
#       Windows.c
#       This segment handles the window creation, close, updates,
#       Author(s):  Michael Marinkovich
#                   Apple Developer Technical Support
#       Modification History: 
#           2/10/96     MWM     Initial coding                   
#       Copyright © 1992-96 Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved
#       You may incorporate this sample code into your applications without
#       restriction, though the sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the
#       responsibility for its operation is 100% yours.  However, what you are
#       not permitted to do is to redistribute the source as "DSC Sample Code"
#       after having made changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source,
#       we require that you make it clear in the source that the code was
#       descended from Apple Sample Code, but that you've made changes.
#include <MacWindows.h>
#include <NumberFormatting.h>
#include <PLStringFuncs.h>
#include "App.h"
#include "Proto.h"
#include "netstuff.h"
//  Globals 
extern Boolean      gHasAbout;      // have an about box?
extern short        gWindCount;
//  CreateWindow - create a window from the info passed in. Will try to 
//                 load from resource if resID is supplied.
WindowPtr CreateWindow(short resID, void *wStorage, Rect *bounds,  Str255 title,
                        Boolean visible, short procID , short kind,
                        WindowRef behind, Boolean goAwayFlag, long refCon)
    OSErr           err = nil;
    WindowRef       newWindow = nil;
    if (resID != nil)       // if res id isn't nil then load from disk
        newWindow = GetNewCWindow(resID, wStorage, behind);
    else                    // otherwise make a new windowRecord
        newWindow = NewCWindow(wStorage, bounds, title, visible, 
                               procID, behind, goAwayFlag, refCon);
    if (newWindow != nil) 
        NewWindowTitle(newWindow, title);
        err = InitWindowProcs(newWindow, kind);
        if (err == noErr) 
            if (visible)
        // initialization of Document Record faild
        // so kill the return window    
            newWindow = nil;
            HandleError(err, false);
    return newWindow;
//  RemoveWindow - applications Doc window disposal routine.
OSErr RemoveWindow( WindowRef window )
    OSErr           err = nil;
    return err;
//  DisposeWindowStructure - dispose of Document Record prior to
//                           releasing the window.
void DisposeWindowStructure(DocHnd doc)
    if (doc != nil)
        HLock((Handle) doc);
        // go through the fields of the DocHnd and 
        // dispose of memory that we allocated.
        if ((**doc).hScroll)
        if ((**doc).vScroll)
        if ((**doc).world)
        if ((**doc).pict)
        HUnlock((Handle) doc);
        DisposeHandle((Handle) doc);
//  NewWindowTitle - if supplied title is nil then title is set to 
//                   global "gWindCount".
void NewWindowTitle(WindowRef window, Str255 str)
    Str255      catStr = "\pConnection ";
    Str255      newStr;
    if (str == nil || StrLength(str) == 0) 
        PLstrcpy(newStr, catStr);
        NumToString(gWindCount, catStr);
        PLstrcat(newStr, catStr);
        SetWTitle(window, str);
//  InitWindowProcs - init a window with proper callback event. Fills 
//                    out custom procs for different windowkinds.
OSErr InitWindowProcs(WindowRef window, short windKind)
    OSErr           err = nil;
    DocHnd          doc;
    doc = (DocHnd)NewHandle(sizeof(DocRec));
    if (doc != nil) 
        SetWRefCon(window, (long)doc);
            case kDocKind:
                (**doc).idleProc        = DoIdle;
                (**doc).mMenuProc       = HandleMenuChoice;
                (**doc).inContentProc   = HandleContentClick;
                (**doc).inGoAwayProc    = nil;
                (**doc).inZoomProc      = HandleZoomClick;
                (**doc).inGrowProc      = HandleGrow;
                (**doc).keyProc         = nil;
                (**doc).activateProc    = DoActivate;
                (**doc).updateProc      = DrawWindow;   
                (**doc).hScroll         = nil;
                (**doc).vScroll         = nil;
                (**doc).world           = nil;
                (**doc).pict            = nil;
//              (**doc).printer         = nil;
                (**doc).dirty           = false;
            case kDialogKind:
            case kAboutKind:
                (**doc).idleProc        = DoIdle;
                (**doc).mMenuProc       = HandleMenuChoice;
                (**doc).inContentProc   = nil;
                (**doc).inGoAwayProc    = nil;
                (**doc).inZoomProc      = nil;
                (**doc).inGrowProc      = nil;
                (**doc).keyProc         = nil;
                (**doc).activateProc    = nil;
                (**doc).updateProc      = DrawAboutWindow;  
                (**doc).hScroll         = nil;
                (**doc).vScroll         = nil;
                (**doc).world           = nil;
                (**doc).pict            = nil;
                (**doc).dirty           = false;
                err = 25;
        ((WindowPeek)window)->windowKind = windKind;
    return err;
//  DrawWindow - custom proc that is called to update window contents.
void DrawWindow(WindowRef window, void *refCon)
    DocHnd          doc;
    doc = (DocHnd)GetWRefCon(window);   
    if (doc != nil) 
//  DrawAboutWindow - custom proc that is called to update about window.
void DrawAboutWindow( WindowRef window, void *refCon )
    CGrafPtr        oldPort;
    GDHandle        oldGD;
    PicHandle       thePict;
    GetGWorld(&oldPort, &oldGD);
    thePict = GetPicture(rAboutPictID);
    if (thePict != nil)
        SetGWorld((CGrafPtr)window, nil);
        DrawPicture(thePict, &window->portRect);
    SetGWorld(oldPort, oldGD);
//  DoResizeWindow - custom proc that is called to update window.
void DoResizeWindow (WindowRef window) 
//  GetWindKind - returns the windowkind.
short GetWindKind(WindowRef window)
    return ((WindowPeek)window)->windowKind;
//  GetIsAppWindow - is the window a 'userKind'.
Boolean GetIsAppWindow(WindowRef window)
    return (GetWindKind(window) == kDocKind);
//  GetIsAboutWindow - is the window an about box.
Boolean GetIsAboutWindow(WindowRef window)
    return (GetWindKind(window) == kAboutKind);