD, const AppleSingleEntry *entry, SInt16 forkRef, void *buf) |
{ |
int err; |
UInt32 bytesLeft; |
UInt32 bytesThisTime; |
assert(srcFD >= 0); |
assert(entry != NULL); |
assert(forkRef != 0); |
assert(buf != NULL); |
// Set the destination fork length. |
err = OSStatusToEXXX( FSSetForkSize(forkRef, fsFromStart, entry->fLength) ); |
// Seek to the right place in the source. |
if (err == 0) { |
err = (int) lseek(srcFD, entry->fOffset, SEEK_SET); |
err = MoreUNIXErrno(err); |
} |
// Copy source to destination. |
bytesLeft = entry->fLength; |
while ( (err == 0) && (bytesLeft != 0) ) { |
bytesThisTime = bytesLeft; |
if (bytesThisTime > kBufferSize) { |
bytesThisTime = kBufferSize; |
} |
err = MoreUNIXRead(srcFD, buf, bytesThisTime, NULL); |
if (err == 0) { |
err = OSStatusToEXXX( FSWriteFork(forkRef, fsAtMark, 0, bytesThisTime, buf, NULL) ); |
} |
if (err == 0) { |
bytesLeft -= bytesThisTime; |
} |
} |
return err; |
} |
static int ReadFileInfo(int srcFD, const AppleSingleEntry *entry, FSCatalogInfo * catInfo) |
{ |
int err; |
assert(srcFD >= 0); |
assert(entry != NULL); |
assert(catInfo != NULL); |
err = 0; |
if (entry->fLength < sizeof(catInfo->finderInfo)) { |
fprintf(stderr, "%s: File info entry too short.\n", gProgramName); |
err = -1; |
} |
if (err == 0) { |
err = (int) lseek(srcFD, entry->fOffset, SEEK_SET); |
err = MoreUNIXErrno(err); |
} |
if (err == 0) { |
err = MoreUNIXRead(srcFD, &catInfo->finderInfo, sizeof(catInfo->finderInfo), NULL); |
} |
return err; |
} |
static int DecodeAppleSingle(const char *srcPath) |
{ |
int err; |
int junk; |
char dstPath[MAXPATHLEN]; |
FSRef dstRef; |
FSRef srcRef; |
int srcFD; |
int dstFD; |
SInt16 dataFork; |
SInt16 rsrcFork; |
void * buf; |
AppleSingleHeader header; |
UInt16 entryIndex; |
Boolean catInfoValid; |
FSCatalogInfo catInfo; |
assert(srcPath != NULL); |
if (gVerboseMode) { |
fprintf(gStdOut, "Decoding AppleSingle file '%s'\n", srcPath); |
} |
srcFD = -1; |
dstFD = -1; |
rsrcFork = 0; |
dataFork = 0; |
catInfoValid = false; |
err = noErr; |
buf = malloc(kBufferSize); |
if (buf == NULL) { |
err = ENOMEM; |
} |
// Create a temporary file and open up both forks. |
err = CreateAndOpenTemporyFile(srcPath, dstPath, &dstFD); |
if (err == 0) { |
err = OSStatusToEXXX( FSPathMakeRef((UInt8 *) dstPath, &dstRef, NULL) ); |
} |
if (err == 0) { |
HFSUniStr255 rsrcForkName; |
err = OSStatusToEXXX( FSGetResourceForkName(&rsrcForkName) ); |
if (err == 0) { |
err = OSStatusToEXXX( FSOpenFork(&dstRef, rsrcForkName.length, rsrcForkName.unicode, fsRdWrPerm, &rsrcFork) ); |
} |
} |
if (dstFD != -1) { |
junk = close(dstFD); |
assert(junk == 0); |
// IMPORTANT: Leave dstFD set because as a marker for the cleanup code. |
} |
if (err == 0) { |
err = OSStatusToEXXX( FSOpenFork(&dstRef, 0, NULL, fsRdWrPerm, &dataFork) ); |
} |
// Open up the source file. |
if (err == 0) { |
srcFD = open(srcPath, O_RDONLY, 0); |
err = MoreUNIXErrno(srcFD); |
} |
// Read and check the header. |
if (err == 0) { |
err = MoreUNIXRead(srcFD, &header, sizeof(header), NULL); |
} |
if ( (err == 0) && (header.fMagicNumber != kAppleSingleMagicNumber) && (header.fMagicNumber != kAppleDoubleMagicNumber) ) { |
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Not an AppleSingle file.\n", gProgramName); |
err = -1; |
} |
if ( (err == 0) && (header.fVersion != kAppleSingleVersion) ) { |
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unrecognised AppleSingle version.\n", gProgramName); |
err = -1; |
} |
// Process each entry. |
if (err == 0) { |
for (entryIndex = 0; entryIndex < header.fEntriesCount; entryIndex++) { |
AppleSingleEntry thisEntry; |
err = (int) lseek(srcFD, sizeof(header) + entryIndex * sizeof(thisEntry), SEEK_SET); |
err = MoreUNIXErrno(err); |
if (err == 0) { |
err = MoreUNIXRead(srcFD, &thisEntry, sizeof(thisEntry), NULL); |
} |
if (err == 0) { |
switch (thisEntry.fEntryType) { |
case kAppleSingleDataFork: |
err = CopyEntryToFork(srcFD, &thisEntry, dataFork, buf); |
break; |
case kAppleSingleResFork: |
err = CopyEntryToFork(srcFD, &thisEntry, rsrcFork, buf); |
break; |
case kAppleSingleMacFInfo: |
err = ReadFileInfo(srcFD, &thisEntry, &catInfo); |
catInfoValid = (err == noErr); |
break; |
default: |
// Ignore unrecognised entry types. |
break; |
} |
} |
if (err != noErr) { |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
// Clean up. |
if (dataFork != 0) { |
junk = FSClose(dataFork); |
assert(junk == 0); |
} |
if (rsrcFork != 0) { |
junk = FSClose(rsrcFork); |
assert(junk == 0); |
} |
if (srcFD != -1) { |
junk = close(srcFD); |
assert(junk == 0); |
} |
if (err == 0) { |
err = ExchangeDataCompat(srcPath, dstPath); |
} |
// At this point we no longer handle errors. The job is |
// to set the source file's catInfo (success) or to delete |
// the destination file (failure). Failure to do either of |
// these is not considered an error. |
if (err == 0) { |
if (catInfoValid) { |
err = OSStatusToEXXX( FSPathMakeRef((UInt8 *) srcPath, &srcRef, NULL) ); |
if (err == 0) { |
err = OSStatusToEXXX( FSSetCatalogInfo(&srcRef, kFSCatInfoFinderInfo, &catInfo) ); |
} |
} |
assert(err == noErr); |
err = noErr; |
} else if (dstFD != -1) { |
junk = unlink(dstPath); |
assert(junk == 0); |
} |
free(buf); |
return err; |
} |
static Boolean FindMapEntryByTheFilesExtension( |
const char * srcPath, |
const MacCVSPrefsFileMapItem mapItems[], |
ItemCount mapItemCount, |
ItemCount * foundItemIndex |
) |
{ |
Boolean result; |
ItemCount mapItemIndex; |
size_t srcPathLen; |
srcPathLen = strlen(srcPath); |
result = false; |
for (mapItemIndex = 0; mapItemIndex < mapItemCount; mapItemIndex++) { |
const MacCVSPrefsFileMapItem * thisItem; |
size_t extensionLength; |
thisItem = &mapItems[mapItemIndex]; |
extensionLength = thisItem->fExtension[0]; |
if (extensionLength != 0) { // don't match default entry |
if (srcPathLen >= extensionLength) { // srcPath must be longer than extension |
if ( memcmp( |
srcPath + srcPathLen - extensionLength, |
&thisItem->fExtension[1], |
extensionLength |
) == 0 ) { |
*foundItemIndex = mapItemIndex; |
result = true; |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
return result; |
} |
static int CommandDecodeExecute( |
const char * srcPath, |
const MacCVSPrefsFileMapItem mapItems[], |
ItemCount mapItemCount |
) |
{ |
int err; |
const char * whyIgnored; |
UInt32 foundItemIndex; |
FSRef srcRef; |
FSCatalogInfo catInfo; |
FileInfo * finderInfo; |
Boolean fileTypeInvalid; |
Boolean fileCreatorInvalid; |
Boolean mapTypeValid; |
Boolean mapCreatorValid; |
// fprintf(stderr, "srcPath = %s\n", srcPath); |
switch ( SniffFile(srcPath) ) { |
case kAppleSingleMagicNumber: |
case kAppleDoubleMagicNumber: |
err = DecodeAppleSingle(srcPath); |
break; |
case kFolderMagicNumber: |
if (gVerboseMode) { |
fprintf(gStdOut, "Ignoring folder '%s'\n", srcPath); |
} |
err = 0; |
break; |
default: |
err = 0; |
whyIgnored = NULL; |
// See whether the file has an extension we recognise. |
if ( FindMapEntryByTheFilesExtension(srcPath, mapItems, mapItemCount, &foundItemIndex) ) { |
// If so, check whether the file type and creator are both invalid. |
// This check makes us idempotent. That is, if you decode an |
// AppleSingle file with an extension (this decode sets the file |
// type and creator from the contents of the AppleSingle file) |
// and then run the decode again, the second decode won't change the |
// file type and creator. |
// |
// We also check whether the map entry has a valid type or creator. |
// Not much point setting if if not. |
err = OSStatusToEXXX( FSPathMakeRef((UInt8 *) srcPath, &srcRef, NULL) ); |
if (err == 0) { |
err = OSStatusToEXXX( FSGetCatalogInfo( |
&srcRef, |
kFSCatInfoFinderInfo, |
&catInfo, |
) ); |
} |
if (err == 0) { |
finderInfo = (FileInfo *) catInfo.finderInfo; |
fileTypeInvalid = ((finderInfo->fileType == 0) || (finderInfo->fileType == '????')); |
fileCreatorInvalid = ((finderInfo->fileCreator == 0) || (finderInfo->fileCreator == '????')); |
mapTypeValid = ((mapItems[foundItemIndex].fType != 0) && (mapItems[foundItemIndex].fType != '????')); |
mapCreatorValid = ((mapItems[foundItemIndex].fCreator != 0) && (mapItems[foundItemIndex].fCreator != '????')); |
if (fileTypeInvalid && fileCreatorInvalid) { |
if (mapTypeValid && mapCreatorValid) { |
// If so, set the file type and creator based on the map entry. |
if (gVerboseMode) { |
fprintf(gStdOut, "Setting type and creator of file '%s'\n", srcPath); |
} |
finderInfo->fileType = mapItems[foundItemIndex].fType; |
finderInfo->fileCreator = mapItems[foundItemIndex].fCreator; |
err = FSSetCatalogInfo(&srcRef, kFSCatInfoFinderInfo, &catInfo); |
} else { |
whyIgnored = "its mapping has no valid type or creator"; |
} |
} else { |
whyIgnored = "its file type or creator is already set"; |
} |
} |
} else { |
whyIgnored = "its extension is missing or not mapped"; |
} |
if (gVerboseMode && (whyIgnored != NULL)) { |
fprintf(gStdOut, "Ignoring file '%s' because %s.\n", srcPath, whyIgnored); |
} |
break; |
} |
return err; |
} |
static const char *kDefaultMapPath = "/Volumes/CWPro8.3MIB/MoreIsBetter CVS"; |
enum { |
kPropertyListFileMagicNumber = 0x3C3F786D // ie '<?xm' |
}; |
static int CommandDecode(int argc, char **argv) |
{ |
int err; |
int ch; |
int argIndex; |
const char * mapPath; |
MacCVSPrefsFileMapItem * mapItems; |
ItemCount mapItemCount; |
mapItems = NULL; |
mapPath = kDefaultMapPath; |
do { |
ch = getopt(argc, argv, "m:"); |
if (ch != -1) { |
switch (ch) { |
case 'm': |
mapPath = optarg; |
break; |
case '?': |
default: |
PrintUsage(); |
break; |
} |
} |
} while (ch != -1); |
argIndex = optind; |
if (argIndex == argc) { |
PrintUsage(); |
} |
switch ( SniffFile(mapPath) ) { |
case kMacCVSPrefsFileMagicNumber: |
err = ReadMapMacCVS(mapPath, &mapItems, &mapItemCount); |
break; |
case kPropertyListFileMagicNumber: |
err = ReadMapXML(mapPath, &mapItems, &mapItemCount); |
break; |
case kFolderMagicNumber: |
err = EISDIR; |
break; |
default: |
// assuming a text file |
err = ReadMapText(mapPath, &mapItems, &mapItemCount); |
break; |
} |
if (err == 0) { |
do { |
err = CommandDecodeExecute(argv[argIndex], mapItems, mapItemCount); |
argIndex += 1; |
} while ( (err == 0) && (argIndex < argc) ); |
} |
// Clean up. |
free(mapItems); |
return err; |
} |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
#pragma mark ***** Main |
// The following routine was taken directly from |
// DTS Q&A 1123 "Getting List of All Processes on Mac OS X". |
// |
// <>. |
typedef struct kinfo_proc kinfo_proc; |
static int GetBSDProcessList(kinfo_proc **procList, size_t *procCount) |
// Returns a list of all BSD processes on the system. This routine |
// allocates the list and puts it in *procList and a count of the |
// number of entries in *procCount. You are responsible for freeing |
// this list (use "free" from System framework). |
// On success, the function returns 0. |
// On error, the function returns a BSD errno value. |
{ |
int err; |
kinfo_proc * result; |
bool done; |
static const int name[] = { CTL_KERN, KERN_PROC, KERN_PROC_ALL, 0 }; |
// Declaring name as const requires us to cast it when passing it to |
// sysctl because the prototype doesn't include the const modifier. |
size_t length; |
assert( procList != NULL); |
assert(*procList == NULL); |
assert(procCount != NULL); |
*procCount = 0; |
// We start by calling sysctl with result == NULL and length == 0. |
// That will succeed, and set length to the appropriate length. |
// We then allocate a buffer of that size and call sysctl again |
// with that buffer. If that succeeds, we're done. If that fails |
// with ENOMEM, we have to throw away our buffer and loop. Note |
// that the loop causes use to call sysctl with NULL again; this |
// is necessary because the ENOMEM failure case sets length to |
// the amount of data returned, not the amount of data that |
// could have been returned. |
result = NULL; |
done = false; |
do { |
assert(result == NULL); |
// Call sysctl with a NULL buffer. |
length = 0; |
err = sysctl( (int *) name, (sizeof(name) / sizeof(*name)) - 1, |
NULL, &length, |
NULL, 0); |
if (err == -1) { |
err = errno; |
} |
// Allocate an appropriately sized buffer based on the results |
// from the previous call. |
if (err == 0) { |
result = malloc(length); |
if (result == NULL) { |
err = ENOMEM; |
} |
} |
// Call sysctl again with the new buffer. If we get an ENOMEM |
// error, toss away our buffer and start again. |
if (err == 0) { |
err = sysctl( (int *) name, (sizeof(name) / sizeof(*name)) - 1, |
result, &length, |
NULL, 0); |
if (err == -1) { |
err = errno; |
} |
if (err == 0) { |
done = true; |
} else if (err == ENOMEM) { |
assert(result != NULL); |
free(result); |
result = NULL; |
err = 0; |
} |
} |
} while (err == 0 && ! done); |
// Clean up and establish post conditions. |
if (err != 0 && result != NULL) { |
free(result); |
result = NULL; |
} |
*procList = result; |
if (err == 0) { |
*procCount = length / sizeof(kinfo_proc); |
} |
assert( (err == 0) == (*procList != NULL) ); |
return err; |
} |
static Boolean RunningUnderCodeWarriorDebugger(void) |
// Returns true if the program is being run under the |
// CodeWarrior debugger. It does this via a hacky heuristic, |
// namely that the parent process must be GDB and the |
// grandparent process must be "LaunchCFMApp". Getting the |
// real name of the grandparent process is a pain |
// (the KERN_PROCARGS just isn't easy to use) so, as |
// this is only used for debugging, the hacky heuristic |
// will have to do. |
{ |
int err; |
kinfo_proc *procList; |
size_t procCount; |
size_t procIndex; |
Boolean result; |
pid_t myParent; |
pid_t myGrandParent; |
result = false; |
procList = NULL; |
err = GetBSDProcessList(&procList, &procCount); |
if (err == 0) { |
myParent = getppid(); |
for (procIndex = 0; procIndex < procCount; procIndex++) { |
if (procList[procIndex].kp_proc.p_pid == myParent) { |
break; |
} |
} |
// Our parent must exist. OK, that's strictly speaking not |
// true (there's race conditions aplenty), but this is just |
// user space debugging code, so I'm happy to make the assumption |
// for now. |
assert(procIndex != procCount); |
if ( strstr(procList[procIndex].kp_proc.p_comm, "gdb") != NULL ) { |
myGrandParent = procList[procIndex].kp_eproc.e_ppid; |
for (procIndex = 0; procIndex < procCount; procIndex++) { |
if (procList[procIndex].kp_proc.p_pid == myGrandParent) { |
if ( strstr(procList[procIndex].kp_proc.p_comm, "LaunchCFMApp") != NULL ) { |
result = true; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
free(procList); |
return result; |
} |
static void SynthesiseArgs(int *argcPtr, char ***argvPtr) |
{ |
// static char *gSyntheticArgs[] = { "MacCVSProTool", "-v", "mappings-export", "-x", "/Volumes/CWPro8.3MIB/MoreIsBetter CVS", "/Test.plist" }; |
// static char *gSyntheticArgs[] = { "MacCVSProTool", "-v", "mappings-export", "/Volumes/CWPro8.3MIB/MoreIsBetter CVS", "/Test.txt" }; |
// static char *gSyntheticArgs[] = { "MacCVSProTool", "-v", "mappings-import", "-x", "/MoreIsBetter CVS", "/Test.plist" }; |
// static char *gSyntheticArgs[] = { "MacCVSProTool", "-v", "decode" }; |
// static char *gSyntheticArgs[] = { "MacCVSProTool", "-v", "decode", "/PLStringFuncs.stub" }; |
// static char *gSyntheticArgs[] = { "MacCVSProTool", "-v", "decode", "/PLStringFuncs1.stub", "/PLStringFuncs2.stub" }; |
// static char *gSyntheticArgs[] = { "MacCVSProTool", "-v", "decode", "/" }; |
// static char *gSyntheticArgs[] = { "MacCVSProTool", "-v", "decode", "/MoreSetup.h" }; |
// static char *gSyntheticArgs[] = { "MacCVSProTool", "-v", "decode", "-m", "/Test.plist", "/MoreSetup.h" }; |
static char *gSyntheticArgs[] = { "MacCVSProTool", "-v", "decode", "-m", "/Test.txt", "/MoreSetup.h" }; |
// static char *gSyntheticArgs[] = { "MacCVSProTool", "-v", "decode", "/.DS_Store\r" }; |
*argvPtr = gSyntheticArgs; |
*argcPtr = sizeof(gSyntheticArgs) / sizeof(char *); |
} |
#endif |
static void PrintUsage(void) |
{ |
fprintf(stderr, |
"Usage: %s [<options>] <command> <arguments>\n", |
gProgramName); |
fprintf(stderr, " Options are:\n"); |
fprintf(stderr, " -v verbose mode\n"); |
fprintf(stderr, " Commands are:\n"); |
fprintf(stderr, " mappings-export [-x] <PrefsFile> <ExportFile>\n"); |
fprintf(stderr, " -x export as XML\n"); |
fprintf(stderr, " mappings-import [-x] <PrefsFile> <ImportFile>\n"); |
fprintf(stderr, " -x import XML\n"); |
fprintf(stderr, " decode [ -m <PrefsFile> ] <File>...\n"); |
fprintf(stderr, " -x Read mappings from file\n"); |
fprintf(stderr, " Default is to read from '%s'\n", kDefaultMapPath); |
} |
int main(int argc, char **argv) |
{ |
int err; |
int junk; |
int ch; |
gStdOut = stdout; |
if ( RunningUnderCodeWarriorDebugger() ) { |
SynthesiseArgs(&argc, &argv); |
gStdOut = stderr; |
} |
#endif |
gProgramName = strrchr(argv[0], '/'); |
if (gProgramName == NULL) { |
gProgramName = argv[0]; |
} else { |
gProgramName += 1; |
} |
junk = MoreUNIXIgnoreSIGPIPE(); |
assert(junk == 0); |
// Process global options. |
do { |
ch = getopt(argc, argv, "v"); |
if (ch != -1) { |
switch (ch) { |
case 'v': |
gVerboseMode = true; |
break; |
case '?': |
default: |
PrintUsage(); |
break; |
} |
} |
} while (ch != -1); |
if (optind >= argc) { |
PrintUsage(); |
} |
// Dispatch based on the command. |
optreset = 1; |
optind += 1; |
if ( strcmp(argv[optind - 1], "mappings-export") == 0 ) { |
err = CommandMappingsImportExport(argc, argv, false); |
} else if ( strcmp(argv[optind - 1], "mappings-import") == 0 ) { |
err = CommandMappingsImportExport(argc, argv, true); |
} else if ( strcmp(argv[optind - 1], "decode") == 0 ) { |
err = CommandDecode(argc, argv); |
} else { |
PrintUsage(); |
} |
if (err == 0) { |
if (gVerboseMode) { |
fprintf(gStdOut, "%s: Done.\n", gProgramName); |
} |
return EXIT_SUCCESS; |
} else { |
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Failed with error %d.\n", gProgramName, err); |
return EXIT_FAILURE; |
} |
} |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-10-27