
    File:       MyApplication.h
    Contains:   My Application Shell.
    Written by: John Wang
    Copyright:  © 1994 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
    Change History (most recent first):
        <1>     03/14/94    JW      Re-Created for Universal Headers.
    To Do:
#ifdef THINK_C
#define     applec
struct WindowInfo {
    //  Document info.
    FSSpec          theFSSpec;      //  FSSpec for document.
    short           refNum;         //  refNum for document.
    //  Current movie playing info.
    Movie           theMovie;       //  Current movie.  nil if none.
    MovieController theMC;          //  Current movie controller.  nil if none.
    Str255          moviename;      //  Name of movie if exists.
    short           resId;          //  resource id of movie in document. -1 if no resId.
    long            movieOffset;    //  offset to movie resource atom in data fork.  -1 if no offset.
typedef     struct WindowInfo WindowInfo, *WindowInfoPtr, **WindowInfoHandle;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void        adjustMoviesMenu(WindowPtr theWindow);
void        SelectThisMovie(short item);
void        getNewMovie(Movie *theMovie, Str255 *movieName);
void        Mac_AddMovieResAtom(short *docRefNum, FSSpec *docFSSpec);
void        Mac_AddMovieAll(short *docRefNum, FSSpec *docFSSpec);
void        Cross_AddMovieAll(short *docRefNum, FSSpec *docFSSpec);
void        Both_AddMovieAll(short *docRefNum, FSSpec *docFSSpec);