
    File:       NetworkSetupHelpers.h
    Contains:   High-level network preference routines.
    Written by: Quinn
    Copyright:  Copyright © 1998 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
                You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without
                restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the
                responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute
                this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made
                changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make
                it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source
                code, but that you've made changes.
    Change History (most recent first):
        <14>     18/1/00    Quinn   Further updates for the new Network Setup header file.
        <13>     17/1/00    Quinn   Updates for latest Network Setup headers.
        <12>     7/10/99    Quinn   Comments to cover common "gotcha" cases, thanks to John Norstad.
        <11>     22/9/99    Quinn   Fixed two 'backward branches' in the comments.  Thanks to John
        <10>     13/9/99    Quinn   Implement DHCPRelease.
         <9>     26/5/99    Quinn   Tidied up C++ #if's.  Added cookie4 to NSHConfigurationEntry to
                                    hold protocol type, and thus removed the protocol parameter from
                                    NSHSelectConfiguration.  Improved comments.
         <8>      7/5/99    Quinn   This "redux" word, I don't think it means what you think it
         <7>     22/4/99    Quinn   Added MNSEncodeRemotePassword.
         <6>     21/4/99    Quinn   Added interface to routines which create, duplicate, get, set,
                                    delete and rename configurations for TCP/IP, Remote Access, and
         <5>    10/11/98    Quinn   Convert "MorePrefix.h" to "MoreSetup.h".
         <4>     9/11/98    Quinn   AppleTalk on/off support.
         <3>     9/11/98    Quinn   Add "TCP will dial" code.
         <2>     5/11/98    Quinn   Fix header.
         <1>     5/11/98    Quinn   First checked in.
#pragma once
// MoreIsBetter Setup
#include "MoreSetup.h"
// Mac OS Interfaces
#include <MacTypes.h>
#include <NetworkSetup.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// Routines to Enumerate and Switch TCP/IP and AppleTalk Preferences
struct NSHConfigurationEntry {
    Str255  name;                   // user-visible name of the configuration
    Boolean selected;               // true if this configuration is currently active
    SInt16  cookie;                 // cookies for use by this library
    CfgEntityRef cookie2;
    CfgEntityInfo cookie3;
    OSType  cookie4;
typedef struct NSHConfigurationEntry NSHConfigurationEntry;
typedef NSHConfigurationEntry *NSHConfigurationListPtr;
typedef NSHConfigurationListPtr *NSHConfigurationListHandle;
extern pascal ItemCount NSHCountConfigurationList(NSHConfigurationListHandle configList);
    // Returns a count of the number of entries in configList.
extern pascal OSStatus  NSHGetConfigurationList(OSType protocol, NSHConfigurationListHandle configList);
    // Reads the list of configurations for the specific protocol,
    // placing a NSHConfigurationEntry in configList for each one.
    // configList must be a non-locked handle allocated by you.
    // The routine will resize it appropriate.  Specify protocol
    // using one of the constants declared in "NetworkSetup.h".
    // Currently handles the following protocols:
    //   o kOTTCPv4NetworkConnection
    //   o kOTAppleTalkNetworkConnection
    //   o kOTRemoteNetworkConnection
    //   o kOTModemNetworkConnection
extern pascal OSStatus  NSHSelectConfiguration(const NSHConfigurationEntry *chosenEntry);
    // Given an entry from the configList generated by the previous
    // routine, this routine switches the network protocol to use
    // that configuration.
    // Note: In earlier versions of this sample, this routine took a
    // "protocol" parameter.  It no longer needs this parameter because
    // the protocol is now stored in one of the cookies in the
    // NSHConfigurationEntry.
// Routines for Internet Setup Software
// ----- TCP/IP -----
struct NSHTCPv4ConfigurationDigest {
    OSType              fProtocol;          // always kOTTCPv4NetworkConnection for NSHTCPv4ConfigurationDigest
    Str255              fConfigName;        // user-visible name of the configuration
    OTPortRef           fPortRef;           // OT port for the config (lookup Òddp1Ó for MacIP)
                                            // "Connect via" in the UI
    OTCfgTCPConfigMethod fConfigMethod;     // one of the constants given above
                                            // "Configure:" in the UI
                                            // For "PPP Server", use kOTCfgManualConfig with fIPAddress of 0
    InetHost            fIPAddress;         // IP address
    InetHost            fSubnetMask;        // IP subnet mask
    Handle              fRouterList;        // array of InetHost
    Handle              fDNSServerList;     // list of DNS servers, array of InetHost
    Str255              fLocalDomain;       // the local domain for this machine
                                            // "Implicit Search Path: Starting domain name:" in the UI
    Str255              fAdminDomain;       // "Implicit Search Path: Ending domain name:" in the UI
    Handle              fSearchDomains;     // STR# format
    Str32               fAppleTalkZone;     // for MacIP only, specify empty string otherwise
    UInt32              fFraming;           // framing attributes for this port
                                            // "Use 802.3" in the UI
                                            // Only for port with device type kOTEthernetDevcie
                                            // - use kOTFramingEthernet by default
                                            // - use kOTFraming8022 if the 802.3 checkbox is set
                                            // Set to 0 for non-Ethernet ports
    OTCfgTCPUnloadAttr  fUnloadAttr;        // one of the constants given above
    Str255              fHintUserVisiblePortName;   // Hints to find the port name if fPortRef is kOTInvalidPortRef
    Str63               fHintPortName;
    Str63               fHintDriverName;
    UInt16              fHintDeviceType;
typedef struct NSHTCPv4ConfigurationDigest NSHTCPv4ConfigurationDigest;
// ----- Remote Access -----
struct NSHRemoteConfigurationDigest {
    OSType              fProtocol;                  // always kOTRemoteNetworkConnection for NSHRemoteConfigurationDigest
    Str255              fConfigName;                // user-visible name of the configuration
    // Main panel in UI
    Boolean             fGuestLogin;                // 
    Boolean             fPasswordValid;             // 
    Str255              fUserName;                  // only valid if fGuestLogin is false
    Str255              fPassword;                  // only valid if fGuestLogin is false and fPasswordValid is true
    Str255              fPhoneNumber;               //
    // Dialling tab in UI
    OTCfgRemoteRedialMode fRedialMode;              // one of the constants in "NetworkSetup.h"
    UInt32              fRedialTimes;               // only valid if fRedialOptions != kRemoteRedialNone
    UInt32              fRedialDelay;               // (ms) only valid if fRedialOptions != kRemoteRedialNone
    Str255              fAlternatePhoneNumber;      // only valid if fRedialOptions == kRemoteRedialMainAndAlternate
    // Connection tab in UI
    Boolean             fVerboseLogging;            //
    Boolean             fFlashIconWhileConnected;   //
    Boolean             fPromptToRemainConnected;   //
    UInt32              fPromptInterval;            // (minutes)
    Boolean             fDisconnectIfIdle;          //
    UInt32              fDisconnectInterval;        // (ms)
    // Protocol tab in UI
    OTCfgRemoteProtocol fSerialProtocol;            // one of the constants in "NetworkSetup.h"
    Boolean             fPPPConnectAutomatically;           // only valid if fSerialProtocol == kRemoteProtocolPPP
    Boolean             fPPPAllowModemCompression;          // only valid if fSerialProtocol == kRemoteProtocolPPP
    Boolean             fPPPAllowTCPIPHeaderCompression;    // only valid if fSerialProtocol == kRemoteProtocolPPP
    OTCfgRemotePPPConnectScript fPPPConnectMode;            // only valid if fSerialProtocol == kRemoteProtocolPPP, one of the constants given above
    Str63               fPPPConnectScriptName;              // only valid if fPPPConnectMode == kOTCfgRemotePPPConnectScriptScript
    Handle              fPPPConnectScript;                  // only valid if fPPPConnectMode == kOTCfgRemotePPPConnectScriptScript
typedef struct NSHRemoteConfigurationDigest NSHRemoteConfigurationDigest;
// ----- Modem -----
struct NSHModemConfigurationDigest {
    OSType                   fProtocol;         // always kOTModemNetworkConnection for NSHModemConfigurationDigest
    Str255                   fConfigName;       // user-visible name of the configuration
    OTPortRef                fPortRef;          // reference to OT serial port
    FSSpec                   fModemScript;      // reference to CCL file
    OTCfgModemDialogToneMode fDialToneMode;     // one of the constants in "NetworkSetup.h"
    Boolean                  fSpeakerOn;            // turn on speaker
    Boolean                  fPulseDial;            // use pulse dial
    Str63                    fHintPortName;     // Hint to find the port name if fPortRef is kOTInvalidPortRef
typedef struct NSHModemConfigurationDigest NSHModemConfigurationDigest;
// ----- Generic -----
// NSHConfigurationDigestCommon describes the fields that must
// be at the front of all protocol-specific configuration digest
// records.
struct NSHConfigurationDigestCommon {
    OSType              fProtocol;          // protocol of the configuration
    Str255              fConfigName;        // user-visible name of the configuration
typedef struct NSHConfigurationDigestCommon NSHConfigurationDigestCommon;
// NSHConfigurationDigest is a union of all the protocol-specific
// configuration digest records defined above.
union NSHConfigurationDigest {
    NSHConfigurationDigestCommon fCommon;
    NSHTCPv4ConfigurationDigest  fTCPv4;
    NSHRemoteConfigurationDigest fRemote;
    NSHModemConfigurationDigest  fModem;
typedef union NSHConfigurationDigest NSHConfigurationDigest;
extern pascal OSStatus NSHCreateConfiguration(const NSHConfigurationDigest *configurationDigest,
                                                NSHConfigurationEntry *createdConfig);
    // Creates a new connection entity, populating it with the information
    // in configurationDigest.  If createdConfig is not nil, it is filled out with
    // the information needed to choose this connection using NSHSelectConfiguration.
    // You can pass nil to createdConfig if you're not interested in it.
    // For Handle fields in configurationDigest, a value of nil implies that it
    // should take the default.
    // When you create a configuration, you must provide a real OTPortRef for
    // any fPortRef fields in the digest.  However, you do not need to set up
    // the "hint" fields of the digest.
    // You supply any password fields in the digest in plain text form.
extern pascal OSStatus NSHDuplicateConfiguration(NSHConfigurationEntry *config,
                                                 ConstStr255Param newConfigName,
                                                 NSHConfigurationEntry *createdConfig);
    // Duplicates the configuration specified by config, creating a new
    // configuration returned in createdConfig, whose name is newConfigName.
    // You can pass nil to createdConfig if you're not interested in it.
    // These is a significant difference between duplication and create.
    // When you duplicate a config, you get a copy of its preferences,
    // whether they are known to this library or not.  The only difference
    // is the configuration name.  When you create, the library just sets up the
    // preferences it knows about.
    // Note that making newConfigName unique is your problem.  Typically
    // you do this by appending " copy" and then " copy X" until it's unique,
    // handling the case where the name already ends in " copy" or " copy X".
    // The caller has to do this because the intricacies are beyond the
    // scope of this library.
extern pascal OSStatus NSHGetConfiguration(const NSHConfigurationEntry *config,
                                                NSHConfigurationDigest *configurationDigest);
    // Returns in configurationDigest the information about the configuration
    // specified by config.
    // YOU MUST FILL OUT SOME FIELDS IN configurationDigest!!!
    // Specifically, for Handle fields, you must either nil out the field or
    // put an empty Handle in the field.  If you don't know the protocol
    // associated with config, you don't know which fields are handles,
    // so the only safe thing to do is zero configurationDigest.
    // Also, for protocols which return an fPortRef, you should note that
    // the returned fPortRef may be kOTInvalidPortRef.  This happens where
    // a configuration is created, the port is removed (eg a PC Card is ejected)
    // and you subsequently read the configuration.  You have to handle this
    // case.  Typically, the protocol-specific digest will include hint fields
    // that allow you to search the OT port registry for some other suitable port.
    // I only mention it here because you might think that NSHSetConfiguration
    // will always work if you pass it a digest generated by NSHGetConfiguration,
    // but that's not true.
    // Finally, this routine returns passwords in their encoded form.  This
    // is a design decision.  If you want the decoded password, you have to
    // decode it yourself.
extern pascal OSStatus NSHSetConfiguration(const NSHConfigurationEntry *config,
                                                const NSHConfigurationDigest *configurationDigest);
    // Sets the configuration specified by config to the information in 
    // configurationDigest.  For Handle fields in configurationDigest, a value
    // of nil implies that this routine should not affect the current value.
    // When you set a configuration, you must provide a real OTPortRef for
    // any fPortRef fields in the digest.  However, you do not need to set up
    // the "hint" fields of the digest.
    // You supply any password fields in the digest in plain text form.
extern pascal OSStatus NSHDeleteConfiguration(const NSHConfigurationEntry *config);
    // Deletes the configuration specified by config.  Deleting an active
    // configuration yields an error.
extern pascal OSStatus NSHRenameConfiguration(const NSHConfigurationEntry *config,
                                              ConstStr255Param newConfigName,
                                              NSHConfigurationEntry *newConfig);
    // Renames the configuration specified by config to the name
    // newConfigName.  newConfig is the returned as a reference
    // to the newly renamed configuration; you can pass nil if you're not
    // interested in it.
// TCP/IP Will Dial
enum {
    kNSHTCPDialUnknown = 0,
extern pascal OSStatus NSHTCPWillDial(UInt32 *willDial);
    // This routine returns, in willDial, a flag indicating
    // whether opening a TCP/IP provider will cause the modem 
    // to dial.  You must call InitOpenTransport before calling
    // this routine.  [Not because it allocates memory but
    // because it calls OTInetGetInterfaceInfo.]
// DHCP Release
extern pascal OSStatus NSHDHCPRelease(void);
    // This routine lets you force the OT TCP/IP stack to release
    // any address it has aquired from a DHCP server and attempt
    // to acquire a new address from scratch.
    // The implementation is somewhat experimental.  Please
    // let me know if you have problems.  Also, the non-database
    // implementation is completely untested.
// AppleTalk On/Off
extern pascal OSStatus NSHIsAppleTalkActive(Boolean *active);
    // Sets *active to true if the AppleTalk stack is active.
extern pascal OSStatus HSHSetAppleTalkActive(Boolean active);
    // Sets the active state of the AppleTalk stack to the active
    // parameter.
// Remote Access Password Encode
extern pascal OSStatus NSHEncodeRemotePassword(
                                ConstStr255Param userName,
                                ConstStr255Param password,
                                Str255 encodedPassword);
    // Encodes a password to be compatible with the ARA
    // 'pass' preference format.  Note that NSHCreateConfiguration and
    // NSHSetConfiguration will automagically encode (using this routine)
    // ARA passwords for you; this routine is exposed as a convenience of you
    // need to encode passwords for some other reason.
#ifdef __cplusplus