
    File:       MyApplication.c
    Contains:   My Application Shell.
    Written by: John Wang
    Copyright:  © 1994 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
    Change History (most recent first):
        <1>     03/14/94    JW      Re-Created for Universal Headers.
    To Do:
#ifdef THINK_C
#define     applec
#include    <Types.h>
#include    <Memory.h>
#include    <QuickDraw.h>
#include    <Palettes.h>
#include    <QDOffscreen.h>
#include    <Errors.h>
#include    <Fonts.h>
#include    <Dialogs.h>
#include    <Windows.h>
#include    <Menus.h>
#include    <Events.h>
#include    <Desk.h>
#include    <DiskInit.h>
#include    <OSUtils.h>
#include    <Resources.h>
#include    <ToolUtils.h>
#include    <AppleEvents.h>
#include    <EPPC.h>
#include    <GestaltEqu.h>
#include    <Processes.h>
#include    <Balloons.h>
#include    <Aliases.h>
#include    <MixedMode.h>
#include    <Scrap.h>
#include    <LowMem.h>
#include    <Movies.h>
#include    <QuickTimeComponents.h>
#include    "MyApplication Shell (2.0).h"
#include    "MyApplication.h"
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
//  These globals are used by the shell and must be defined:
Str255      gMyAboutTitle = "\pSample Application";
Str255      gMyAboutDesc = "\pThis is a sample application shell.";
//  Add your own globals here:
struct WindowInfo {
    long            stuff;
typedef     struct WindowInfo WindowInfo, *WindowInfoPtr, **WindowInfoHandle;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
//  MyInitialize is called at init time after the toolbox is initialized.  This routine is
//  called only once.
OSErr MyInitialize()
    OSErr       err;
    long        QDfeature;
    //  We require QuickTime so make sure it is available.
    if (err = Gestalt(gestaltQuickTime, &QDfeature))
    if (err = EnterMovies())
//  Depending on the value of the constant MYEVENTDEF, this routine may have different
//  calling frequency.
//  If MYEVENTDEF == 2, then this routine gets called for every
//     window owned by the application of type MAS_WINDOWDOC per iteration of the event loop
//     if the event is NOT a null event.  MyEvent can assume that the grafport and gdevice
//     are set to the window being passed.
//  If MYEVENTDEF == 1, then this routine gets called once per event loop is the
//     event is NOT a null event.  theWindow will be nil.
//  If MYEVENTDEF == 0, this routine never gets called.
//  Returning true indicates that the event was handled and can be ignored by the normal
//  event handler.
Boolean MyEvent(WindowPtr theWindow, EventRecord *myEvent)
    return ( false );
//  Depending on the value of the constant MYIDLEDEF, this routine may have different
//  calling frequency.
//  If MYIDLEDEF == 2, then this routine gets called for every
//     window owned by the application of type MAS_WINDOWDOC per iteration of
//     the event loop.  You can assume that the port and gdevice are set to the window.
//  If MYIDLEDEF == 1, then this routine gets called once per event loop.  theWindow will be nil.
//  If MYIDLEDEF == 0, this routine never gets called.
void MyIdle(WindowPtr theWindow)
//  MyDraw is called when redrawing the window is needed.  The port and gdevice
//  is already set and begin and end update are called for MyDraw.
void MyDraw(WindowPtr theWindow)
//  This routine gets called once when the application is quitting.
//  This gives the app the chance to clean up.
void MyFinishup()
//  This routine is called whenever the app receives a suspend or resume event.  This
//  allows the yield time (passed to WaitNextEvent) to be changed.  I.e., if you don't
//  do much processing the in background, you should set the yield to a high value
//  when the suspend message is received.
long MyYieldTime(long message)
    if ( message )
        //  Resume message
        return ( 0 );
        //  Suspend message
        return ( 30 );
//  If the shell's doCommand routine can not process the menu selection, then this routine is
//  called.  Do not call HiliteMenu because it is called by the shell.
//  If the command can not be handled, this it must be an error and the shell will
//  present a FATAL error to the user.
OSErr MyDoCommand(short theMenu, short theItem)
    switch ( theMenu ) {
        case kMENU_NEXTID:
            switch ( theItem ) {
                case kMENU_NEXT1stITEM:
                    return ( theItem );
            return ( theItem );
    return ( noErr );
void MyDoKeyDown(EventRecord *myEvent)
void MyInContent(WindowPtr foundWindow, Point where)
void MyZoomWindow(WindowPtr foundWindow, short windowPart)
    if ( windowPart == 8 ) {
    } else {
    ZoomWindow(foundWindow, windowPart, true);
void MyAdjustMenus()
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void MyNew()
    WindowPtr               myWindow;
    Rect                    myBounds = {42, 4, 522, 644};
    WindowInfoHandle        myWinfo;
    Component               vThing;
    ComponentDescription    vThingDesc;
    ComponentInstance       vThingInst;
    Rect                    maxSrcRect, activeRect, globalRect;
    PixMapHandle            videoPixMapH;
    myWindow = NewCWindow(0L, &myBounds, "\pWindow!", 1, documentProc, (WindowPtr) -1, true, 0L);
    myWinfo = (WindowInfoHandle) NewHandle(sizeof(WindowInfo));
    SetWRefCon(myWindow, (long) myWinfo);
    (**myWinfo).stuff = 0;
    vThingDesc.componentType = 'vdig';
    vThingDesc.componentSubType = 0;
    vThingDesc.componentManufacturer = 0;
    vThingDesc.componentFlags = 0;
    vThingDesc.componentFlagsMask = 0;
    vThing = FindNextComponent((Component) 0, &vThingDesc);
    vThingInst = OpenComponent(vThing);
    VDGetMaxSrcRect(vThingInst, ntscIn, &maxSrcRect);
    VDGetActiveSrcRect(vThingInst, ntscIn, &activeRect);
    VDSetDigitizerRect(vThingInst, &activeRect);
    globalRect = myWindow->portRect;
    videoPixMapH = (PixMapHandle) NewHandle(sizeof(PixMap));
    **videoPixMapH = **((* (CGrafPort *) myWindow).portPixMap);
    VDSetPlayThruOnOff(vThingInst, vdPlayThruOff);
    VDSetPlayThruDestination(vThingInst, videoPixMapH, &globalRect, nil, nil);
    VDSetPlayThruOnOff(vThingInst, vdPlayThruOn);
    do {
    } while ( !Button() );
//  If theFSS is not nil, then the file to be opened is specified in the FSSpec.
//  MyOpen must make window frontmost so that it can be printed from finder.
void MyOpen(FSSpec *theFSS)
void MyClose()
    WindowPtr           closeWindow;
    WindowInfoHandle    myWinfo;
    closeWindow = FrontWindow();
    if ( closeWindow == nil )
    myWinfo = (WindowInfoHandle) GetWRefCon(closeWindow);
    DisposHandle((Handle) myWinfo);
void MySave()
void MySaveAs()
void MyPageSetup()
void MyPrint()
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void MyUndo(void)
void MyCut(void)
void MyCopy(void)
void MyPaste(void)
void MyClear(void)
void MySelectAll(void)