New NewGWorld

Last Revision:
Version 1.0, 2003-10-10
First Version
Build Requirements:
Runtime Requirements:
Carbon (both 9 and X) MacOS 9 or later, CarbonLib

This sample has been updated for the Carbon API. This sample is designed to show the proper use of the the new flags (Mac OS 9+ and the iBooks, slot loading iMacs and AGP Graphics G4 PowerMacs) in the NewGWorld routine. The application draws a re-sizable window that is updated from an offscreen GWorld. The user has control over where to allocate the GWorld's PixMap data (in VRAM, in AGP memory or in system memory). A blitting test can then be performed to test blitting speed using CopyBits. Requirements: MacOS 9 or later, CarbonLib Keywords: AGP, VRAM, NewGWorld, useDistantHdwrMem, useLocalHdwrMem, Carbon