Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
Mac Framework/MacFramework.c
/* |
File: MacFramework.c |
Contains: Basic Macintosh Functions for Window, Menu handling and similar things. |
Written by: DTS |
Copyright: © 1994-1995 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. |
Change History (most recent first): |
<1> 12/20/94 khs first file |
*/ |
#include <SegLoad.h> |
#include <ToolUtils.h> |
#include <Devices.h> |
#include <Fonts.h> |
#include "DTSQTUtilities.h" |
#include "AppConfiguration.h" |
#include "MacFramework.h" |
const Rect kDefaultWinRect; |
Rect kLimitRect = {0, 0, 480, 640}; //Max size for any window |
long gMCFlags = kMCFlags; |
Boolean gQuitFlag = false; // Flag that keeps track of termination state. |
unsigned long gWNEsleep = kWNEDefaultSleep; // WaitNextEvent sleep time. |
Str255 gWindowTitle = "\pUntitled"; // Default name for created windows. |
GrowZoneUPP gAppGrowZoneUPP; // Our grow zone callback. |
Boolean gJustOneMovie = false; // Flag for indication that one movie has been created, |
// in other words a limitation flag for single movie environment. |
// ______________________________________________________________________ |
void InitMacEnvironment(long nMasters) |
{ |
long i; |
MaxApplZone(); |
for(i = 0; i <nMasters; i++) |
MoreMasters(); |
InitGraf(&qd.thePort); |
InitFonts(); |
InitWindows(); |
InitMenus(); |
FlushEvents(everyEvent, 0); |
TEInit(); |
InitCursor(); |
InitDialogs(NULL); |
// Additional goodie, install a growzone proc warning about low memory situation |
gAppGrowZoneUPP = NewGrowZoneProc(AppGrowZoneCallback); |
SetGrowZone(gAppGrowZoneUPP); |
} |
// ______________________________________________________________________ |
void InitStack(long extraStackSpace) |
{ |
Ptr size = GetApplLimit(); |
SetApplLimit(size - extraStackSpace); // make room on the stack |
} |
// ______________________________________________________________________ |
pascal void AppGrowZoneCallback(void) |
{ |
long theA5; |
Size tempSize, availMem; |
theA5 = SetCurrentA5(); |
availMem = MaxMem(&tempSize); |
if(availMem < kAvailableMem) |
{ |
ShowWarning("\pWe are running out of memory, increase the application heap! Exiting the application.", 0); |
ExitToShell(); |
} |
SetA5(theA5); |
} |
// ______________________________________________________________________ |
Boolean InitMenubar(void) |
{ |
Handle aMenuHandle = NULL; |
aMenuHandle = GetNewMBar(mMenubar); DebugAssert(aMenuHandle != NULL); |
if(aMenuHandle == NULL) |
{ |
ShowWarning("\pCould not find the Menubar resource!", 0); |
return false; |
} |
SetMenuBar(aMenuHandle); |
DisposeHandle(aMenuHandle); DebugAssert(MemError() == noErr); |
AddResMenu(GetMHandle(mApple), 'DRVR'); |
DrawMenuBar(); |
return true; |
} |
// ______________________________________________________________________ |
void HandleMenuCommand(long theMenuResult) |
{ |
short aMenuID, aMenuItem; |
Str255 daName; |
aMenuID = HiWord(theMenuResult); |
aMenuItem = LoWord(theMenuResult); |
switch(aMenuID) |
{ |
case mApple: |
switch(aMenuItem) |
{ |
case iAbout: // about box |
ShowAboutDialogBox(); |
break; |
default: // Apple menu handling |
GetItem(GetMHandle(mApple), aMenuItem, daName); |
(void)OpenDeskAcc(daName); |
break; |
} // end switch(aMenuItem) |
break; |
case mFile: |
switch(aMenuItem) |
{ |
case iNew: |
{ |
if(gJustOneMovie == false) |
#endif |
{ |
if ( !DoCreateNewMovie()) |
{ |
SysBeep(kDefaultSysBeep); |
ShowWarning("\pCould not create a new movie!", 0); |
break; |
} |
} |
gJustOneMovie = true; |
#endif |
} |
break; |
case iOpen: |
if(gJustOneMovie == false) |
#endif |
{ |
if (!DoCreateMovieWindow( NULL) ) |
{ |
ShowWarning("\pCould not create a new movie window!", 0); |
SysBeep(kDefaultSysBeep); |
break; |
} |
} |
gJustOneMovie = true; |
#endif |
break; |
case iClose: |
DoDestroyMovieWindow( FrontWindow() ); |
gJustOneMovie = false; |
#endif |
break; |
case iSave: |
{ |
if( !DoUpdateMovieFile( FrontWindow()) ) |
{ |
SysBeep(kDefaultSysBeep); |
ShowWarning("\pCould not save the movie file!", 0); |
break; |
} |
} |
break; |
case iSaveAs: |
{ |
MovieController mc; |
mc = GetMCFromFrontWindow(); |
if(mc == NULL) |
{ |
SysBeep(kDefaultSysBeep); |
break; |
} |
if( QTUSaveMovie(MCGetMovie(mc)) != noErr) |
{ |
SysBeep(kDefaultSysBeep); |
ShowWarning("\pCould not save the movie file!", 0); |
break; |
} |
} |
break; |
case iPrint: |
{ |
MovieController mc; |
OSErr anErr = noErr; |
mc = GetMCFromFrontWindow(); |
if(mc != NULL) |
{ |
anErr = QTUPrintMoviePICT( MCGetMovie(mc), kDefaultX, kDefaultY, kPrintFrame); |
if(anErr != noErr) |
{ |
ShowWarning("\pCould not print!", anErr); |
SysBeep(kDefaultSysBeep); |
} |
} |
else |
SysBeep(kDefaultSysBeep); |
break; |
} |
case iQuit: |
{ |
gQuitFlag = true; |
break; |
} |
} // end switch(aMenuItem), mFile |
break; |
// Provide the default controller cut, copy and paste functionality. |
case mEdit: |
{ |
Movie aMovie = NULL; |
MovieController mc; |
mc = GetMCFromFrontWindow(); |
if (mc == NULL) break; |
switch(aMenuItem) |
{ |
case iUndo: MCUndo(mc); break; |
case iCut: aMovie = MCCut(mc); break; |
case iCopy: aMovie = MCCopy(mc); break; |
case iPaste: MCPaste(mc, NULL); break; |
case iClear: MCClear(mc); break; |
case iSelectAll: |
if(QTUSelectAllMovie(mc) != noErr) |
SysBeep(kDefaultSysBeep); |
break; |
} // end switch(aMenuItem) |
if(aMovie) |
{ |
PutMovieOnScrap(aMovie, 0); |
DisposeMovie(aMovie); DebugAssert(MemError() == noErr); |
} |
break; |
} // end case mEdit |
default: |
HandleApplicationMenu(aMenuID, aMenuItem); |
break; |
} // end switch(aMenuID) |
HiliteMenu(0); |
} |
// ______________________________________________________________________ |
void AdjustMenus(void) |
{ |
WindowRef aWindow; |
MovieController mc; |
WindowObject aWindowObject; |
if(gJustOneMovie == true) |
{ |
DisableItem(GetMHandle(mFile), iNew); |
DisableItem(GetMHandle(mFile), iOpen); |
} |
else if(gJustOneMovie == false) |
{ |
EnableItem(GetMHandle(mFile), iNew); |
EnableItem(GetMHandle(mFile), iOpen); |
} |
#endif |
aWindow = FrontWindow(); |
if(aWindow != NULL) |
{ |
// Enable the close entry of we have windows = movies. |
EnableItem( GetMHandle(mFile), iClose); |
// Handle the edit menu. |
if( (aWindowObject = (WindowObject)GetWRefCon(aWindow) ) != NULL) |
{ |
mc = (**aWindowObject).controller; |
if( (IsWindowObjectOurs(aWindowObject)) && (mc != NULL)) |
{ |
MCSetUpEditMenu(mc, 0L, GetMHandle(mEdit)); |
EnableItem(GetMHandle(mEdit), iSelectAll); |
EnableItem(GetMHandle(mFile), iSave); |
EnableItem(GetMHandle(mFile), iSaveAs); |
EnableItem(GetMHandle(mFile), iClose); |
EnableItem(GetMHandle(mFile), iPrint); |
} |
} |
} // end if(aWindow != NULL) |
else |
{ |
DisableItem(GetMHandle(mFile), iSave); |
DisableItem(GetMHandle(mFile), iSaveAs); |
DisableItem(GetMHandle(mFile), iClose); |
DisableItem(GetMHandle(mFile), iPrint); |
DisableItem(GetMHandle(mEdit), iCut); |
DisableItem(GetMHandle(mEdit), iCopy); |
DisableItem(GetMHandle(mEdit), iPaste); |
DisableItem(GetMHandle(mEdit), iUndo); |
DisableItem(GetMHandle(mEdit), iClear); |
DisableItem(GetMHandle(mEdit), iSelectAll); |
} |
AdjustApplicationMenus(); // fix any specific app menus as well. |
} |
// ______________________________________________________________________ |
void MainEventLoop(void) |
{ |
EventRecord anEvent; |
WindowRef whichWindow, aWindow; |
Boolean aMovieEvent; |
short aWindowPart; |
Rect aScreenRect; |
Rect aRefreshArea; |
Point aPoint = {100, 100}; |
WindowObject aWindowObject; |
MovieController mc; |
while(!gQuitFlag) |
{ |
WaitNextEvent(everyEvent, &anEvent, gWNEsleep, NULL); |
#ifdef USESIOUX |
SIOUXHandleOneEvent(&anEvent); |
#endif USESIOUX |
AdjustMenus(); |
aMovieEvent = false; |
if( (whichWindow = FrontWindow() ) != NULL) |
DoIdle(whichWindow); |
// First, let the movie controller have access to the event. |
for( aWindow = FrontWindow(); aWindow != NULL ; aWindow = (WindowPtr)((WindowPeek)aWindow)->nextWindow) |
if(( aWindowObject = (WindowObject)GetWRefCon(aWindow)) != NULL) |
if((IsWindowObjectOurs(aWindowObject)) && ( (mc = (**aWindowObject).controller) != NULL) ) |
if(MCIsPlayerEvent(mc, &anEvent)) |
aMovieEvent = true ; |
// Then, if this wasn't a movie controller event, pass it on to the case statement that dispatches the event |
// to the right function. |
if(!aMovieEvent) |
{ |
switch(anEvent.what) |
{ |
case mouseDown: |
aWindowPart = FindWindow(anEvent.where, &whichWindow); |
// Window related events: |
switch(aWindowPart) |
{ |
case inMenuBar: |
HandleMenuCommand(MenuSelect(anEvent.where)); |
break; |
case inDrag: |
{ |
Rect aRect; |
Movie aMovie = NULL; |
MovieController mc = NULL; |
WindowObject aWindowObject = NULL; |
aWindowObject = (WindowObject)GetWRefCon(whichWindow); |
mc = (**aWindowObject).controller; |
if (! (IsWindowObjectOurs(aWindowObject)) && (mc == NULL)) |
break; |
aMovie = MCGetMovie(mc); |
GetMovieBox(aMovie, &aRect); |
aScreenRect = (**GetGrayRgn()).rgnBBox; |
DragAlignedWindow(whichWindow, anEvent.where, &aScreenRect, &aRect, NULL); |
} // end case inDrag; |
break; |
case inContent: |
SelectWindow(whichWindow); |
HandleContentClick(whichWindow, &anEvent); |
break; |
case inGoAway: |
// if the window is closed, dispose the movie, the controller and the window |
if( TrackGoAway(whichWindow, anEvent.where) ) |
DoDestroyMovieWindow(whichWindow); |
gJustOneMovie = false; |
#endif |
break; |
} // end switch(aWindowPart): |
break; |
// System level events: |
case updateEvt: |
whichWindow = (WindowRef)anEvent.message; |
aRefreshArea = ((**(whichWindow->visRgn)).rgnBBox); |
DoUpdateWindow(whichWindow, &aRefreshArea); |
break; |
case keyDown: |
case autoKey: |
HandleKeyPress(&anEvent); |
break; |
case diskEvt: |
if(HiWord(anEvent.message) != noErr) |
(void)DIBadMount(aPoint, anEvent.message); |
break; |
case activateEvt: |
whichWindow = (WindowRef)anEvent.message; |
if ( IsAppWindow(whichWindow) ) |
{ |
DoActivateWindow(whichWindow, ((anEvent.modifiers & activeFlag) != 0 )); |
} |
break; |
case osEvt: |
switch(( anEvent.message > 24) & 0x00FF ) // get high byte of word |
{ |
case suspendResumeMessage: |
if( FrontWindow() ) |
{ |
DoActivateWindow(FrontWindow(), !((anEvent.message & resumeFlag) == 0)); |
} |
break; |
case mouseMovedMessage: |
break; |
} // end switch(anEvent.message > 24) & 0x00FF) |
break; |
case nullEvent: |
if(( whichWindow = FrontWindow() ) != NULL) |
DoIdle(whichWindow); |
break; |
} // end switch(anEvent.what) |
} // end if(!aMovieEvent) |
} // end while(!gQuitFlag) |
} |
// ______________________________________________________________________ |
Boolean IsAppWindow(WindowRef theWindow) |
{ |
short aWindowKind; |
if (theWindow == NULL) |
return false; |
else |
{ |
aWindowKind = ((WindowPeek)theWindow)->windowKind; |
return ( (aWindowKind >= userKind) || (aWindowKind == dialogKind) ); |
} |
} |
// ______________________________________________________________________ |
WindowObject CreateWindowObject(WindowRef theWindow) |
{ |
WindowObject aWindowObject = NULL; |
// WindowObjectRecord = 90 bytes (good to know if chasing for handles in the heap). |
aWindowObject = (WindowObject)NewHandle(sizeof(WindowObjectRecord)); |
if(aWindowObject != NULL) |
{ |
(**aWindowObject).controller = NULL; |
(**aWindowObject).ObjectType = kMovieControllerObject; |
SetWRefCon(theWindow, (long)aWindowObject); // store a ref to the record/handle into the window |
} |
return aWindowObject; |
} |
// ______________________________________________________________________ |
void HandleKeyPress(EventRecord *theEvent) |
{ |
char aKey; |
aKey = theEvent->message & charCodeMask; |
if(theEvent->modifiers & cmdKey) // command key down? |
{ |
HandleMenuCommand(MenuKey(aKey)); |
} |
} |
// ______________________________________________________________________ |
void ShowAboutDialogBox(void) |
{ |
DialogPtr aDialog; |
short itemHit; |
FontInfo aFontInfo; |
GrafPtr aSavedPort; |
GetPort(&aSavedPort); |
aDialog = GetNewDialog(kAboutBox, NULL, (WindowPtr) - 1L); DebugAssert(aDialog != NULL); |
SetPort(aDialog); |
// Change font to Geneva, 9pt, bold, just for the sake of it... |
TextFont(applFont); TextSize(9); TextFace(bold); |
GetFontInfo(&aFontInfo); |
(*((DialogPeek)aDialog)->textH)->txFont = applFont; |
(*((DialogPeek)aDialog)->textH)->txSize = 9; |
(*((DialogPeek)aDialog)->textH)->lineHeight = aFontInfo.ascent + aFontInfo.descent + aFontInfo.leading; |
(*((DialogPeek)aDialog)->textH)->fontAscent = aFontInfo.ascent; |
SetDialogDefaultItem(aDialog, 1); |
do |
{ |
ModalDialog(NULL, &itemHit); |
} while(itemHit != ok); |
SetPort(aSavedPort); |
DisposeDialog(aDialog); DebugAssert(MemError() == noErr); |
} |
// ______________________________________________________________________ |
void ShowWarning(Str255 theMessage, OSErr theErr) |
{ |
Str255 errString; |
NumToString(theErr, errString); |
ParamText("\pWarning!", theMessage, theErr ? errString: NULL, NULL); |
Alert(kAlertError, NULL); |
} |
// ______________________________________________________________________ |
MovieController GetMCFromFrontWindow(void) |
{ |
MovieController mc = NULL; |
WindowRef aWindow = NULL; |
WindowObject aWindowObject = NULL; |
Movie aMovie = NULL; |
OSErr anErr = noErr; |
OSType aType = NULL; |
if( ( aWindow = FrontWindow() ) == NULL ) |
return NULL; |
if( !IsAppWindow(aWindow) ) |
return NULL; |
aWindowObject = (WindowObject)GetWRefCon(aWindow); |
if(aWindowObject == NULL) |
return NULL; |
MoveHHi((Handle)aWindowObject); HLock((Handle)aWindowObject); |
// Test if this is indeed a movie controller, and not an otherwise valid pointer (non-NULL value) |
if(!IsWindowObjectOurs(aWindowObject)) |
return NULL; |
mc = (**aWindowObject).controller; |
HUnlock((Handle)aWindowObject); |
return mc; |
} |
// ______________________________________________________________________ |
Boolean IsWindowObjectOurs(WindowObject theObject) |
{ |
OSType aType = NULL; |
aType = (**theObject).ObjectType; |
if(aType == kMovieControllerObject) |
return true; |
else return false; |
} |
// ______________________________________________________________________ |
Boolean DoCreateNewMovie(void) |
{ |
Movie aMovie = NULL; |
aMovie = NewMovie(newMovieActive); DebugAssert(aMovie != NULL); |
if(aMovie == NULL) |
return false; |
if(!DoCreateMovieWindow(aMovie)) |
return false; |
else |
return true; |
} |
// ______________________________________________________________________ |
Boolean DoCreateMovieWindow(Movie theMovie) |
{ |
Rect aRect = kDefaultWinRect; |
WindowRef aWindow = NULL; |
MovieController mc = NULL; |
WindowObject aWindowObject = NULL; |
GrafPtr aSavedPort; |
short aRefNum; |
short aResID; |
FSSpec aFileFSSpec; |
aFileFSSpec.vRefNum = 0; // we want to use the FSSpec later |
GetPort(&aSavedPort); |
aWindow = CreateMovieWindow(&aRect, gWindowTitle); |
SetPort((GrafPtr) aWindow); |
if(aWindow == NULL) |
return false; |
aWindowObject = CreateWindowObject(aWindow); |
if(aWindowObject == NULL) |
return false; |
//If we don't get a movie, call the internal QTUGetMovie that will get us one. |
if(theMovie == NULL) |
{ |
theMovie = QTUGetMovie(&aFileFSSpec, &aRefNum, &aResID); DebugAssert(theMovie != NULL); |
if(theMovie == NULL) // User selected cancel, or otherwise something bad happened. |
return false; |
// Add the FSSpec, refnum and resid values to the window object (we need these when we save the movie). |
(**aWindowObject).FileFSSpec = aFileFSSpec; |
(**aWindowObject).FileRefNum = aRefNum; |
(**aWindowObject).FileResID = aResID; |
// Get movie title and set this to the window title. |
SetWTitle(aWindow,; |
} |
SetMovieGWorld(theMovie, (CGrafPtr)aWindow, 0); // make sure the movie uses the window GWorld at all situations |
mc = SetupMovieWindowWithController(theMovie, aWindow); |
ShowWindow(aWindow); |
SelectWindow(aWindow); // make it front-most as it's just created |
InvalRect( &((GrafPtr)aWindow)->portRect); |
MCEnableEditing(mc, true); // enable the default movie controller editing |
SetPort(aSavedPort); |
return true; |
} |
// ______________________________________________________________________ |
MovieController SetupMovieWindowWithController(Movie theMovie, WindowRef theWindow) |
{ |
MovieController mc; |
Rect aRect; |
GrafPtr aSavedPort; |
WindowObject aWindowObject; |
short aMovieWidth; |
short aMovieHeight; |
DebugAssert(theMovie != NULL); |
DebugAssert(theWindow != NULL); |
aWindowObject = (WindowObject)GetWRefCon(theWindow); // Get our window specific data. |
if(!IsWindowObjectOurs(aWindowObject)) |
return NULL; // Quick sanity test of the window created. |
GetPort(&aSavedPort); |
SetPort( (GrafPtr)theWindow); |
// Resize the movie bounding rect. |
GetMovieBox(theMovie, &aRect); SetMovieBox(theMovie, &aRect); |
// Create the movie controller. |
mc = NewMovieController(theMovie, &aRect, gMCFlags); |
if(mc == NULL) |
return NULL; |
MCGetControllerBoundsRect(mc, &aRect); |
// Add grow box for the movie controller and also an action filter that resizes the controllers |
MCDoAction(mc, mcActionSetGrowBoxBounds, &kLimitRect); |
MCSetActionFilterWithRefCon(mc, |
NewMCActionFilterWithRefConProc(QTUResizeMCActionFilter), |
(long) theWindow); |
// Check if the bounding rects are sane. |
aMovieWidth = aRect.right - aRect.left; |
aMovieHeight = aRect.bottom -; | = aRect.left = 0; |
aRect.right = aMovieWidth; |
aRect.bottom = aMovieHeight; |
// Resize the window as well. |
SizeWindow(theWindow, aMovieWidth, aMovieHeight, true); |
MoveWindow(theWindow, kDefaultX, kDefaultY, false); |
SetPort(aSavedPort); |
// Add any additional controller functionality. |
AddControllerFunctionality(mc); |
// Save important stuff into the window object and the original size of the movie |
{ |
Rect aRect; |
OSErr anErr; |
(**aWindowObject).controller = mc; |
anErr = MCGetControllerBoundsRect(mc, &aRect); DebugAssert(anErr == noErr); |
(**aWindowObject).originalSize = aRect; |
} |
return mc; |
} |
// ______________________________________________________________________ |
Boolean DoUpdateMovieFile(WindowRef theWindow) |
{ |
Movie aMovie = NULL; |
WindowObject aWindowObject = NULL; |
MovieController mc = NULL; |
OSErr anErr; |
if ( (theWindow == NULL) || !IsAppWindow(theWindow) ) |
return false; |
aWindowObject = (WindowObject)GetWRefCon(theWindow); DebugAssert(aWindowObject != NULL); |
mc = (**aWindowObject).controller; DebugAssert(mc != NULL); |
if( !(IsWindowObjectOurs(aWindowObject)) && (mc == NULL) ) |
return false; |
aMovie = MCGetMovie(mc); DebugAssert(aMovie != NULL); |
if(aMovie == NULL) |
return false; |
if( (**aWindowObject).FileRefNum == -1) // brand new movie, no file attached to it. |
{ |
if ( QTUSaveMovie(aMovie) != noErr) |
return false; |
} |
else // we have an existing file, just update the movie resource |
{ |
// Open the movie resource file, update the resource, and then close it again! |
anErr = OpenMovieFile(& (**aWindowObject).FileFSSpec, & (**aWindowObject).FileRefNum, fsRdWrPerm); |
DebugAssert(anErr == noErr); |
if(anErr != noErr) |
return false; |
anErr = UpdateMovieResource(aMovie, (**aWindowObject).FileRefNum, (**aWindowObject).FileResID, NULL); |
DebugAssert(anErr == noErr); |
CloseMovieFile( (**aWindowObject).FileRefNum ); |
} |
if(anErr == noErr) |
return true; |
else |
return false; |
} |
// ______________________________________________________________________ |
void DoDestroyMovieWindow(WindowRef theWindow) |
{ |
Movie aMovie; |
MovieController mc; |
WindowObject aWindowObject; |
DebugAssert(theWindow != NULL); if(theWindow == NULL) return; |
aWindowObject =(WindowObject)GetWRefCon(theWindow); |
MoveHHi((Handle)aWindowObject); |
HLock((Handle)aWindowObject); |
if ( IsWindowObjectOurs(aWindowObject)) // our window? |
{ |
mc = (**aWindowObject).controller; |
aMovie = MCGetMovie(mc); |
if(aMovie != NULL) |
DisposeMovie(aMovie); DebugAssert(MemError() == noErr); |
if(mc != NULL) |
DisposeMovieController(mc); DebugAssert(MemError() == noErr); |
if( (**aWindowObject).FileRefNum != -1) |
CloseMovieFile((**aWindowObject).FileRefNum); |
(**aWindowObject).ObjectType = NULL; |
(**aWindowObject).controller = NULL; |
(**aWindowObject).FileResID = NULL; |
(**aWindowObject).FileRefNum = NULL; |
DisposeHandle((Handle)aWindowObject); DebugAssert(MemError() == noErr); |
DisposeWindow(theWindow); DebugAssert(MemError() == noErr); |
CompactMem(0xFFFFFFFF); //We might as well compact the mem here for getting better performance later. |
} |
} |
// ______________________________________________________________________ |
void DoActivateWindow(WindowRef theWindow, Boolean becomingActive) |
{ |
WindowObject aWindowObject = NULL; |
MovieController mc = NULL; |
GrafPtr aSavedPort = NULL; |
GetPort(&aSavedPort); |
SetPort((GrafPtr)theWindow); |
if( (aWindowObject = (WindowObject)GetWRefCon(theWindow)) != NULL) |
{ |
mc = (**aWindowObject).controller; |
if( (IsWindowObjectOurs(aWindowObject)) && (mc != NULL) ) |
MCActivate(mc, theWindow, becomingActive); |
} |
SetPort(aSavedPort); |
} |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-01-14