Read Me.txt

Read Me About NSLMiniBrowser
1.0d1 (5/21/01)
This sample code demonstrates the basic usage of the NSL API for finding network services using SLP, NBP, and Directory Services.  Everything related to NSL is located in "NSLMiniBrowser.c" and everything related to the user interface elements of the sample are located in the other files.
Sample Requirements
This sample will run on Mac OS 8.6 or greater with CarbonLib 1.3 or greater.  It also requires a network connection if it's going to do anything useful.
Running the Sample is a "fat" bundle that includes a CFM version for running on Mac OS 8.6 - 9.x and a Mach-O version when running on Mac OS X.  To run the sample, simply double click the application and a list of neighborhoods will appear.  Toggling the triangle next to the neighborhood will display all the services in that neighborhood.  It's also possible to select which services are displayed by choosing a type from the popup menu.  The default choices are afp, ftp, http, and nfs.
It's also possible to register your own services by clicking the "Register" button.  Some example addresses to register are...
afp://   or
You can also specify a more user friendly name to appear by typing the address like this...
By doing this, the name "PowerBook" would appear in the list instead of the actual address.  If you don't specify a neigborhood, the service will be registered in the default neighborhood "Local Network".  If you specify a neighborhood that doesn't already exist, that neighborhood will be added to the list.  If you want to remove a service that you previously registered, click on that service in the list and then click the "Deregister" button.
Note: There may be issues when running this sample with the DNS Plugin enabled.  For best results, disable the DNSPlugin using the Extensions Manager when running this sample on Mac OS 8.6 - 9.x.
Building the Sample
The sample was built using the Metrowerks CodeWarrior 6.0 environment with CarbonLib 1.3.
It can also be built using the supplied Project Builder 1.0 project.
Please send all feedback about this sample to