Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
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<TITLE>Read Me</TITLE> |
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<H1>Read Me About MoreNetworkSetup</H1> |
<P>1.0b5</P> |
<P>Mac OS 8.5 introduced a new programming interface, Network Setup, |
that allows you to programmatically configure the network interfaces |
on the machine (AppleTalk, TCP/IP, Remote Access, etc). This sample |
includes two source code libraries which provide simplified access to |
Network Setup. The first, <STRONG>MoreNetworkSetup</STRONG>, is a |
simple wrapper around Network Setup. The second, |
<STRONG>NetworkSetupHelpers</STRONG>, provides high-level |
functionality (for example, turning AppleTalk on/off, switching |
TCP/IP configurations) that works with both Network Setup and on |
pre-Mac OS 8.5 systems.</P> |
<P>The MoreNetworkSetup library requires the Network Setup Extension |
(which is installed by Mac OS 8.5 and above). NetworkSetupHelpers |
works with both Mac OS 8.5 and later (using the Network Setup |
programming interface) and older systems (using a previously |
undocumented programming interface). NetworkSetupHelpers requires |
Open Transport 1.1.1 or higher.</P> |
<H2>Packing List</H2> |
<P>The sample contains the following items:</P> |
<UL> |
<LI>ReadMe.html -- This document. |
<LI>MoreNetworkSetup.h -- Interface to the MoreNetworkSetup |
library. |
<LI>MoreNetworkSetup.c -- Source code for the above. |
<LI>NetworkSetupHelpers.h -- Interface to the NetworkSetupHelpers |
library. |
<LI>NetworkSetupHelpers.c -- Source code for the above. |
<LI>NetworkSetupTest -- A program which tests NetworkSetupHelpers, |
and hence MoreNetworkSetup. |
<LI>Network Setup SDK Bits -- A pre-release copy of the Network |
Setup SDK. |
<LI>OldStyleAPI -- Interfaces and libraries to access the old, not |
supported on Mac OS 8.5 and above, mechanism for changing OT |
configurations. |
</UL> |
<H2>Using the Sample</H2> |
<P>To use this sample, open the "NetworkSetupTest" folder and launch |
the NetworkSetupTest appliation. The program offers you a number of |
interactive choices, as well as the option to run some automated |
tests.</P> |
<H2>Building the Sample</H2> |
<P>The sample was built using the standard MoreIsBetter build |
environment (CodeWarrior Pro 2 compiler with Universal Interfaces |
3.2). You should be able to build the project in Code Warrior Pro 4 |
without difficulty. To build the project, open the |
"NetworkSetupTest.mcp" project file inside the "NetworkSetupTest" |
folder, select the "Fat" target, and choose Make from the Project |
menu. This will build NetworkSetupTest-68K, NetworkSetupTest-PPC, and |
NetworkSetupTest.</P> |
<H2>About the Libraries</H2> |
<H3>MoreNetworkSetup</H3> |
<P>MoreNetworkSetup is a simple layer on top of Network Setup. |
Because of its history, Network Setup is somewhat more complex that |
it needs to be. MoreNetworkSetup reduces that complexity.</P> |
<P>One way MoreNetworkSetup reduces complexity is that it allocates |
memory for you. Network Setup never allocates memory and returns it |
to you. It's an entirely pointer-based programming interface. This |
makes sense for a system library which may be used in a variety of |
contexts. MoreNetworkSetup can relax this restriction because we give |
you the source code. If you need to change the memory allocator |
(currently the Mac OS Memory Manager's <CODE>NewPtr</CODE> and |
<CODE>DisposePtr</CODE>), just go in there and change it.</P> |
<P>To understand MoreNetworkSetup, you'll probably need a high-level |
overview of Network Setup itself. The documentation for Network Setup |
is still in progress, although the "NetworkSetupBigPicture.html" |
should help a bit.</P> |
<H3>NetworkSetupHelpers</H3> |
<P>The philosophy behind NetworkSetupHelpers is that it should |
provide a high-level abstraction to commonly needed features of |
Network Setup. It should also provide that abstraction on both Mac OS |
8.5 (where Network Setup is installed) and older systems (through a |
previously undocumented API).</P> |
<P>NetworkSetupHelpers provides routines to:</P> |
<UL> |
<LI>Enumerate and switch the active TCP/IP, AppleTalk, Remote |
Access and Modem configuration. |
<LI>Create, duplicate, read, write, delete and rename TCP/IP, |
Remote Access and Modem configurations. This is the core |
functionality of any Internet setup assistant program. |
<LI>Determine whether opening a TCP/IP endpoint will dial the |
modem. |
<LI>Determine whether AppleTalk is on or off, and also turn it on |
or off. |
</UL> |
<P>All NetworkSetupHelpers routines work equally well on all Open |
Transport-based systems, regardless of whether they have Network |
Setup installed on not.</P> |
<H2>Using NetworkSetupHelpers</H2> |
<P>The routines in NetworkSetupHelpers are very easy to use. The |
"NetworkSetupTest.c" source file includes examples of how to use the |
various routines. However, it's worth repeating some of these |
examples here.</P> |
<H3>Iterating Through Configurations</H3> |
<P>The following code shows how to print out all the TCP/IP |
configurations on the machine using NetworkSetupHelpers.</P> |
<PRE>OSStatus err; |
NSHConfigurationListHandle configList; |
SInt8 s; |
ItemCount i; |
configList = (NSHConfigurationListHandle) NewHandle(0); |
err = NSHGetConfigurationList(kOTTCPv4NetworkConnection, configList); |
s = HGetState( (Handle) configList); |
HLock( (Handle) configList ); |
for (i = 0; i < NSHCountConfigurationList(configList); i++) { |
printf("%#s\n", (*configList)[i].name); |
} |
HSetState( (Handle) configList, s);</PRE> |
<P>Switching to a configuration is simply a matter of calling |
<CODE>NSHSelectConfiguration</CODE> on one of the returned |
configurations.</P> |
<PRE>err = NSHSelectConfiguration(&(*configList)[0]);</PRE> |
<H3>Setting up the Internet</H3> |
<P>You can configure the three network protocols required to use the |
Internet very simply using <CODE>NSHCreateConfiguration</CODE>.</P> |
<PRE>OSStatus err; |
NSHConfigurationDigest digest; |
NSHConfigurationEntry newTCPv4Config; |
NSHConfigurationEntry newRemoteConfig; |
NSHConfigurationEntry newModemConfig; |
// Create the TCP/IP configuration. |
OTMemzero(&digest, sizeof(digest)); |
digest.fTCPv4.fProtocol = kOTTCPv4NetworkConnection; |
PLstrcpy(digest.fTCPv4.fConfigName, "\pMy TCP/IP Config"); |
digest.fTCPv4.fPortRef = 0x000c0005; // should really look up "IPCP" in the OT port registry |
digest.fTCPv4.fConfigMethod = kTCPv4ManualConfig; |
digest.fTCPv4.fIPAddress = 0; // PPP will negotiate address with server |
digest.fTCPv4.fSubnetMask = 0; // PPP will negotiate address with server |
// fill out remaining fields of digest |
err = NSHCreateConfiguration(&digest, &newTCPv4Config); |
// Create the Remote Access configuration. |
OTMemzero(&digest, sizeof(digest)); |
digest.fRemote.fProtocol = kOTRemoteNetworkConnection; |
PLstrcpy(digest.fRemote.fConfigName, "\pMy Remote Access Config"); |
digest.fRemote.fGuestLogin = false; |
digest.fRemote.fPasswordValid = true; |
PLstrcpy(digest.fRemote.fUserName, "\pQuinn"); |
PLstrcpy(digest.fRemote.fPassword, "\pPassword"); |
PLstrcpy(digest.fRemote.fPhoneNumber, "\p555-1234"); |
// fill out remaining fields of digest |
err = NSHCreateConfiguration(&digest, &newRemoteConfig); |
// Create the Modem configuration. |
OTMemzero(&digest, sizeof(digest)); |
digest.fModem.fProtocol = kOTModemNetworkConnection; |
PLstrcpy(digest.fModem.fConfigName, "\pMy Modem Config"); |
digest.fModem.fPortRef = 0x0009ff0a; // should really look up "IPCP" in the OT port registry |
// fill out remaining fields of digest |
err = NSHCreateConfiguration(&digest, &newModemConfig); |
// Switch the current configuration to the newly created ones. |
err = NSHSelectConfiguration(newTCPv4Config); |
err = NSHSelectConfiguration(newRemoteConfig); |
err = NSHSelectConfiguration(newModemConfig);</PRE> |
<H3>Turning AppleTalk On and Off</H3> |
<P>Turning AppleTalk on and off is a single call using |
<CODE>NSHSetAppleTalkActive</CODE>:</P> |
<PRE>// Turn AppleTalk on. |
err = HSHSetAppleTalkActive(true); |
// Turn it off again. |
err = HSHSetAppleTalkActive(false);</PRE> |
<H3>Will Opening a TCP/IP Endpoint Dial the Modem</H3> |
<P>This question is answered by a dedicated routine, NSHTCPWillDial. |
</P> |
<PRE>UInt32 result; |
err = NSHTCPWillDial(&result); |
switch (result) { |
case kNSHTCPDialUnknown: |
// couldn't get an answer |
break; |
case kNSHTCPDialTCPDisabled: |
// TCP/IP is currently disabled |
break; |
case kNSHTCPDialYes: |
// definitely will dial |
break; |
case kNSHTCPDialNo: |
// definitely won't dial |
break; |
}</PRE> |
<H2>Caveats</H2> |
<P>The Network Setup programming interface is only available to |
PowerPC code. If the Network Setup library is available, you should |
always use it in preference to whatever old mechanism you're using. |
Therefore, if you base code on this sample, you must ensure that it |
runs as PowerPC code on PowerPC computers.</P> |
<P>One possible workaround to this is to call the Network Setup |
programming interface from your 68K code via Mixed Mode. While this |
is possible, this sample doesn't include the relevant glue. If you |
run a 68K build of this code on a machine with Network Setup |
installed, it will detect that case and return an error.</P> |
<H2>Credits and Version History</H2> |
<P>If you find any problems with this sample, mail |
<> with "Attn: MoreNetworkSetup" as the first line |
of your mail and I'll try to fix them up.</P> |
<P>1.0b1 (Nov 1998) was the first released version. It's based on a |
number of other samples that use Network Setup, including |
OTTCPWillDial and SwitchTCP.</P> |
<P>1.0b2 (May 1999) is a sigificant update that includes the Internet |
setup routines (the ability to create, duplicate, read, write, delete |
and rename TCP/IP, Remote Access and Modem configurations).</P> |
<P>1.0b3 (Jul 1999) a limited release with my first cut at the DHCP |
release functionality.</P> |
<P>1.0b4 (Oct 1999) is a minor update that fixes a number of bugs. |
Fixed some comments in "NetworkSetupHelpers.h". Fixed a bug that |
prevented "NetworkSetupHelpers.c" from creating MacIP configurations. |
Fixed a bug that prevented you from selecting a newly created |
configuration. Made <CODE>MNGetPrefHandle</CODE> work. Changed |
<CODE>MNSGetEntitiesList</CODE> to prevent it dropping a |
<CODE>MemError</CODE>.</P> |
<P>1.0b5 (Apr 2000) is a minor update to sync up with the new |
"NetworkSetup.h" from Universal Interfaces 3.3.1 and to fix some |
minor bugs and add some minor features. |
<CODE>NSHEncodeRemotePassword</CODE> now calls |
<CODE>OTCfgEncrypt</CODE> if it's available. |
<CODE>NSHTCPWillDial</CODE> now knows that AOL is a dialup port even |
though it claims to be an Ethernet port. Fixed bug in |
<CODE>BuildPackedPrefsFromTCPv4ConfigurationDigest</CODE> handling of |
<CODE>'isdm'</CODE> preferences.</P> |
<P>Share and Enjoy.</P> |
<P>Apple Developer Technical Support<BR> |
Networking, Communications, Hardware</P> |
<P>4 Apr 2000</P> |
<P> </P> |
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