
    File:       MoreAppleEvents.cp
    Contains:   Apple Event Manager utilities.
    DRI:        George Warner
    Copyright:  Copyright (c) 2000-2001 by Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
    Disclaimer: IMPORTANT:  This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Computer, Inc.
                ("Apple") in consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your
                use, installation, modification or redistribution of this Apple software
                constitutes acceptance of these terms.  If you do not agree with these terms,
                please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple software.
                In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and subject
                to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive license, under AppleÕs
                copyrights in this original Apple software (the "Apple Software"), to use,
                reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple Software, with or without
                modifications, in source and/or binary forms; provided that if you redistribute
                the Apple Software in its entirety and without modifications, you must retain
                this notice and the following text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of
                the Apple Software.  Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of
                Apple Computer, Inc. may be used to endorse or promote products derived from the
                Apple Software without specific prior written permission from Apple.  Except as
                expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or licenses, express or implied,
                are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to any patent rights that
                may be infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the Apple
                Software may be incorporated.
                The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis.  APPLE MAKES NO
    Change History (most recent first):
$Log: MoreAppleEvents.cp,v $
Revision 1.25  2002/11/25 18:40:02         
Convert OSErr to OSStatus; also got rid of "implicit arithmetic conversion" warnings.
Revision 1.24  2002/11/08 22:53:36         
Convert nil to NULL. Convert MoreAssertQ to assert. Moved a bunch of stuff to MoreAEDataModel. Include our header early so as to detect any missing dependencies in the header.
Revision 1.23  2002/10/16 20:32:11        
added MoreAEfprintDesc routine and changed desc parameters to pAEDesc.
Revision 1.22  2002/10/03 00:02:40        
bug fix - corrected improper usage of PSN fields & constants.
Revision 1.21  2002/03/08 23:51:00        
More cleanup.
Fixed memory leak in MoreAETellSelfToSetCFStringRefProperty
Revision 1.20  2002/03/07 20:31:51        
General clean up.
Added recovery code to MoreAESendEventReturnPString.
New API: MoreAECreateAEDescFromCFString.
Revision 1.19  2002/02/19 18:54:57        
Written by: => DRI:
Revision 1.18  2002/01/16 19:11:06        
err => anErr, (anErr ?= noErr) => (noErr ?= anErr)
Added MoreAESendEventReturnAEDesc, MoreAESendEventReturnAEDescList,
MoreAETellSelfToSetCFStringRefProperty,  & MoreAEGetCFStringFromDescriptor routines.
Revision 1.17  2001/11/07 15:50:50         
Tidy up headers, add CVS logs, update copyright.
        <16>     21/9/01    Quinn   Changes for CWPro7 Mach-O build.
        <15>     8/28/01    gaw     CodeBert (error -> pError, theAppleEvent -> pAppleEvent, etc.)
        <14>     15/2/01    Quinn   MoreAECreateAppleEventTargetID is not supported for Carbon
                                    builds because all of its required declarations are defined
                                    CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON. Also some minor fixes prompted by gcc
        <13>     26/5/00    Quinn   Eliminate bogus consts detected by MPW's SC compiler.
        <12>     4/26/00    gaw     Fix bug, swapped creator & file type parameters
        <11>     27/3/00    Quinn   Remove MoreAEDeleteItemFromRecord.  It's functionality is
                                    covered by AEDeleteKeyDesc.
        <10>     20/3/00    Quinn   Added routines to deal with "missing value".  Added
                                    MoreAECopyDescriptorDataToHandle.  Added
         <9>      3/9/00    gaw     Y2K!
         <8>      3/9/00    gaw     API changes for MoreAppleEvents
         <7>      3/9/00    GW      Intergrating AppleEvent Helper code. First Check In
         <6>      6/3/00    Quinn   Added a bunch of trivial wrapper routines.  George may come
                                    along and change all these soon, but I needed them for MoreOSL.
         <5>      1/3/00    Quinn   Change the signature for AEGetDescData to match the version we
                                    actually shipped.
         <4>     2/15/99    PCG     add AEGetDescDataSize for non-Carbon clients
         <3>     1/29/99    PCG     add AEGetDescData
         <2>    11/11/98    PCG     fix header
         <1>    11/10/98    PCG     first big re-org at behest of Quinn
    Old Change History (most recent first):
         <2>    10/11/98    Quinn   Convert "MorePrefix.h" to "MoreSetup.h".
         <2>     6/16/98    PCG     CreateProcessTarget works with nil PSN
         <1>     6/16/98    PCG     initial checkin
//  Conditionals to setup the build environment the way we like it.
#include "MoreSetup.h"
//**********    Our Prototypes          ****************************************
#include "MoreAppleEvents.h"
    //**********    Universal Headers       ****************************************
    #include <AERegistry.h>
    #include <AEHelpers.h>
    #include <AEObjects.h>
    #include <AEPackObject.h>
    #include <ASRegistry.h>
    //#include <FinderRegistry.h>
    #include <Gestalt.h>
#include <cstdio>
//**********    Project Headers         ****************************************
#include "MoreAEDataModel.h"
#include "MoreAEObjects.h"
#include "MoreProcesses.h"
#include "MoreMemory.h"
//**********    Private Definitions     ****************************************
enum {
    kFinderFileType         = 'FNDR',
    kFinderCreatorType      = 'MACS',
    kFinderProcessType      = 'FNDR',
    kFinderProcessSignature = 'MACS'
static AEIdleUPP gAEIdleUPP = NULL;
#pragma mark ==> Create Target Descriptors for AEvents ¥
    Create and return an AEDesc for the process target with the specified PSN.
    If no PSN is supplied the use the current process
    pAEEventClass   ==>     The class of the event to be created.
    pAEEventID      ==>     The ID of the event to be created.
    pAppleEvent     ==>     Pointer to an AppleEvent where the
                            event record will be returned.
                    <==     The Apple event.
    noErr              0    No error    
    memFullErr      -108    Not enough room in heap zone    
pascal OSStatus MoreAECreateProcessTarget(ProcessSerialNumber* pPSN, AEDesc* pAppleEvent)
    ProcessSerialNumber self;
    if (!pPSN)
        pPSN = &self;
        self.lowLongOfPSN       = kCurrentProcess;
        self.highLongOfPSN      = 0;
    return AECreateDesc (typeProcessSerialNumber,pPSN,sizeof(*pPSN),pAppleEvent);
}   // MoreAECreateProcessTarget
#pragma mark ==> Create AEvents ¥
    Create and return an AppleEvent of the given class and ID. The event will be
    targeted at the current process, with an AEAddressDesc of type
    pAEEventClass   ==>     The class of the event to be created.
    pAEEventID      ==>     The ID of the event to be created.
    pAppleEvent     ==>     Pointer to an AppleEvent where the
                            event record will be returned.
                    <==     The Apple event.
    noErr              0    No error    
    memFullErr      -108    Not enough room in heap zone    
pascal OSStatus MoreAECreateAppleEventSelfTarget(
                    AEEventClass pAEEventClass,
                    AEEventID pAEEventID,
                    AppleEvent* pAppleEvent)
    OSStatus anError = noErr;
    ProcessSerialNumber     selfPSN = {0, kCurrentProcess};
    anError = MoreAECreateAppleEventProcessTarget( &selfPSN, pAEEventClass, pAEEventID, pAppleEvent );
    return ( anError );
}//end MoreAECreateAppleEventSelfTarget
    Create and return an AppleEvent of the given class and ID. The event will be
    targeted at the process specified by the target type and creator codes, 
    with an AEAddressDesc of type typeProcessSerialNumber.
    pType           ==>     The file type of the process to be found.
    pCreator        ==>     The creator type of the process to be found.
    pAEEventClass   ==>     The class of the event to be created.
    pAEEventID      ==>     The ID of the event to be created.
    pAppleEvent     ==>     Pointer to an AppleEvent where the
                            event record will be returned.
                    <==     The Apple event.
    noErr              0    No error    
    memFullErr      -108    Not enough room in heap zone    
    procNotFound    Ð600    No eligible process with specified descriptor
pascal  OSStatus    MoreAECreateAppleEventSignatureTarget(
                        OSType pType,
                                                        OSType pCreator,
                                                        AEEventClass pAEEventClass,
                                                        AEEventID pAEEventID,
                        AppleEvent* pAppleEvent )
    OSStatus anError = noErr;
    ProcessSerialNumber     psn = {0, kNoProcess};
    // <12> bug fix, pCreator & pType parameters swapped.
    anError = MoreProcFindProcessBySignature( pCreator, pType, &psn );
    if ( noErr == anError )
        anError = MoreAECreateAppleEventProcessTarget( &psn, pAEEventClass, pAEEventID, pAppleEvent );
    return anError;
}//end MoreAECreateAppleEventSignatureTarget
    Create and return an AppleEvent of the given class and ID. The event will be
    targeted at the application with the specific creator.
    psnPtr          ==>     Pointer to the PSN to target the event with.
    pAEEventClass   ==>     The class of the event to be created.
    pAEEventID      ==>     The ID of the event to be created.
    pAppleEvent     ==>     Pointer to an AppleEvent where the
                            event record will be returned.
                    <==     The Apple event.
    noErr              0    No error    
    memFullErr      -108    Not enough room in heap zone    
    procNotFound    Ð600    No eligible process with specified descriptor
pascal OSStatus MoreAECreateAppleEventCreatorTarget(
                            const AEEventClass pAEEventClass,
                            const AEEventID pAEEventID,
                            const OSType pCreator,
                            AppleEvent* pAppleEvent)
    OSStatus    anError;
    AEDesc      targetDesc;
    assert(pAppleEvent != NULL);
    anError = AECreateDesc(typeApplSignature, &pCreator, sizeof(pCreator), &targetDesc);
    if (noErr == anError)
        anError = AECreateAppleEvent(pAEEventClass, pAEEventID, &targetDesc, 
                                    kAutoGenerateReturnID, kAnyTransactionID, pAppleEvent);
    return anError;
}//end MoreAECreateAppleEventCreatorTarget
    Create and return an AppleEvent of the given class and ID. The event will be
    targeted with the provided PSN.
    psnPtr          ==>     Pointer to the PSN to target the event with.
    pAEEventClass   ==>     The class of the event to be created.
    pAEEventID      ==>     The ID of the event to be created.
    pAppleEvent     ==>     Pointer to an AppleEvent where the
                            event record will be returned.
                    <==     The Apple event.
    noErr              0    No error    
    memFullErr      -108    Not enough room in heap zone    
    procNotFound    Ð600    No eligible process with specified descriptor
pascal  OSStatus    MoreAECreateAppleEventProcessTarget(
                        const ProcessSerialNumberPtr psnPtr,
                        AEEventClass pAEEventClass,
                        AEEventID pAEEventID,
                        AppleEvent* pAppleEvent )
    OSStatus    anError = noErr;
    AEDesc      targetAppDesc = {typeNull,NULL};
    anError = AECreateDesc (typeProcessSerialNumber, psnPtr, sizeof( ProcessSerialNumber ), &targetAppDesc);
    if ( noErr == anError )
        anError = AECreateAppleEvent( pAEEventClass, pAEEventID, &targetAppDesc,
                                    kAutoGenerateReturnID, kAnyTransactionID, pAppleEvent);
    MoreAEDisposeDesc( &targetAppDesc );
    return anError;
}//end MoreAECreateAppleEventProcessTarget
    Create and return an AppleEvent of the given class and ID. The event will be
    targeted with the provided TargetID.
    pTargetID       ==>     Pointer to the TargetID to target the event with.
    pAEEventClass   ==>     The class of the event to be created.
    pAEEventID      ==>     The ID of the event to be created.
    pAppleEvent     ==>     Pointer to an AppleEvent where the
                            event record will be returned.
                    <==     The Apple event.
    noErr              0    No error    
    memFullErr      -108    Not enough room in heap zone    
    procNotFound    Ð600    No eligible process with specified descriptor
// See comment in header file.
pascal  OSStatus    MoreAECreateAppleEventTargetID(
                    const TargetID* pTargetID,
                    AEEventClass pAEEventClass,
                    AEEventID pAEEventID,
                    AppleEvent* pAppleEvent )
    OSStatus    anError = noErr;
    AEDesc      targetAppDesc = {typeNull,NULL};
    anError = AECreateDesc (typeTargetID, pTargetID, sizeof( TargetID ), &targetAppDesc);
    if ( noErr == anError )
        anError = AECreateAppleEvent( pAEEventClass, pAEEventID, &targetAppDesc,
                                    kAutoGenerateReturnID, kAnyTransactionID, pAppleEvent);
    MoreAEDisposeDesc( &targetAppDesc );
    return anError;
}//end MoreAECreateAppleEventTargetID
#pragma mark ==> Send AppleEvents ¥
#if 0
//¥ De-appreciated! Don't use! Use one of the more specific routines (w/idle proc) below.
pascal OSErr MoreAESendAppleEvent (const AppleEvent* pAppleEvent, AppleEvent* pAEReply)
    OSErr anErr = noErr;
    AESendMode aeSendMode = kAEAlwaysInteract | kAECanSwitchLayer;
    if (pAEReply)
        aeSendMode |= kAEWaitReply;
    anErr = AESend (pAppleEvent, pAEReply, aeSendMode, kAENormalPriority, kAEDefaultTimeout, NULL, NULL);
    return anErr;
}//end MoreAESendAppleEvent
#endif 0
    Send the provided AppleEvent using the provided idle function.
    Will wait for a reply if an idle function is provided, but no result will be returned.
    pIdleProcUPP    ==>     The idle function to use when sending the event.
    pAppleEvent     ==>     The event to be sent.
    noErr              0    No error    
    and any other error that can be returned by AESend or the handler
    in the application that gets the event.
pascal  OSStatus    MoreAESendEventNoReturnValue(
                    const AEIdleUPP pIdleProcUPP,
                    const AppleEvent* pAppleEvent )
    OSStatus    anError = noErr;
    AppleEvent  theReply = {typeNull,NULL};
    AESendMode  sendMode;
    if (NULL == pIdleProcUPP)
        sendMode = kAENoReply;
        sendMode = kAEWaitReply;
    anError = AESend( pAppleEvent, &theReply, sendMode, kAENormalPriority, kNoTimeOut, pIdleProcUPP, NULL );
    if ((noErr == anError) && (kAEWaitReply == sendMode))
        anError = MoreAEGetHandlerError(&theReply);
    MoreAEDisposeDesc( &theReply );
    return anError;
}//end MoreAESendEventNoReturnValue
    Send the provided AppleEvent using the provided idle function.
    Return the direct object as a AEDesc of pAEDescType
    pIdleProcUPP    ==>     The idle function to use when sending the event.
    pAppleEvent     ==>     The event to be sent.
    pDescType       ==>     The type of value returned by the event.
    pAEDescList     <==     The value returned by the event.
    noErr              0    No error    
    paramErr         -50    No idle function provided
    and any other error that can be returned by AESend
    or the handler in the application that gets the event.
pascal OSStatus MoreAESendEventReturnAEDesc(
                        const AEIdleUPP     pIdleProcUPP,
                        const AppleEvent    *pAppleEvent,
                        const DescType      pDescType,
                        AEDesc              *pAEDesc)
    OSStatus anError = noErr;
    //  No idle function is an error, since we are expected to return a value
    if (pIdleProcUPP == NULL)
        anError = paramErr;
        AppleEvent theReply = {typeNull,NULL};
        AESendMode sendMode = kAEWaitReply;
        anError = AESend(pAppleEvent, &theReply, sendMode, kAENormalPriority, kNoTimeOut, pIdleProcUPP, NULL);
        //  [ Don't dispose of the event, it's not ours ]
        if (noErr == anError)
            anError = MoreAEGetHandlerError(&theReply);
            if (!anError && theReply.descriptorType != typeNull)
                anError = AEGetParamDesc(&theReply, keyDirectObject, pDescType, pAEDesc);
    return anError;
}   // MoreAESendEventReturnAEDesc
    Send the provided AppleEvent using the provided idle function.
    Return the direct object as a AEDescList
    pIdleProcUPP    ==>     The idle function to use when sending the event.
    pAppleEvent     ==>     The event to be sent.
    pAEDescList     <==     The value returned by the event.
    noErr              0    No error    
    paramErr         -50    No idle function provided
    and any other error that can be returned by AESend or the handler
    in the application that gets the event.
pascal OSStatus MoreAESendEventReturnAEDescList(
                    const AEIdleUPP pIdleProcUPP,
                    const AppleEvent* pAppleEvent,
                    AEDescList* pAEDescList)
    return MoreAESendEventReturnAEDesc(pIdleProcUPP,pAppleEvent,typeAEList,pAEDescList);
}   // MoreAESendEventReturnAEDescList
    Send the provided AppleEvent using the provided idle function.
    Return data (at pDataPtr) of type pDesiredType
    pIdleProcUPP    ==>     The idle function to use when sending the event.
    pAppleEvent     ==>     The event to be sent.
    theValue        <==     The value returned by the event.
    noErr              0    No error    
    paramErr         -50    No idle function provided
    and any other error that can be returned by AESend or the handler
    in the application that gets the event.
pascal OSStatus MoreAESendEventReturnData(
                        const AEIdleUPP     pIdleProcUPP,
                        const AppleEvent    *pAppleEvent,
                        DescType            pDesiredType,
                        DescType*           pActualType,
                        void*               pDataPtr,
                        Size                pMaximumSize,
                        Size                *pActualSize)
    OSStatus anError = noErr;
    //  No idle function is an error, since we are expected to return a value
    if (pIdleProcUPP == NULL)
        anError = paramErr;
        AppleEvent theReply = {typeNull,NULL};
        AESendMode sendMode = kAEWaitReply;
        anError = AESend(pAppleEvent, &theReply, sendMode, kAENormalPriority, kNoTimeOut, pIdleProcUPP, NULL);
        //  [ Don't dispose of the event, it's not ours ]
        if (noErr == anError)
            anError = MoreAEGetHandlerError(&theReply);
            if (!anError && theReply.descriptorType != typeNull)
                anError = AEGetParamPtr(&theReply, keyDirectObject, pDesiredType,
                            pActualType, pDataPtr, pMaximumSize, pActualSize);
    return anError;
}   // MoreAESendEventReturnData
    Send the provided AppleEvent using the provided idle function.
    Return a SInt16 (typeSmallInteger).
    pIdleProcUPP    ==>     The idle function to use when sending the event.
    pAppleEvent     ==>     The event to be sent.
    theValue        <==     The value returned by the event.
    noErr              0    No error    
    paramErr         -50    No idle function provided
    and any other error that can be returned by AESend or the handler
    in the application that gets the event.
pascal OSStatus MoreAESendEventReturnSInt16(
                        const AEIdleUPP pIdleProcUPP,
                        const AppleEvent* pAppleEvent,
                        SInt16* pValue)
    DescType            actualType;
    Size                actualSize;
    return MoreAESendEventReturnData(pIdleProcUPP,pAppleEvent,typeShortInteger,
}   // MoreAESendEventReturnSInt16
    Send the provided AppleEvent using the provided idle function.
    Returns a PString.
    pIdleProcUPP    ==>     The idle function to use when sending the event.
    pAppleEvent     ==>     The event to be sent.
    pStr255         <==     The value returned by the event.
    noErr              0    No error    
    paramErr         -50    No idle function provided
    and any other error that can be returned by AESend or the handler
    in the application that gets the event.
pascal OSStatus MoreAESendEventReturnPString(
                        const AEIdleUPP pIdleProcUPP,
                        const AppleEvent* pAppleEvent,
                        Str255 pStr255)
    DescType            actualType;
    Size                actualSize;
    OSStatus            anError;
    anError = MoreAESendEventReturnData(pIdleProcUPP,pAppleEvent,typePString,
    if (errAECoercionFail == anError)
        anError =  MoreAESendEventReturnData(pIdleProcUPP,pAppleEvent,typeChar,
            &actualType,(Ptr) &pStr255[1],sizeof(Str255),&actualSize);
        if (actualSize < 256)
            pStr255[0] = (UInt8) actualSize;
            anError = errAECoercionFail;
    return anError;
}   // MoreAESendEventReturnPString
#pragma mark ==> Functions for talking to ourselfs
    Send an AppleEvent of the specified Class & ID to myself using the 
    default idle function.
    pEventID    ==>     The event to be sent.
    noErr              0    No error    
    and any other error that can be returned by AESend or the handler
    in the application that gets the event.
pascal OSStatus MoreAESendToSelfNoReturnValue(
                const AEEventClass pEventClass,
                const AEEventID pEventID)
    AppleEvent  tAppleEvent = {typeNull,NULL};  //  If you always init AEDescs, it's always safe to dispose of them.
    OSStatus    anError = noErr;
    if (NULL == gAEIdleUPP)
        gAEIdleUPP = NewAEIdleUPP(MoreAESimpleIdleFunction);
    anError = MoreAECreateAppleEventSelfTarget(pEventClass,pEventID,&tAppleEvent);
    if (noErr == anError)
        AEDesc containerObj = {typeNull,NULL};  // start with the null (application) container
        AEDesc propertyObject = {typeNull,NULL};
        anError = MoreAEOCreatePropertyObject(pSelection, &containerObj, &propertyObject);
        if (noErr == anError)
            anError = AEPutParamDesc(&tAppleEvent, keyDirectObject, &propertyObject);
            MoreAEDisposeDesc(&propertyObject);     //  Always dispose of objects as soon as you are done (helps avoid leaks)
            if (noErr == anError)
                anError = MoreAESendEventNoReturnValue(gAEIdleUPP, &tAppleEvent);
        MoreAEDisposeDesc(&tAppleEvent);            // always dispose of AEDescs when you are finished with them
    return anError;
}   // MoreAESendToSelfNoReturnValue
    Send an AppleEvent of the specified Class & ID to myself using the 
    default idle function. Wait for a reply and extract a SInt16 result.
    pEventClass     ==>     The event class to be sent.
    pEventID        ==>     The event ID to be sent.
    pValue          <==     Where the return SInt16 will be stored.
    noErr              0    No error    
    and any other error that can be returned by AESend or the handler
    in the application that gets the event.
pascal OSStatus MoreAESendToSelfReturnSInt16(
                const AEEventClass pEventClass,
                const AEEventID pEventID,
                SInt16* pValue)
    AppleEvent  tAppleEvent = {typeNull,NULL};  //  If you always init AEDescs, it's always safe to dispose of them.
    OSStatus    anError = noErr;
    if (NULL == gAEIdleUPP)
        gAEIdleUPP = NewAEIdleUPP(MoreAESimpleIdleFunction);
    anError = MoreAECreateAppleEventSelfTarget(pEventClass,pEventID,&tAppleEvent);
    if (noErr == anError)
        AEDesc containerObj = {typeNull,NULL};  // start with the null (application) container
        AEDesc propertyObject = {typeNull,NULL};
        anError = MoreAEOCreatePropertyObject(pSelection, &containerObj, &propertyObject);
        if (noErr == anError)
            anError = AEPutParamDesc(&tAppleEvent, keyDirectObject, &propertyObject);
            MoreAEDisposeDesc(&propertyObject); //  Always dispose of objects as soon as you are done (helps avoid leaks)
            if (noErr == anError)
                anError = MoreAESendEventReturnSInt16(gAEIdleUPP, &tAppleEvent, pValue);
        MoreAEDisposeDesc(&tAppleEvent);    // always dispose of AEDescs when you are finished with them
    return anError;
}//end MoreAESendToSelfReturnSInt16
    Send a get data (kAEGetData) AppleEvent to myself using the 
    default idle function. Wait for a reply and extract a SInt16 result.
    pPropType       ==>     The property type.
    pValue          <==     Where the resulting SInt16 will be stored.
    noErr              0    No error    
    and any other error that can be returned by AESend or the handler
    in the application that gets the event.
pascal OSStatus MoreAETellSelfToGetSInt16Property(const DescType pPropType,SInt16* pValue)
    AppleEvent  tAppleEvent = {typeNull,NULL};  //  If you always init AEDescs, it's always safe to dispose of them.
    OSStatus    anError = noErr;
    if (NULL == gAEIdleUPP)
        gAEIdleUPP = NewAEIdleUPP(MoreAESimpleIdleFunction);
    anError = MoreAECreateAppleEventSelfTarget(kAECoreSuite,kAEGetData,&tAppleEvent);
    if (noErr == anError)
        AEDesc containerObj = {typeNull,NULL};  // start with the null (application) container
        AEDesc propertyObject = {typeNull,NULL};
        anError = MoreAEOCreatePropertyObject(pPropType, &containerObj, &propertyObject);
        if (noErr == anError)
            anError = AEPutParamDesc(&tAppleEvent, keyDirectObject, &propertyObject);
            MoreAEDisposeDesc(&propertyObject); //  Always dispose of objects as soon as you are done (helps avoid leaks)
            if (noErr == anError)
                anError = MoreAESendEventReturnSInt16(gAEIdleUPP, &tAppleEvent, pValue);
        MoreAEDisposeDesc(&tAppleEvent);    // always dispose of AEDescs when you are finished with them
    return anError;
}//end MoreAETellSelfToGetSInt16Property
    Send a get data (kAEGetData) AppleEvent to myself using the 
    default idle function. Wait for a reply and extract a Str255 result.
    pPropType       ==>     The property type.
    pValue          <==     Where the resulting Str255 will be stored.
    noErr              0    No error    
    and any other error that can be returned by AESend or the handler
    in the application that gets the event.
pascal OSStatus MoreAETellSelfToGetStr255Property(const DescType pPropType,Str255 pValue)
    AppleEvent  tAppleEvent = {typeNull,NULL};  //  If you always init AEDescs, it's always safe to dispose of them.
    OSStatus    anError = noErr;
    if (NULL == gAEIdleUPP)
        gAEIdleUPP = NewAEIdleUPP(MoreAESimpleIdleFunction);
    anError = MoreAECreateAppleEventSelfTarget(kAECoreSuite,kAEGetData,&tAppleEvent);
    if (noErr == anError)
        AEDesc containerObj = {typeNull,NULL};  // start with the null (application) container
        AEDesc propertyObject = {typeNull,NULL};
        anError = MoreAEOCreatePropertyObject(pPropType, &containerObj, &propertyObject);
        if (noErr == anError)
            anError = AEPutParamDesc(&tAppleEvent, keyDirectObject, &propertyObject);
            MoreAEDisposeDesc(&propertyObject); //  Always dispose of objects as soon as you are done (helps avoid leaks)
            if (noErr == anError)
                anError = MoreAESendEventReturnPString(gAEIdleUPP, &tAppleEvent, pValue);
        MoreAEDisposeDesc(&tAppleEvent);    // always dispose of AEDescs when you are finished with them
    return anError;
}//end MoreAETellSelfToGetStr255Property
    Send a set data (kAESetData) AppleEvent to myself with a SInt16 parameter
    and using the default idle function.
    pPropType       ==>     The property type.
    pValue          ==>     The SInt16 value to be set.
    noErr              0    No error    
    and any other error that can be returned by AESend or the handler
    in the application that gets the event.
pascal OSStatus MoreAETellSelfToSetSInt16Property(const DescType pPropType,SInt16 pValue)
    AppleEvent  tAppleEvent = {typeNull,NULL};  //  If you always init AEDescs, it's always safe to dispose of them.
    OSStatus    anError = noErr;
    if (NULL == gAEIdleUPP)
        gAEIdleUPP = NewAEIdleUPP(MoreAESimpleIdleFunction);
    anError = MoreAECreateAppleEventSelfTarget(kAECoreSuite,kAESetData,&tAppleEvent);
    if (noErr == anError)
        AEDesc containerObj = {typeNull,NULL};  // start with the null (application) container
        AEDesc propertyObject = {typeNull,NULL};
        anError = MoreAEOCreatePropertyObject(pPropType, &containerObj, &propertyObject);
        if (noErr == anError)
            anError = AEPutParamDesc(&tAppleEvent, keyDirectObject, &propertyObject);
            MoreAEDisposeDesc(&propertyObject); //  Always dispose of objects as soon as you are done (helps avoid leaks)
            if (noErr == anError)
                anError = AEPutParamPtr(&tAppleEvent, keyAEData, typeSInt16, &pValue, sizeof(SInt16));
                if (noErr == anError)
                    anError = MoreAESendEventNoReturnValue(gAEIdleUPP, &tAppleEvent);
        MoreAEDisposeDesc(&tAppleEvent);    // always dispose of AEDescs when you are finished with them
    return anError;
}//end MoreAETellSelfToSetSInt16Property
    Send a set data (kAESetData) AppleEvent to myself with a Pascal string
    parameter and using the default idle function.
    pEventID            ==>     The event to be sent.
    pValue              ==>     The Str255 to be sent.
    noErr              0    No error    
    and any other error that can be returned by AESend or the handler
    in the application that gets the event.
pascal OSStatus MoreAETellSelfToSetStr255Property(const DescType pPropType,Str255 pValue)
    AppleEvent  tAppleEvent = {typeNull,NULL};  //  If you always init AEDescs, it's always safe to dispose of them.
    OSStatus    anError = noErr;
    if (NULL == gAEIdleUPP)
        gAEIdleUPP = NewAEIdleUPP(MoreAESimpleIdleFunction);
    anError = MoreAECreateAppleEventSelfTarget(kAECoreSuite,kAESetData,&tAppleEvent);
    if (noErr == anError)
        AEDesc containerObj = {typeNull,NULL};  // start with the null (application) container
        AEDesc propertyObject = {typeNull,NULL};
        anError = MoreAEOCreatePropertyObject(pPropType, &containerObj, &propertyObject);
        if (noErr == anError)
            anError = AEPutParamDesc(&tAppleEvent, keyDirectObject, &propertyObject);
            if (noErr == anError)
                anError = AEPutParamPtr(&tAppleEvent, keyAEData, typePString, pValue, pValue[0] + 1);
                if (noErr == anError)
                    anError = MoreAESendEventNoReturnValue(gAEIdleUPP, &tAppleEvent);
        MoreAEDisposeDesc(&tAppleEvent);    // always dispose of AEDescs when you are finished with them
    return anError;
} // MoreAETellSelfToSetStr255Property
    Send a set data (kAESetData) AppleEvent to myself with a CFStringRef
    parameter and using the default idle function.
    pEventID            ==>     The event to be sent.
    pValue              ==>     The CFString to be sent.
    noErr              0    No error    
    and any other error that can be returned by AESend or the handler
    in the application that gets the event.
pascal OSStatus MoreAETellSelfToSetCFStringRefProperty(
                const DescType pPropType,
                const CFStringRef pCFStringRef)
    AppleEvent tAppleEvent = {typeNull,NULL};   //  If you always init AEDescs, it's always safe to dispose of them.
    CFIndex length = CFStringGetLength(pCFStringRef);
    const UniChar* dataPtr = CFStringGetCharactersPtr(pCFStringRef);
    const UniChar* tempPtr = NULL;
    OSStatus anError = noErr;
    if (dataPtr == NULL)
        tempPtr = (UniChar*) NewPtr( (Size) (length * sizeof(UniChar)) );
        if (NULL == tempPtr) return memFullErr;
        CFStringGetCharacters(pCFStringRef, CFRangeMake(0,length), (UniChar*) tempPtr);
        dataPtr = tempPtr;
    if (NULL == gAEIdleUPP)
        gAEIdleUPP = NewAEIdleUPP(MoreAESimpleIdleFunction);
    anError = MoreAECreateAppleEventSelfTarget(kAECoreSuite,kAESetData,&tAppleEvent);
    if (noErr == anError)
        AEDesc containerObj = {typeNull,NULL};  // start with the null (application) container
        AEDesc propertyObject = {typeNull,NULL};
        anError = MoreAEOCreatePropertyObject(pPropType, &containerObj, &propertyObject);
        if (noErr == anError)
            anError = AEPutParamDesc(&tAppleEvent, keyDirectObject, &propertyObject);
            if (noErr == anError)
                anError = AEPutParamPtr(&tAppleEvent, keyAEData, typeUnicodeText, dataPtr, (Size) (length * sizeof(UniChar)) );
                if (noErr == anError)
                    anError = MoreAESendEventNoReturnValue(gAEIdleUPP, &tAppleEvent);
        MoreAEDisposeDesc(&tAppleEvent);    // always dispose of AEDescs when you are finished with them
    if (NULL != tempPtr)
        DisposePtr((Ptr) tempPtr);
    return anError;
}   // MoreAETellSelfToSetCFStringRefProperty
#pragma mark ==> Misc. AE utility functions ¥
// Appends each of the items in pSourceList to the pDestList.
pascal OSStatus MoreAEAppendListToList(const AEDescList* pSourceList, AEDescList* pDestList)
    OSStatus  anError;
    AEKeyword junkKeyword;
    SInt32    listCount;
    SInt32    listIndex;
    AEDesc    thisValue;
    assert(pSourceList != NULL);
    assert(pDestList   != NULL);
    anError = AECountItems(pSourceList, &listCount);
    if (noErr == anError) {
        for (listIndex = 1; listIndex <= listCount; listIndex++) {
            anError = AEGetNthDesc(pSourceList, listIndex, typeWildCard, &junkKeyword, &thisValue);
            if (noErr == anError) {
                anError = AEPutDesc(pDestList, 0, &thisValue);
            if (noErr != anError) {
    return anError;
}//end MoreAEAppendListToList
// This routine takes a result descriptor and an error.
// If there is a result to add to the reply it makes sure the reply isn't
// NULL itself then adds the error to the reply depending on the error
// and the type of result.
pascal OSStatus MoreAEMoreAESetReplyErrorNumber (OSErr pOSErr, AppleEvent* pAEReply)
    OSStatus anError = noErr;
    if (pAEReply->dataHandle)
        if (!MoreAssertPCG (pAEReply->descriptorType == typeAppleEvent))
            anError = paramErr;
            anError = AEPutParamPtr (pAEReply,keyErrorNumber,typeShortInteger,&pOSErr,sizeof(pOSErr));
    return anError;
}//end MoreAEMoreAESetReplyErrorNumber
// This routine takes a result descriptor, a reply descriptor and an error.
// If there is a result to add to the reply it makes sure the reply isn't
// NULL itself then adds the result to the reply depending on the error
// and the type of result.
pascal OSStatus MoreAEAddResultToReply(const AEDesc* pResult, AEDesc* pAEReply, const OSErr pError)
    OSStatus anError;
    // Check that the pAEReply is not NULL and there is a result to put in it  
    if (typeNull == pAEReply->descriptorType || typeNull == pResult->descriptorType)
        return (pError);
    if (noErr == pError)
        anError = AEPutParamDesc(pAEReply, keyDirectObject, pResult);
        switch (pResult->descriptorType)
            case typeInteger:
                anError = AEPutParamDesc(pAEReply, keyErrorNumber, pResult);
            case typeChar:
                anError = AEPutParamDesc(pAEReply, keyErrorString, pResult);
                anError = errAETypeError;
        if (noErr == anError)
            anError = pError;       // Don't loose that error
    return (anError);
}//end MoreAEAddResultToReply
//  Name:       MoreAEGotRequiredParams
//  Function:   Checks that all parameters defined as 'required' have been read
pascal OSStatus MoreAEGotRequiredParams(const AppleEvent* pAppleEventPtr)
    DescType    returnedType;
    Size        actualSize;
    OSStatus    anError;
    // look for the keyMissedKeywordAttr, just to see if it's there
    anError = AEGetAttributePtr(pAppleEventPtr, keyMissedKeywordAttr, typeWildCard,
                                                &returnedType, NULL, 0, &actualSize);
    switch (anError)
        case errAEDescNotFound:     // attribute not there means we
            anError = noErr;            // got all required parameters.
        case noErr:                 // attribute there means missed
            anError = errAEParamMissed; // at least one parameter.
        // default:     pass on unexpected error in looking for the attribute
    return (anError);
} // GotReqiredParams
    Takes a reply event checks it for any errors that may have been returned
    by the event handler. A simple function, in that it only returns the error
    number. You can often also extract an error string and three other error
    parameters from a reply event.
    Also see:
        IM:IAC for details about returned error strings.
        AppleScript developer release notes for info on the other error parameters.
    pAEReply    ==>     The reply event to be checked.
    noErr                   0   No error    
    ????                    ??  Pretty much any error, depending on what the
                                event handler returns for it's errors.
pascal  OSStatus    MoreAEGetHandlerError(const AppleEvent* pAEReply)
    OSStatus    anError = noErr;
    OSErr       handlerErr;
    DescType    actualType;
    long        actualSize;
    if ( pAEReply->descriptorType != typeNull ) // there's a reply, so there may be an error
        OSErr   getErrErr = noErr;
        getErrErr = AEGetParamPtr( pAEReply, keyErrorNumber, typeShortInteger, &actualType,
                                    &handlerErr, sizeof( OSErr ), &actualSize );
        if ( getErrErr != errAEDescNotFound )   // found an errorNumber parameter
            anError = handlerErr;                   // so return it's value
    return anError;
}//end MoreAEGetHandlerError
    Get the class and ID from an AppleEvent.
    pAppleEvent         ==>     The event to get the class and ID from.
    pAEEventClass      output:  The event's class.
    pAEEventID         output:  The event's ID.
    noErr                       0   No error    
    memFullErr               -108   Not enough room in heap zone    
    errAEDescNotFound       -1701   Descriptor record was not found 
    errAENotAEDesc          -1704   Not a valid descriptor record   
    errAEReplyNotArrived    -1718   Reply has not yet arrived   
pascal OSStatus MoreAEExtractClassAndID(
                    const AppleEvent* pAppleEvent,
                    AEEventClass* pAEEventClass,
                    AEEventID* pAEEventID )
    DescType    actualType;
    Size        actualSize;
    OSStatus    anError;
    anError = AEGetAttributePtr( pAppleEvent, keyEventClassAttr, typeType, &actualType,
                                pAEEventClass, sizeof( pAEEventClass ), &actualSize );
    if ( noErr == anError )
        anError = AEGetAttributePtr( pAppleEvent, keyEventIDAttr, typeType, &actualType,
                                    pAEEventID, sizeof( pAEEventID ), &actualSize );
    return ( anError );
}//end ExtractClassAndID
    A very simple idle function. It simply ignors any event it receives,
    returns 30 for the sleep time and NULL for the mouse region.
    Your application should supply an idle function that handles any events it
    might receive. This is especially important if your application has any windows.
    Also see:
        IM:IAC for details about idle functions.
        Pending Update Perils technote for more about handling low-level events.
pascal  Boolean MoreAESimpleIdleFunction(
    EventRecord* event,
    long* sleepTime,
    RgnHandle* mouseRgn )
#pragma unused( event )
    *sleepTime = 30;
    *mouseRgn = NULL;
    return ( false );
}//end MoreAESimpleIdleFunction
    Is the Apple Event Manager present.
    true    The Apple Event Manager is present
    false   It isn't
pascal Boolean MoreAEHasAppleEvents(void)
    static  long        gHasAppleEvents = kFlagNotSet;
    if ( gHasAppleEvents == kFlagNotSet )
        long    response;
        if ( Gestalt( gestaltAppleEventsAttr, &response ) == noErr )
            gHasAppleEvents = ( response & (1L << gestaltAppleEventsPresent) ) != 0;
    return (gHasAppleEvents != 0);
}//end MoreAEHasAppleEvents
// Did this AppleEvent come from the Finder?
pascal OSStatus MoreAEIsSenderFinder (const AppleEvent* pAppleEvent, Boolean* pIsFinder)
    OSStatus                anError = noErr;
    DescType                actualType;
    ProcessSerialNumber     senderPSN;
    Size                    actualSize;
    if (!MoreAssertPCG (pAppleEvent && pIsFinder))                          return paramErr;
    if (!MoreAssertPCG (pAppleEvent->descriptorType == typeAppleEvent)) return paramErr;
    if (!MoreAssertPCG (pAppleEvent->dataHandle))                           return paramErr;
    anError = AEGetAttributePtr (pAppleEvent, keyAddressAttr, typeProcessSerialNumber, &actualType,
        (Ptr) &senderPSN, sizeof (senderPSN), &actualSize);
    if (MoreAssertPCG (noErr == anError))
        if (!MoreAssertPCG (actualType == typeProcessSerialNumber))
            anError = paramErr;
        else if (!MoreAssertPCG (actualSize == sizeof (senderPSN)))
            anError = paramErr;
            ProcessInfoRec processInfo;
            if (!(anError = MoreProcGetProcessInformation (&senderPSN,&processInfo)))
                *pIsFinder = (  processInfo.processSignature == kFinderProcessSignature && 
                                processInfo.processType == kFinderProcessType);
    return anError;
}//end MoreAEIsSenderFinder
// This routine returns true if and only if pAEDesc is the "missing value" value.
pascal Boolean MoreAEIsMissingValue(const AEDesc* pAEDesc)
    DescType missing;
    return (pAEDesc->descriptorType == typeType)
            && (AEGetDescDataSize(pAEDesc) == sizeof(missing))
            && (AEGetDescData(pAEDesc, &missing, sizeof(missing)) == noErr)
            && (missing == cMissingValue);
}//end MoreAEIsMissingValue
// This routine creates a descriptor that represents the missing value.
pascal OSStatus MoreAECreateMissingValue(AEDesc* pAEDesc)
    const static DescType missingValue = cMissingValue;
    return AECreateDesc(typeType, &missingValue, sizeof(missingValue), pAEDesc);
}//end MoreAECreateMissingValue