MIB-Libraries/MoreCodeFragments/CFMLateImport/CallMachOFramework/System Framework Stub/Stub Library Read Me.txt

Stub Library Read Me
This folder contains a dummy stub library that you use to satisfy the linker 
when using the CFMLateImport approach for calling Mach-O frameworks from CFM. 
The current stub library, SystemFrameworkLib, exports just a single symbol 
(gethostname). You can expand this list by editing the export file 
(SystemFrameworkStub.exp) and rebuilding the stub library using the 
MPW MakeStub command.
    MakeStub SystemFrameworkStub.exp -fragname SystemFrameworkLib -o SystemFrameworkLib.stub
You can download MPW from the Apple developer web site.
You can also build stub libraries with CodeWarrior Pro 6, but those libraries 
have certain quality problems that I find disturbing. I have reported those 
problems to Metrowerks.  Until they are fixed I will stick with MPW, however 
your mileage might vary.
To build a stub library for all of the symbols in a framework, you need a list 
of those symbols. You can generate this list using the Mac OS X nm command line 
tool.  Type man nm on the command line for details.
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Worldwide Developer Technical Support
8 Oct 2001
$Log: Stub\040Library\040Read\040Me.txt,v $
Revision 1.1  2001/10/08 14:20:32         
Add .stub extension.