Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
Relevant replacement documents include:
/* |
File: MoreOSL.c |
Contains: What OSL should have been. |
Written by: Quinn |
Copyright: Copyright © 2000 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. |
You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without |
restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the |
responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute |
this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made |
changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make |
it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source |
code, but that you've made changes. |
Change History (most recent first): |
<5> 25/4/00 Quinn Don't set result in reply if event is defined not to return a |
result and the result is null. |
<4> 27/3/00 Quinn Fix debug build. Support pClass. Avoid assert in MOSLCountProc. |
Futz with error codes in formRange. Fix derived types in |
PseudoCListCount. Support get data on raw data in DispatchEvent. |
Support typeAlias like pseudo-cFile. |
<3> 20/3/00 Quinn Replaced debug Boolean with individual flags. Implemented |
formRange. Exposed routines for "make" event handlers to |
support "with properties". General access by name and ID. |
"coerceToken" object primitive. Many minor changes. |
<2> 9/3/00 Quinn Changes to support strings beyond Str255. |
<1> 6/3/00 Quinn First checked in. |
*/ |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// MoreIsBetter Setup |
#include "MoreSetup.h" |
// Mac OS Interfaces |
#include <AERegistry.h> |
#include <PLStringFuncs.h> |
#include <AppleEvents.h> |
#include <AERegistry.h> |
#include <ASRegistry.h> |
#include <AEObjects.h> |
#include <AEPackObject.h> |
#include <TextUtils.h> |
#include <Gestalt.h> |
#include <CodeFragments.h> |
// MIB Prototypes |
#include "MoreMemory.h" |
#include "MoreAppleEvents.h" |
#include "MoreBBLog.h" |
#include "MoreOSLTokens.h" |
#include "MoreOSLStringCompare.h" |
// Our Prototypes |
#include "MoreOSL.h" |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
#pragma mark ----- Globals ------ |
// All of these are set up by InitMOSL. |
static MOSLEventTablePtr gEventTable; |
static MOSLEventIndex gEventTableSize; |
static MOSLClassTablePtr gClassTable; |
static MOSLClassIndex gClassTableSize; |
static MOSLDefaultEventHandler gDefaultHandler; |
static MOSLErrorToStringProc gErrorToStringProc; |
UInt32 gDebugFlags; |
#else |
enum { |
gDebugFlags = 0 |
}; |
#endif |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
#pragma mark ----- Utilities ----- |
static OSStatus ClassIDToClassIndex(AEEventClass classID, MOSLClassIndex *result) |
// Looks up classID in the class table (gClassTable) and returns the |
// index of its entry or errAECantHandleClass if it canÕt be found. |
// In some cases, the caller simply want to find out whether this class |
// exists, not its actual index. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
MOSLClassIndex classIndex; |
MoreAssertQ(result != nil); |
err = errAECantHandleClass; |
for (classIndex = 0; classIndex < gClassTableSize; classIndex++) { |
if (classID == gClassTable[classIndex].classID) { |
*result = classIndex; |
err = noErr; |
break; |
} |
} |
return err; |
} |
// The ConstMOSLPropEntryPtr type is required because |
// "const MOSLPropEntryPtr" means a constant pointer to a structure |
// that can be modified, not a pointer to a const structure. |
typedef const MOSLPropEntry *ConstMOSLPropEntryPtr; |
const static MOSLPropEntry gClassPropEntry = {pClass, kMOSLPropReadOnly}; |
static ConstMOSLPropEntryPtr PropertyToPropEntry(MOSLClassIndex thisClass, DescType propName) |
// This routine searches the property table for thisClass trying |
// to a find a property named propName. If the property list |
// contains a pInherits property, it follows the ÔpointerÕ to |
// the property table of the parent class. If it succeeds, it returns |
// a pointer to the property entry. If it fails, it returns nil. |
// |
// I chose to return a property table entry pointer rather than |
// the index of the entry in the property table because the entry |
// might not be in this classÕs property table. |
{ |
OSStatus junk; |
Boolean found; |
MOSLPropIndex propertyIndex; |
MOSLPropTablePtr propertyBase; |
ConstMOSLPropEntryPtr result; |
DescType thisPropName; |
MoreAssertQ(thisClass < gClassTableSize); |
propertyIndex = 0; |
propertyBase = gClassTable[thisClass].properties; |
found = false; |
do { |
thisPropName = propertyBase[propertyIndex].propName; |
if (thisPropName != kMOSLPropNameLast) { |
found = (thisPropName == propName); |
if (!found) { |
if (thisPropName == pInherits) { |
// Lookup the class of the parent (stored in the propData |
// field of the property table entry) and restart the search |
// from the beginning of that table. |
junk = ClassIDToClassIndex((OSType) propertyBase[propertyIndex].propData, &thisClass); |
MoreAssertQ(junk == noErr); |
propertyBase = gClassTable[thisClass].properties; |
propertyIndex = 0; |
} else { |
propertyIndex += + 1; |
} |
} |
} |
} while ( !found && (thisPropName != kMOSLPropNameLast) ); |
if (found) { |
result = &propertyBase[propertyIndex]; |
} else { |
if (propName == pClass) { |
result = &gClassPropEntry; |
} else { |
result = nil; |
} |
} |
return result; |
} |
static OSStatus CallCounter(MOSLClassIndex thisClass, const MOSLToken *containerTok, DescType elementType, SInt32 *result) |
// CallÕs the "counter" object primitive for thisClass, if there is one. |
// If not, returns kMOSLClassHasNoElementsOfThisTypeErr. This routine |
// is primarily a bottleneck so that we can log all client callbacks. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
MOSLClassCounter counter; |
MoreAssertQ(thisClass < gClassTableSize); |
MoreAssertQ(containerTok != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(containerTok->tokType != typeProperty); |
MoreAssertQ(result != nil); |
if (gDebugFlags & kMOSLLogCallbacksMask) { |
BBLogLine("\pcounter"); |
BBLogIndent(); |
BBLogLong("\pthisClass", thisClass); |
BBLogMOSLToken("\pcontainerTok", containerTok); |
BBLogDescType("\pelementType", elementType); |
} |
counter = gClassTable[thisClass].counter; |
if (counter == nil) { |
err = kMOSLClassHasNoElementsOfThisTypeErr; |
} else { |
err = counter(containerTok, elementType, result); |
MoreAssertQ((err != noErr) || (*result >= 0)); |
} |
if (gDebugFlags & kMOSLLogCallbacksMask) { |
BBLogLong("\p<result", *result); |
BBLogOutdentWithErr(err); |
} |
return err; |
} |
static OSStatus CallAccessByIndex(MOSLClassIndex thisClass, const MOSLToken *containerTok, |
DescType elementType, SInt32 index, MOSLToken *valueTok) |
// CallÕs the "accessByIndex" object primitive for thisClass, if there is one. |
// If not, returns kMOSLClassHasNoElementsOfThisTypeErr. This routine |
// is primarily a bottleneck so that we can log all client callbacks. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
MOSLClassAccessByIndex accessByIndex; |
MoreAssertQ(thisClass < gClassTableSize); |
MoreAssertQ(containerTok != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(containerTok->tokType != typeProperty); |
MoreAssertQ(valueTok != nil); |
if (gDebugFlags & kMOSLLogCallbacksMask) { |
BBLogLine("\paccessByIndex"); |
BBLogIndent(); |
BBLogLong("\pthisClass", thisClass); |
BBLogMOSLToken("\pcontainerTok", containerTok); |
BBLogDescType("\pelementType", elementType); |
BBLogLong("\pindex", index); |
} |
accessByIndex = gClassTable[thisClass].accessByIndex; |
if (accessByIndex == nil) { |
err = kMOSLClassHasNoElementsOfThisTypeErr; |
} else { |
err = accessByIndex(containerTok, elementType, index, valueTok); |
} |
if (gDebugFlags & kMOSLLogCallbacksMask) { |
BBLogMOSLToken("\p<valueTok", valueTok); |
BBLogOutdentWithErr(err); |
} |
return err; |
} |
static OSStatus CallGetter(MOSLClassIndex thisClass, const MOSLToken *tok, AEDesc *desc) |
// CallÕs the "getter" object primitive for thisClass, if there is one. |
// If not, returns errAEEventNotHandled. This routine is primarily a |
// bottleneck so that we can log all client callbacks. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
MOSLClassGetter getter; |
MoreAssertQ(thisClass < gClassTableSize); |
MoreAssertQ(tok != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(desc != nil); |
if (gDebugFlags & kMOSLLogCallbacksMask) { |
BBLogLine("\pgetter"); |
BBLogIndent(); |
BBLogLong("\pthisClass", thisClass); |
BBLogMOSLToken("\ptok", tok); |
} |
getter = gClassTable[thisClass].getter; |
if (getter == nil) { |
MoreAssertQ(false); |
err = errAEEventNotHandled; |
} else { |
err = getter(tok, desc); |
} |
if (gDebugFlags & kMOSLLogCallbacksMask) { |
BBLogDesc("\p<desc", desc); |
BBLogOutdentWithErr(err); |
} |
return err; |
} |
static OSStatus CallSetter(MOSLClassIndex thisClass, const MOSLToken *tok, const AEDesc *desc) |
// CallÕs the "setter" object primitive for thisClass, if there is one. |
// If not, returns errAEEventNotHandled. This routine is primarily a |
// bottleneck so that we can log all client callbacks. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
MOSLClassSetter setter; |
MoreAssertQ(thisClass < gClassTableSize); |
MoreAssertQ(tok != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(desc != nil); |
if (gDebugFlags & kMOSLLogCallbacksMask) { |
BBLogLine("\psetter"); |
BBLogIndent(); |
BBLogLong("\pthisClass", thisClass); |
BBLogMOSLToken("\ptok", tok); |
BBLogDesc("\pdesc", desc); |
} |
setter = gClassTable[thisClass].setter; |
if (setter == nil) { |
MoreAssertQ(false); |
err = errAENotModifiable; |
} else { |
err = setter(tok, desc); |
} |
if (gDebugFlags & kMOSLLogCallbacksMask) { |
BBLogOutdentWithErr(err); |
} |
return err; |
} |
static OSStatus CallClassCoerceToken(const MOSLToken *tok, DescType toClass, MOSLToken *coercedTok) |
// CallÕs the "coerceToken" object primitive for thisClass, if there is one. |
// If not, returns errAECoercionFail. This routine is primarily a bottleneck |
// so that we can log all client callbacks, but it also wraps the clientÕs |
// "coerceToken" object primitive with some basic logic that makes the clientÕs |
// job easier, namely: |
// |
// o If the token is already of the correct class, just return the original token. |
// |
// o If the client has no "coerceToken" object primitive but weÕre just want |
// to coerce the token to its base class (ie toClass is cObject), just |
// return the original token. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
MOSLClassIndex thisClass; |
MOSLClassCoerceToken coerceToken; |
MoreAssertQ(tok != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(tok->tokType != typeProperty); |
if (gDebugFlags & kMOSLLogCallbacksMask) { |
BBLogLine("\pcoerceToken"); |
BBLogIndent(); |
BBLogMOSLToken("\ptok", tok); |
BBLogDescType("\ptoClass", toClass); |
if (coercedTok != nil) { |
BBLogMOSLToken("\pcoercedTok", coercedTok); |
} |
} |
if (tok->tokType == toClass) { |
if (coercedTok != nil) { |
*coercedTok = *tok; |
} |
err = noErr; |
} else { |
err = ClassIDToClassIndex(tok->tokType, &thisClass); |
if (err == noErr) { |
coerceToken = gClassTable[thisClass].coerceToken; |
if (coerceToken == nil) { |
// No coercion routine means that this object isnÕt |
// part of a class chain. Such an object can always |
// be cast to itself (handled above) and to cObject; |
// both coercions yield the object itself. |
if (toClass == cObject) { |
if (coercedTok != nil) { |
*coercedTok = *tok; |
} |
} else { |
err = errAECoercionFail; |
} |
} else { |
err = coerceToken(tok, toClass, coercedTok); |
} |
} |
} |
if (gDebugFlags & kMOSLLogCallbacksMask) { |
BBLogOutdentWithErr(err); |
} |
return err; |
} |
// The following routine, CallGetter, is a routine that calls the |
// classÕs "getter" object primitive. For properties whose value is an |
// object reference, the primitive will always return a descriptor that |
// contains a token. ThatÕs OK in some circumstances, but inconvenient |
// in others. So CallGetter takes a parameter that specifies whether |
// to either leave the tokens as they are or get the object specifier for |
// the token. |
typedef UInt32 ClassGetterTokenResolution; |
enum { |
kReturnTokensAsObjects = 0, // if the value is a token, convert it to an object specifier before returning |
kReturnTokensAsTokens // if the value is a token, leave it as a token |
}; |
static OSStatus SubGetTokenValue(MOSLClassIndex thisClass, |
const MOSLToken *tok, |
ClassGetterTokenResolution resolution, |
AEDesc *result) |
// SubGetTokenValue is a subroutine of GetTokenValue. ItÕs not |
// meant to be called directly, only as part of GetTokenValue. |
// Given a getter primitive and a token, get the data for the |
// object referenced by the token. If the value is a token |
// and resolution is kReturnTokensAsObjects, convert the token |
// to an object specifier before returning it. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
MOSLClassIndex resultClass; |
MOSLToken resultTok; |
MoreAssertQ(thisClass < gClassTableSize); |
MoreAssertQ(tok != nil); |
MoreAssertQ((resolution == kReturnTokensAsObjects) || (resolution == kReturnTokensAsTokens)); |
MoreAssertQ(result != nil); |
if ((tok->tokType == typeProperty) && (tok->tokPropName == pClass)) { |
err = AECreateDesc(typeType, &tok->tokObjType, sizeof(tok->tokObjType), result); |
} else { |
err = CallGetter(thisClass, tok, result); |
} |
if ((err == noErr) && (resolution == kReturnTokensAsObjects)) { |
if (ClassIDToClassIndex(result->descriptorType, &resultClass) == noErr) { |
// If the result is a token and weÕre being asked to return |
// an object specifier, convert the token to an object specifier. |
// We do this by getting the token out of the descriptor and calling |
// the tokenÕs classÕs getter. |
DescToMOSLToken(result, &resultTok); |
MoreAEDisposeDesc(result); |
err = CallGetter(resultClass, &resultTok, result); |
} |
} |
return err; |
} |
static OSStatus GetTokenValue(MOSLClassIndex thisClass, |
const MOSLToken *tok, |
ClassGetterTokenResolution resolution, |
AEDesc *result) |
// This routine calls the "getter" object primitive for the given |
// class, asking it to return the value for tok. resolution |
// specifies, if the return value is a property whose |
// value is an object, whether to return a token for the object or |
// an object specifier for object. |
// |
// This routine is also the place where MOSL implements generic |
// support for the pProperties property. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
OSStatus junk; |
MOSLToken thisTok; |
AEDesc thisResult; |
MOSLPropIndex propertyIndex; |
MOSLPropTablePtr propertyBase; |
DescType thisPropName; |
MoreAssertQ(thisClass < gClassTableSize); |
MoreAssertQ(tok != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(gClassTable[thisClass].classID == tok->tokObjType); |
MoreAssertQ((resolution == kReturnTokensAsObjects) || (resolution == kReturnTokensAsTokens)); |
MoreAssertQ(result != nil); |
MoreAENullDesc(result); |
err = noErr; |
if (gClassTable[thisClass].getter == nil) { |
// We return the fixed error errAEEventNotHandled in the cases |
// where the getter is nil. It doesnÕt make any difference what |
// error we return in this case because the getter should never |
// be nil (otherwise we couldnÕt get the object specifier for |
// a token, which is pretty much a required operation). |
err = errAEEventNotHandled; |
} |
// Check whether the classÕs property table lists this propert; if not |
// we can error without calling the getter. |
if ((err == noErr) && (tok->tokType == typeProperty) && (PropertyToPropEntry(thisClass, tok->tokPropName) == nil)) { |
err = errAENoSuchObject; |
} |
// Now we decide whether the property is the magic pProperties property |
// or just some other property. If itÕs the latter, we just call our |
// sub-routine, SubGetTokenValue, to do the job. If itÕs the former, we |
// have to iterate over the classÕs property table, calling SubGetTokenValue |
// for each property and assembling them into an AERecord. Remember that, |
// while iterating over the classÕs properties, we must also follow any |
// pInherits ÔlinksÕ. |
if (err == noErr) { |
if ((tok->tokType == typeProperty) && (tok->tokPropName == pProperties)) { |
err = AECreateList(nil, 0, true, result); |
if (err == noErr) { |
propertyIndex = 0; |
propertyBase = gClassTable[thisClass].properties; |
do { |
MoreAENullDesc(&thisResult); |
thisPropName = propertyBase[propertyIndex].propName; |
if (thisPropName != kMOSLPropNameLast) { |
if (thisPropName == pInherits) { |
junk = ClassIDToClassIndex((OSType) propertyBase[propertyIndex].propData, &thisClass); |
MoreAssertQ(junk == noErr); |
propertyBase = gClassTable[thisClass].properties; |
propertyIndex = 0; |
} else { |
if (thisPropName != pProperties) { |
InitPropertyMOSLTokenFromOtherProperty(&thisTok, tok, thisPropName); |
err = SubGetTokenValue(thisClass, &thisTok, resolution, &thisResult); |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = AEPutParamDesc(result, thisPropName, &thisResult); |
} |
} |
propertyIndex += 1; |
} |
} |
MoreAEDisposeDesc(&thisResult); |
} while ( (err == noErr) && (thisPropName != kMOSLPropNameLast) ); |
} |
} else { |
err = SubGetTokenValue(thisClass, tok, resolution, result); |
} |
} |
if (err != noErr) { |
MoreAEDisposeDesc(result); |
} |
return err; |
} |
extern pascal OSStatus MOSLCoerceObjDesc(const AEDesc *desc, DescType desiredType, AEDesc *coercedDesc) |
// See comment in header file. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
AEDesc resolvedDesc; |
AEDesc dataDesc; |
MOSLToken tok; |
DescType theType; |
MOSLClassIndex thisClass; |
MoreAssertQ(desc != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(coercedDesc != nil); |
MoreAENullDesc(coercedDesc); |
MoreAENullDesc(&resolvedDesc); |
MoreAENullDesc(&dataDesc); |
// First try to resolve the descriptor. |
err = AEResolve(desc, kAEIDoMinimum, &resolvedDesc); |
if (err == errAENotAnObjSpec) { |
err = AEDuplicateDesc(desc, &resolvedDesc); |
} |
// Then, check whether itÕs one of our classes and, if it is, |
// call the class getter to get the real data. |
if (err == noErr) { |
if (resolvedDesc.descriptorType == typeProperty) { |
DescToMOSLToken(&resolvedDesc, &tok); |
theType = tok.tokObjType; |
} else { |
theType = resolvedDesc.descriptorType; |
} |
if (ClassIDToClassIndex(theType, &thisClass) == noErr) { |
DescToMOSLToken(&resolvedDesc, &tok); |
err = GetTokenValue(thisClass, &tok, kReturnTokensAsObjects, &dataDesc); |
} else { |
dataDesc = resolvedDesc; |
MoreAENullDesc(&resolvedDesc); |
} |
} |
// Finally, if the client requested data of a specific type, |
// try the coercion. |
if (err == noErr) { |
if (desiredType != typeWildCard) { |
if (desiredType == cNumber) { |
desiredType = typeLongInteger; |
} |
err = AECoerceDesc(&dataDesc, desiredType, coercedDesc); |
} else { |
*coercedDesc = dataDesc; |
MoreAENullDesc(&dataDesc); |
} |
} |
MoreAENullDesc(&resolvedDesc); |
MoreAENullDesc(&dataDesc); |
MoreAssertQ((err == noErr) != (coercedDesc->descriptorType == typeNull)); |
return err; |
} |
extern pascal OSStatus MOSLCoerceObjDescToPtr(const AEDesc *desc, DescType desiredType, void *buf, Size bufSize) |
// See comment in header file. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
DescType coercedType; |
AEDesc coercedDesc; |
StringPtr bufAsString; |
Size descLen; |
MoreAssertQ(desc != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(buf != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(bufSize > 0); // Size is signed for some silly reason |
MoreAENullDesc(&coercedDesc); |
// If the client asked for a Pascal string, make sure we ask for typeText. |
if (desiredType == typePString) { |
coercedType = typeText; |
} else { |
coercedType = desiredType; |
} |
// Coerce the descriptor. |
err = MOSLCoerceObjDesc(desc, coercedType, &coercedDesc); |
if (err == noErr) { |
// Copy the results out to the buffer. If the client asked for |
// a Pascal string, special case how we handle the copy. |
if (desiredType == typePString) { |
descLen = AEGetDescDataSize(&coercedDesc); |
if ((descLen + 1) <= bufSize) { |
bufAsString = (StringPtr) buf; |
bufAsString[0] = descLen; |
err = AEGetDescData(&coercedDesc, &bufAsString[1], descLen); |
} else { |
err = errAECoercionFail; |
} |
} else { |
if (coercedDesc.descriptorType == desiredType) { |
MoreAssertQ(coercedDesc.descriptorType == desiredType); |
MoreAssertQ(AEGetDescDataSize(&coercedDesc) == bufSize); |
err = AEGetDescData(&coercedDesc, buf, bufSize); |
} else { |
MoreAssertQ(false); |
err = errAECoercionFail; |
} |
} |
} |
// Clean up. |
MoreAEDisposeDesc(&coercedDesc); |
return err; |
} |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
#pragma mark ----- General Apple Event Handlers ----- |
extern pascal OSStatus MOSLGeneralCount(const MOSLToken *dirObjTok, const AppleEvent *theEvent, AEDesc *result) |
// See comment in header file. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
AEDesc typeOfElementToCountDesc; |
DescType typeOfElementToCount; |
MOSLClassIndex thisClass; |
SInt32 count; |
MoreAssertQ(dirObjTok != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(theEvent != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(result != nil); |
if (gDebugFlags & kMOSLLogGeneralMask) { |
BBLogLine("\pMOSLGeneralCount"); |
BBLogIndent(); |
BBLogMOSLToken("\pdirObjTok", dirObjTok); |
BBLogAppleEvent("\ptheEvent", theEvent); |
} |
MoreAENullDesc(result); |
if (dirObjTok->tokType == typeProperty) { |
err = errAENotAnElement; // You canÕt count stuff in a property. |
} else { |
// Determine the type of element that weÕre counting. |
err = AEGetParamDesc(theEvent, keyAEObjectClass, typeWildCard, &typeOfElementToCountDesc); |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = MOSLCoerceObjDescToPtr(&typeOfElementToCountDesc, typeType, &typeOfElementToCount, sizeof(typeOfElementToCount)); |
} else if (err == errAEDescNotFound) { |
typeOfElementToCount = cObject; |
err = noErr; |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
if (gDebugFlags & kMOSLLogGeneralMask) { |
BBLogDescType("\ptypeOfElementToCount", typeOfElementToCount); |
} |
err = MoreAEGotRequiredParams(theEvent); |
} |
// Find the classÕs "counter" object primitive and call it. |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = ClassIDToClassIndex(dirObjTok->tokType, &thisClass); |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
if (gClassTable[thisClass].counter == nil) { |
err = errAECantHandleClass; |
} else { |
MoreAssertQ(dirObjTok->tokType != typeProperty); |
err = CallCounter(thisClass, dirObjTok, typeOfElementToCount, &count); |
} |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = AECreateDesc(typeLongInteger, &count, sizeof(count), result); |
} |
} |
if (gDebugFlags & kMOSLLogGeneralMask) { |
BBLogDesc("\p<result", result); |
BBLogOutdentWithErr(err); |
} |
return err; |
} |
extern pascal OSStatus MOSLGeneralExists(const MOSLToken *dirObjTok, const AppleEvent *theEvent, AEDesc *result) |
// See comment in header file. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
Boolean exists; |
AEDesc dirObjDesc; |
MoreAssertQ(dirObjTok != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(theEvent != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(result != nil); |
if (gDebugFlags & kMOSLLogGeneralMask) { |
BBLogLine("\pMOSLGeneralExists"); |
BBLogIndent(); |
BBLogMOSLToken("\pdirObjTok", dirObjTok); |
BBLogAppleEvent("\ptheEvent", theEvent); |
} |
err = MoreAEGotRequiredParams(theEvent); |
if (err == noErr) { |
MoreAssertQ(dirObjTok->tokType != typeNull); |
// The object exists if the direct object is valid. Note that the |
// "exists" event must have its direct object requirement field in |
// the event table set to kMOSLDOBadOK so that we ignore the error |
// from AEResolve. The only problem with this is that we then |
// think that the application itself doesnÕt exist. So we special |
// case that by looking at the direct object of the Apple event itself. |
// If that is typeNull, the client was testing the application itself, |
// so we know that it exists. |
if (dirObjTok->tokType == cApplication) { |
MoreAENullDesc(&dirObjDesc); |
if (AEGetParamDesc(theEvent, keyDirectObject, typeWildCard, &dirObjDesc) == noErr) { |
exists = (dirObjDesc.descriptorType == typeNull); |
} else { |
exists = false; |
} |
MoreAEDisposeDesc(&dirObjDesc); |
} else { |
exists = true; |
} |
err = AECreateDesc(typeBoolean, &exists, sizeof(exists), result); |
} |
if (gDebugFlags & kMOSLLogGeneralMask) { |
BBLogDesc("\p<result", result); |
BBLogOutdentWithErr(err); |
} |
return err; |
} |
extern pascal OSStatus MOSLGeneralGetData(const MOSLToken *dirObjTok, const AppleEvent *theEvent, AEDesc *result) |
// See comment in header file. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
MOSLClassIndex thisClass; |
AEDesc requestedTypeDesc; |
DescType requestedType; |
AEDesc result2; |
MoreAssertQ(dirObjTok != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(theEvent != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(result != nil); |
if (gDebugFlags & kMOSLLogGeneralMask) { |
BBLogLine("\pMOSLGeneralGetData"); |
BBLogIndent(); |
BBLogMOSLToken("\pdirObjTok", dirObjTok); |
BBLogAppleEvent("\ptheEvent", theEvent); |
} |
MoreAENullDesc(result); |
MoreAENullDesc(&requestedTypeDesc); |
// Determine the type of data the the client is requesting. |
err = AEGetParamDesc(theEvent, keyAERequestedType, typeWildCard, &requestedTypeDesc); |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = MOSLCoerceObjDescToPtr(&requestedTypeDesc, typeType, &requestedType, sizeof(requestedType)); |
} else if (err == errAEDescNotFound) { |
requestedType = typeWildCard; |
err = noErr; |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
if (gDebugFlags & kMOSLLogGeneralMask) { |
BBLogDescType("\prequestedType", requestedType); |
} |
err = MoreAEGotRequiredParams(theEvent); |
} |
// Look up and call the classÕs "getter" object primitive. |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = ClassIDToClassIndex(dirObjTok->tokObjType, &thisClass); |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = GetTokenValue(thisClass, dirObjTok, kReturnTokensAsObjects, result); |
} |
// If the data isnÕt the right type, try coercing it. |
if ((err == noErr) && (requestedType != typeWildCard) && (result->descriptorType != requestedType)) { |
err = MOSLCoerceObjDesc(result, requestedType, &result2); |
if (err == noErr) { |
MoreAEDisposeDesc(result); |
*result = result2; |
} |
} |
// Clean up. |
MoreAEDisposeDesc(&requestedTypeDesc); |
if (err != noErr) { |
MoreAEDisposeDesc(result); |
} |
if (gDebugFlags & kMOSLLogGeneralMask) { |
BBLogDesc("\p<result", result); |
BBLogOutdentWithErr(err); |
} |
return err; |
} |
// The pProperties "set data" event handling needs to know whether the new value |
// of a property is the same as the old value of the property (itÕs an error to |
// set a read-only property to a different value). To that end, we must forward |
// declare the MOSLCompareProc, which will do the job for us. |
static pascal OSErr MOSLCompareProc(DescType oper, const AEDesc *obj1, const AEDesc *obj2, |
Boolean *result); |
static OSStatus SetPropertiesInRecord(MOSLClassIndex thisClass, |
const MOSLToken *dirObjTok, const AEDesc *data) |
// This routine is a sub-routine of MOSLGeneralSetData which is |
// called when the client tries to set the pProperties property. |
// The routine coerces the data to an AERecord and then iterates |
// through the elements of the record, setting each property in |
// turn. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
AERecord recordDesc; |
SInt32 propertyCount; |
SInt32 propertyIndex; |
DescType thisPropName; |
ConstMOSLPropEntryPtr propEntry; |
MOSLToken thisPropTok; |
AEDesc newPropData; |
AEDesc currentPropData; |
Boolean dataEqual; |
MoreAssertQ(thisClass < gClassTableSize); |
MoreAssertQ(dirObjTok != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(dirObjTok->tokObjType == gClassTable[thisClass].classID); |
MoreAssertQ(data != nil); |
MoreAENullDesc(&recordDesc); |
// Start by coercing the data to an AERecord. |
err = MOSLCoerceObjDesc(data, typeAERecord, &recordDesc); |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = AECountItems(&recordDesc, &propertyCount); |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
// Then iterate through the record extracting each element in turn. |
// Note that AERecord is a subclass of AEList, so we can use the list |
// accessors (AEGetNthDesc) to get at each element. |
for (propertyIndex = 1; propertyIndex <= propertyCount; propertyIndex++) { |
MoreAENullDesc(&newPropData); |
MoreAENullDesc(¤tPropData); |
err = AEGetNthDesc(&recordDesc, propertyIndex, typeWildCard, &thisPropName, &newPropData); |
// Fail if the class does not have this property. |
if (err == noErr) { |
propEntry = PropertyToPropEntry(thisClass, thisPropName); |
if ((propEntry == nil) || (thisPropName == pProperties)) { |
err = errAENoSuchObject; |
} |
} |
// Now things get weird. If the property is read/write, we |
// just call the "setter" primitive to change its value. OTOH, |
// if the property is read-only, we call the "getter" primitive |
// to get its current value and then compare them. If theyÕre |
// the same, all is well. If theyÕre different, we fail out. |
// |
// We need to do this so that the following AppleScript wonÕt |
// fail if object "foo" has read-only properties. |
// |
// get properties of object "foo" |
// set writeableProperty of result to newValue |
// set properties of object "foo" to result |
if (err == noErr) { |
InitPropertyMOSLTokenFromOtherProperty(&thisPropTok, dirObjTok, thisPropName); |
if (propEntry->propData == kMOSLPropReadWrite) { |
err = CallSetter(thisClass, &thisPropTok, &newPropData); |
} else if (propEntry->propData == kMOSLPropReadOnly) { |
err = GetTokenValue(thisClass, &thisPropTok, kReturnTokensAsObjects, ¤tPropData); |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = MOSLCompareProc(kAEEquals, ¤tPropData, &newPropData, &dataEqual); |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
if (dataEqual) { |
// do nothing, the data is already the right value |
} else { |
err = errAENotModifiable; |
} |
} |
} else { |
MoreAssertQ(false); |
err = errAEEventFailed; |
} |
} |
MoreAEDisposeDesc(¤tPropData); |
MoreAEDisposeDesc(&newPropData); |
if (err != noErr) { |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
MoreAEDisposeDesc(&recordDesc); |
return err; |
} |
extern pascal OSStatus MOSLSetObjectProperties(const MOSLToken *objTok, const AERecord *data) |
// See comment in header file. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
MOSLClassIndex thisClass; |
MOSLToken propertiesTok; |
MoreAssertQ(objTok != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(objTok->tokType != typeProperty); |
MoreAssertQ(data != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(data->descriptorType == typeAERecord); |
// Lookup up the class in the class table and then call through to the |
// infrastructure we use as part of the "set data" event handling. |
err = ClassIDToClassIndex(objTok->tokType, &thisClass); |
if (err == noErr) { |
InitPropertyMOSLTokenFromContainer(&propertiesTok, objTok, pProperties); |
err = SetPropertiesInRecord(thisClass, &propertiesTok, data); |
} |
return err; |
} |
extern pascal OSStatus MOSLGeneralSetData(const MOSLToken *dirObjTok, const AppleEvent *theEvent, AEDesc *result) |
// See comment in header file. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
MOSLClassIndex thisClass; |
ConstMOSLPropEntryPtr propEntry; |
AEDesc data; |
MoreAssertQ(dirObjTok != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(theEvent != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(result != nil); |
if (gDebugFlags & kMOSLLogGeneralMask) { |
BBLogLine("\pMOSLGeneralSetData"); |
BBLogIndent(); |
BBLogMOSLToken("\pdirObjTok", dirObjTok); |
BBLogAppleEvent("\ptheEvent", theEvent); |
} |
MoreAENullDesc(result); |
MoreAENullDesc(&data); |
// We can only set properties, not the objects themselves. |
if (dirObjTok->tokType == typeProperty) { |
// Get the data from the Apple event. |
err = AEGetParamDesc(theEvent, keyAEData, typeWildCard, &data); |
if (err == noErr) { |
if (gDebugFlags & kMOSLLogGeneralMask) { |
BBLogDesc("\pdata", &data); |
} |
err = MoreAEGotRequiredParams(theEvent); |
} |
// Work out the class of the object and use that information |
// to a) determine whether the class has the property weÕre |
// trying to set, and b) whether the class has a "setter" |
// object primitive. ItÕs legal for a class to have no |
// "setter" primitive if it has no read/write properties. |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = ClassIDToClassIndex(dirObjTok->tokObjType, &thisClass); |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
propEntry = PropertyToPropEntry(thisClass, dirObjTok->tokPropName); |
if (propEntry == nil) { |
err = errAENoSuchObject; |
} else if (propEntry->propData == kMOSLPropReadOnly) { |
err = errAENotModifiable; |
} |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
if (gClassTable[thisClass].setter == nil) { |
err = errAENotModifiable; |
} |
} |
// Now we either call SetPropertiesInRecord to handle the pProperties |
// property, or just call the "setter" primitive directly. |
if (err == noErr) { |
if (dirObjTok->tokPropName == pProperties) { |
err = SetPropertiesInRecord(thisClass, dirObjTok, &data); |
} else { |
err = CallSetter(thisClass, dirObjTok, &data); |
} |
} |
} else { |
err = errAENotModifiable; |
} |
MoreAEDisposeDesc(&data); |
if (gDebugFlags & kMOSLLogGeneralMask) { |
BBLogOutdentWithErr(err); |
} |
return err; |
} |
static OSStatus GeneralAccessByPropValue(const MOSLToken *containerTok, DescType elementType, |
const AEDesc *propValue, DescType propName, |
MOSLToken *valueTok) |
// This routine is the core of both MOSLGeneralAccessByName and MOSLGeneralAccessByUniqueID. |
// The basic idea is to iterate through the elements of type elementType in the |
// containerTok looking for an element whose propName property is equal to |
// propValue. If we find such an object, return a token for it. If we donÕt, |
// return errAENoSuchObject. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
MOSLClassIndex thisClass; |
MOSLClassIndex thisElementClass; |
SInt32 elementCount; |
SInt32 thisElementIndex; |
MOSLToken thisElementTok; |
MOSLToken thisElementsPropTok; |
AEDesc thisElementsPropData; |
Boolean found; |
MoreAssertQ(containerTok != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(containerTok->tokType != typeProperty); |
MoreAssertQ(propValue != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(valueTok != nil); |
// Count the elements of type elementType in the container. |
err = ClassIDToClassIndex(containerTok->tokObjType, &thisClass); |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = CallCounter(thisClass, containerTok, elementType, &elementCount); |
} |
// For each element, call the "accessByIndex" object primitive to get |
// a token for that element, then construct a token for the desired property |
// for that element, get the value of that property, then compare |
// it to the value weÕre looking for. If they match, this is the element |
// weÕre looking for. |
if (err == noErr) { |
thisElementIndex = 1; |
found = false; |
while ( (err == noErr) && !found && (thisElementIndex <= elementCount) ) { |
MoreAENullDesc(&thisElementsPropData); |
err = CallAccessByIndex(thisClass, containerTok, elementType, thisElementIndex, &thisElementTok); |
if (err == noErr) { |
// We have to look up the tokenÕs class each time because itÕs |
// possible for the "accessByIndex" object primitive to return a token |
// of a class thatÕs different from the class we requested. While |
// this may seem strange, it happens because the "accessByIndex" |
// primitive should return a token for the "best type" of object. |
// For example, if you ask for window 1 in the application and |
// window 1 is the about box, the token type should be "about box" |
// not "window". |
err = ClassIDToClassIndex(thisElementTok.tokType, &thisElementClass); |
if (err == noErr) { |
InitPropertyMOSLTokenFromContainer(&thisElementsPropTok, &thisElementTok, propName); |
err = GetTokenValue(thisElementClass, &thisElementsPropTok, kReturnTokensAsObjects, &thisElementsPropData); |
} |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = MOSLCompareProc(kAEEquals, &thisElementsPropData, propValue, &found); |
} |
if (err == noErr && !found) { |
thisElementIndex += 1; |
} |
MoreAEDisposeDesc(&thisElementsPropData); |
} |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
if (found) { |
*valueTok = thisElementTok; |
} else { |
err = errAENoSuchObject; |
} |
} |
return err; |
} |
extern pascal OSStatus MOSLGeneralAccessByName(const MOSLToken *containerTok, DescType elementType, const AEDesc *name, MOSLToken *valueTok) |
// See comment in header file. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
err = GeneralAccessByPropValue(containerTok, elementType, name, pName, valueTok); |
return err; |
} |
extern pascal OSStatus MOSLGeneralAccessByUniqueID(const MOSLToken *containerTok, DescType elementType, SInt32 uniqueID, MOSLToken *valueTok) |
// See comment in header file. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
AEDesc uniqueIDDesc; |
MoreAENullDesc(&uniqueIDDesc); |
err = AECreateDesc(typeLongInteger, &uniqueID, sizeof(uniqueID), &uniqueIDDesc); |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = GeneralAccessByPropValue(containerTok, elementType, &uniqueIDDesc, pID, valueTok); |
} |
MoreAEDisposeDesc(&uniqueIDDesc); |
return err; |
} |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
#pragma mark ----- OSL Compare and Count Callbacks ----- |
static OSStatus CompareDescriptorsAsBinary(DescType oper, const AEDesc *data1, const AEDesc *data2, Boolean *result) |
// This routine compares two binary objects for equality. ItÕs called |
// by CompareDataDescriptors (which is in turn called by MOSLCompareProc) |
// when certain types of binary data are encountered (for example, typeQDPoint). |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
Handle h1; |
Handle h2; |
h1 = nil; |
h2 = nil; |
// Extract the binary data into handles, then compare the handles. |
err = MoreAECopyDescriptorDataToHandle(data1, &h1); |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = MoreAECopyDescriptorDataToHandle(data2, &h2); |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
HLock(h1); |
HLock(h2); |
switch (oper) { |
case kAEEquals: |
*result = (GetHandleSize(h1) == GetHandleSize(h2)) |
&& MoreBlockCompare(*h1, *h2, GetHandleSize(h1)); |
break; |
case kAEGreaterThanEquals: |
case kAEGreaterThan: |
case kAELessThan: |
case kAELessThanEquals: |
case kAEBeginsWith: |
case kAEEndsWith: |
case kAEContains: |
err = kMOSLCantRelateObjectsErr; |
break; |
default: |
err = kMOSLUnrecognisedOperatorErr; |
break; |
} |
} |
// Clean up. |
if (h1 != nil) { |
DisposeHandle(h1); |
MoreAssertQ(MemError() == noErr); |
} |
if (h2 != nil) { |
DisposeHandle(h2); |
MoreAssertQ(MemError() == noErr); |
} |
return err; |
} |
static OSStatus CompareFileDescriptors(DescType oper, const AEDesc *data1, const AEDesc *data2, Boolean *result) |
// This routine compares two FSSpecs for equality. ItÕs called |
// by CompareDataDescriptors (which is in turn called by MOSLCompareProc) |
// when descriptors that reference files (typeFSS, typeAlias, cFile) are |
// encountered. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
FSSpec fss1; |
FSSpec fss2; |
// Extract the data from the descriptors into FSSpecs, then compare |
// the FSSpecs. We deliberately use an international unfriendly |
// comparison here because thatÕs what the File Manager uses. |
err = MOSLCoerceObjDescToPtr(data1, typeFSS, &fss1, sizeof(fss1)); |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = MOSLCoerceObjDescToPtr(data2, typeFSS, &fss2, sizeof(fss2)); |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
switch (oper) { |
case kAEEquals: |
*result = (fss1.vRefNum == fss2.vRefNum) |
&& (fss1.parID == fss2.parID) |
&& EqualString(,, false, true); |
break; |
case kAEGreaterThanEquals: |
case kAEGreaterThan: |
case kAELessThan: |
case kAELessThanEquals: |
case kAEBeginsWith: |
case kAEEndsWith: |
case kAEContains: |
err = kMOSLCantRelateObjectsErr; |
break; |
default: |
err = kMOSLUnrecognisedOperatorErr; |
break; |
} |
} |
return err; |
} |
static OSStatus CompareDataDescriptors(DescType oper, const AEDesc *data1, const AEDesc *data2, Boolean *result) |
// This routine is a sub-routine of MOSLCompareProc. It is called when |
// MOSLCompareProc has determined that the objects to compare are not |
// tokens. In that case, MOSLCompareProc resolves both objects and |
// if either are properties, gets the data for the properties, eventually |
// boiling everything down to raw data. Once it has raw data, it |
// calls this routine to compare the data. This routine knows how to |
// compare all of the data types that are likely to be obtained as |
// the value of properties. It omits some of the more complex types |
// because a) OSL should be doing this stuff for us anyway, b) |
// the accepted workaround for script developers is to get the data |
// and then do the comparison in AppleScript, and c) itÕs a bunch of |
// work. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
SInt32 long1; |
SInt32 long2; |
Boolean bool1; |
Boolean bool2; |
MoreAssertQ(data1 != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(data2 != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(data1->descriptorType == data2->descriptorType); |
MoreAssertQ(result != nil); |
if (data1->descriptorType != data2->descriptorType) { |
err = errAECoercionFail; |
} else { |
switch (data1->descriptorType) { |
// Numeric stuff. We support all the standard relational operators. |
case typeShortInteger: |
case typeLongInteger: |
err = MOSLCoerceObjDescToPtr(data1, typeLongInteger, &long1, sizeof(long1)); |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = MOSLCoerceObjDescToPtr(data2, typeLongInteger, &long2, sizeof(long2)); |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
switch (oper) { |
case kAEEquals: |
*result = long1 == long2; |
break; |
case kAEGreaterThanEquals: |
*result = long1 >= long2; |
break; |
case kAEGreaterThan: |
*result = long1 > long2; |
break; |
case kAELessThan: |
*result = long1 < long2; |
break; |
case kAELessThanEquals: |
*result = long1 <= long2; |
break; |
case kAEBeginsWith: |
case kAEEndsWith: |
case kAEContains: |
err = kMOSLCantRelateObjectsErr; |
break; |
default: |
MoreAssertQ(false); |
err = kMOSLUnrecognisedOperatorErr; |
break; |
} |
} |
break; |
case typeType: |
err = MOSLCoerceObjDescToPtr(data1, typeType, &long1, sizeof(long1)); |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = MOSLCoerceObjDescToPtr(data2, typeType, &long2, sizeof(long2)); |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
switch (oper) { |
case kAEEquals: |
*result = long1 == long2; |
break; |
case kAEGreaterThanEquals: |
case kAEGreaterThan: |
case kAELessThan: |
case kAELessThanEquals: |
case kAEBeginsWith: |
case kAEEndsWith: |
case kAEContains: |
err = kMOSLCantRelateObjectsErr; |
break; |
default: |
MoreAssertQ(false); |
err = kMOSLUnrecognisedOperatorErr; |
break; |
} |
} |
break; |
// Boolean stuff. Unlike Pascal and C, AppleScript doesnÕt support |
// relating Booleans, so we donÕt support it here. |
case typeBoolean: |
case typeTrue: |
case typeFalse: |
err = MOSLCoerceObjDescToPtr(data1, typeBoolean, &bool1, sizeof(bool1)); |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = MOSLCoerceObjDescToPtr(data2, typeBoolean, &bool2, sizeof(bool2)); |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
switch (oper) { |
case kAEEquals: |
*result = bool1 == bool2; |
break; |
case kAEGreaterThanEquals: |
case kAEGreaterThan: |
case kAELessThan: |
case kAELessThanEquals: |
case kAEBeginsWith: |
case kAEEndsWith: |
case kAEContains: |
err = kMOSLCantRelateObjectsErr; |
break; |
default: |
MoreAssertQ(false); |
err = kMOSLUnrecognisedOperatorErr; |
break; |
} |
} |
break; |
// Text stuff. This is such a mess that we put the actual code in a separate |
// source file. |
case typeText: |
case cText: |
case typeStyledText: |
case typeIntlText: |
case typeAEText: |
case typeUnicodeText: |
case typeStyledUnicodeText: |
case typeEncodedString: |
case typeCString: |
case typePString: |
err = MOSLStringCompare(oper, data1, data2, result); |
break; |
// File stuff. We support comparing FSSpecs for equality only. |
case cFile: |
case typeAlias: |
case typeFSS: |
err = CompareFileDescriptors(oper, data1, data2, result); |
break; |
// The following types only support kAEEquals and all data bytes |
// are significant, so we can just compare them as binary. |
// |
// I had thought that I might >, ³, <, ² for typeQDRectangle and typeQDPoint, |
// but then I looked at how AppleScript handles that. Upon getting |
// these data types, it appears that AppleScript immediately turns |
// them into a list of coordinates. Then when you try to relate |
// the points, you fail because AppleScript wonÕt compare lists. |
// |
// OTOH, "contains" makes perfect sense for Points inside Rects |
// and Rects inside Rects. I could have implemented this comparison |
// specificalyl for these types, but I looked at what happens when |
// you perform that operator on those types inside AppleScript. Again, |
// AppleScript does the list conversion, so the "contains" operator |
// on Rects is does a list contains operator, which rarely yields |
// the right results. |
// |
// Given the above, I decided it made more sense to not implement |
// these operators on these types, because consistency between |
// comparisons done by the script and comparisons done by the |
// application is very important. |
// |
// Finally, why do I compare object specifiers as binary? This is |
// because MOSLCompareProc has already done any resolution possible |
// on these object specifiers. In the case of a true object, though, |
// this resolution returns an object specifier. Fortunately though, |
// this resolved object specifier is in a canonical form (as returned |
// by the "getter" primitive for its class) so I can just compare them |
// as binary. |
case typeQDRectangle: |
case typeQDPoint: |
case typeObjectSpecifier: |
err = CompareDescriptorsAsBinary(oper, data1, data2, result); |
break; |
default: |
MoreAssertQ(false); // WeÕre being asked to compare some type that we donÕt deal in. |
err = errAECoercionFail; |
break; |
} |
} |
return err; |
} |
// The ComparisonMethod enumeration is used internally by MOSLCompareProc |
// to track whether we need to compare the operands as data or as tokens. |
typedef UInt32 ComparisonMethod; |
enum { |
kCompareTokens = 0, // both operands are object tokens, compare as tokens |
kCompareData // at least one operand is data or a property, compare as data |
}; |
static OSLCompareUPP gMOSLCompareUPP; // -> MOSLCompareProc |
static pascal OSErr MOSLCompareProc(DescType oper, const AEDesc *obj1Param, const AEDesc *obj2Param, |
Boolean *result) |
// This routine is the object comparison callback we supplied to |
// OSL. It is responsible for comparing the two operands in |
// obj1Param and obj2Param using the comparison operator |
// in oper (eg kAEEquals), setting *result appropriately. |
// |
// This routine is more complicated than it really should be because |
// OSL is stupider than it really should be. [2444551] Two examples of |
// OSLÕs limitations are: |
// |
// 1. If both operands are built-in AppleScript types (eg typeText), there |
// are circumstances under which OSL will /still/ call your compare proc |
// rather than use the comparison engine built in to AppleScript. |
// |
// 2. If at least one of the operands was a property, OSL could call your |
// "get data" Apple event handler to get its data and then do the |
// data comparison itself (as in point 1.). However, itÕs just not |
// smart enough to do this. |
// |
// These limitations are one of the driving forces behind MOSL. I had |
// to do all this work, but I didnÕt see why you should have to do it as well. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
AEDesc obj1; |
AEDesc obj2; |
MOSLToken tok1; |
MOSLToken tok2; |
MOSLToken baseTok1; |
MOSLToken baseTok2; |
AEDesc data1; |
AEDesc data2; |
ComparisonMethod howToCompare; |
MOSLClassIndex junkClass; |
MoreAssertQ(obj1Param != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(obj2Param != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(result != nil); |
// Technote 1095 says that we may need to do this because older OSLs might |
// pass the address of an AEDesc thatÕs in an unlocked handle. |
obj1 = *obj1Param; |
obj2 = *obj2Param; |
if (gDebugFlags & kMOSLLogOSLMask) { |
BBLogLine("\pMOSLCompareProc"); |
BBLogIndent(); |
BBLogDescType("\poper", oper); |
BBLogDesc("\pobj1", &obj1); |
BBLogDesc("\pobj2", &obj2); |
} |
MoreAENullDesc(&data1); |
MoreAENullDesc(&data2); |
// Each side of the comparison is either property, object descriptor, or data. |
// Following table explains what we do in each case. |
// item obj1 obj2 what to do |
// ---- ---- ---- ---------- |
// 1. prop prop compare data get obj1, coerce obj2 to same type |
// 2. prop obj compare data get obj1, coerce obj2 to same type |
// 3. prop data compare data get obj1, coerce obj2 to same type |
// |
// 4. obj prop compare data get obj2, coerce obj1 to same type |
// 5. obj obj compare tokens |
// 6. obj data compare data coerce obj1 to type of data |
// |
// 7. data prop compare data get obj2, coerce obj1 to same type |
// 8. data obj compare data coerce obj2 to type of data |
// 9. data data compare data coerce obj2 to type of data |
if (obj1.descriptorType == typeProperty) { |
// items 1 through 3 |
howToCompare = kCompareData; |
err = MOSLCoerceObjDesc(&obj1, typeWildCard, &data1); |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = MOSLCoerceObjDesc(&obj2, data1.descriptorType, &data2); |
} |
} else if (obj2.descriptorType == typeProperty) { |
// items 4 and 7 |
howToCompare = kCompareData; |
err = MOSLCoerceObjDesc(&obj2, typeWildCard, &data2); |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = MOSLCoerceObjDesc(&obj1, data2.descriptorType, &data1); |
} |
} else if (ClassIDToClassIndex(obj1.descriptorType, &junkClass) == noErr) { |
MoreAssertQ(obj2.descriptorType != typeProperty); |
if (ClassIDToClassIndex(obj2.descriptorType, &junkClass) == noErr) { |
// item 5 |
howToCompare = kCompareTokens; |
err = noErr; |
} else { |
// item 6 |
howToCompare = kCompareData; |
err = AEDuplicateDesc(&obj2, &data2); |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = MOSLCoerceObjDesc(&obj1, data2.descriptorType, &data1); |
} |
} |
} else { |
// items 8 and 9 |
howToCompare = kCompareData; |
err = AEDuplicateDesc(&obj1, &data1); |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = MOSLCoerceObjDesc(&obj2, data1.descriptorType, &data2); |
} |
} |
// Now we know whether weÕre comparison tokes or data. LetÕs go do it. |
if (err == noErr) { |
switch (howToCompare) { |
case kCompareTokens: |
DescToMOSLToken(&obj1, &tok1); |
DescToMOSLToken(&obj2, &tok2); |
err = CallClassCoerceToken(&tok1, cObject, &baseTok1); |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = CallClassCoerceToken(&tok2, cObject, &baseTok2); |
} |
if (err == noErr && baseTok1.tokType != baseTok2.tokType) { |
err = errAECoercionFail; |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = CompareMOSLTokens(oper, &baseTok1, &baseTok2, result); |
} |
break; |
case kCompareData: |
err = CompareDataDescriptors(oper, &data1, &data2, result); |
break; |
default: |
MoreAssertQ(false); |
break; |
} |
} |
MoreAEDisposeDesc(&data1); |
MoreAEDisposeDesc(&data2); |
if (gDebugFlags & kMOSLLogOSLMask) { |
BBLogLong("\p<result", *result); |
BBLogOutdentWithErr(err); |
} |
return err; |
} |
static OSLCountUPP gMOSLCountUPP; // -> MOSLCountProc |
static pascal OSErr MOSLCountProc(DescType desiredClass, DescType containerClass, const AEDesc *container, |
SInt32 *result) |
// This routine is the object counter callback we supplied to OSL. |
// It is responsible for counting the number of elements of type |
// desiredClass in the container. The implementation is quite simple. |
// It looks up the class in our class table and then calls its |
// "counter" object primitive. |
{ |
#pragma unused(containerClass) |
OSStatus err; |
MOSLToken containerTok; |
MOSLClassIndex thisClass; |
MoreAssertQ(container != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(result != nil); |
if (gDebugFlags & kMOSLLogOSLMask) { |
BBLogLine("\pMOSLCountProc"); |
BBLogIndent(); |
BBLogDescType("\pdesiredClass", desiredClass); |
BBLogDescType("\pcontainerClass", containerClass); |
BBLogDesc("\pcontainer", container); |
} |
// On occasion, OSL can ask us to count types for which we donÕt provide |
// direct access (eg typeAEList). So this entry point has to guard against |
// creating bogus tokens by making sure that the container is one of our |
// well known types. |
err = ClassIDToClassIndex(container->descriptorType, &thisClass); |
if ((err == errAECantHandleClass) && (container->descriptorType == typeNull)) { |
thisClass = kMOSLCApplicationIndex; |
err = noErr; |
} |
if (err == errAECantHandleClass && container->descriptorType == typeAEList) { |
err = AECountItems(container, result); |
} else |
if (err == noErr) { |
DescToMOSLToken(container, &containerTok); |
err = CallCounter(thisClass, &containerTok, desiredClass, result); |
} |
// static OSStatus PseudoCListCount(const AEDescList *dirObj, const AppleEvent *theEvent, AEDesc *result) |
if (gDebugFlags & kMOSLLogOSLMask) { |
BBLogLong("\p<result", *result); |
BBLogOutdentWithErr(err); |
} |
return err; |
} |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
#pragma mark ----- OSL Accessors for Classes ----- |
static OSStatus ClassAccessorByUniqueID(MOSLClassIndex thisClass, const MOSLToken *containerTok, DescType desiredClass, const AEDesc *selectionData, |
AEDesc *value) |
// ClassAccessorByUniqueID is a sub-routine of ClassOSLAccessorProc that |
// handles requests for access by formUniqueID. The basic approach |
// is to extract the unique ID from the selectionData then call |
// the classÕs "accessByUniqueID" object primitive. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
MOSLClassAccessByUniqueID accessByUniqueID; |
SInt32 uniqueID; |
MOSLToken valueTok; |
MoreAssertQ(thisClass < gClassTableSize); |
MoreAssertQ(containerTok != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(containerTok->tokType != typeProperty); |
MoreAssertQ(containerTok->tokObjType == gClassTable[thisClass].classID); |
MoreAssertQ(selectionData != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(value != nil); |
MoreAENullDesc(value); |
accessByUniqueID = gClassTable[thisClass].accessByUniqueID; |
if (accessByUniqueID == nil) { |
err = errAEBadKeyForm; |
} else { |
err = MOSLCoerceObjDescToPtr(selectionData, typeLongInteger, &uniqueID, sizeof(uniqueID)); |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
// Log the client callback if that logging is enabled. |
if (gDebugFlags & kMOSLLogCallbacksMask) { |
BBLogLine("\paccessByUniqueID"); |
BBLogIndent(); |
BBLogMOSLToken("\pcontainerTok", containerTok); |
BBLogDescType("\pdesiredClass", desiredClass); |
BBLogLong("\puniqueID", uniqueID); |
} |
err = accessByUniqueID(containerTok, desiredClass, uniqueID, &valueTok); |
if (gDebugFlags & kMOSLLogCallbacksMask) { |
BBLogMOSLToken("\p<valueTok", &valueTok); |
BBLogOutdentWithErr(err); |
} |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = MOSLTokenToDesc(&valueTok, value); |
} |
return err; |
} |
static OSStatus CreateTokenList(MOSLClassIndex thisClass, |
const MOSLToken *containerTok, DescType desiredClass, |
SInt32 startRange, SInt32 endRange, AEDesc *value) |
// This routine is a sub-routine of ClassAccessorByAbsolutePos which |
// calls once it knows that the resulting object is a list of elements |
// of an object. For each integer in the range startRange..endRange |
// (inclusive), the routine repeatedly calls the container tokenÕs |
// accessByIndex callback, constructing a list of the resulting tokens. |
// |
// This routine was separated out from ClassAccessorByAbsolutePos because |
// I hoped to use it as part of my formRange support in the future. As |
// it turned out, formRange didnÕt need this functionality, but I left the |
// routine separate anyway because it makes things easier to understand. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
SInt32 elementIndex; |
MOSLToken valueTok; |
MoreAssertQ(containerTok != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(containerTok->tokType != typeProperty); |
MoreAssertQ(startRange >= 1); |
MoreAssertQ(endRange >= 0); |
MoreAssertQ(endRange >= (startRange - 1)); // if endRange == (startRange - 1), we return an empty list |
MoreAssertQ(value != nil); |
MoreAENullDesc(value); |
err = AECreateList(nil, 0, false, value); |
if (err == noErr) { |
for (elementIndex = startRange; elementIndex <= endRange; elementIndex++) { |
err = CallAccessByIndex(thisClass, containerTok, desiredClass, elementIndex, &valueTok); |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = AEPutPtr(value, 0, valueTok.tokType, &valueTok, sizeof(valueTok)); |
} |
if (err != noErr) { |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
if (err != noErr) { |
MoreAEDisposeDesc(value); |
} |
return err; |
} |
static OSStatus ConvertIndexedSelectionData(const AEDesc *selectionData, SInt32 elementCount, |
Boolean *wantsAll, SInt32 *elementIndex) |
// This routine converts "access by index" selection data into two results: |
// if wantsAll is returned true, the data was kAEAny and the caller should |
// create a token that represents all objects; OTOH, if wantsAll is false, |
// elementIndex is the index of the specific element. The elementCount |
// parameter is the total number of elements within the container. It is |
// needed so that the routine can correctly handle negative indexes. |
// |
// This routine was separated out from ClassAccessorByAbsolutePos because |
// I hoped to use it as part of my formRange support in the future. As |
// it turned out, formRange didnÕt need this functionality, but I left the |
// routine separate anyway because it makes things easier to understand. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
OSType absOrd; |
SInt32 absPos; |
MoreAssertQ(selectionData != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(elementCount >= 0); |
MoreAssertQ(wantsAll != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(elementIndex != nil); |
// OK, so the selection data is either a typeAbsoluteOrdinal or an integer. |
// If itÕs the former, extract the ordinal and switch on its value. If itÕs |
// an integer, extract the integer and then handle any negative values (which |
// means an index from the end). |
if (selectionData->descriptorType == typeAbsoluteOrdinal) { |
err = MOSLCoerceObjDescToPtr(selectionData, typeAbsoluteOrdinal, &absOrd, sizeof(absOrd)); |
if (err == noErr) { |
if (absOrd == kAEAll) { |
*wantsAll = true; |
} else { |
*wantsAll = false; |
switch (absOrd) { |
case kAEFirst: |
*elementIndex = 1; |
break; |
case kAELast: |
*elementIndex = elementCount; |
break; |
case kAEMiddle: |
*elementIndex = (elementCount + 1) / 2; // AppleScript Language Guide gives this formula |
break; |
case kAEAny: |
*elementIndex = ( ((UInt16) (Random())) % elementCount) + 1; |
break; |
default: |
MoreAssertQ(false); |
err = errAECoercionFail; |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
} else { |
*wantsAll = false; |
err = MOSLCoerceObjDescToPtr(selectionData, typeLongInteger, &absPos, sizeof(absPos)); |
if (absPos > 0) { |
*elementIndex = absPos; |
} else if (absPos < 0) { |
*elementIndex = elementCount + absPos + 1; |
} else { |
err = errAENoSuchObject; |
} |
} |
return err; |
} |
static OSStatus ClassAccessorByAbsolutePos(MOSLClassIndex thisClass, const MOSLToken *containerTok, DescType desiredClass, const AEDesc *selectionData, |
AEDesc *value) |
// ClassAccessorByAbsolutePos is a sub-routine of ClassOSLAccessorProc that |
// handles requests for access by formAbsolutePosition. The basic approach |
// is to extract the selectionData and build a token (or a list of tokens) |
// by calling the classÕs "counter" and "accessByIndex" object primitives. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
Boolean wantsAll; |
SInt32 elementCount; |
SInt32 elementIndex; |
MOSLToken valueTok; |
MoreAssertQ(thisClass < gClassTableSize); |
MoreAssertQ(containerTok != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(containerTok->tokType != typeProperty); |
MoreAssertQ(containerTok->tokObjType == gClassTable[thisClass].classID); |
MoreAssertQ(selectionData != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(value != nil); |
MoreAENullDesc(value); |
// First call the classÕs "counter" primitive to count the number |
// of elements of this type in the object. We need this count in |
// a number of places later in this routine, so we might as well |
// just go ahead and get it now. |
if (gClassTable[thisClass].accessByIndex == nil) { |
err = kMOSLClassHasNoElementsOfThisTypeErr; |
} else { |
err = CallCounter(thisClass, containerTok, desiredClass, &elementCount); |
} |
// Now extract the selectionData and use it to calculate two |
// variables, wantsAll and elementIndex. If wantsAll is true, the |
// end of this routine calls CreateTokenList to create a list of all |
// the elements within the object. If wantsAll is false, elementIndex |
// is set to the index of the element that weÕve selected. This index |
// is the real index, ranging from 1 to elementCount. |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = ConvertIndexedSelectionData(selectionData, elementCount, &wantsAll, &elementIndex); |
} |
// The above code has figured out exactly what element we want from the object. |
// LetÕs go call the "accessByIndex" object primitive to get a token for it |
// (or a list of tokens if wantsAll is set). |
if (err == noErr) { |
// IÕve disabled the following check because there are circumstances under which |
// elementIndex can be out of bounds. Specifically, if the script asks for |
// "window 6389", itÕs up to the "accessByIndex" object primitive |
// to reject the request with a errAENoSuchObject error. |
// |
// MoreAssertQ(wantsAll || ((elementIndex >= 1) && (elementIndex <= elementCount))); |
if (wantsAll) { |
err = CreateTokenList(thisClass, containerTok, desiredClass, 1, elementCount, value); |
} else { |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = CallAccessByIndex(thisClass, containerTok, desiredClass, elementIndex, &valueTok); |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = MOSLTokenToDesc(&valueTok, value); |
} |
} |
} |
if (err != noErr) { |
MoreAEDisposeDesc(value); |
} |
return err; |
} |
static OSStatus ClassAccessorByName(MOSLClassIndex thisClass, const MOSLToken *containerTok, DescType desiredClass, const AEDesc *selectionData, |
AEDesc *value) |
// ClassAccessorByName is a sub-routine of ClassOSLAccessorProc that |
// handles requests for access by formName. The basic approach |
// is to extract the name from the selectionData then call |
// the classÕs "accessByName" object primitive. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
MOSLClassAccessByName accessByName; |
MOSLToken valueTok; |
MoreAssertQ(thisClass < gClassTableSize); |
MoreAssertQ(containerTok != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(containerTok->tokType != typeProperty); |
MoreAssertQ(containerTok->tokObjType == gClassTable[thisClass].classID); |
MoreAssertQ(selectionData != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(value != nil); |
MoreAENullDesc(value); |
accessByName = gClassTable[thisClass].accessByName; |
if (accessByName == nil) { |
err = errAEBadKeyForm; |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
MoreAssertQ(containerTok->tokType != typeProperty); |
if (gDebugFlags & kMOSLLogCallbacksMask) { |
BBLogLine("\paccessByName"); |
BBLogIndent(); |
BBLogMOSLToken("\pcontainerTok", containerTok); |
BBLogDescType("\pdesiredClass", desiredClass); |
BBLogDesc("\pname", selectionData); |
} |
err = accessByName(containerTok, desiredClass, selectionData, &valueTok); |
if (gDebugFlags & kMOSLLogCallbacksMask) { |
BBLogMOSLToken("\p<valueTok", &valueTok); |
BBLogOutdentWithErr(err); |
} |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = MOSLTokenToDesc(&valueTok, value); |
} |
return err; |
} |
static OSStatus ClassAccessorByProperty(MOSLClassIndex thisClass, const MOSLToken *containerTok, const AEDesc *selectionData, |
AEDesc *value) |
// ClassAccessorByProperty is a sub-routine of ClassOSLAccessorProc that handles |
// requests for access by formPropertyID. The basic approach is to extract |
// property name from the selectionData and build a token for that property. |
// The only complication is that we have to call PropertyToPropEntry to determine |
// whether the property exists before building a token for it. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
DescType propName; |
MOSLToken valueTok; |
MoreAssertQ(thisClass < gClassTableSize); |
MoreAssertQ(containerTok != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(containerTok->tokType != typeProperty); |
MoreAssertQ(containerTok->tokObjType == gClassTable[thisClass].classID); |
MoreAssertQ(selectionData != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(value != nil); |
MoreAENullDesc(value); |
err = MOSLCoerceObjDescToPtr(selectionData, typeType, &propName, sizeof(propName)); |
if (err == noErr) { |
if (PropertyToPropEntry(thisClass, propName) == nil) { |
err = errAENoSuchObject; |
} |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
InitPropertyMOSLTokenFromContainer(&valueTok, containerTok, propName); |
err = MOSLTokenToDesc(&valueTok, value); |
} |
return err; |
} |
static OSStatus ResolveBoundsToken(const AERecord *rangeRecord, AEKeyword keyword, MOSLToken *baseTok) |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
AEDesc boundsDesc; |
AEDesc resolvedBoundsDesc; |
MOSLClassIndex junkClass; |
MOSLToken boundsTok; |
if (gDebugFlags & kMOSLLogOSLMask) { |
BBLogLine("\pResolveBoundsToken"); |
BBLogIndent(); |
BBLogDescType("\pkeyword", keyword); |
} |
MoreAssertQ(rangeRecord != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(rangeRecord->descriptorType == typeAERecord); |
MoreAssertQ(baseTok != nil); |
MoreAENullDesc(&boundsDesc); |
MoreAENullDesc(&resolvedBoundsDesc); |
err = AEGetParamDesc(rangeRecord, keyword, typeWildCard, &boundsDesc); |
if (err == noErr) { |
BBLogDesc("\pboundsDesc", &boundsDesc); |
err = AEResolve(&boundsDesc, kAEIDoMinimum, &resolvedBoundsDesc); |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
BBLogDesc("\presolvedBoundsDesc", &resolvedBoundsDesc); |
if ( ClassIDToClassIndex(resolvedBoundsDesc.descriptorType, &junkClass) != noErr ) { |
err = kMOSLBoundaryMustBeObjectErr; |
} |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
DescToMOSLToken(&resolvedBoundsDesc, &boundsTok); |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = CallClassCoerceToken(&boundsTok, cObject, baseTok); |
} |
MoreAEDisposeDesc(&boundsDesc); |
MoreAEDisposeDesc(&resolvedBoundsDesc); |
if (gDebugFlags & kMOSLLogOSLMask) { |
BBLogMOSLToken("\p<baseTok", baseTok); |
BBLogOutdentWithErr(err); |
} |
return err; |
} |
static OSStatus ClassAccessorByRange(MOSLClassIndex thisClass, const MOSLToken *containerTok, |
DescType desiredClass, const AEDesc *selectionData, |
AEDesc *value) |
// ClassAccessorByRange is a sub-routine of ClassOSLAccessorProc that handles |
// requests for access by formRange. The basic approach is to extract |
// determine the range boundary objects (using ResolveBoundsToken) and |
// then run over the elements in the object looking for all elements that |
// are compatible with the desiredClass and that fall between the boundary |
// objects (inclusive). This is pretty scary stuff. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
AERecord rangeRecord; |
MOSLToken boundsBaseTok1; |
MOSLToken boundsBaseTok2; |
SInt32 elementCount; |
SInt32 elementIndex; |
enum { kLookingForFirst, kLookingForSecond, kDone } state; |
MOSLToken thisElementTok; |
MOSLToken thisElementBase; |
AEDesc thisElementTokDesc; |
Boolean found; |
DescType baseClass; |
MoreAENullDesc(value); |
MoreAENullDesc(&rangeRecord); |
// Extract tokens for the boundary objects from the range record |
err = AECoerceDesc(selectionData, typeAERecord, &rangeRecord); |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = ResolveBoundsToken(&rangeRecord, keyAERangeStart, &boundsBaseTok1); |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = ResolveBoundsToken(&rangeRecord, keyAERangeStop, &boundsBaseTok2); |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
// The boundary objects canÕt be properties. ResolveBoundsToken shouldÕve |
// errored if that was the case, so these asserts are just reminders (-: |
MoreAssertQ(boundsBaseTok1.tokType != typeProperty); |
MoreAssertQ(boundsBaseTok2.tokType != typeProperty); |
// The boundary objects must be of a compatible type. For example, |
// you canÕt ask for: |
// |
// node windows 1 thru (node 1 of window 1) |
// |
// because node 1 isnÕt derived from the same base class as window 1. |
// Because ResolveBoundsToken has already coerced the token down to its |
// base type, we can just compare the types here. |
// |
// We would catch this erroneous construct again later in this routine |
// (see where we raise kMOSLBoundaryNotInSameContainerErr) but this |
// will yield a more sensible error message. |
if (boundsBaseTok1.tokType != boundsBaseTok2.tokType) { |
err = kMOSLBoundaryMustBeCompatibleErr; |
} |
} |
// Create the output list. |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = AECreateList(nil, 0, false, value); |
} |
// Determine the base type of the elements over which weÕre iterating. We do this |
// by calling the "accessByIndex" primitive to get the first object of the desired |
// type, then coercing that object down to its base type. |
// |
// This has the side effect of raising an errAENoSuchObject if there are no |
// objects of the desired class in the container, which is the right thing to do. |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = CallAccessByIndex(thisClass, containerTok, desiredClass, 1, &thisElementTok); |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = CallClassCoerceToken(&thisElementTok, cObject, &thisElementBase); |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
baseClass = thisElementBase.tokType; |
if (baseClass != boundsBaseTok1.tokType) { |
err = kMOSLBoundaryMustBeCompatibleErr; |
} |
} |
} |
// Iterate over each base class element in the container running a little state |
// machine. First we look for the first bounding element. Once we find it, |
// we start looking for the second bounding element. While looking for the |
// second bounding element we append any element compatible with the desired class to |
// the output list. If we find the second bounding element, weÕre done and we leave. |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = CallCounter(thisClass, containerTok, baseClass, &elementCount); |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
state = kLookingForFirst; |
for (elementIndex = 1; elementIndex <= elementCount; elementIndex++) { |
// Get the elementIndex'th element of container. This returns a token of the |
// best type of the element, so we coerce it down to the base type. |
err = CallAccessByIndex(thisClass, containerTok, baseClass, elementIndex, &thisElementTok); |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = CallClassCoerceToken(&thisElementTok, cObject, &thisElementBase); |
} |
// Now, if weÕre looking for the first boundary, compare the base token |
// of this element to the first bounds. If it matches, we switch over |
// to looking for the second boundary, and fall through to code that will |
// put this element in the output list. If we donÕt find it, we also |
// compare against the second bounding element. We do this because |
// both AppleScript and the Finder treat "element 1 through 3 of foo" |
// as equivalent to "element 3 through 1 of foo". |
if (err == noErr && state == kLookingForFirst) { |
err = CompareMOSLTokens(kAEEquals, &thisElementBase, &boundsBaseTok1, &found); |
if (err == noErr) { |
if (found) { |
state = kLookingForSecond; |
} else { |
err = CompareMOSLTokens(kAEEquals, &thisElementBase, &boundsBaseTok2, &found); |
if (err == noErr) { |
if (found) { |
// Put the other bounding element into boundsBaseTok2 so that |
// the code below will find it. |
boundsBaseTok2 = boundsBaseTok1; |
state = kLookingForSecond; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
// Now, if weÕre looking for the second bounding element, we add the current |
// element to the output list and then compare this element to the second |
// bounding element. If it matches, weÕre done. |
if (err == noErr && state == kLookingForSecond) { |
if ( CallClassCoerceToken(&thisElementTok, desiredClass, nil) == noErr ) { |
err = MOSLTokenToDesc(&thisElementTok, &thisElementTokDesc); |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = AEPutDesc(value, 0, &thisElementTokDesc); |
MoreAEDisposeDesc(&thisElementTokDesc); |
} |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = CompareMOSLTokens(kAEEquals, &thisElementBase, &boundsBaseTok2, &found); |
} |
if (err == noErr && found) { |
state = kDone; |
} |
} |
if (err != noErr || state == kDone) { |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
// If we ran off the end of the elements of the container without finding |
// both bounding elements, the bounding elements were in error (they |
// probably werenÕt both elements of the container), so we spit out an error. |
if (err == noErr && state != kDone) { |
err = kMOSLBoundaryNotInSameContainerErr; |
} |
// If we didnÕt find any any compatible objects within the boundary objects, |
// we raise an error. This is inline with the FinderÕs behaviour, and also |
// in the spirit of the comments on p174 of the "AppleScript Language Guide". |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = AECountItems(value, &elementCount); |
if ((err == noErr) && (elementCount == 0)) { |
err = errAENoSuchObject; |
} |
} |
MoreAEDisposeDesc(&rangeRecord); |
if (err != noErr) { |
MoreAEDisposeDesc(value); |
} |
return err; |
} |
static OSLAccessorUPP gClassOSLAccessorUPP; // -> ClassOSLAccessorProc |
static pascal OSErr ClassOSLAccessorProc(DescType desiredClass, const AEDesc *container, DescType containerClass, |
DescType form, const AEDesc *selectionData, |
AEDesc *value, SInt32 accessorRefCon) |
// ClassOSLAccessorProc is the core OSL object accessor callback we supply |
// to OSL. It is responsible for getting tokens for objects within objects |
// that belong to us. For example, if you ask for "button 1 of window 1", |
// this routine is first called to get a token for window 1 within the |
// application object, and is then called to get a token for button 1 within |
// the window 1 object. |
// |
// The core work for this process is done by the object primitives that the |
// client supplies in the class table. This routine (and the sub-routines |
// it calls) is simply responsible for a) converting descriptors to tokens |
// and back, b) converting the selectionData to its simplest form, and |
// c) finding and calling the appropriate object primitive. |
// |
// See also PseudoClassOSLAccessorProc, which is used to access objects |
// within classes that /arenÕt/ in the class table, such as objects within |
// properties and objects within lists. |
{ |
#pragma unused(containerClass) |
OSStatus err; |
MOSLClassIndex thisClass; |
MOSLToken containerTok; |
MoreAssertQ(container != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(selectionData != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(value != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(accessorRefCon >= 0 && accessorRefCon < gClassTableSize); |
if (gDebugFlags & kMOSLLogOSLMask) { |
BBLogLine("\pClassOSLAccessorProc"); |
BBLogIndent(); |
BBLogDescType("\pdesiredClass", desiredClass); |
BBLogDesc("\pcontainer", container); |
BBLogDescType("\pcontainerClass", containerClass); |
BBLogDescType("\pform", form); |
BBLogDesc("\pselectionData", selectionData); |
BBLogLong("\paccessorRefCon", accessorRefCon); |
} |
MoreAENullDesc(value); |
// Validate some parameters. |
if ( accessorRefCon >= 0 && accessorRefCon < gClassTableSize ) { |
thisClass = accessorRefCon; |
err = noErr; |
} else { |
err = errAEEventFailed; |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
if ( container->descriptorType == typeProperty ) { |
err = errAENotAnElement; |
} else { |
DescToMOSLToken(container, &containerTok); |
} |
} |
// Then dispatch to the appropriate sub-routine based on the key form. |
if (err == noErr) { |
switch (form) { |
case formUniqueID: |
err = ClassAccessorByUniqueID(thisClass, &containerTok, desiredClass, selectionData, value); |
break; |
case formAbsolutePosition: |
err = ClassAccessorByAbsolutePos(thisClass, &containerTok, desiredClass, selectionData, value); |
break; |
case formName: |
err = ClassAccessorByName(thisClass, &containerTok, desiredClass, selectionData, value); |
break; |
case formPropertyID: |
err = ClassAccessorByProperty(thisClass, &containerTok, selectionData, value); |
break; |
case formRange: |
err = ClassAccessorByRange(thisClass, &containerTok, desiredClass, selectionData, value); |
break; |
// formRelativePosition is too tricky for the current project. IÕll may |
// work on adding support for this later. |
case formRelativePosition: |
err = errAEBadKeyForm; |
break; |
// If you ask for a property of an object with a property name |
// that doesnÕt exist (for example, wombat of document 1) AppleScript |
// recognises that the property doesnÕt exist in your dictionary and |
// sends you an object specifier of formUserPropertyID. The selection |
// data is the text of the property name. Presumably you could use |
// this to access properties in attached scripts, but seeing as MOSL |
// doesnÕt support that sort of thing we just fail out with an error. |
// Note that we want to use a different error (no such object) than |
// the default case (bad key form). |
case formUserPropertyID: |
err = errAENoSuchObject; |
break; |
default: |
MoreAssertQ(false); |
err = errAEBadKeyForm; |
break; |
} |
} |
// Clean up. |
if (err != noErr) { |
MoreAEDisposeDesc(value); |
} |
if (gDebugFlags & kMOSLLogOSLMask) { |
BBLogDesc("\p<value", value); |
BBLogOutdentWithErr(err); |
} |
return err; |
} |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
#pragma mark ----- OSL Accessors for Pseudo-Classes ----- |
// There are a number of circumstances under which OSL will attempt |
// to access an object within one of the standard system types, |
// such as lists and properties. While we donÕt handle all of these |
// cases, we have to handle some subset in order to present a reasonable |
// scripting interface. |
static OSStatus PseudoCPropertyAccessor(DescType desiredClass, const AEDesc *container, DescType containerClass, |
DescType form, const AEDesc *selectionData, |
AEDesc *value) |
// PseudoCPropertyAccessor is a sub-routine of PseudoClassOSLAccessorProc that |
// handles requests for to access an object within a property. We use a fairly |
// sneaky approach to implement this. The property must be a property within |
// one of our objects, so we work out what class of object it is, then we |
// call the classÕs "getter" object primitive to get the token for the actual |
// object that the property represents. We then use AECallObjectAccessor |
// to get OSL to dispatch the request back to the accessor appropriate for |
// that token. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
AEDesc propTokDesc; |
MOSLToken containerTok; |
MOSLClassIndex containerClassIndex; |
MoreAssertQ(container != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(selectionData != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(value != nil); |
MoreAENullDesc(value); |
MoreAENullDesc(&propTokDesc); |
if (containerClass == typeProperty) { |
// Extract the container token from the descriptor, look up its class |
// and then call the class "getter" object primitive. This yields |
// the token for object that this property points to. |
DescToMOSLToken(container, &containerTok); |
err = ClassIDToClassIndex(containerTok.tokObjType, &containerClassIndex); |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = GetTokenValue(containerClassIndex, |
&containerTok, |
kReturnTokensAsTokens, |
&propTokDesc); |
} |
// Once we have the objectÕs token, we call back into OSL to find the object |
// within that token. This will redispatch back to either ClassOSLAccessorProc |
// or PseudoClassOSLAccessorProc. |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = AECallObjectAccessor(desiredClass, &propTokDesc, propTokDesc.descriptorType, form, selectionData, value); |
} |
} else { |
MoreAssertQ(false); |
err = errAENoSuchObject; |
} |
MoreAEDisposeDesc(&propTokDesc); |
return err; |
} |
// formRange for typeAEList |
// ------------------------ |
// formRange for lists was one of the hardest things to understand (and hence to |
// implement) in MOSL. Once I decided that "deep" resolution (see the comment |
// "Deep" Resolution versus "Shallow" Resolution, below) was the way to go, I then |
// had to work out how to make formRange work in a deep way. |
// |
// As an example, imagine the following AppleScript snippet. |
// |
// node 1 through 1 of every node window |
// |
// This is resolved in the following steps: |
// |
// o node windows, from root, by index kAEAll -> node window token |
// o node, from every node window 1, in range 1 to 1 -> list of node tokens |
// |
// The confusing part is that deep resolution requires that node 1 through 1 |
// of every node window produce a list of the first nodes in every node. This is |
// in constrast to shallow resolution, where this would produce a list |
// containing the first node of every node. |
// |
// The core of the deep resolution engine is PseudoCListAccessor. You can read its |
// comments for a detailed explanation, but basic idea is that it iterates over |
// all of the tokens in the list, calling the object accessor with the original |
// key form and selection data on each token, and then assembles the results into |
// the resulting list. For example, if you run the following AppleScript: |
// |
// name of every document |
// |
// PseudoCListAccessor gets handed: |
// |
// o desiredClass = typeProperty |
// o container = list of document tokens |
// o form = formPropertyID |
// o selectionData = typeType of 'pnam' |
// |
// It then iterates over the list, extracting each document token in turn, |
// calling AECallObjectAccessor with exactly the same parameters as were passed |
// in except for the container, which is now the document token rather than the |
// list. |
// |
// This works great for formPropertyID, and formAbsolutePosition, but it runs |
// into trouble for formRange. The problem is that, when the script is compiled |
// and sent the object specifier is sent over the wire, the range boundary objects |
// are specified in terms of an Apple Event Object Model pseudo-object, called |
// typeCurrentContainer ('ccnt'). When OSL starts resolving the object specifier, it |
// eventually works out what the real container for the formRange specification should |
// be, and it then puts the real container in the place of typeCurrentContainer. This |
// causes problems for PseudoCListAccessor because (if we didnÕt do what is described |
// below), the boundary objects would resolve to a list, which makes very little sense. |
// |
// A concrete example is necessary to understand this properly. When you run |
// the following script against TestMOSL: |
// |
// nodes 1 through 1 of every node window |
// |
// AppleScript sends you the following object specifier: |
// |
// obj={'form':rang, |
// 'want':CNDE, |
// 'seld':{'star':{'form':indx, 'want':CNDE, 'seld':1, 'from':ccnt}, |
// 'stop':{'form':indx, 'want':CNDE, 'seld':1, 'from':ccnt} |
// }, |
// 'from':{'form':indx, |
// 'want':NWIN, |
// 'seld':all , |
// 'from':null} |
// } |
// |
// Note how the boundary objects ('star' and 'stop' of the selection data record) |
// are specified relative to 'ccnt'. |
// |
// After the first step of resolution (getting all the node windows from null) |
// OSL calls PseudoCListAccessor with the following parameters. |
// |
// desiredClass='CNDE' |
// container={token(tokType='NWIN', tokObjType='NWIN', tokData=53793280), token(tokType='NWIN', tokObjType='NWIN', tokData=53791920), token(tokType='NWIN', tokObjType='NWIN', tokData=53665408)} |
// containerClass='NWIN' |
// form='rang' |
// selectionData={'star':{'form':indx, |
// 'want':CNDE, |
// 'seld':1, |
// 'from':'toke'-{token(tokType='NWIN', tokObjType='NWIN', tokData=53793280), token(tokType='NWIN', tokObjType='NWIN', tokData=53791920), token(tokType='NWIN', tokObjType='NWIN', tokData=53665408)} |
// }, |
// 'stop':{'form':indx, |
// 'want':CNDE, |
// 'seld':1, |
// 'from':'toke'-{token(tokType='NWIN', tokObjType='NWIN', tokData=53793280), token(tokType='NWIN', tokObjType='NWIN', tokData=53791920), token(tokType='NWIN', tokObjType='NWIN', tokData=53665408)} |
// } |
// } |
// |
// The container is the list of tokens determined by the first step of resolution. |
// But look at the selectionData. OSL has substituted the resolved container |
// (ie the list of window tokens) for the 'ccnt' using a special object form |
// (typeToken). |
// |
// If PseudoCListAccessor did not take special action, it would end up calling |
// AECallObjectAccessor with exactly that selection data. AECallObjectAccessor |
// would call out to ClassOSLAccessorProc, which would call ClassAccessorByRange, |
// which would extract and resolve the boundary objects. The boundary object |
// specifier has a 'from' being a list, which ends up calling back into |
// PseudoCListAccessor to generate a list of elements, which is what is returned |
// back to ClassAccessorByRange. To continue the above example, ClassAccessorByRange |
// would call AEResolve an the 'star' object and get back a list of the first |
// nodes in every node window. It would be impossible for ClassAccessorByRange to |
// use this list as a boundary object, and it would get confused and choke. |
// |
// The workaround for this is relatively subtle. If itÕs handling formRange, |
// PseudoCListAccessor fixes the selection data before it calls AECallObjectAccessor. |
// The fix is to extract the boundary object specifiers, change their 'from' |
// element to reference the appropriate single token rather than the list of tokens, |
// and then proceed as normal. When ClassAccessorByRange goes to resolve this |
// object specifier, it gets the correct single object and everything works |
// |
// To do this work, PseudoCListAccessor calls AdjustFormRangeSelectionData, |
// which in turn calls AdjustFormRangeBound twice, once for each boundary |
// object specifier. |
static OSStatus AdjustFormRangeBound(const AERecord *rangeRecord, AEKeyword boundKeyword, SInt32 elementIndex, |
AEDesc *adjustedRangeRecord) |
// This routine is called as part of the formRange handling for lists. |
// See the comments above (formRange for typeAEList) for the big picture. |
// |
// The routine is responsible for extracting a boundary object specifier |
// from an AERecord (accessed by keyword, inside rangeRecord), adjusting |
// the object specifier so that itÕs 'from' component references a single |
// token rather than a token list, and then inserting the modified |
// object specifier into adjustedRangeRecord. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
AERecord boundRec; |
AEDesc bound; |
AEDesc adjustedBound; |
AEDesc containerDesc; |
AEDesc newContainer; |
ccntTokenRecord tokenData; |
AEKeyword junkKeyword; |
MoreAssertQ(rangeRecord != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(rangeRecord->descriptorType == typeAERecord); |
MoreAssertQ(boundKeyword == keyAERangeStart || boundKeyword == keyAERangeStop); |
MoreAssertQ(elementIndex >= 1); |
MoreAssertQ(adjustedRangeRecord != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(adjustedRangeRecord->descriptorType == typeAERecord); |
MoreAENullDesc(&bound); |
MoreAENullDesc(&adjustedBound); |
MoreAENullDesc(&boundRec); |
MoreAENullDesc(&containerDesc); |
MoreAENullDesc(&newContainer); |
// Extract the boundary object specifier. |
err = AEGetParamDesc(rangeRecord, boundKeyword, typeWildCard, &bound); |
if (err == noErr) { |
// If it is an object specifier, we have to go do some stuff. |
// If itÕs not, just just copy it across to adjustedBound, |
// on the assumption that we have no idea what it means. |
if (bound.descriptorType == typeObjectSpecifier) { |
// Coerce the object specifier to an AERecord so that we can |
// work on its components. |
err = AECoerceDesc(&bound, typeAERecord, &boundRec); |
// Extract the container ('from') component of the object specifier. |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = AEGetParamDesc(&boundRec, keyAEContainer, typeWildCard, &containerDesc); |
} |
// If the container component meets our target specification (namely, |
// itÕs of typeToken), we go munge it. If not, we leave the object |
// specifier alone. We only fix up a specific type of problem. |
// If the object specifier is structured such that we donÕt recognise it, |
// we leave it alone and hope. |
if (err == noErr) { |
MoreAssertQ(containerDesc.descriptorType != typeToken || AEGetDescDataSize(&containerDesc) == sizeof(tokenData)); |
if ((containerDesc.descriptorType == typeToken) && (AEGetDescDataSize(&containerDesc) == sizeof(tokenData))) { |
err = AEGetDescData(&containerDesc, &tokenData, sizeof(tokenData)); |
if (err == noErr) { |
if (tokenData.token.descriptorType == typeAEList) { |
// Extract the N'th element from the list of tokens. |
err = AEGetNthDesc(&tokenData.token, elementIndex, typeWildCard, &junkKeyword, &tokenData.token); |
// Create a new container specifier with the single token rather than |
// a list and put it back into the object specifier. |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = AECreateDesc(typeToken, &tokenData, sizeof(tokenData), &newContainer); |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = AEPutParamDesc(&boundRec, keyAEContainer, &newContainer); |
} |
} else { |
// Do nothing. See comment above. |
} |
} |
} else { |
// Do nothing. |
} |
} |
// Coerce the resulting boundary record back to an object specifier. |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = AECoerceDesc(&boundRec, typeObjectSpecifier, &adjustedBound); |
} |
} else { |
err = AEDuplicateDesc(&bound, &adjustedBound); |
} |
} |
// Put the resulting object specifier into the adjustedBound record. |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = AEPutParamDesc(adjustedRangeRecord, boundKeyword, &adjustedBound); |
} |
// Clean up. |
MoreAEDisposeDesc(&bound); |
MoreAEDisposeDesc(&adjustedBound); |
MoreAEDisposeDesc(&boundRec); |
MoreAEDisposeDesc(&containerDesc); |
MoreAEDisposeDesc(&newContainer); |
return err; |
} |
static OSStatus AdjustFormRangeSelectionData(const AEDesc *selectionData, SInt32 elementIndex, AEDesc *adjustedSelectionData) |
// This routine is called as part of the formRange handling for lists. |
// See the comments above (formRange for typeAEList) for the big picture. |
// |
// This routine is responsible for taking the selection data and munging |
// the container specifiers for each of the boundary object specifiers from |
// a list of tokens to a specific token (the elementIndex'th element of |
// the list). |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
AERecord rangeRecord; |
AERecord adjustedRangeRecord; |
MoreAssertQ(selectionData != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(selectionData->descriptorType == typeRangeDescriptor); |
MoreAssertQ(elementIndex >= 1); |
MoreAssertQ(adjustedSelectionData != nil); |
MoreAENullDesc(adjustedSelectionData); |
MoreAENullDesc(&rangeRecord); |
MoreAENullDesc(&adjustedRangeRecord); |
// Coerce the typeRangeDescriptor to an AERecord so that we can |
// operate on its elements. Then create the output AERecord. |
err = AECoerceDesc(selectionData, typeAERecord, &rangeRecord); |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = AECreateList(nil, 0, true, &adjustedRangeRecord); |
} |
// Call AdjustFormRangeBound to fix up each of the boundary objects, |
// then coerce our record back to a typeRangeDescriptor. |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = AdjustFormRangeBound(&rangeRecord, keyAERangeStart, elementIndex, &adjustedRangeRecord); |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = AdjustFormRangeBound(&rangeRecord, keyAERangeStop, elementIndex, &adjustedRangeRecord); |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = AECoerceDesc(&adjustedRangeRecord, typeRangeDescriptor, adjustedSelectionData); |
} |
// Clean up. |
MoreAEDisposeDesc(&rangeRecord); |
MoreAEDisposeDesc(&adjustedRangeRecord); |
if (err != noErr) { |
MoreAEDisposeDesc(adjustedSelectionData); |
} |
return err; |
} |
// "Deep" Resolution versus "Shallow" Resolution |
// --------------------------------------------- |
// MOSLÕs method of resolving elements of lists is called "deep" resolution. |
// The distinction between deep and shallow is exemplified by the following |
// AppleScript snippet. |
// |
// tell application "Finder |
// file 1 of every item of startup disk |
// end tell |
// |
// In shallow resolution (which is what the Finder implements), this would |
// return the first file in the root directory of the startup disk. In |
// deep resolution, this would return a list, with one element per item |
// in the root directory, where each element is either the first file of |
// that item (if the item is a folder and it contains a file), or the |
// special value "missing value" otherwise. |
// |
// Deep resolution is the resolution method recommended by the AppleScript |
// engineering team, and is also explicitly recommended by the AppleScript |
// Language Guide (v1.3.7, p172): |
// |
// If you specify an every element reference as the container for [... |
// an] object, the result is a list containing the specified [...] |
// object for each object of the container. |
// |
// Deep resolution has its difficulties. See: |
// |
// o You have to do a special hack to make "repeat with doc in every document" |
// work properly. See the comments at the call site for PseudoCListAccessor. |
// |
// o Making formRange work was very tricky. See the comment above |
// (formRange for typeAEList) for details. |
static OSStatus PseudoCListAccessor(DescType desiredClass, const AEDescList *container, |
DescType form, const AEDesc *selectionData, |
AEDesc *value) |
// PseudoCListAccessor is the sub-routine of PseudoClassOSLAccessorProc |
// that handles requests to get objects from a list. For example, |
// if you execute the event "get name of every document", OSL will |
// call ClassOSLAccessorProc to get every document. That returns a list |
// of tokens. OSL will then try to get the name of that list. When |
// it does, it ends up here. |
// |
// The technique we use is to iterate through the list, extracting each |
// element and calling AECallObjectAccessor on it, then placing the resulting |
// value in the response list. AECallObjectAccessor redispatches the object |
// access to the accessor routine appropriate for the class of the element. |
// Typically this involves calling back to either our ClassOSLAccessorProc |
// (if the element is a real class) or PseudoClassOSLAccessorProc (if the |
// element is itself a list). |
// |
// There are two notable special cases: |
// |
// 1. formRange -- If weÕre accessing elements by formRange, we have to |
// fix up the object specifiers for the boundary objects. This is |
// discussed in depth in the comments immediately above this routine. |
// |
// 2. missing value -- If the AECallObjectAccessor returns an error |
// (indicating that this object is missing for some reason), we swallow |
// the error and substitute the "missing value" value. However, if |
// when we get to the end we find that weÕve not generated any useful |
// data, we raise an error. |
// |
// 3. lists of lists -- If the result we get from AECallObjectAccessor is a list, |
// we append its contents to our results list rather than simply inserting a list |
// into our results list. This ensures that lists of lists come out flat |
// rather than nested, which is what our MOSLAppleEventHandler routine (and a |
// scripter targeting the application) expects. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
SInt32 elementCount; |
SInt32 elementIndex; |
AEDesc thisElement; |
AEDesc thisValue; |
AEDesc thisSelectionData; |
AEKeyword junkKeyword; |
SInt32 missingValueCount; |
MoreAssertQ(container != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(container->descriptorType == typeAEList); |
MoreAssertQ(selectionData != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(value != nil); |
MoreAENullDesc(value); |
// Count the elements in the list and create an output list. |
err = AECountItems(container, &elementCount); |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = AECreateList(nil, 0, false, value); |
} |
// Iterate through the elements in the list. For each element, |
// call AECallObjectAccessor to access the data within that element, |
// then place the results into our output list. Oh yeah, and handle |
// some special cases (-: |
if (err == noErr) { |
missingValueCount = 0; |
for (elementIndex = 1; elementIndex <= elementCount; elementIndex++) { |
MoreAENullDesc(&thisElement); |
MoreAENullDesc(&thisValue); |
MoreAENullDesc(&thisSelectionData); |
err = AEGetNthDesc(container, elementIndex, typeWildCard, &junkKeyword, &thisElement); |
if (err == noErr) { |
// If weÕre accessing elements by formRange, fix up the selection data |
// for this element, otherwise use the standard selection data that was |
// passed into us for each element. |
if (form == formRange) { |
err = AdjustFormRangeSelectionData(selectionData, elementIndex, &thisSelectionData); |
} else { |
err = AEDuplicateDesc(selectionData, &thisSelectionData); |
} |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = AECallObjectAccessor(desiredClass, &thisElement, thisElement.descriptorType, form, &thisSelectionData, &thisValue); |
// If we got an error resolving this object, substitute the "missing value" |
// value. Originally I had this test for just errAENoSuchObject, but it |
// turns out that other legitimate errors need this treatment as well. |
if (err != noErr) { |
MoreAssertQ(thisValue.descriptorType == typeNull); |
missingValueCount += 1; |
err = MoreAECreateMissingValue(&thisValue); |
} |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
// Question: |
// Do we want to append lists in all cases, or only when the object specifier |
// is of "every foo of every bar"? My vote, and the current implementation, |
// is that we always append and never return nested lists. This is somewhat |
// contadictory to the exact text of the AppleScript Language Guide, but in |
// line with most applications. |
if (thisValue.descriptorType == typeAEList) { |
err = MoreAEAppendListToList(&thisValue, value); |
} else { |
err = AEPutDesc(value, 0, &thisValue); |
} |
} |
MoreAEDisposeDesc(&thisElement); |
MoreAEDisposeDesc(&thisValue); |
MoreAEDisposeDesc(&thisSelectionData); |
if (err != noErr) { |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
// If all elements are missing values, we raise an error rather than |
// return a list containing only "missing value" elements. |
if (err == noErr && missingValueCount == elementCount) { |
err = errAENoSuchObject; |
} |
if (err != noErr) { |
MoreAEDisposeDesc(value); |
} |
return err; |
} |
static OSStatus PseudoCListCount(const AEDescList *dirObj, const AppleEvent *theEvent, AEDesc *result) |
// This routine is called out of the primary Apple event dispatcher |
// when we detect a "count" event whose direct object is a list. |
// IÕve placed the routine here so as to group it with the other code |
// that has to special case typeAEList within MOSL. If we didnÕt have |
// this routine, "count every document" would return a list of |
// N elements, where N is the number of documents, each element being 1. |
// Instead, this routine just counts the elements of the list and returns |
// a single result being that count. |
// |
// This code has a lot in common with MOSLGeneralCount, but itÕs hard |
// to combine the two because MOSLGeneralCount works in terms of tokens |
// and we donÕt have a token to represent an Apple Event Manager list. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
AEDesc typeOfElementToCountDesc; |
DescType typeOfElementToCount; |
SInt32 elementCount; |
SInt32 elementIndex; |
SInt32 countResult; |
AEKeyword junkKeyword; |
AEDesc thisElement; |
MOSLClassIndex junkClass; |
MoreAssertQ(dirObj != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(dirObj->descriptorType == typeAEList); |
MoreAssertQ(theEvent != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(result != nil); |
if (gDebugFlags & kMOSLLogOSLMask) { |
BBLogLine("\pPseudoCListCount"); |
BBLogIndent(); |
BBLogDesc("\pdirObj", dirObj); |
BBLogAppleEvent("\ptheEvent", theEvent); |
} |
MoreAENullDesc(result); |
MoreAENullDesc(&typeOfElementToCountDesc); |
// Extract the type of element weÕre supposed to be counting. |
err = AEGetParamDesc(theEvent, keyAEObjectClass, typeWildCard, &typeOfElementToCountDesc); |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = MOSLCoerceObjDescToPtr(&typeOfElementToCountDesc, typeType, &typeOfElementToCount, sizeof(typeOfElementToCount)); |
} else if (err == errAEDescNotFound) { |
typeOfElementToCount = cObject; |
err = noErr; |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
if (gDebugFlags & kMOSLLogOSLMask) { |
BBLogDescType("\ptypeOfElementToCount", typeOfElementToCount); |
} |
err = MoreAEGotRequiredParams(theEvent); |
} |
// Start by just counting the total number of elements in the list. |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = AECountItems(dirObj, &countResult); |
} |
// If weÕre not counting cObject, then the number of elements in the list |
// is not the right answer. We have to iterate through all the list elements |
// seeing which ones are of the right type. If the elementÕs type is in |
// our class table, we do type equality using the "coerceToken" object primitive. |
if ((err == noErr) && (typeOfElementToCount != cObject)) { |
elementCount = countResult; |
countResult = 0; |
for (elementIndex = 1; elementIndex <= elementCount; elementIndex++) { |
MoreAENullDesc(&thisElement); |
err = AEGetNthDesc(dirObj, elementIndex, typeWildCard, &junkKeyword, &thisElement); |
if (err == noErr) { |
if (ClassIDToClassIndex(thisElement.descriptorType, &junkClass) == noErr) { |
MOSLToken thisElementTok; |
DescToMOSLToken(&thisElement, &thisElementTok); |
if ( CallClassCoerceToken(&thisElementTok, typeOfElementToCount, nil) == noErr ) { |
countResult += 1; |
} |
} else { |
if (thisElement.descriptorType == typeOfElementToCount) { |
countResult += 1; |
} |
} |
} |
MoreAEDisposeDesc(&thisElement); |
if (err != noErr) { |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
// Finally, place the count into the result descriptor. |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = AECreateDesc(typeLongInteger, &countResult, sizeof(countResult), result); |
} |
MoreAEDisposeDesc(&typeOfElementToCountDesc); |
if (gDebugFlags & kMOSLLogOSLMask) { |
BBLogDesc("\p<result", result); |
BBLogOutdentWithErr(err); |
} |
return err; |
} |
static OSStatus PseudoCFileAccessor(DescType desiredClass, const AEDescList *container, |
DescType form, const AEDesc *selectionData, |
AEDesc *value) |
// AppleScript provides a built-in coercion between cFile and typeFSS. |
// This is all well and good, but in a class-first dispatching system, |
// the fact that AppleScript sends us object specifiers for a class that |
// we donÕt recognise gets us into trouble. We work around this by |
// providing an object accessor for type file that creates a file token |
// (an FSSpec!) by reconstructing the original object specifier and |
// calling AECoerceDesc on it. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
AEDesc fileObjSpec; |
MoreAENullDesc(&fileObjSpec); |
// Rebuild an object specifier from the incoming parameters. In reality, |
// we only need to worry about formName, but we might as well use the general |
// case code. |
// |
// Note that we have to cast our parameters to (AEDesc *) because the |
// OSL routines donÕt take a const parameter. The cast is, however, safe |
// because we pass false to the routineÕs disposeInputs parameter. |
err = CreateObjSpecifier(desiredClass, (AEDesc *) container, form, (AEDesc *) selectionData, false, &fileObjSpec); |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = AECoerceDesc(&fileObjSpec, typeFSS, value); |
} |
MoreAEDisposeDesc(&fileObjSpec); |
return err; |
} |
// When we register PseudoClassOSLAccessorProc with OSL, we do so with an |
// accessorRefCon that allows it to quickly determine the job at hand. |
enum { |
kPseudoCListIndex = -1, // accessing objects within typeAEList |
kPseudoCPropertyIndex = -2, // accessing objects within typeProperty |
kPseudoCFileIndex = -3 // accessing contents of cFile |
}; |
static OSLAccessorUPP gPseudoClassOSLAccessorUPP; // -> PseudoClassOSLAccessorProc |
static pascal OSErr PseudoClassOSLAccessorProc(DescType desiredClass, const AEDesc *container, DescType containerClass, |
DescType form, const AEDesc *selectionData, |
AEDesc *value, SInt32 accessorRefCon) |
// PseudoClassOSLAccessorProc is a secondary OSL object accessor callback we |
// supply to OSL. It is responsible for accessing objects within objects |
// that donÕt belong to us, such as objects of typeAEList or typeProperty. |
// For example, if you ask for "name of parent of node 1 of window 1", the |
// ClassOSLAccessorProc is called to get window 1 of the application, then |
// to get node 1 of the window, then to get parent of the node. But the |
// parent itself is of typeProperty, so OSL needs some way to get its name. |
// We archieve this by installing PseudoClassOSLAccessorProc as the accessor |
// for typeProperty, with the accessorRefCon set to kPseudoCPropertyIndex. |
// When OSL calls this routine, we call a sub-routine (PseudoCPropertyAccessor) |
// that gets the token for the property and then redispatches the object |
// access to that token. |
// |
// A similar approach is needed for accessing objects within lists and |
// for handling AppleScriptÕs built-in (but not quite built-in enough) |
// cFile class. |
// |
// See also ClassOSLAccessorProc, which is used to access objects |
// within classes that are in the class table. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
MoreAssertQ(container != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(selectionData != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(value != nil); |
if (gDebugFlags & kMOSLLogOSLMask) { |
BBLogLine("\pPseudoClassOSLAccessorProc"); |
BBLogIndent(); |
BBLogDescType("\pdesiredClass", desiredClass); |
BBLogDesc("\pcontainer", container); |
BBLogDescType("\pcontainerClass", containerClass); |
BBLogDescType("\pform", form); |
BBLogDesc("\pselectionData", selectionData); |
BBLogLong("\paccessorRefCon", accessorRefCon); |
} |
MoreAENullDesc(value); |
// Dispatch to the appropriate sub-routine based on the accessorRefCon. |
switch (accessorRefCon) { |
case kPseudoCPropertyIndex: |
err = PseudoCPropertyAccessor(desiredClass, container, containerClass, form, selectionData, value); |
break; |
case kPseudoCListIndex: |
switch (form) { |
case formAbsolutePosition: |
case formUserPropertyID: |
case formPropertyID: |
case formRange: |
// The following special case (accessing cObjects in typeAELists by |
// absolution position) is a hack to get: |
// |
// repeat with doc in every document |
// ... do something with doc ... |
// end repeat |
// |
// to work property. This AppleScript construct generates these object |
// specifiers, and we have to handle them a shallow fashion (see |
// "Deep" Resolution versus "Shallow" Resolution, above) in order for |
// this construct to work property [2445795]. IÕm somewhat leary of this |
// hacked up solution because it assumes that the selectionData |
// is always a positive integer. What about typeAbsoluteOrdinal? Well, |
// AppleScript never seems to send us these in this context, so IÕm going |
// to ignore the possibility told otherwise. |
if ((form == formAbsolutePosition) && (desiredClass == cObject)) { |
SInt32 index; |
AEKeyword junkKeyword; |
err = MOSLCoerceObjDescToPtr(selectionData, typeLongInteger, &index, sizeof(index)); |
if (err == noErr) { |
AEGetNthDesc(container, index, typeWildCard, &junkKeyword, value); |
} |
} else { |
err = PseudoCListAccessor(desiredClass, container, form, selectionData, value); |
} |
break; |
default: |
err = errAEBadKeyForm; |
break; |
} |
break; |
case kPseudoCFileIndex: |
err = PseudoCFileAccessor(desiredClass, container, form, selectionData, value); |
break; |
default: |
MoreAssertQ(false); |
err = errAENoSuchObject; |
break; |
} |
if (err != noErr) { |
MoreAEDisposeDesc(value); |
} |
if (gDebugFlags & kMOSLLogOSLMask) { |
BBLogDesc("\p<value", value); |
BBLogOutdentWithErr(err); |
} |
return err; |
} |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
#pragma mark ----- Apple Event Resolve and Dispatch ----- |
// The Apple event dispatch mechanism is based on the "class first" approach. |
// When the client initialises MOSL, we install an event handler for all of |
// the events in the clientÕs event table. In fact, we install the same |
// event handler (MOSLAppleEventHandler) for each of these events. When |
// that routine runs, it attempts to resolve the direct object for the event. |
// The direct object resolution yield one of 4 results: |
// |
// 1. single token of one of our classes -- We then dispatch the event |
// to that classÕs event handler. If we canÕt find the class in the class |
// table (for example, if you donÕt have a class for typeAlias and this |
// is on "open documents" event), we dispatch the event to the gDefaultHandler. |
// 2. list of tokens for our classes -- In response, we iterate through |
// the list, dispatching each elementing, and accumulating the responses |
// in a results list. |
// 3. no direct object -- If the event accepts no direct object (indicated |
// by a field in the event table entry for that event), we dispatch |
// the event to the cApplication classÕs handler. |
// 4. an error -- If the event accepts bad direct objects (indicated |
// by a field in the event table entry for that event; this is typically |
// only the case for the "exists" event), we dispatch the event to the |
// cApplication classÕs handler. |
static OSStatus DispatchEvent(const AppleEvent *theEvent, MOSLEventIndex eventIndex, const AEDesc *resolvedDirObj, |
AEDesc *result) |
// This routine is a sub-routine of the main Apple event dispatcher |
// (MOSLAppleEventHandler). Once MOSLAppleEventHandler has resolved |
// the direct object, it calls this routine to actually dispatch an |
// event to the class of that object. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
AEEventClass dirObjClass; |
MOSLToken dirObjTok; |
MOSLClassIndex classIndex; |
MOSLClassEventHandler handler; |
MoreAssertQ(theEvent != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(eventIndex < gEventTableSize); |
MoreAssertQ(resolvedDirObj != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(result != nil); |
if (gDebugFlags & kMOSLLogDispatchMask) { |
BBLogLine("\pDispatchEvent"); |
BBLogIndent(); |
BBLogAppleEvent("\ptheEvent", theEvent); |
BBLogLong("\peventIndex", eventIndex); |
BBLogDesc("\presolvedDirObj", resolvedDirObj); |
} |
MoreAENullDesc(result); |
err = noErr; |
// We now have a single resolved direct obj (in resolvedDirObj) |
// that either contains data or a token. The descriptor type |
// is either typeNull (no direct object), cApplication (a |
// root application object token), a real token, or some class |
// weÕve not heard of. We use the dirObjReq field of the event |
// table to make a first check of the direct object. |
switch (gEventTable[eventIndex].dirObjReq) { |
case kMOSLDOBadOK: |
case kMOSLDOOptional: |
// do nothing |
break; |
case kMOSLDORequired: |
if (resolvedDirObj->descriptorType == typeNull) { |
err = kMOSLDirectObjectRequiredErr; |
} |
break; |
case kMOSLDOIllegal: |
if (resolvedDirObj->descriptorType != typeNull) { |
err = kMOSLDirectObjectNotAllowedErr; |
} |
break; |
default: |
MoreAssertQ(false); |
break; |
} |
// Now we dispatch the event. We start by determining the class |
// of the direct object. This is somewhat tricky because the |
// descriptorType for a property token is always typeProperty, |
// and but we want to dispatch events for properties to the |
// class for the object containing the property. |
if (err == noErr) { |
if (resolvedDirObj->descriptorType == typeProperty) { |
DescToMOSLToken(resolvedDirObj, &dirObjTok); |
dirObjClass = dirObjTok.tokObjType; |
} else { |
dirObjClass = resolvedDirObj->descriptorType; |
if (dirObjClass == typeNull) { |
dirObjClass = cApplication; |
} |
} |
// Now we look up the class in our class table. If we find |
// it, we call the appropriate event handler in the classÕs |
// event handler table. If we donÕt find it, we send the event |
// through to the clientÕs default handler. |
err = ClassIDToClassIndex(dirObjClass, &classIndex); |
if (err == noErr) { |
handler = gClassTable[classIndex].eventHandlers[eventIndex]; |
if (handler == nil) { |
err = errAECantHandleClass; |
} else { |
DescToMOSLToken(resolvedDirObj, &dirObjTok); |
err = handler(&dirObjTok, theEvent, result); |
} |
} else if (err == errAECantHandleClass) { |
// OK, this is a bit of a hack, but itÕs relatively clean so I decided |
// not to employ a more sophisticated solution. When we resolve object |
// references on lists (for example, "node 1 of every document"), we can |
// run into a situation where some of the elements in the list donÕt have |
// the appropriate value. In that case, the PseudoCListAccessor routine |
// fills out the entry in the resulting list with the special "missing value" |
// value. |
// |
// The class of that value is typeType, which isnÕt in our class |
// table. So our default action would be to pass the value along to the |
// applicationÕs default handler. But the application didnÕt generate |
// these values, so itÕs kinda lame to offload them to the application. |
// So we special case the "get data" event on "missing value" and return |
// missing value. This allows the "get data" event to succeed where |
// the direct object is a list containing missing values. |
// |
// After implementing this, I actually generalised it to support the "get data" |
// event on any data object that resolves but isnÕt in the class table. |
// This makes constructs like the following work. |
// |
// tell application "TestMoreOSL" |
// set x to "Macintosh HD:Test File" |
// set y to file x |
// end tell |
if (gEventTable[eventIndex].classID == kAECoreSuite |
&& gEventTable[eventIndex].eventID == kAEGetData) { |
err = AEDuplicateDesc(resolvedDirObj, result); |
} else { |
// Dispatch events whose direct object is an unknown class |
// to the default application handler. |
if (gDefaultHandler == nil) { |
err = errAEEventNotHandled; |
} else { |
err = gDefaultHandler(resolvedDirObj, theEvent, eventIndex, result); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
if (gDebugFlags & kMOSLLogDispatchMask) { |
BBLogDesc("\p<result", result); |
BBLogOutdentWithErr(err); |
} |
return err; |
} |
static OSStatus RecursiveResolve(const AEDesc *obj, AEDesc *resolvedObj) |
// This routine is called by the primary Apple event dispatcher |
// (MOSLAppleEventHandler) to resolve the direct object of an event. |
// ItÕs recursive because the direct object might be a list of tokens. |
// If it is, we want to resolve any tokens within that list. We |
// do that by iterating through the list calling ourself on each element. |
// Note that, if the result of this recursive call is a list, we |
// append the result to our output list rather than embedding it in |
// the list. This ensures that the resolvedObj that we eventually pass |
// back to the caller is always either a single object or a flat |
// list of objects. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
SInt32 elementCount; |
SInt32 elementIndex; |
AEDesc thisObj; |
AEDesc thisResolvedObj; |
AEKeyword junkKeyword; |
MoreAssertQ(obj != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(resolvedObj != nil); |
if (gDebugFlags & kMOSLLogDispatchMask) { |
BBLogLine("\pRecursiveResolve"); |
BBLogIndent(); |
BBLogDesc("\pobj", obj); |
} |
MoreAENullDesc(resolvedObj); |
// If obj is a list, iterate through the list calling ourself and adding |
// the results to our output list. |
if (obj->descriptorType == typeAEList) { |
err = AECountItems(obj, &elementCount); |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = AECreateList(nil, 0, false, resolvedObj); |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
for (elementIndex = 1; elementIndex <= elementCount; elementIndex++) { |
MoreAENullDesc(&thisObj); |
MoreAENullDesc(&thisResolvedObj); |
err = AEGetNthDesc(obj, elementIndex, typeWildCard, &junkKeyword, &thisObj); |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = RecursiveResolve(&thisObj, &thisResolvedObj); |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
if (thisResolvedObj.descriptorType == typeAEList) { |
err = MoreAEAppendListToList(&thisResolvedObj, resolvedObj); |
} else { |
err = AEPutDesc(resolvedObj, 0, &thisResolvedObj); |
} |
} |
MoreAEDisposeDesc(&thisObj); |
MoreAEDisposeDesc(&thisResolvedObj); |
if (err != noErr) { |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
} else { |
// Otherwise just try to resolve obj. If obj isnÕt an object, |
// we just duplicate it into the output so that things like |
// lists of aliases work correctly. |
// |
// IMPORTANT: The result from AEResolve is always either a single |
// object or a flat list of objects because the PseudoCListAccessor |
// will always append lists to its output rather than just inserting them. |
// This, combined with the list append in this routine, ensures that |
// the result from RecursiveResolve is always either a single object |
// or a flat list of objects. |
err = AEResolve(obj, kAEIDoMinimum, resolvedObj); |
if (err == errAENotAnObjSpec) { |
err = AEDuplicateDesc(obj, resolvedObj); |
} |
} |
if (err != noErr) { |
MoreAEDisposeDesc(resolvedObj); |
} |
if (gDebugFlags & kMOSLLogDispatchMask) { |
BBLogDesc("\p<resolvedObj", resolvedObj); |
BBLogOutdentWithErr(err); |
} |
return err; |
} |
static OSStatus ProcessExistsResult(AEDescList *existsList) |
// This routine is called by the primary Apple event dispatcher |
// (MOSLAppleEventHandler) after it has finished processing a list of |
// objects and the event indicates (in its entry in the event table) |
// that the result is a list of Booleans that should be collapsed into |
// a single Boolean by ANDing. This result processing is typically |
// only used by the "exists" Apple event, hence the name of the this routine. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
AEDescList output; |
SInt32 elementCount; |
SInt32 elementIndex; |
AEKeyword junkKeyword; |
DescType junkActualType; |
Size junkActualSize; |
Boolean thisValue; |
Boolean accumulatedResult; |
MoreAENullDesc(&output); |
// Iterate through each item in the list. For each item, extract |
// the item as a Boolean and ANDing it into accumulatedResult. |
err = AECountItems(existsList, &elementCount); |
if (err == noErr) { |
accumulatedResult = true; |
for (elementIndex = 1; elementIndex <= elementCount; elementIndex++) { |
err = AEGetNthPtr(existsList, elementIndex, typeBoolean, &junkKeyword, |
&junkActualType, &thisValue, sizeof(thisValue), &junkActualSize); |
if (err == noErr) { |
MoreAssertQ(junkActualType == typeBoolean); |
MoreAssertQ(junkActualSize == sizeof(Boolean)); |
accumulatedResult = thisValue; |
} |
if ((err != noErr) || !accumulatedResult) { |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
// Create the output descriptor and, if all goes well, dispose of the input |
// list and return the output single item. |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = AECreateDesc(typeBoolean, &accumulatedResult, sizeof(accumulatedResult), &output); |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
MoreAEDisposeDesc(existsList); |
*existsList = output; |
} else { |
MoreAEDisposeDesc(&output); |
} |
return err; |
} |
static pascal void MOSLErrorToString(OSStatus errNum, Str255 errStr) |
// This routine is the default error to string routine for MOSL. |
// If the client passes nil to the errorToStringProc parameter of |
// InitMoreOSL, this is the error to string processing that you |
// get. As you can see, this routine a) only handles errors that |
// MOSL raises and not any custom errors that might be returned |
// by the clientÕs callbacks, and b) is localised into "programmerese". |
// A real scripting application will override this routine by |
// passing a real error to string proc to InitMoreOSL. |
{ |
MoreAssertQ(errStr != nil); |
switch (errNum) { |
case kMOSLDirectObjectRequiredErr: PLstrcpy(errStr, "\pkMOSLDirectObjectRequiredErr"); break; |
case kMOSLDirectObjectNotAllowedErr: PLstrcpy(errStr, "\pkMOSLDirectObjectNotAllowedErr"); break; |
case kMOSLUnrecognisedOperatorErr: PLstrcpy(errStr, "\pkMOSLUnrecognisedOperatorErr"); break; |
case kMOSLCantRelateObjectsErr: PLstrcpy(errStr, "\pkMOSLCantRelateObjectsErr"); break; |
case kMOSLStringOperatorNotSupported: PLstrcpy(errStr, "\pkMOSLStringOperatorNotSupported"); break; |
case kMOSLClassHasNoElementsOfThisTypeErr: PLstrcpy(errStr, "\pkMOSLClassHasNoElementsOfThisTypeErr"); break; |
case kMOSLBoundaryNotInSameContainerErr: PLstrcpy(errStr, "\pkMOSLBoundaryNotInSameContainerErr"); break; |
case kMOSLBoundaryMustBeObjectErr: PLstrcpy(errStr, "\pkMOSLBoundaryMustBeObjectErr"); break; |
case kMOSLBoundaryMustBeCompatibleErr: PLstrcpy(errStr, "\pkMOSLBoundaryMustBeCompatibleErr"); break; |
default: |
// do nothing |
break; |
} |
} |
static void PutErrorIntoReply(AppleEvent *theReply, OSStatus errNum) |
// This routine is called by the primary Apple event dispatcher |
// (MOSLAppleEventHandler) after it has finished dispatching an event |
// and has a non-zero error number to place into the result event. |
// The implementation simply calls out to the gErrorToStringProc, |
// which is set up by InitMoreOSL to either the clientÕs error to |
// string callback or our default (and bogus) MOSLErrorToString |
// routine. |
{ |
OSStatus junk; |
Str255 errStr; |
MoreAssertQ(theReply != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(theReply->descriptorType != typeNull); |
MoreAssertQ(errNum != noErr); |
errStr[0] = 0; |
MoreAssertQ(gErrorToStringProc != nil); |
gErrorToStringProc(errNum, errStr); |
if (errStr[0] != 0) { |
junk = AEPutParamPtr(theReply, keyErrorString, typeText, &errStr[1], errStr[0]); |
MoreAssertQ(junk == noErr); |
} |
} |
static AEEventHandlerUPP gMOSLAppleEventHandlerUPP; // -> MOSLAppleEventHandler |
static pascal OSErr MOSLAppleEventHandler(const AppleEvent *theEvent, AppleEvent *theReply, UInt32 handlerRefCon) |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
MOSLEventIndex eventIndex; |
AEDesc dirObj; |
AEDesc resolvedDirObj; |
AEDesc result; |
SInt32 elementCount; |
SInt32 elementIndex; |
AEKeyword junkKeyword; |
AEDesc thisElement; |
AEDesc thisResult; |
MoreAssertQ(theEvent != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(theReply != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(handlerRefCon >= 0 && handlerRefCon < gEventTableSize); |
if (gDebugFlags & kMOSLLogDispatchMask) { |
BBLogLine("\pMOSLAppleEventHandler"); |
BBLogIndent(); |
BBLogAppleEvent("\ptheEvent", theEvent); |
BBLogLong("\phandlerRefCon", handlerRefCon); |
} |
MoreAENullDesc(&dirObj); |
MoreAENullDesc(&result); |
MoreAENullDesc(&resolvedDirObj); |
// First check that we werenÕt called for some event thatÕs not in the |
// event table. This shouldnÕt happen (hence the assert above), but |
// we donÕt want to do bogus things if it does. |
if (handlerRefCon >= 0 && handlerRefCon < gEventTableSize) { |
eventIndex = handlerRefCon; |
err = noErr; |
} else { |
err = errAEEventNotHandled; |
} |
// Next extract and resolve the direct object. If the event accepts |
// a bad direct object, swallow the error and continue with a null direct object. |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = AEGetParamDesc(theEvent, keyDirectObject, typeWildCard, &dirObj); |
} |
if (err == errAEDescNotFound) { |
MoreAssertQ(dirObj.descriptorType == typeNull); |
err = noErr; |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
if (dirObj.descriptorType == typeNull) { |
// resolvedDirObj was inited to typeNull by the MoreAENullDesc call above. |
MoreAssertQ(resolvedDirObj.descriptorType == typeNull); |
err = noErr; |
} else { |
err = RecursiveResolve(&dirObj, &resolvedDirObj); |
if ((err != noErr) && (gEventTable[eventIndex].dirObjReq == kMOSLDOBadOK)) { |
MoreAEDisposeDesc(&resolvedDirObj); |
MoreAssertQ(resolvedDirObj.descriptorType == typeNull); |
err = noErr; |
} |
} |
} |
// Handle the various direct object responses: |
// |
// o If the direct object is a list and this is the "count" event, forward the |
// event direct to the PseudoCListCount routine. |
// o If the direct object is a list and this isnÕt the "count", iterate |
// through the list, repeatedly dispatching the event (DispatchEvent) to each item. |
// o If the direct object is a single object, just call DispatchEvent directly. |
if (err == noErr) { |
if ((resolvedDirObj.descriptorType == typeAEList) && (gEventTable[eventIndex].resultAction == kMOSLReturnCountList)) { |
err = PseudoCListCount(&resolvedDirObj, theEvent, &result); |
} else if (resolvedDirObj.descriptorType == typeAEList) { |
// Iterate through the list, extracting each element and dispatching |
// the event to that element. Place the resulting data into list. |
err = AECountItems(&resolvedDirObj, &elementCount); |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = AECreateList(nil, 0, false, &result); |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
for (elementIndex = 1; elementIndex <= elementCount; elementIndex++) { |
MoreAENullDesc(&thisElement); |
MoreAENullDesc(&thisResult); |
err = AEGetNthDesc(&resolvedDirObj, elementIndex, typeWildCard, &junkKeyword, &thisElement); |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = DispatchEvent(theEvent, eventIndex, &thisElement, &thisResult); |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
// Put the result into the resulting list, except if the event indicates |
// that it doesnÕt return any result. For events with no result, we |
// just leave the list empty so that the clean up code (below) can |
// ensure that the entire result for the list is typeNull rather than |
// typeAEList with no elements. |
if ((thisResult.descriptorType != typeNull) || (gEventTable[eventIndex].resultAction != kMOSLReturnNone)) { |
err = AEPutDesc(&result, 0, &thisResult); |
} |
} |
// Clean up. |
MoreAEDisposeDesc(&thisElement); |
MoreAEDisposeDesc(&thisResult); |
if (err != noErr) { |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
// Post-process the results list based on the specification for this |
// event in the event table. There are three relevant cases: |
// |
// o kMOSLReturnNone -- If the event returns no data and the results |
// list is empty, we make sure to return a typeNull result rather |
// than an empty typeAEList. |
// |
// o kMOSLReturnDefault -- This is the standard action; we just return |
// the list of results unmodified. |
// |
// o kMOSLReturnCollapseBooleanList -- This is typically set for the |
// "exists" event and our response is to call ProcessExistsResult, |
// which collapses a list of Booleans into a single Boolean by |
// ANDing them together. |
if (err == noErr) { |
switch (gEventTable[eventIndex].resultAction) { |
case kMOSLReturnNone: |
err = AECountItems(&result, &elementCount); |
if ((err == noErr) && (elementCount == 0)) { |
MoreAEDisposeDesc(&result); |
MoreAssertQ(result.descriptorType == typeNull); |
} |
break; |
case kMOSLReturnDefault: |
// do nothing |
break; |
case kMOSLReturnCollapseBooleanList: |
err = ProcessExistsResult(&result); |
break; |
// kMOSLReturnCountList goes through otherwise branch |
default: |
MoreAssertQ(false); |
err = errAEEventFailed; |
break; |
} |
} |
} else { |
// The direct object is a single item. Just send the event to the object. |
err = DispatchEvent(theEvent, eventIndex, &resolvedDirObj, &result); |
} |
} |
// Clean up. |
if (theReply->descriptorType != typeNull) { |
if (err == noErr) { |
// Put the result into the reply Apple event. We donÕt do this if |
// the result is null and the event is known not to produce a result; |
// without this check the Script Editor shows "current application" |
// as the result of these "no result" Apple events. |
if (gEventTable[eventIndex].resultAction != kMOSLReturnNone |
|| result.descriptorType != typeNull) { |
err = AEPutParamDesc(theReply, keyAEResult, &result); |
} |
} |
if (err != noErr) { |
PutErrorIntoReply(theReply, err); |
} |
} |
MoreAEDisposeDesc(&resolvedDirObj); |
MoreAEDisposeDesc(&result); |
MoreAEDisposeDesc(&dirObj); |
if (gDebugFlags & kMOSLLogDispatchMask) { |
BBLogOutdentWithErr(err); |
} |
return err; |
} |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
#pragma mark ----- Debug Stuff ----- |
// While writing MOSL I invented some useful debugging technology that IÕve |
// kept in the source to assist in future development. |
// |
// 1. We install a coercion from our token types to text so that the BBLogMOSLToken |
// can just create a descriptor containing the token and call through to BBLogDesc, |
// which will coerce the token to text by means of this handler. |
// |
// 2. We install a default object accessor that OSL calls when thereÕs no more specific |
// accessor. This lets us see when OSL is trying to access an object that weÕre |
// not handling properly. |
static AECoercePtrUPP gDebugTokenCoerceUPP; // -> DebugTokenCoerceProc |
static pascal OSErr DebugTokenCoerceProc(DescType typeCode, const void *dataPtr, Size dataSize, DescType toType, SInt32 handlerRefCon, AEDesc *result) |
// This routine is an Apple Event Manager coercion callback that |
// we install to coerce each of our token types to text. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
MOSLTokenPtr tokPtr; |
Str255 output; |
Str255 tmpStr; |
MoreAssertQ(dataPtr != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(dataSize == sizeof(MOSLToken)); |
MoreAssertQ(toType == typeText); |
MoreAssertQ(handlerRefCon == 0); |
MoreAssertQ(result != nil); |
MoreAENullDesc(result); |
tokPtr = (MOSLTokenPtr) dataPtr; |
MoreAssertQ(typeCode == tokPtr->tokType); |
PLstrcpy(output, "\ptoken(tokType='"); |
tmpStr[0] = 4; |
*((OSType *) &tmpStr[1]) = tokPtr->tokType; |
PLstrcat(output, tmpStr); |
PLstrcat(output, "\p', tokObjType='"); |
tmpStr[0] = 4; |
*((OSType *) &tmpStr[1]) = tokPtr->tokObjType; |
PLstrcat(output, tmpStr); |
if (tokPtr->tokType == typeProperty) { |
PLstrcat(output, "\p', tokPropName='"); |
tmpStr[0] = 4; |
*((OSType *) &tmpStr[1]) = tokPtr->tokPropName; |
PLstrcat(output, tmpStr); |
} |
PLstrcat(output, "\p', tokData="); |
NumToString((SInt32) tokPtr->tokData, tmpStr); |
PLstrcat(output, tmpStr); |
PLstrcat(output, "\p)"); |
err = AECreateDesc(typeText, &output[1], output[0], result); |
return err; |
} |
static OSLAccessorUPP gDebugOSLAccessorUPP; // -> DebugOSLAccessorProc |
static pascal OSErr DebugOSLAccessorProc(DescType desiredClass, const AEDesc *container, DescType containerClass, |
DescType form, const AEDesc *selectionData, |
AEDesc *value, SInt32 accessorRefCon) |
// We install routine as a default OSL object accessor callback |
// so that we can find out when OSL is trying to access an object |
// within an object that we donÕt handle properly. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
MoreAssertQ(container != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(selectionData != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(value != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(accessorRefCon == 0); |
if (gDebugFlags & kMOSLLogOSLMask) { |
BBLogLine("\pDebugOSLAccessorProc"); |
BBLogIndent(); |
BBLogDescType("\pdesiredClass", desiredClass); |
BBLogDesc("\pcontainer", container); |
BBLogDescType("\pcontainerClass", containerClass); |
BBLogDescType("\pform", form); |
BBLogDesc("\pselectionData", selectionData); |
BBLogLong("\paccessorRefCon", accessorRefCon); |
} |
if ( ! MoreAEIsMissingValue(container) ) { |
MoreAssertQ(false); |
} |
err = errAEAccessorNotFound; |
if (gDebugFlags & kMOSLLogOSLMask) { |
BBLogDesc("\p<value", value); |
BBLogOutdentWithErr(err); |
} |
return err; |
} |
static void InstallDebugHandlers(void) |
{ |
OSStatus junk; |
MOSLClassIndex classIndex; |
// First, we install an accessor to access objects within any class |
// This way we find out if OSL is trying to access something unexpected. |
// Without this technique, itÕs very hard to work out whatÕs gone wrong |
// when OSL goes astray. |
gDebugOSLAccessorUPP = NewOSLAccessorUPP(DebugOSLAccessorProc); |
MoreAssertQ(gDebugOSLAccessorUPP != nil); |
junk = AEInstallObjectAccessor(typeWildCard, typeWildCard, gDebugOSLAccessorUPP, 0, false); |
MoreAssertQ(junk == noErr); |
// Next we install coercion handlers from all of our classes (and type property) |
// to text. This allows the debug logging code to easily display our tokens. |
gDebugTokenCoerceUPP = NewAECoercePtrUPP(DebugTokenCoerceProc); |
MoreAssertQ(gDebugTokenCoerceUPP != nil); |
for (classIndex = 0; classIndex < gClassTableSize; classIndex++) { |
junk = AEInstallCoercionHandler(gClassTable[classIndex].classID, typeText, (AECoercionHandlerUPP) gDebugTokenCoerceUPP, 0, false, false); |
MoreAssertQ(junk == noErr); |
} |
junk = AEInstallCoercionHandler(typeProperty, typeText, (AECoercionHandlerUPP) gDebugTokenCoerceUPP, 0, false, false); |
MoreAssertQ(junk == noErr); |
} |
#endif |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
#pragma mark ----- Initialisation ----- |
enum { |
kAppleEventManagerGestaltResponseMask = |
(1 << gestaltAppleEventsPresent) |
| (1 << gestaltScriptingSupport) |
| (1 << gestaltOSLInSystem) |
}; |
static OSStatus CheckSystemRequirements(void) |
// InitMoreOSL calls this routine to ensure that the system is |
// set up for OSL work. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
UInt32 gestaltResponse; |
err = Gestalt(gestaltAppleEventsAttr, (SInt32 *) &gestaltResponse); |
if (err == noErr) { |
if ((gestaltResponse & kAppleEventManagerGestaltResponseMask) != kAppleEventManagerGestaltResponseMask) { |
err = unimpErr; |
} |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
if ( AEObjectInit == (void *) kUnresolvedCFragSymbolAddress ) { |
err = unimpErr; |
} |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
// I would really like to verify that this is a reasonably modern version |
// of OSL here, but I havenÕt been able to figure out how to determine the |
// OSL version. Despite its extensive version history, Technote 1095 |
// doesnÕt seem to say how to do this. |
} |
return err; |
} |
extern pascal OSStatus InitMoreOSL(MOSLEventTablePtr eventTableBase, MOSLEventIndex eventTableSize, |
MOSLClassTablePtr classTableBase, MOSLClassIndex classTableSize, |
MOSLDefaultEventHandler defaultHandler, |
MOSLErrorToStringProc errorToStringProc) |
// See comments in header file. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
MOSLEventIndex eventIndex; |
MOSLClassIndex classIndex; |
MoreAssertQ(eventTableBase != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(classTableBase != nil); |
// Set up our global variables based on the incoming parameters. |
gEventTable = eventTableBase; |
gEventTableSize = eventTableSize; |
gClassTable = classTableBase; |
gClassTableSize = classTableSize; |
gDefaultHandler = defaultHandler; |
if (errorToStringProc != nil) { |
gErrorToStringProc = errorToStringProc; |
} else { |
gErrorToStringProc = MOSLErrorToString; |
} |
// Check system requirements. |
err = CheckSystemRequirements(); |
// Initialise OSL. |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = AEObjectInit(); |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
gMOSLCompareUPP = NewOSLCompareUPP(MOSLCompareProc); |
err = MoreMemError(gMOSLCompareUPP); |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
gMOSLCountUPP = NewOSLCountUPP(MOSLCountProc); |
err = MoreMemError(gMOSLCountUPP); |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
// Debugger(); |
err = AESetObjectCallbacks(gMOSLCompareUPP, gMOSLCountUPP, |
nil, nil, nil, nil, nil); |
} |
// Install object accessors, first for our pseudo-classes and then for the classes |
// in the class table. |
if (err == noErr) { |
gPseudoClassOSLAccessorUPP = NewOSLAccessorUPP(PseudoClassOSLAccessorProc); |
err = MoreMemError(gPseudoClassOSLAccessorUPP); |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = AEInstallObjectAccessor(typeWildCard, typeAEList, gPseudoClassOSLAccessorUPP, kPseudoCListIndex, false); |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = AEInstallObjectAccessor(typeWildCard, typeProperty, gPseudoClassOSLAccessorUPP, kPseudoCPropertyIndex, false); |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = AEInstallObjectAccessor(cFile, typeNull, gPseudoClassOSLAccessorUPP, kPseudoCFileIndex, false); |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = AEInstallObjectAccessor(typeAlias, typeNull, gPseudoClassOSLAccessorUPP, kPseudoCFileIndex, false); |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
gClassOSLAccessorUPP = NewOSLAccessorUPP(ClassOSLAccessorProc); |
err = MoreMemError(gClassOSLAccessorUPP); |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = AEInstallObjectAccessor(typeWildCard, typeNull, gClassOSLAccessorUPP, kMOSLCApplicationIndex, false); |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
for (classIndex = 0; classIndex < gClassTableSize; classIndex++) { |
err = AEInstallObjectAccessor(typeWildCard, gClassTable[classIndex].classID, gClassOSLAccessorUPP, classIndex, false); |
if (err != noErr) { |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
// Install Apple event handlers for each event. |
if (err == noErr) { |
gMOSLAppleEventHandlerUPP = NewAEEventHandlerUPP(MOSLAppleEventHandler); |
err = MoreMemError(gMOSLAppleEventHandlerUPP); |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
for (eventIndex = 0; eventIndex < gEventTableSize; eventIndex++) { |
err = AEInstallEventHandler(gEventTable[eventIndex].classID, gEventTable[eventIndex].eventID, gMOSLAppleEventHandlerUPP, eventIndex, false); |
if (err != noErr) { |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
// If weÕre the debug version, install our various debug handlers. |
if (err == noErr) { |
InstallDebugHandlers(); |
#endif |
} |
return err; |
} |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-01-14