Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
File: DTSUtilities.h |
Contains: QuickTime functions, header file definitions. |
Written by: DTS |
Copyright: © 1994-1995 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. |
Change History (most recent first): |
<1> 12/17/94 khs first file |
*/ |
// Define that this file should only be parsed once, most dev environments know of pragma once. |
#pragma once |
#include <Gestalt.h> |
#include <GestaltEqu.h> |
#include <TextUtils.h> |
#include <Errors.h> |
#include <SegLoad.h> |
#include <Printing.h> |
#include <Sound.h> |
#include <Movies.h> |
#include "MoviesFormat.h" |
#include <Components.h> |
#include <QuickTimeComponents.h> |
#include <FixMath.h> |
#include <stdio.h> |
#ifdef __cplusplus |
extern "C" { |
#endif |
// Window size constants. |
enum eQTUWindowSize { |
kNormalMovieSize = 1L, |
kHalfMovieSize, |
kDoubleMovieSize |
}; |
// Rate constant values, Fwd = forward, Bwd = backwards. |
enum eQTUMovieRates { kNoSpeed = 0x00000000, kFwdSpeed = 0x00010000, |
kFwdDoubleSpeed = 0x00020000, kFwdTripleSpeed = 0x00030000, |
kFwdQuadSpeed = 0x00040000, kFwdHalfSpeed = 0x00008000, |
kFwdQuarterSpeed = 0x00004000, kFwdEightspeed = 0x00002000, |
kBwdSpeed = 0xFFFF0000, kBwdDoubleSpeed = 0xFFFE0000, |
kBwdHalfSpeed = 0xFFFF8000 }; |
// Constants used for QTUPrintMoviePICT. |
enum eQTUPICTPrinting { kPrintFrame = 1, kPrintPoster }; |
#if DEBUG |
static char gDebugString[256]; |
#define DebugAssert(condition) \ |
if (condition) NULL; \ |
else \ |
{ \ |
sprintf(gDebugString,"File: %s, Line: %d", __FILE__, __LINE__); \ |
DebugStr(c2pstr(gDebugString)); \ |
} |
#else |
#define DebugAssert(condition) NULL |
#endif |
#define MBSTARTTIMER() DebugStr("\pStart! `;mc starttime @ticks;g") |
#define MBSTOPTIMER() DebugStr("\pElapsed time in ticks: '; @ticks - starttime") |
// ReturnIfError is a simple macro around the frequently written code line doing the same (see below) |
#define ReturnIfError(theError) DebugAssert(theError == noErr); \ |
if(theError != noErr) return theError |
pascal Boolean QTUIsQuickTimeInstalled(void); // Check if QT is present. |
#ifdef powerc |
pascal Boolean QTUIsQuickTimeCFMInstalled(void); // Check if QT CFM library is present. |
#endif // powerc |
pascal long QTUGetQTVersion(); // Get QT version number. |
pascal Boolean QTUAreQuickTimeMusicInstrumentsPresent(void); // Test if Musical Instrumentscomponent is present. |
pascal OSErr QTUPrerollMovie(Movie theMovie); // Preroll Movies before Playback. |
pascal Boolean QTUFileFilter(ParmBlkPtr theParamBlock); |
pascal Movie QTUGetMovie(FSSpec *theFSSpec, short *theRefNum, short *theResID); // Return a Movie from a file with the movie. |
pascal OSErr QTUSimpleGetMovie(Movie *theMovie); // Simpler version of querying for a movie and return it. |
pascal OSErr QTUSaveMovie(Movie theMovie); // Save the movie (standard dialog box). |
pascal OSErr QTUFlattenMovieFile(Movie theMovie, FSSpec *theFile); // Takes a movie and a file and flattens the movie into the file. |
pascal OSErr QTUPrintMoviePICT(Movie theMovie, short x, short y, long PICTUsed); // Print the movie poster. |
pascal OSErr QTUCalculateMovieMemorySize(Movie theMovie, long *theSize); // Return the size of the movie in memory. |
pascal OSErr QTULoadWholeMovieToRAM(Movie theMovie); // Load the whole movie to RAM. |
pascal OSErr QTUPlayMovieSound(Movie theMovie); // Play the movie sound track using the snd resource. |
pascal OSErr QTUDrawVideoFrameAtTime(Movie theMovie, TimeValue atTime); // Draw a movie frame at specified time. |
pascal OSErr QTUScrollToNextVideoSample(Movie theMovie, TimeValue fromTimePoint, |
TimeValue toTimePoint); // Do a visible scroll from one video frame to another. |
pascal OSErr QTUGetStartPointOfFirstVideoSample(Movie theMovie,TimeValue *startPoint); // Get time value of first sample in the movie. |
pascal Boolean QTUMediaTypeInTrack(Movie theMovie, OSType theMediaType); // Check if a Media type is present in a track of a movie. |
pascal OSErr QTUGetTrackRect(Track theTrack, Rect *theRect); // Get the track rect of a possible video track |
pascal short QTUGetVideoMediaPixelDepth(Media theMedia, short index); // Get the pixel depth of a video media. |
pascal long QTUCountMediaSamples(Movie theMovie, OSType theMediaType); // Count frames in a movie based on defined media. |
pascal TimeValue QTUGetDurationOfFirstMovieSample(Movie theMovie, OSType theMediaType) ; // Get duration of first sample in the track |
pascal OSErr QTUCountMaxSoundRate(Movie theMovie,long *theMaxSoundRate); // Return max sound rate from a sound track in a movie. |
pascal long QTUGetMovieFrameCount(Movie theMovie, long theFrameRate); // Return frames based on frame rate and movie. |
pascal OSErr QTUCopySoundTracks(Movie theSrcMovie, Movie theDestMovie); // Copy sound tracks from source movie to destination movie |
Boolean QTUHasCodecLossLessQuality(CodecType theCodec, short thePixelDepth); // Test if a codec has lossless spatial compression. |
pascal OSErr QTUPlayMovieWithMC(MovieController mc); // Play the movie using the movie controllers. |
pascal OSErr QTUDoIgnoreMCDrags(MovieController mc); // ignore Drag-and-Drop functionality. |
pascal Boolean QTUPointInMC(MovieController mc, WindowRef theWindow, Point where); // Check if a point is inside the movie controller rect. |
pascal OSErr QTUSelectAllMovie(MovieController mc); // Select the whole time frame from a movie with the mc. |
pascal Boolean QTUResizeMCActionFilter(MovieController mc, short action, void *params, long refCon); |
pascal OSErr QTUResizeMCWindow(MovieController mc, WindowPtr theWindow, long theMovieSize, Rect originalSize); |
pascal OSErr QTUMCSetMovieRate(MovieController mc, long theRate); // Set movie rate using movie controller. |
pascal SeqGrabComponent QTUCreateSequenceGrabber(WindowPtr theWindow); // Create a sequence grabber instance. |
pascal OSErr QTUCreateSGGrabChannels(SeqGrabComponent s, const Rect *theBounds, |
long theUsage, SGChannel *theVideoChannel, SGChannel *theSoundChannel); // Create sequence grabber channels. |
pascal Boolean QTUDoesVDIGReceiveVideo(SeqGrabComponent s); // Do we have live incoming video? |
pascal OSErr QTUChangeSGWindowSize(SeqGrabComponent s,SGChannel videoChannel, // Change the window size of Sequence Grabber window |
WindowPtr theWindow, long width, long height); |
pascal Component QTUDoGetComponent(OSType theComponentType, OSType theSpecificComponent); |
pascal Boolean QTUHasComponentType(OSType theComponentType, OSType theSpecificComponent); |
#ifdef __cplusplus |
} |
#endif |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-01-14