Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
File: NetworkSetupHelpers.h |
Contains: High-level network preference routines. |
Written by: Quinn |
Copyright: Copyright © 1998 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. |
You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without |
restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the |
responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute |
this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made |
changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make |
it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source |
code, but that you've made changes. |
Change History (most recent first): |
<14> 18/1/00 Quinn Further updates for the new Network Setup header file. |
<13> 17/1/00 Quinn Updates for latest Network Setup headers. |
<12> 7/10/99 Quinn Comments to cover common "gotcha" cases, thanks to John Norstad. |
<11> 22/9/99 Quinn Fixed two 'backward branches' in the comments. Thanks to John |
Norstad. |
<10> 13/9/99 Quinn Implement DHCPRelease. |
<9> 26/5/99 Quinn Tidied up C++ #if's. Added cookie4 to NSHConfigurationEntry to |
hold protocol type, and thus removed the protocol parameter from |
NSHSelectConfiguration. Improved comments. |
<8> 7/5/99 Quinn This "redux" word, I don't think it means what you think it |
means. |
<7> 22/4/99 Quinn Added MNSEncodeRemotePassword. |
<6> 21/4/99 Quinn Added interface to routines which create, duplicate, get, set, |
delete and rename configurations for TCP/IP, Remote Access, and |
Modem. |
<5> 10/11/98 Quinn Convert "MorePrefix.h" to "MoreSetup.h". |
<4> 9/11/98 Quinn AppleTalk on/off support. |
<3> 9/11/98 Quinn Add "TCP will dial" code. |
<2> 5/11/98 Quinn Fix header. |
<1> 5/11/98 Quinn First checked in. |
*/ |
#pragma once |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// MoreIsBetter Setup |
#include "MoreSetup.h" |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// Mac OS Interfaces |
#include <MacTypes.h> |
#include <NetworkSetup.h> |
#ifdef __cplusplus |
extern "C" { |
#endif |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// Routines to Enumerate and Switch TCP/IP and AppleTalk Preferences |
struct NSHConfigurationEntry { |
Str255 name; // user-visible name of the configuration |
Boolean selected; // true if this configuration is currently active |
SInt16 cookie; // cookies for use by this library |
CfgEntityRef cookie2; |
CfgEntityInfo cookie3; |
OSType cookie4; |
}; |
typedef struct NSHConfigurationEntry NSHConfigurationEntry; |
typedef NSHConfigurationEntry *NSHConfigurationListPtr; |
typedef NSHConfigurationListPtr *NSHConfigurationListHandle; |
extern pascal ItemCount NSHCountConfigurationList(NSHConfigurationListHandle configList); |
// Returns a count of the number of entries in configList. |
extern pascal OSStatus NSHGetConfigurationList(OSType protocol, NSHConfigurationListHandle configList); |
// Reads the list of configurations for the specific protocol, |
// placing a NSHConfigurationEntry in configList for each one. |
// configList must be a non-locked handle allocated by you. |
// The routine will resize it appropriate. Specify protocol |
// using one of the constants declared in "NetworkSetup.h". |
// Currently handles the following protocols: |
// o kOTTCPv4NetworkConnection |
// o kOTAppleTalkNetworkConnection |
// o kOTRemoteNetworkConnection |
// o kOTModemNetworkConnection |
extern pascal OSStatus NSHSelectConfiguration(const NSHConfigurationEntry *chosenEntry); |
// Given an entry from the configList generated by the previous |
// routine, this routine switches the network protocol to use |
// that configuration. |
// |
// Note: In earlier versions of this sample, this routine took a |
// "protocol" parameter. It no longer needs this parameter because |
// the protocol is now stored in one of the cookies in the |
// NSHConfigurationEntry. |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// Routines for Internet Setup Software |
// ----- TCP/IP ----- |
struct NSHTCPv4ConfigurationDigest { |
OSType fProtocol; // always kOTTCPv4NetworkConnection for NSHTCPv4ConfigurationDigest |
Str255 fConfigName; // user-visible name of the configuration |
OTPortRef fPortRef; // OT port for the config (lookup Òddp1Ó for MacIP) |
// "Connect via" in the UI |
OTCfgTCPConfigMethod fConfigMethod; // one of the constants given above |
// "Configure:" in the UI |
// For "PPP Server", use kOTCfgManualConfig with fIPAddress of 0 |
InetHost fIPAddress; // IP address |
InetHost fSubnetMask; // IP subnet mask |
Handle fRouterList; // array of InetHost |
Handle fDNSServerList; // list of DNS servers, array of InetHost |
Str255 fLocalDomain; // the local domain for this machine |
// "Implicit Search Path: Starting domain name:" in the UI |
Str255 fAdminDomain; // "Implicit Search Path: Ending domain name:" in the UI |
Handle fSearchDomains; // STR# format |
Str32 fAppleTalkZone; // for MacIP only, specify empty string otherwise |
UInt32 fFraming; // framing attributes for this port |
// "Use 802.3" in the UI |
// Only for port with device type kOTEthernetDevcie |
// - use kOTFramingEthernet by default |
// - use kOTFraming8022 if the 802.3 checkbox is set |
// Set to 0 for non-Ethernet ports |
OTCfgTCPUnloadAttr fUnloadAttr; // one of the constants given above |
Str255 fHintUserVisiblePortName; // Hints to find the port name if fPortRef is kOTInvalidPortRef |
Str63 fHintPortName; |
Str63 fHintDriverName; |
UInt16 fHintDeviceType; |
}; |
typedef struct NSHTCPv4ConfigurationDigest NSHTCPv4ConfigurationDigest; |
// ----- Remote Access ----- |
struct NSHRemoteConfigurationDigest { |
OSType fProtocol; // always kOTRemoteNetworkConnection for NSHRemoteConfigurationDigest |
Str255 fConfigName; // user-visible name of the configuration |
// Main panel in UI |
Boolean fGuestLogin; // |
Boolean fPasswordValid; // |
Str255 fUserName; // only valid if fGuestLogin is false |
Str255 fPassword; // only valid if fGuestLogin is false and fPasswordValid is true |
Str255 fPhoneNumber; // |
// Dialling tab in UI |
OTCfgRemoteRedialMode fRedialMode; // one of the constants in "NetworkSetup.h" |
UInt32 fRedialTimes; // only valid if fRedialOptions != kRemoteRedialNone |
UInt32 fRedialDelay; // (ms) only valid if fRedialOptions != kRemoteRedialNone |
Str255 fAlternatePhoneNumber; // only valid if fRedialOptions == kRemoteRedialMainAndAlternate |
// Connection tab in UI |
Boolean fVerboseLogging; // |
Boolean fFlashIconWhileConnected; // |
Boolean fPromptToRemainConnected; // |
UInt32 fPromptInterval; // (minutes) |
Boolean fDisconnectIfIdle; // |
UInt32 fDisconnectInterval; // (ms) |
// Protocol tab in UI |
OTCfgRemoteProtocol fSerialProtocol; // one of the constants in "NetworkSetup.h" |
Boolean fPPPConnectAutomatically; // only valid if fSerialProtocol == kRemoteProtocolPPP |
Boolean fPPPAllowModemCompression; // only valid if fSerialProtocol == kRemoteProtocolPPP |
Boolean fPPPAllowTCPIPHeaderCompression; // only valid if fSerialProtocol == kRemoteProtocolPPP |
OTCfgRemotePPPConnectScript fPPPConnectMode; // only valid if fSerialProtocol == kRemoteProtocolPPP, one of the constants given above |
Str63 fPPPConnectScriptName; // only valid if fPPPConnectMode == kOTCfgRemotePPPConnectScriptScript |
Handle fPPPConnectScript; // only valid if fPPPConnectMode == kOTCfgRemotePPPConnectScriptScript |
}; |
typedef struct NSHRemoteConfigurationDigest NSHRemoteConfigurationDigest; |
// ----- Modem ----- |
struct NSHModemConfigurationDigest { |
OSType fProtocol; // always kOTModemNetworkConnection for NSHModemConfigurationDigest |
Str255 fConfigName; // user-visible name of the configuration |
OTPortRef fPortRef; // reference to OT serial port |
FSSpec fModemScript; // reference to CCL file |
OTCfgModemDialogToneMode fDialToneMode; // one of the constants in "NetworkSetup.h" |
Boolean fSpeakerOn; // turn on speaker |
Boolean fPulseDial; // use pulse dial |
Str63 fHintPortName; // Hint to find the port name if fPortRef is kOTInvalidPortRef |
}; |
typedef struct NSHModemConfigurationDigest NSHModemConfigurationDigest; |
// ----- Generic ----- |
// NSHConfigurationDigestCommon describes the fields that must |
// be at the front of all protocol-specific configuration digest |
// records. |
struct NSHConfigurationDigestCommon { |
OSType fProtocol; // protocol of the configuration |
Str255 fConfigName; // user-visible name of the configuration |
}; |
typedef struct NSHConfigurationDigestCommon NSHConfigurationDigestCommon; |
// NSHConfigurationDigest is a union of all the protocol-specific |
// configuration digest records defined above. |
union NSHConfigurationDigest { |
NSHConfigurationDigestCommon fCommon; |
NSHTCPv4ConfigurationDigest fTCPv4; |
NSHRemoteConfigurationDigest fRemote; |
NSHModemConfigurationDigest fModem; |
}; |
typedef union NSHConfigurationDigest NSHConfigurationDigest; |
extern pascal OSStatus NSHCreateConfiguration(const NSHConfigurationDigest *configurationDigest, |
NSHConfigurationEntry *createdConfig); |
// Creates a new connection entity, populating it with the information |
// in configurationDigest. If createdConfig is not nil, it is filled out with |
// the information needed to choose this connection using NSHSelectConfiguration. |
// You can pass nil to createdConfig if you're not interested in it. |
// For Handle fields in configurationDigest, a value of nil implies that it |
// should take the default. |
// |
// When you create a configuration, you must provide a real OTPortRef for |
// any fPortRef fields in the digest. However, you do not need to set up |
// the "hint" fields of the digest. |
// |
// You supply any password fields in the digest in plain text form. |
extern pascal OSStatus NSHDuplicateConfiguration(NSHConfigurationEntry *config, |
ConstStr255Param newConfigName, |
NSHConfigurationEntry *createdConfig); |
// Duplicates the configuration specified by config, creating a new |
// configuration returned in createdConfig, whose name is newConfigName. |
// You can pass nil to createdConfig if you're not interested in it. |
// |
// These is a significant difference between duplication and create. |
// When you duplicate a config, you get a copy of its preferences, |
// whether they are known to this library or not. The only difference |
// is the configuration name. When you create, the library just sets up the |
// preferences it knows about. |
// |
// Note that making newConfigName unique is your problem. Typically |
// you do this by appending " copy" and then " copy X" until it's unique, |
// handling the case where the name already ends in " copy" or " copy X". |
// The caller has to do this because the intricacies are beyond the |
// scope of this library. |
extern pascal OSStatus NSHGetConfiguration(const NSHConfigurationEntry *config, |
NSHConfigurationDigest *configurationDigest); |
// Returns in configurationDigest the information about the configuration |
// specified by config. |
// |
// YOU MUST FILL OUT SOME FIELDS IN configurationDigest!!! |
// |
// Specifically, for Handle fields, you must either nil out the field or |
// put an empty Handle in the field. If you don't know the protocol |
// associated with config, you don't know which fields are handles, |
// so the only safe thing to do is zero configurationDigest. |
// |
// Also, for protocols which return an fPortRef, you should note that |
// the returned fPortRef may be kOTInvalidPortRef. This happens where |
// a configuration is created, the port is removed (eg a PC Card is ejected) |
// and you subsequently read the configuration. You have to handle this |
// case. Typically, the protocol-specific digest will include hint fields |
// that allow you to search the OT port registry for some other suitable port. |
// I only mention it here because you might think that NSHSetConfiguration |
// will always work if you pass it a digest generated by NSHGetConfiguration, |
// but that's not true. |
// |
// Finally, this routine returns passwords in their encoded form. This |
// is a design decision. If you want the decoded password, you have to |
// decode it yourself. |
extern pascal OSStatus NSHSetConfiguration(const NSHConfigurationEntry *config, |
const NSHConfigurationDigest *configurationDigest); |
// Sets the configuration specified by config to the information in |
// configurationDigest. For Handle fields in configurationDigest, a value |
// of nil implies that this routine should not affect the current value. |
// |
// When you set a configuration, you must provide a real OTPortRef for |
// any fPortRef fields in the digest. However, you do not need to set up |
// the "hint" fields of the digest. |
// |
// You supply any password fields in the digest in plain text form. |
extern pascal OSStatus NSHDeleteConfiguration(const NSHConfigurationEntry *config); |
// Deletes the configuration specified by config. Deleting an active |
// configuration yields an error. |
extern pascal OSStatus NSHRenameConfiguration(const NSHConfigurationEntry *config, |
ConstStr255Param newConfigName, |
NSHConfigurationEntry *newConfig); |
// Renames the configuration specified by config to the name |
// newConfigName. newConfig is the returned as a reference |
// to the newly renamed configuration; you can pass nil if you're not |
// interested in it. |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// TCP/IP Will Dial |
enum { |
kNSHTCPDialUnknown = 0, |
kNSHTCPDialTCPDisabled, |
kNSHTCPDialYes, |
}; |
extern pascal OSStatus NSHTCPWillDial(UInt32 *willDial); |
// This routine returns, in willDial, a flag indicating |
// whether opening a TCP/IP provider will cause the modem |
// to dial. You must call InitOpenTransport before calling |
// this routine. [Not because it allocates memory but |
// because it calls OTInetGetInterfaceInfo.] |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// DHCP Release |
extern pascal OSStatus NSHDHCPRelease(void); |
// This routine lets you force the OT TCP/IP stack to release |
// any address it has aquired from a DHCP server and attempt |
// to acquire a new address from scratch. |
// |
// The implementation is somewhat experimental. Please |
// let me know if you have problems. Also, the non-database |
// implementation is completely untested. |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// AppleTalk On/Off |
extern pascal OSStatus NSHIsAppleTalkActive(Boolean *active); |
// Sets *active to true if the AppleTalk stack is active. |
extern pascal OSStatus HSHSetAppleTalkActive(Boolean active); |
// Sets the active state of the AppleTalk stack to the active |
// parameter. |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// Remote Access Password Encode |
extern pascal OSStatus NSHEncodeRemotePassword( |
ConstStr255Param userName, |
ConstStr255Param password, |
Str255 encodedPassword); |
// Encodes a password to be compatible with the ARA |
// 'pass' preference format. Note that NSHCreateConfiguration and |
// NSHSetConfiguration will automagically encode (using this routine) |
// ARA passwords for you; this routine is exposed as a convenience of you |
// need to encode passwords for some other reason. |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
#ifdef __cplusplus |
} |
#endif |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-07-22